Life is now complete (DBZ)

Bardock is a total beast kicking your ass once then kicking your ass again when he outspeeds your flying body to the next place he is going to kick your ass from. Totally brutal and awesome.

I don't care if it's entirely superfluous. If you're watching DBZ for the plot you're doing it wrong! (Which is not to say it's bad, mind. I'd probably read a book entitled Vegeta: Prince of All Saiyans!)
I dunno. I guess it's 'cause I come from the generation where DBZ was first coming to the States and while the English acting wasn't necessarily bad(they REALLY "cleaned up" the show for American audiences), the original Japanese versions were just more epic as a whole and the voice acting is VERY good. The English versions have always been "eh" to me, but it especially got bad when Toonami brought the series back after Funimation's abrupt ending when Goku first arrived on Namek to fight the Ginyu Force. The English voice acting was TERRIBLE. It took some time, but it got better, but to me nothing beats the good ole original.

Except Frieza. I dunno who they picked in Japan to voice him, but that dude sounds ANNOYING when he fights. Nearly unbearable -.-

You can honestly stand a grown man sounding like a girl? Goku's original VA is just eugh.
You can honestly stand a grown man sounding like a girl? Goku's original VA is just eugh.


If that's the only reason you and apparently some other people don't like the original, then that's pretty sad. I hope not, but from who've I've talked to (and from what the other person said in response to me in this thread), that's the first and only reason why they don't like the Japanese version (Goku/Gohan VA). Oh, and have you ever watched the Japanese version of Gohan killing Cell? I'd say it's just a LITTLE bit better, but hey, maybe that's just me. I'm not taking anything away from the English ver. They did a good job.

Since some are getting on Goku's original VA(and Gohan's since IIRC they're done by the same person), I'll go through some of the roster:

Goku - Sean Schemell(sp?) does just fine, but I honestly do think the original VA is good too. I think people forget that Dragon Ball was a JAPANESE incarnation, so her voice fits his persona honestly. And Goku doesn't always sound like a woman.

Vegeta - As good a job as Chris Sabat does, Vegeta's original VA takes this one. Outside of when Vegeta fights in the JAP version(and even that is tolerable), he sounds like a boss the way he should.

Piccolo - ....ehhhh. I like both the same. Chris Sabat does well here, though(even though it's pretty much Vegeta's voice in English)

Gohan(kid) - I take no issue with either. Though lol at some people "hating" on the original VA. He was a kid :/

Perfect Cell - Same as my opinion on Vegeta. As good as the English VA is, original takes the cake IMO. But neither one beats the Spanish VA. That dude sounds BEAST!

Trunks - IIRC the original VA does Vegeta and Trunks. Sounds beast as well. For English version, they got the same VA that did Bruce Wayne from Batman & Beyond, which is.....ok....I guess :/

Just a few there. I'm not hating on the English VA's, but I had to go through the growing pains with them. It took them years to get good and at the time I was watching the Japanese version as well. Naturally, the English VA's left a bitter taste in my mouth. Looking at this thread though, I doubt anyone will understand my pain :[
I always care for the original Japanese dialog etc. No doubt, but I do just seriously prefer The English Voice Acting a lot when it comes too Dragon Ball Z. (although in basically every other anime comparison the original is better in both script/dialog AND voice acting in my opinion.)
ugh, yeah. i like that there is new dbz material but this is stretching it to its fucking limit. i absolutely hate the plot, none of it makes sense.

thank you rey for reminding me of that one summer when i was 11 and spent it with my grandparents in mexico. i think they aired dragonball/dbz/pokemon/ranma 1/2 in that order??? fucking boss man. now i want to watch all of db(z) in spanish anyone know where i can make that happen??????????

also agreeing with CK, dragon ball really is wonderful. dbz is good too... in its own way...
this was cool... but come on. what everyone REALLY wants to see is the return of Raditz, in SSJ form
this was cool... but come on. what everyone REALLY wants to see is the return of Raditz, in SSJ form
I do often wonder how they can so easily dismiss the main character's brother from the entire series bar like 4 episodes at the very beginning...
You people bagging on the Japanese voice acting probably don't realize that the casting is a culture based thing (Chou will back me up on this). The pitch of the actor's voice is supposed to be relative to their character's innocence and purity, which is why Goku, Gohan, and other heroes were cast as women, as well as most villains being deeper voiced males. This isn't just a DBZ thing, it's an Anime in general thing. Yeah the high pitches can get annoying, but that's how they do it on principle.

I prefer English dub for the sound, but I wish they didn't make the dialogue so corny.

Also this looks cool. About to get out my Season 6 and start watching as we speak...
Ya i saw this about a month ago in manga form, thought it was pretty cool.

I wish that toriyama would pick this manga back up and make another legit arc, because GT disgraced him.
GT didn't disgrace Toriyama, he didn't write it. He purposely refused to have any involvement in it so it WOULDN'T disgrace him. Hell, he only wrong the Buu saga after being coaxed into it. He originally wanted to end the series after Gohan killed Cell.
As much as the series indeed WOULD have been just fine leaving off from there, I did really enjoy the buu saga as well regardless.