(Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

That would be because it was, the Distortion World is a prison for Giratina not something Giratina created.

Giratina was banished there, but all the exposition from Cyrus in Platinum suggests that the Distortion World itself exists simply to keep the material world in balance. The analogy used in the game is that of two opposing strands of DNA. Time and space make up matter, according to the mythology of Sinnoh, and are counterbalanced by antimatter, in a world where time doesn’t flow and space isn’t stable.

That is unfortunately inherited directly from the Japanese version where they're "Ice Face" and "Nice Face". "Noice Face" was an attempt by the translators to make it less stupid, not more.

“Nice Face” feels far less tryhard. It’s ever so slightly sarcastic, but it isn’t forcing everyone to feign a bad accent whenever they speak about the form.
okay but this doesn't square with you saying that 'Distorted World' would be an improvement; surely that's even more "blandly descriptive"?

(Never mind that imo it makes perfect sense for a realm the characters know virtually nothing about to have a name that just provides a basic description)

I wouldn't choose "distorted world" for it if it were up to me; as I said, I prefer the original Japanese name. "Distorted world" is just more straightforward in what it's saying.

It's called the Distortion World because it's a distortion of the real world.

Also, the Reverse World from the anime isn't the Distortion World, it's an entirely separate thing that's still called the Reverse World in Japanese.

It's pretty clearly basically the same thing, the game and the anime just portray it differently and give it different names.

That would be because it was, the Distortion World is a prison for Giratina not something Giratina created.

That's not confirmed. It's deliberately unclear whether Giratina itself created the Distortion World (Cyrus seems to think it did) or whether it simply happens to live there (which Cynthia seems to believe). Whether it was created specifically to be Giratina's prison or already existed isn't clarified.
Gen 9 they seemed to realzie it was overkill, I think Bombirdier is the only one who does that. Though I can't really understand why.
It's a Titan pokemon. Which means it's catchable with the Titan's ability after you beat it. IDK why they specifically wanted the Titan version to have STAB-Rock and none of the other wild Bombirdier do, but they clearly thought it mattered. They didn't do that with any of the other Titans either(even the Loyal 3).

My no-evidence theory is that originally every Titan was going to have a species-unique hidden ability, but they realized that some(Tatsugiri+Commander, Klawf+Anger Shell) were too vital to their design to lock behind HA, so they had to make those regular abilities, and then they just forgot to make that change with Bombirdier.

There are cases where you can sort of see this happening in the past*, like Sableye getting Stall (I'm still unclear why Sableye was given that ability, and why specifically only Sableye has it - off the top of my head there are a couple of other Pokemon like Bastiodon or Forretress who it'd suit thematically and mechanically) or the Goodra line getting Gooey, though tbh I can't bring to mind a case like this where it's a line's only ability.
Up until right now I assumed Stall was introduced to make Metal Burst strategies work, but it turns out Sableye only got Metal Burst in Gen V and got Stall in IV when everything else was getting Metal Burst. So now I'm just confused. It's not even a joke involving Prankster, since it didn't get Prankster until Gen V. Why does that exist? Were they afraid Keen Eye was too good?
It's a Titan pokemon. Which means it's catchable with the Titan's ability after you beat it. IDK why they specifically wanted the Titan version to have STAB-Rock and none of the other wild Bombirdier do, but they clearly thought it mattered. They didn't do that with any of the other Titans either(even the Loyal 3).

My no-evidence theory is that originally every Titan was going to have a species-unique hidden ability, but they realized that some(Tatsugiri+Commander, Klawf+Anger Shell) were too vital to their design to lock behind HA, so they had to make those regular abilities, and then they just forgot to make that change with Bombirdier.
I guess maybe the thought process was all the other bombirdier tend to drop "various things" where as this one just pops out rocks constantly (we will ignore that Bombirdier learns Rock Tomb, Rock Throw and Rock Slide by level up anyway) to such a comically cheap looking degree, so it's meant to stand out and be more unusual and thus Hidden?
Up until right now I assumed Stall was introduced to make Metal Burst strategies work, but it turns out Sableye only got Metal Burst in Gen V and got Stall in IV when everything else was getting Metal Burst. So now I'm just confused. It's not even a joke involving Prankster, since it didn't get Prankster until Gen V. Why does that exist? Were they afraid Keen Eye was too good?
Yeah Stall might be the most baffling ability in the series. It only barely has a use case these days (did you know Sableye only get Skill Swap this gen??). It's not really thematic for Sableye at all; you could probably spin up a reason but it's one where the end result is still going "I Guess?" follow by "but giving it as a signature ability for THAT a generation later?". It's already slow and all around "not that great". But it's also not so bad to deserve a "be bad" ability. It's not really a joke ability like Truant on Durant or Slow Start on Varoom (who loses it on evolution anyway).

If it guaranteed going first in Trick Room, that'd be a gimmick right there since it is kind of the "middling" range of "slow! But the entire point of it is the same one as Lagging Tail & Full Incencse; transcendent bottom priority.

And at this point I don't see it ever getting a change in how it works since now it kind of winds up being "retconned" into being a joke with Prankster.
I can see the logic of consigning an Ability with zero utility in single battles (like Propellor Tail) to the Hidden Ability slot, but they haven't been super consistent about this.

Telepathy is mostly a Hidden Ability; Flower Veil is entirely a regular one; Plus and Minus are a mixture; Power of Alchemy is Alolan Grimer and Muk's Hidden Ability, but the functionally identical Receiver is Passimian's regular one (etc etc)
Plus and Minus at least have the excuse of being introduced in the same gen as Double Battles, so Plusle and Minun get them by default to show off the new mechanics. Still dumb, though.

Snorlax still not learning Slack off
It has achieved peak sleepiness such that it's too tired to learn the move.
One thing that always annoyed me were the "random spinner" trainers. I can't count the number of times I'm trying to run to a pc to heal, only for one to HAPPEN to turn to face me at the worst time. I remember trying to experiment if I could outsmart them, so I'd stand around them outside their line. But every single time, the moment I stepped in the line they'd turn on a dime and fight ensues.
Gigas should've gotten Sheer Force as a Hidden Ability tbh. :mehowth:
I don’t remember where i got this from but i remember someone saying that Regigigas should get an ability that increases the damage of moves with varying power so it actually has a reason to use Crush Grip (probably one of the worst signature moves in all of pokemon, even the animation is bad)
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Also fucking up Vikavolt and Golisopod. Like whenever there's a cool byg type with decent base stats GF somehow nerf them hard.
One thing that always annoyed me were the "random spinner" trainers. I can't count the number of times I'm trying to run to a pc to heal, only for one to HAPPEN to turn to face me at the worst time. I remember trying to experiment if I could outsmart them, so I'd stand around them outside their line. But every single time, the moment I stepped in the line they'd turn on a dime and fight ensues.
In the earlier gens, if you pause and enter a menu (e.g. Bag or Pokemon) then unpause, any spinner on screen will briefly stay facing their current direction, giving you just enough time to walk past without fear. Gen 3/4 (and I think 5?) speedrunners use this technique to safely get past spinners.
Why is Water Pulse locked off until after you get Surf in Sinnoh? Is there anything that would want it that can't learn Surf?
Lucario? Covers Fire and Ground types. If we include Platinum mons, then Glaceon can also use it.
Also the Togepi line, the Aipom line, the Snover line, Absol, and Spiritomb. Debatable if most of them would want to use it, but both Cynthia's Togekiss and Candice's Abomasnow know Water Pulse in Platinum. Ambipom's Technician and Togekiss's Serene Grace definitely make it more useful (although Cynthia's Togekiss has Hustle lol).

Honestly I think this is more a reflection of how much Surf warps the power curve in most Pokemon games, especially in the older gens where level-up movepools are pretty sparse. 4-5 badges in, the type that's already the most generically powerful and versatile gets access to an endgame move. Frontloading every Water-type TM that Surf outclasses would just make Water mons even stronger for in-game playthroughs.
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My understanding is that Vikavolt at least performed decently at its intended role. Said role however is an extremely specific "ground-immune Electroweb user for a Doubles format that does not allow Rotom."
Sadly Vikavolt belongs to that section of Pokemon that is optimized for Trick Room usage. That is a very specific niche, due to requiring to basically play 3v4 (TR setters are basically always passive and can really just provide utility after setting TR) AND put you on a timer, thus the abusers have to be REALLY busted in order to make it worth, see Ursaluna this gen.
On practical level, Vikavolt came out in a generation where Snorlax existed, and had another very strong competitor in A-marowak which also hardcountered it. And obviously Incineroar also came out that generation...

Basically, not only it was not busted enough to justify using, but also had fierce competition and a hostile environment to deal with. But his issues weren't due to being a bug type (well, I guess being weak to fire and rock didn't exactly help), but rather the environment it came out in.

On a positive note, it was pretty fun to work with in the battle tree back then.
This is an extremely minor thing, but I was looking at some BDSP rematch teams (among the few things that everyone agrees were done quite well by ILCA) and for some reason Lucian's Espeon is holding a Mental Herb in both his rematches, even though its ability is Magic Bounce, which reflects every move that causes an affliction that the Mental Herb heals.

As far as I can tell, the only ways to trigger its Mental Herb are:
  • using Skill Swap to change its ability (every other method gets Bounced or doesn't exist in BDSP)
  • suppressing Magic Bounce with a Neutralizing Gas Weezing (somehow, a slow Poison-type with bad Special Defense doesn't seem like a matchup you'd want to dedicate an item slot to)
  • using Attract with a Mold Breaker Cranidos/Rampardos
  • PP-stalling Espeon until it uses Struggle against your Cute Charm Pokemon
Which of these strategies is Lucian so afraid of? Getting Magic Bounce stolen by Skill Swap isn't even a problem for him since none of his team members uses any reflectable moves.

EDIT: I forgot about Cursed Body Gengar/Shuppet/Banette/Froslass I guess
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I’m sorry, do you forget Dragapult, Kommo-o, Greninja, Hoopa, etc, all exist
Tbh I don't think Dragapult counts as mixed attacker. It's clearly designed as phisical attacker, with the intentional design of not having a reliable ghost stab for balance reasons. Just people value a fast special attacker more due to the nuclear power of Draco Meteor and spammability of Shadow ball.

In both Gen 8 and 9, the only times actual Phisical dragapult was viable in VGC/BSS was if you were willing to commit dynamax/terastal to get the phisical ghost stab