Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

Jump, I mentioned that some of my streak was due to luck. And ThunderPunch is in this set so water types were no problem. I admit that this record does seem dubious,, but I assure you that it is legit. This was totally haxy in my favor, so that is partially how I did it.
no seriously, how did you beat even one dragon type, you would have to have faced at least two of them to get to 212 and the only one you have a remote chance of beating is kingdra via hydro pump miss, you're not even faster than garchomp despite the fact that it isnt OHKOed by CC and kills you easy with outrage or dig even if it uses sandstorm first turn. unless you have a 31 speed IV you dont outspeed salamence and flygon, which both ohko you regardless while you cant ohko them. latias and latios both beat you every time and even need a CH to beat altaria. i dont get it
If I did the calcs correctly, one of these must have had to happen facing the two Dragons:

1) Altaria - 2 Close Combats/Thunderpunch, survive one air cutter (or air cutter miss, but air cutter does not crit. Air cutter doesn't OHKO even after 1 defense drop from CC). ... One of the two CC/Tpunches MUST critical hit.

2) Flygon / Garchomp - They outspeed infernape (seriously, why 126 Speed EVs for ape when it's not even divisible by 4, nor does it outspeed anything in particular) and used Sandstorm first turn while Infernape crits with Close Combat. Oh, actually, in Flygon's case, Flygon could have used sandstorm first turn, and then keeps roosting until Infernape crits with Close Combat.

3) Kingdra - Infernape outspeeds crits with Close Combat.

... Oh there's also Dragonite using DD first turn while surviving a crit Tpunch/Close Combat, and then uses a faster roost while the now neutral Close Combat finishes Dragonite off. Rolling near max damage both times, of course (or crit on the 2nd CC).

The Ground types that ape can beat without critical hit are: Golem (no QC activation), Rhydon, Piloswine (brightpowder not working), Mamoswine, and Steelix (using Flamethrower).

Hm, so yah, no one type resists both fire and fighting. So I should probably assume that all water types fought were weak or neutral to critical hit Tpunches or Close Combats, same for all the other types.

By the way, I don't really believe that streak either without further proof or explanation. But yeah, even if that streak did happen, that does not make it an amazing set. It just means someone got ridiculously lucky.
PS. i believe this shows that the AI will choose the OHKO move which is supereffective on you if it has a choice. also, ive wondered for a while, given that it makes the "its supereffective" sound when it uses sheer cold on say latias, i wonder if the berries like yache berry would halve the damage from a OHKO - anyone tried this?
Alternatively, it could mean that the AI conserves the PP of better moves. Sheer Cold hits more Pokemon than Fissure. Walrein may have been using Fissure instead of Sheer Cold while it had the chance. This may have been triggered by the rest of your team's immunity to Fissure. If your last member was Salamence like in your Diamond run, Fissure would have been the logical move to use against Registeel. But I have a very limited understanding of what the AI knows about your team. This includes the draw/repel lead mechanics. Is there information on that here?
yeah i fell in love with platinum all over against after my run to "lol 499", every single move selection takes a full second longer to kick in than in plat, was probably some very redundant code in there. anyway the trick miss and ohko hit first turn is classic horrible BT hax, but i'm not sure the rest of the stuff you calculated really matters all that much—when it missed with fissure, you were almost bound to get out of that with a sub and at least 25% HP because you played it the way you were supposed to and subbed preemptively eight more times. it was the bad luck of the first turn vs. the great luck of nine OHKOs missing in a row, which is 3% vs. 4.03% even if you didnt need all that good luck. walrein would had to have hit six out of the eight remaining times to really screw you there, which is a 1.13% probability.

and when you use curse it takes aaaaaaaaages to go through all the messages. but on plat if youre hitting the screen with the stylus, its faster than even d/p amnesia. i rushed through 7 battles with this team in about 24 minutes. i could hardly do that in an hour in d/p.

and yeah, i wasnt saying it "mattered" as such. i just liked the way the hax turned around - first turn the dreaded 1/30 bright powder + OHKO (or quick claw + OHKO) and then the AI missing 9 times in a row. i know what you're supposed to do in such a situation, and anyway, i still had salamence which would have been able to set up fully as long as it didnt hit me 5 times (impossible once the first fissure missed registeel).

Alternatively, it could mean that the AI conserves the PP of better moves. Sheer Cold hits more Pokemon than Fissure. Walrein may have been using Fissure instead of Sheer Cold while it had the chance. This may have been triggered by the rest of your team's immunity to Fissure. If your last member was Salamence like in your Diamond run, Fissure would have been the logical move to use against Registeel. But I have a very limited understanding of what the AI knows about your team. This includes the draw/repel lead mechanics. Is there information on that here?

no, they have the same accuracy, so even from the perspective of "the battle frontier has better hax" there couldnt be a difference. it was salamence, but i dont think the AI "knows" what your as-yet-unrevealed pokemon are.

what is this draw/repel stuff? i havent heard of that before.

also, this run ended at 62 lol. battle 62 (which i won) had a lead QC metagross, and battle 63 (which i lost) had a lead gastro-from-hell (didnt know this from the outset). i wasnt even paying attention, and tried trick, which missed. then i wasted all of ice beam and earth power by switching between steel+latias, steel losing minimal amounts of hp in the process). then i thought i could switch steel into "obvious" sludge bomb, but it got a crit on surf. from then it was very difficult to get anywhere. i managed to get it down to about 4 surfs left before registeel and latias were dead, then salamence got two DDs on surf before having to EQ it to death (no way to get a sub since surf did more than 42). next poke was a skarmory lol - basically one of the only things that can compete with a +2/+2 salamence (apart from hax items) and it took about 60% to outrage and finished me with rock slide. im not too upset to have that happen at battle 63! maybe i'll have some luck in my next run.....
no, they have the same accuracy, so even from the perspective of "the battle frontier has better hax" there couldnt be a difference. it was salamence, but i dont think the AI "knows" what your as-yet-unrevealed pokemon are.
I meant that the AI could have knowledge of the fact that Fissure is generally inferior to Sheer Cold. You don't have to know your opponent's team to be aware of the fact that Sheer Cold has a higher chance of affecting an unknown Pokemon than Fissure. Lots of Pokemon are immune to Fissure, I don't think any are immune to Sheer Cold. This means that Sheer Cold PP is more valuable than Fissure PP. There is a possibility that the AI used this knowledge to decide to conserve the PP of the better move. I agree that your suggestion is more likely, but it's not the only conclusion.

Bozo said:
what is this draw/repel stuff? i havent heard of that before.
I've heard it a bunch of times in multiple places. One example is Jumpman's "Drapula 2" RMT.
Togekiss draws Ice, which my team similarly doesn't like, and does NOT draw Dark, Ghost and Grass (Dark as much as a typical Tricker would) which Drapion loves to take advantage of.
It occurs to me that this could be a bit of an inside joke which your response to me simply extends. Regardless, I would like to ask what the mechanics of this draw/repel feature are.
I'm pretty sure Jumpman's use of draw/repel just means typical AI prediction (i.e. since Togekiss is weak to ice and resists ghost/grass, it draws ice attacks from AI while repelling ghost/grass attacks, while neutral to dark - thus "dark as much as a typical tricker would").

A levitating psychic tricker would be a good partner to Drapion as those psychics attract dark and ghost type moves which drapion resists and are immune to ground moves that Drapion is weak against. That's all that meant. Also, (in Jumpman's comments) any pokemon having access to signal beam caused them to use that move on the levitating psychic (be it Mesprit, Cresselia, or Uxie) instead of their STAB move, whatever that might be, so Drapion can handle those unSTAB Signal Beams with much more ease. That's what Jumpman meant I'm pretty sure.
Posting the same question as before since it got ignored...

I was thinking of using shipship's team of tyranitar garchomp bronzong except I'm not sure whether I should use his special attacking CM version or the standard physical attacker. My lead will be a standard lum berry jolly DDtar with crunch, stone edge (or rock slide?), and EQ while Chomp will be Banded (no need for too many stat-boosters). For bronzong in the final slot, I'm considering one of the following two options:

Bronzong @ Leftovers
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Sp. Def
-Flash Cannon
-Calm Mind


Bronzong @ Leftovers
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Sp. Def
-Iron Head/Gyro Ball (which one?)
-Light Screen

While I do already have 2 physical attackers, skarmory can't touch either zong so I'm not too worried about that.
I would probably use Bronzong @ leftovers with Calm Mind / Iron Defense / Substitute / Flash Cannon (mimicking standard Registeel on the special side, without the bug/dark resist and worse defending stats), but that's just me. I'd choose your special one otherwise, but if I were to use 2 attacks, I'd use Signal Beam over Flash Cannon, since there's no use for Flash Cannon other than for Psychic resist/immunes... Most Dark and Psychic types are hit harder by Signal Beam than Flash Cannon, and for Steels you'd be using Psychic anyway except for Metagross/Bronzong, where again Signal Beam would hit harder than Flash Cannon.
If I did the calcs correctly, one of these must have had to happen facing the two Dragons:

1) Altaria - 2 Close Combats/Thunderpunch, survive one air cutter (or air cutter miss, but air cutter does not crit. Air cutter doesn't OHKO even after 1 defense drop from CC). ... One of the two CC/Tpunches MUST critical hit.

2) Flygon / Garchomp - They outspeed infernape (seriously, why 126 Speed EVs for ape when it's not even divisible by 4, nor does it outspeed anything in particular) and used Sandstorm first turn while Infernape crits with Close Combat. Oh, actually, in Flygon's case, Flygon could have used sandstorm first turn, and then keeps roosting until Infernape crits with Close Combat.

3) Kingdra - Infernape outspeeds crits with Close Combat.

... Oh there's also Dragonite using DD first turn while surviving a crit Tpunch/Close Combat, and then uses a faster roost while the now neutral Close Combat finishes Dragonite off. Rolling near max damage both times, of course (or crit on the 2nd CC).

The Ground types that ape can beat without critical hit are: Golem (no QC activation), Rhydon, Piloswine (brightpowder not working), Mamoswine, and Steelix (using Flamethrower).

Hm, so yah, no one type resists both fire and fighting. So I should probably assume that all water types fought were weak or neutral to critical hit Tpunches or Close Combats, same for all the other types.

By the way, I don't really believe that streak either without further proof or explanation. But yeah, even if that streak did happen, that does not make it an amazing set. It just means someone got ridiculously lucky.
Precisely what happened.
I would probably use Bronzong @ leftovers with Calm Mind / Iron Defense / Substitute / Flash Cannon (mimicking standard Registeel on the special side, without the bug/dark resist and worse defending stats), but that's just me. I'd choose your special one otherwise, but if I were to use 2 attacks, I'd use Signal Beam over Flash Cannon, since there's no use for Flash Cannon other than for Psychic resist/immunes... Most Dark and Psychic types are hit harder by Signal Beam than Flash Cannon, and for Steels you'd be using Psychic anyway except for Metagross/Bronzong, where again Signal Beam would hit harder than Flash Cannon.

I'm not exactly sure why I'd use the first set you mentioned, this isn't a trick team. If I do use the CM set, I'll try signal beam.
So I started the Pt Battle Tower/Frontier, mostly in hopes of getting the star on the trainer card (all gold medals I think) and wanted to know if there are any blatant flaws in my team.


Adamant @ Toxic Orb
48 HP / 252 Atk / 208 Spe (Avg. IV's nothing special)
-Focus Punch
-Leech Seed

Meh, lead I guess. Go for the spore if I'm obviously faster, then set up. If not, switch into either of the other two, depending and all.


Bold @ Leftovers
148 HP / 252 Def / 108 SpA (Nothing special on the IVs again)
-Ice beam

My hit-taker, usually switching in to a flying/fire/ground attack aimed at Breloom. Takes care of Dragons, so far at least. I try to keep her alive at all costs.


Jolly @ Choice Band
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe (31 in Atk/Spe)
-Fire Fang
-Stone Edge

My big hitter, usually comes in after Milotic for the revenge/electric absorb. I try to avoid Stone Edge for obvious reasons.

I'm at 28 wins right now, and still going. I mostly just want to get the gold in the team halls. I'm not really an expert at this stuff so I'm most likely missing something, and I want to know it before its battle 48 and too late.

-Thanks ;)
I'm not exactly sure why I'd use the first set you mentioned, this isn't a trick team.
I've used it before in Diamond's Battle Tower in a non-trick team. There are plenty of things Bronzong can set up on due to its bulk and only one fire weakness that isn't extremely common (back in Diamond anyway), allowing it to set up without the need of trick. The only things that knocked down Bronzong, other than fire attacks, were crits and OHKO moves, which was why I suggested Substitute, and with sub taking up a spot, flash cannon is the best option. Without Iron Defense, Bronzong can't set up on a lot of physical attackers, whereas with it and sub, most physical attackers won't be able to break Bronzong's sub in one hit, allowing Bronzong to set up. But yah, I used Bronzong with Calm Mind / Psychic / HP Bug / Iron Defense before, and that was pretty good too, just can't deal with crits/OHKOs (back then it couldn't learn Signal Beam).

@Angry Pacifist: Your team should be fine as is to get past 49. I would put Toxic over Hypnosis on Milotic since Breloom's faster and already sporing and Hypnosis's accuracy isn't that great.

I would use Jolly and a more defensive spread on Breloom though. I have my reasons. Breloom pretty much beats anything that it outspeeds (Spore, sub, seed, and keep sub and sporing as necessary), so outspeeding more things is good. It really doesn't need attack EVs at all. Having defensive EVs means that it can sometimes beat things that outspeed it too (take a non-STAB Supereffective hit and not die, Spore, Sub, Seed, etc.). But anyway, as long as your Breloom still outspeeds Palmer's Cresselia, it should be able to take care of battle #49 all by itself unless Spore misses Regigigas twice.

EDIT: I'm not sure why your Milotic needs to take ground attacks from Breloom when Breloom resists Ground, but it does resist ice which is very much needed with two ice-weaks.

I'm pretty sure Jumpman's use of draw/repel just means typical AI prediction (i.e. since Togekiss is weak to ice and resists ghost/grass, it draws ice attacks from AI while repelling ghost/grass attacks, while neutral to dark - thus "dark as much as a typical tricker would").

A levitating psychic tricker would be a good partner to Drapion as those psychics attract dark and ghost type moves which drapion resists and are immune to ground moves that Drapion is weak against. That's all that meant. Also, (in Jumpman's comments) any pokemon having access to signal beam caused them to use that move on the levitating psychic (be it Mesprit, Cresselia, or Uxie) instead of their STAB move, whatever that might be, so Drapion can handle those unSTAB Signal Beams with much more ease. That's what Jumpman meant I'm pretty sure.

yeah thats all i meant, mesprit and drapion have almost as much synergy as latias and drapion. i may have already mentioned it here but probably not in the detail im about to ramble with...if i really wanted to use latias and drapion i could consider lapras as my third with a curse/sub/ice shard/"waterfall" set where lapras is 252HP/4Atk/252SpD Careful and coincidentally has Shell Armor even though the main reason I'd use it is for the 4× ice resist since latias would be drawing so many of those.

not having a rock resist wouldn't be the end of the world since i stall out stone edge anyway with drapion to set up with garchomp (though 3-4 turns of setup with lapras wouldn't be ideal) and only 2-3 pokes use rock slide on mesprit and drapion can setup on almost all of them anyway (as can lapras if they're at -2) so it'd be about the same for latias. electric moves would go back to not being used except for thunderwave which can be worked around (sub, tw/flash/charm, then retrick into something else), dragon moves are handled much better with neutral latias with stab ice shard, and basically only metagross4 would be a dick for a second for steel moves, but after a curse it's almost impossible for metagross to 3HKO, and lapras can curse three times before being outsped by metagross and by then, MM is only doing 20-23% and meta can miss and be fp and yeah lol =/

shell armor is great but meta4 requires curse and not DD(/WF/Body Slam/Sub), and +3 waterfall almost always does enough at 43-51% to enable a "2HKO" since +3 Ice Shard does 11-12% afterwards while avoiding another hit (and I would actually prefer this for more leftovers recovery), but 0 Atk EV Ice Shard is kind of eh and 252SpD Careful might be overkill on a "backup poke" anyway. this might be a viable team though

anyway i do have reason to believe that the AI opts for SE OHKOs when possible but i cant recall concrete examples since a lot of the stuff i use has levitate

Precisely what happened.

that's not really further proof or explanation, lol. every farfetched scenario we've laid out happened to you? i almost wanted to ask you straight up which dragons and grounds you beat to see where but besides the fact that that was your responsibility as a record-poster, it's more fun for me (and probably chinese dood) to calc ourselves and show objectively how improbable it is for that set to have made it to 212.

anyway you're the same guy who said "I took T-Tar, Chomp, and Skarmory out of Marriland's team and the record was insane, it was 1334 and I lost on 1335, it was great." you dont really have any credibility here, troll
I'm new to here, first post, though i've been checking this thread for quite a while, and i have a few questions i will be asking soon.

but first

ive wondered for a while, given that it makes the "its supereffective" sound when it uses sheer cold on say latias, i wonder if the berries like yache berry would halve the damage from a OHKO - anyone tried this?

It didn't work when i tried.
i fought a lv2 wild starly holding a yache and it went ahead as normal for an ohko, no yache message or anything. so i don't suspect it does.

as for my own question, what would be a decent moveset for a sturdy magnezone in the tower? i was thinking magnetbomb (for brightpowder), thunderbolt, explosion, thunderwave.
this would be with a trick lead and maybe a dragon, i don't know which would be best (i was thinking dragonite)
Ack. Looking at all this makes me realize how terrible I can be at this game. >_> I haven't even gotten all my silver (Yes, I meant silver. I'm THAT bad... for now.) prints...

On a side note, I've found that on my latest shot at Battle Hall glory, Banded Gallade works incredibly, even though mine isn't EV'd properly and has the wrong nature (Bold... EWW.). It DOES, however, have the same moves as the Banded set listed here, so I guess I didn't go entirely wrong.
After going to the Battle Arcade several times, I got a streak of 73 battles. I'm surprise I got this far, because my team isn't that great, haha. I am a bit dissapointed I fell a little short of the top three, but I guess that's inspiration to keep trying. Anyway, here's my team...

Salamence (female) "Brutalanda"
Nature: Naive
IVs: Unknown
EVs 232 Atk, 24 SpA, 252 Spe
-Fire Blast
-Brick Break

Salamence works as a great lead, because of her speed and vicous attack stat. Her Special Attack is also good enough to OHKO many Steel, Grass, Bug, and occasionaly Ice types (if I stay in, that is.) She can take on most anything besides Ice types, which always loom. This is the reason that this next pokemon exists...

Milotic (female) "Milotisch"
Nature: Bold
IVs: Unknown
EVs: 148 HP, 252 Def, 108 SpA
-Ice Beam

The wall of the set, Milotic boasts 198 HP, with 134 and 145 as her Defense and Special Defense stats, respectively. All except two Ice types fall against her, the two being Dewgong and Walrein since the two can easily Rest off the poison damage and hit back with OHKO moves. Milotic is meant to Toxic things teammates can't handle, and Recover in their face as they wither away, launching off Surfs and Ice Beams when she can. She works amazingly well, and few Pokemon stop her from running rampant. Unfortunately, there are Grass types that scare her, which lets my next Pokemon come in.

Scizor (male) "Scherox"
Nature: Adamant
IVs: Shockingly, unknown
EVs: 32 HP, 252 Atk, 224 Spe
-Bullet Punch
-Brick Break/ Substitute
-Swords Dance

The final Pokemon on the set, and in my experience the worst. I'm probably using him all wrong with this set, but when I get +6 Atk there is not alot that can stop him. I try to get him out on stuff that doesn't pose a threat because of either weak attacks, or relies on Leech Seed and Toxic. Scherox doesn't mind Leech Seed, because he can just Roost off the damage and rip through with +6 Bullet Punches. The only problem is, if he hasn't set up and Milotic is down, Fire types ruin him completely.

How I Lost: After trying to paralyze the team of Machamp, Medicham, and Infernape, I hit the button to put one of my Pokes to sleep. Thankfully, it was Milotic, which can take hit thanks to Marvel Scale. I switch in Milotic immediately, and took Machamp's Ice Punch. Then Dynamicpunch. I only took about 50 damage, but then came a crit and I was brought down to the red! I woke up, and killed myself in confusion. I know this game is lost, so I bring in Salamence to Outrage. It doesn't OHKO, but neither does Ice Punch. Next turn I kill Machamp. In comes Infernape, which Fakes me Out to kill. Scizor has no chance. Fire Punch kills. Game over.

So there's my team, that has done quite well at the Arcade. I may prune off Scizor and find something that could work better, but this team has done a good job so far :D

Oh, and some proof of the streak...
It didn't work when i tried.
i fought a lv2 wild starly holding a yache and it went ahead as normal for an ohko, no yache message or anything. so i don't suspect it does.

as for my own question, what would be a decent moveset for a sturdy magnezone in the tower? i was thinking magnetbomb (for brightpowder), thunderbolt, explosion, thunderwave.
this would be with a trick lead and maybe a dragon, i don't know which would be best (i was thinking dragonite)

Don't use magnezone in BT, it isn't really helpful and for a sturdy user skarmory is probably more useful. Zone is too slow (without a scarf) and all it can really do is fire off some decently powerful special attacks. It doesn't really have any stat-boosters and dies pretty easily to super effective attacks.

Also, how did you know that the starly had a yache berry if you KO'd it?
I meant that the AI could have knowledge of the fact that Fissure is generally inferior to Sheer Cold. You don't have to know your opponent's team to be aware of the fact that Sheer Cold has a higher chance of affecting an unknown Pokemon than Fissure. Lots of Pokemon are immune to Fissure, I don't think any are immune to Sheer Cold. This means that Sheer Cold PP is more valuable than Fissure PP. There is a possibility that the AI used this knowledge to decide to conserve the PP of the better move. I agree that your suggestion is more likely, but it's not the only conclusion.

I've heard it a bunch of times in multiple places. One example is Jumpman's "Drapula 2" RMT.

It occurs to me that this could be a bit of an inside joke which your response to me simply extends. Regardless, I would like to ask what the mechanics of this draw/repel feature are.

ah, i missed your point completely. of course, if i was operating that walrein, then sure i'd use fissure first just in case the last pokemon was a levitater/flier. but, to settle this, ive faced that walrein plenty of times in the battle tower and one time i remember against my milotic it basically used both moves randomly, so i dont think there is any kind of "logic" to those particular choices. but when one type is "supereffective" against the pokemon that is in, perhaps it will choose that over the other - it would seem that way from the evidence.

as for the repel etc thing, i thought you were talking about something more sophisticated. but yeah your opponent will likely use a super effective attack if it has one. having a backup poke that can resist all your leads weaknesses is brilliant (latias+registeel etc).

It didn't work when i tried.
i fought a lv2 wild starly holding a yache and it went ahead as normal for an ohko, no yache message or anything. so i don't suspect it does.

how did you know it had a yache? frisk?

EDIT: i've just put up on youtube the video of that battle i was talking about, along with 2 other crazy haxy ones.
Yes, I had a pokemon with frisk as well as a sheer cold Dewgong (lv 42 by the way. also this was in diamond)

hmm i guess skarmory would be better than magnezone, i suppose that would be sub, roost, drill peck and either curse or swords dance. dunno about natures or evs though. i just wanted a special attacker with sturdy i suppose. the closest to that is probaby mismagius, only hit by sheer cold.

EDIT: hey i'm thinking now, what if sheer cold is weakened by the thick fat ability? probably isn't, but i'll try anyway.

also, nice vid bozo. though some of that would have me chewing the DS from sheer frusration!
I beat the battle hall making a record of 172. It took a lot of tries, i hate it when i missed a move. The pokemon used was

Salamence (male) Choice Specs
IVs: 31/25/31/31/30/31
Evs:252sp. atk/252 spe
-Draco Meteor
-Dragon Pulse
-Heat Wave
-Hydro Pump

He was awesome,killed most things in one shot with draco meteor. I switched to using dragon pulse for reliability once i got above the 70 streak. Hydro pump was used a couple of times against Bastiodon and other pokes. Heatwave was used against steel types.

I lost in my 173 battle against a walrein, i used draco meteor and i missed than he used blizzard and killed me.

The other battle facilities i have silver print except factory. I can't seem to make a good team.
Yes, I had a pokemon with frisk as well as a sheer cold Dewgong (lv 42 by the way. also this was in diamond)

hmm i guess skarmory would be better than magnezone, i suppose that would be sub, roost, drill peck and either curse or swords dance. dunno about natures or evs though. i just wanted a special attacker with sturdy i suppose. the closest to that is probaby mismagius, only hit by sheer cold.

EDIT: hey i'm thinking now, what if sheer cold is weakened by the thick fat ability? probably isn't, but i'll try anyway.

also, nice vid bozo. though some of that would have me chewing the DS from sheer frusration!
Why would you sheer cold a starly? (was it just to test it)

Anyway I have come up with a trick team that im not gonna tell you what it is any time soon unless I go reasonably well with it of course.
here is a hint it really hates ground and water types and im also using something someone else hasn't used before(this is my backup/set up poke).
first time poster, though I've been browsing this thread for a while
i find the battle frontier addicting, lol

Platinum Battle Factory Single Record (Open Level):

i hate this place
i forgot what pokes i was using because last time i played factory was a month ago
this guy beat me:
503 | Granbull | Adamant | Quick Claw | Facade | Fire Fang | Thunder Fang | Ice Fang | HP/Atk *sigh*

Platinum Battle Tower Single Record: 92


timid - focus sash
6 hp / 252 spa / 252 spe
~ thunderbolt
~ shadow ball
~ counter
~ destiny bond


timid - life orb
6 hp / 252 spa / 252 spe
~ surf
~ thunderbolt
~ psychic
~ draco meteor


adamant - choice scarf
6 hp / 252 att / 252 spe
~ dynamic punch
~ payback
~ ice punch
~ thunder punch

a blissey of all things beat me.. WTF
883 | Blissey | Calm | Leftovers | Dream Eater | Sing | Softboiled | Counter | HP/SpD
i should've just sacrificed gengar
overall i think this team is solid (or not), i should've just played smarter askdjhjhfuy
Video no.: 36-03894-20320