I’ve been trying to build up a supply of Max Mushrooms in Sword. Just about every single resource I check says that they appear at a raid of 1 cluster per every 3 Max Raid Battles conducted on the Isle of Armor.
But there have been several times now where I’ve had zero mushrooms on the map, and then I completed 3 raids, but still found no mushrooms. I’ve tried flying to the mainland and back to see if maybe the maps needed reloading. I’ve tried closing out and restarting the game. I’ve seen some people claim that you have to Dynamax you own Pokémon during the raid in order to make the mushrooms appear, and while I’m a little skeptical of that claim, I’ve been doing it anyway just to be sure. And yet still, I can often complete 3 raids and come up with no mushroom spawns in any of the four areas they grow in.
Do event raids not count? Do Wishing Piece-generated raids not count? I haven’t messed with the system clock or anything. Is it just not actually a 3:1 appearance rate, despite the usually reliable sources all seeming to report that? Is it actually 3 raids for a *chance* at spawning them, or something? I’m just wondering if maybe there’s some more exact info on this that I’m missing.