Old Mon BST/Ability Change Discussion

The most notable changes here are dugtrio and mantine.

Dugtrio has always been relevant in ou - though not in the actual tier in recent times - as it provides sheer, unmatchable utility in removing specific threats to a specific team build. It could do this all with 80 attack. With +20 attack, Dugtrio is going to be a legitamently stronger threat that is more capable at dealing with its designated targets. Not only that, but slightly weakened offensive mons can be trapped and removed with ease with +20 in attack. Look out for dugtrio.

Mantine has been ridiculously buffed, and I think we are gonna see this mon in ou, and it will at the very least be in uu.

A set of:

Roost / scald / mirror coat / filler

Is all it needs to establish itself in unique and prominent niche of its own. That +20 in hp just makes it even better.
I was so skeptical but it really seems like Mantine might have a solid place at the OU table. It counters shit like Keldeo and Zard Y and Volcanion, which is just unheard of.
I was so skeptical but it really seems like Mantine might have a solid place at the OU table. It counters shit like Keldeo and Zard Y and Volcanion, which is just unheard of.

It's actually going to be such a good blanket special wall/check. You don't even HAVE to run Defog on it (and I hate running Defog on rock-weak things anyways, I think it's suboptimal because it puts way too much pressure on a defensive pokemon that's already often trying to wall things).

252+ SpA Choice Specs Volcanion Sludge Bomb vs. 252 HP / 16+ SpD Mantine: 108-128 (28.8 - 34.2%) -- 99.9% chance to 3HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

252+ SpA Mega Charizard Y Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 16+ SpD Mantine in Sun: 116-137 (31 - 36.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

252 SpA Choice Specs Keldeo Secret Sword vs. 252 HP / 240 Def Mantine: 103-122 (27.5 - 32.6%) -- 85.2% chance to 3HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Choice Specs Keldeo Hidden Power Electric vs. 252 HP / 16+ SpD Mantine: 264-312 (70.5 - 83.4%) -- 56.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

232 SpA Mega Gardevoir Psyshock vs. 252 HP / 240 Def Mantine: 154-183 (41.1 - 48.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

252 SpA Life Orb Latios Psyshock vs. 252 HP / 240 Def Mantine: 172-203 (45.9 - 54.2%) -- 3.1% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Life Orb Latios Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 16+ SpD Mantine: 187-220 (50 - 58.8%) -- 70.3% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Choice Specs Latios Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 16+ SpD Mantine: 213-252 (56.9 - 67.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

180 SpA Life Orb Tornadus-T Hurricane vs. 252 HP / 16+ SpD Mantine: 133-157 (35.5 - 41.9%) -- 87.3% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

+3 252 SpA Manaphy Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 16+ SpD Mantine: 137-162 (36.6 - 43.3%) -- 98.9% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
+5 252 SpA Manaphy Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 16+ SpD Mantine: 192-226 (51.3 - 60.4%) -- 91.4% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252 SpA Life Orb Gengar Sludge Wave vs. 252 HP / 16+ SpD Mantine: 136-161 (36.3 - 43%) -- 98.2% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

252 SpA Choice Specs Kyurem Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 16+ SpD Mantine: 148-175 (39.5 - 46.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Choice Specs Kyurem Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 16+ SpD Mantine: 213-252 (56.9 - 67.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252 SpA Life Orb Alakazam Psyshock vs. 252 HP / 240 Def Mantine: 175-208 (46.7 - 55.6%) -- 16% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252 SpA Mega Manectric Volt Switch vs. 252 HP / 16+ SpD Mantine: 316-376 (84.4 - 100.5%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO

If you do not have (STAB) Electric Special attacks, you are almost certainly not taking this thing down 1v1.
If anyone cares, the first post is missing one mon: Mega Alakazam got a 10 point Special Defense buff.
Bleh, should have went to Defense, but it wasn't like it was gonna help survive phys priority or scarf moves much unless you're pairing it with Tapu Lele to cancel out the former and further boost its Psychic attacks.
oh man i didnt see delcatty before i cant wait to see what it go--
+20 speed

i mean, ok, it needed a lot more to make it really useful but give a 10er to an attacking stat or something
Yeah, I wish it got more, too. Still, this will help the Calm Mind + Baton Pass Set, at least. With its movepool, the speed buff, and Wonder Skin, it can be the PU BP equivalent of Venomoth, so that's pretty nice, I guess.
I just realized that Alakazam is going to be an absolute monster under Psychic Terrain. High Special Attack and Speed, boosted STAB, immunity to Priority and passive damage, what could stop him? Don't even get me started with Mega Alakazam...
I just realized that Alakazam is going to be an absolute monster under Psychic Terrain. High Special Attack and Speed, boosted STAB, immunity to Priority and passive damage, what could stop him? Don't even get me started with Mega Alakazam...

252 SpA Life Orb Alakazam Psyshock vs. 4 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey in Psychic Terrain: 348-411 (54.2 - 64%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Maybe a Focus Sash wouldn't even be mandatory under those circumnstances... or maybe Psychic, for that matter.

252 SpA Mega Alakazam Psyshock vs. 4 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey in Psychic Terrain: 325-384 (50.6 - 59.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
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oh man i didnt see delcatty before i cant wait to see what it go--
+20 speed

i mean, ok, it needed a lot more to make it really useful but give a 10er to an attacking stat or something
According to the new Ability descriptions, Normalize got a buff; it now raises the power of converted moves like the Refrigerate, etc.

Honestly I'm hoping Aerilate, Pixilate, etc. got a nerf this gen. 30% is too much of a boost. 10% would probably be fine.
In regards to Raikou, Entei and Suicune I am not that sure that Inner Focus should be considered completely a nerf, Inner Focus users like Crobat have good success on doubles because its ability to not care in the first turn against Fake Outs, true, if Psychic Terrain becomes prevalent having an immunity against Fake Out may seem redundant, but it also means that they can work well in terrain wars.

For example Raikou with Tapu Bulu could work pretty well in the future, Raikou basically gets no weaknesses and can set up screens, paralyze, snarl much more consistent, especially since Thundurus is somewhat nerfed because the prankster set could struggle in the future(a lot of pranksters could get affected actually), also Thundurus along with Zapdos cannot get advantage of Terrains.

Raikou also blends well with Tapu Koko, as everybody knows A-Raichu seems to be the BF with Tapu Koko because of its ability and Fake Out, but Tapu Koko being the fastest means it will be prompt to lose Terrain Wars, and Raikou could work better outside of Electric Terrain since it also works well with the other Terrains.

The somewhat sad part is that Volt Absorb Raikou would have been better in singles because almost every Elec mon rely on Thunderbolt as its stab, and could also work against Rotom-W Volt Switching, though my main concern is the lack of new tools, Raikou has a great stat distribution and a solid typing, sad its ability and movepool are limited by OU standards, still is a nice candidate for Z-Elec move because of its high speed, Mantine and Pelipper could make Elec mons become a little more popular, and as said previously Terrains means Zapdos and Thundurus could get less usage.

Suicune getting Sheer Cold means that is the most viable user of an OHKO move(because Sheer Cold has no immunities unlike Fissure and Horn Drill and having a good defensive type) in Battle Spot, is not consistent but this could be a nice addition, even if somewhat gimmicky,
also Suicune with Inner Focus can set Tailwinds more consistent, Pressure is better in general for PP Stalling in OU than Water Absorb utility, in fact Suicune is one of the if not the best user of Pressure, not that I did not want for it to get Magic Bounce or Unaware but at least it can take advantage of it.

Entei IMO is the one that really would have been better with its ability, because since it has no use in doubles it means Inner Focus doesnt do anything for it, and in singles Pressure also sucks for it.

Torkoal is definitely seeming to be better than Ninetales as a Drought user, in doubles its 20 base speed means it can work in Trick Room, especially since Eruption under Drought should do serious damage, its defense means it also doesnt die easily by priority when on Trick Room, it also gets Rapid Spin and SR so in general it seems a blessing for Sun teams because of its good role compression.
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I can TOTALLY see a duggy suspect later on in the meta as it allows pokes like pheramosa and the likes to get past toxapec and such. Really appreciates the upgrade. doesn't have to really on choice band or reversal to get certain KO's.
It's almost like GameFreak doesn't quite understand Mega Gengar is hideously broken, not standard Gengar. So naturally they nerf standard Gengar in a way that doesn't really affect Mega Gengar...

Mega Gengar isn't broken in Game Freak's eyes. Doubles is their focus...

Though that leaves anyone wondering why only Mega Kangaskhan and Talonflame got any kind of nerf of the dominating Doubles Pokemon.
According to the new Ability descriptions, Normalize got a buff; it now raises the power of converted moves like the Refrigerate, etc.

Honestly I'm hoping Aerilate, Pixilate, etc. got a nerf this gen. 30% is too much of a boost. 10% would probably be fine.

I'd like to know if there are any changes to the -ate abilities as well.
Gengar's "nerf" is really more for consistency with Levitate's new description. Many of the abilities have more detailed descriptions.

Levitate's old description: Gives full immunity to all Ground-type moves.

New description: By floating in the air, the Pokémon receives full immunity to all Ground-type moves.

Gengar isn't floating in the air, it's standing on the ground, so Levitate was removed from it for the sake of consistency.
Gengar's "nerf" is really more for consistency with Levitate's new description. Many of the abilities have more detailed descriptions.

Levitate's old description: Gives full immunity to all Ground-type moves.

New description: By floating in the air, the Pokémon receives full immunity to all Ground-type moves.

Gengar isn't floating in the air, it's standing on the ground, so Levitate was removed from it for the sake of consistency.
Well 3 of our levitate pokemon are visibly flying with wings, several pokemon visibly flying are still suspectable and an assortment of flying types aren't and don't fly AND gengar has been shown flying before so I dont think they really care about consistency
Idk what the whole story is, but I think if the entire Gengar line got Cursed Body, then they were trying to nerf him whereas if it's just Gengar, then they were just trying to make it more consistent/accurate.
Idk what the whole story is, but I think if the entire Gengar line got Cursed Body, then they were trying to nerf him whereas if it's just Gengar, then they were just trying to make it more consistent/accurate.

It was just Gengar. Gastly and Haunter still have Levitate.
Mantine getting reliable recovery and +20 to its base HP means that it's probably an OU viable Defogger. Also, it walls the living hell out of almost all Keldeo and Mega Charizard Y, as well as checking any non-electric special attacker with ease (seriously Timid Zard-Y Fire Blast in the Sun isn't even a guaranteed 3HKO after rocks).

This. Mantine was always supposed to be Special Skarmory.

Now it finally is.
I'm still seething about swalot not getting corrosion and stunfisk keeping limber

at least the weather abilities finally got better distribution, now I don't have to look at politoed's stupid face if I want to use a rain team
As I posted in datamine thread, it seems that Multitype Arceus can now use either Plates or Z-Crystals to change its type. Thoughts?