Pokemon VGC 2010 DATES / rules announced for the US!

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Play live tournaments, anybody posting in this thread should really be keeping their eyes on the wifi-tournaments sub-forum where info on live tournaments will be. If you look you'll see there is a thread up for one tommorrow.

PBB if you get a chance do you think you could mention the live tournaments in the op since so many people seem to no realize.

I hope this isn't off topic for this thread, but do you have to pay the 20-10$ for IRC??? :/
I hope this isn't off topic for this thread, but do you have to pay the 20-10$ for IRC??? :/
Nope--after the 30 days for mIRC expires, all you have to do is wait a few seconds, and you'll be able to continue, and it'll be fine.
... how common is luck nowadays... I just got destroyed on PBR cause my Pokemon hit themselves in confusion... 3/3 times, sigh, this scouting isn't working too well lol
... how common is luck nowadays... I just got destroyed on PBR cause my Pokemon hit themselves in confusion... 3/3 times, sigh, this scouting isn't working too well lol

Did you SEE the world championship semi finals? Crit, freeze, instant unfreese, crit all in the same round.
I guess lol. I didn't watch the finals last year since I didn't participate :X and I sort of stopped paying attention the year before after I started griefing over that Dig Garchomp XD. hmm I still assume Giratina is going to give my team problems... I should test that out...
yep XD, for like a year, I couldn't get over how stupid I was to use Explosion when I had a better path to victory XD at least at that point I realized I should actually think during battles, and not lay out the situation before hand, yes that means planning is bad
Im having a little bit of trouble deciding between HG/SS. Who seems better suited for the VGC? Kyogre or Groudon? They both have very different uses and im not sure which to pick. I'll list here the advantages to both:

-HG (Kyogre)
-Rain helps lots of pokes out (mainly palkia, ludicolo, kingdra)
-Water Spout gets stronger

-SS (Groudon)
-Cherrim's Positive Form boosts groudon's low stat (Special Defense), provided you are using it. Speed doesnt matter since you want it to be low to activate Drought anyway.
-Eruption gets stronger, like water spout.
-Drought goes nicely with Ho-oh even though ho-oh is not SS's mascot, obtained late in-game. (lol)
-Sun is not as common as rain, so its not as expected, for the suprise factor.

So which one is better to get? Im thinking SS but im almost certain i havent listed all of HG's advantages. If anyone can find more advantages, just list them.
Im having a little bit of trouble deciding between HG/SS. Who seems better suited for the VGC? Kyogre or Groudon? They both have very different uses and im not sure which to pick. I'll list here the advantages to both:

-HG (Kyogre)
-Rain helps lots of pokes out (mainly palkia, ludicolo, kingdra)
-Water Spout gets stronger

-SS (Groudon)
-Cherrim's Positive Form boosts groudon's low stat (Special Defense), provided you are using it. Speed doesnt matter since you want it to be low to activate Drought anyway.
-Eruption gets stronger, like water spout.
-Drought goes nicely with Ho-oh even though ho-oh is not SS's mascot, obtained late in-game. (lol)
-Sun is not as common as rain, so its not as expected, for the suprise factor.

So which one is better to get? Im thinking SS but im almost certain i havent listed all of HG's advantages. If anyone can find more advantages, just list them.

I think Kyogre is more beneficial to use, IMO. As long as you run another weather inducer(sand/hail) you won't have much trouble with opposing rain/sun teams. Also, if your Groudon dies, it is much harder to get the sun benefit, since most teams I presume will run Kyogre(thus your Kyogre can die and you should still be able to win).

Honestly, I wouldn't waste my team with Eruption or Cherrim, as the former doesn't have any chlorophyll STAB users(and pokemon like Scarf Typhlosion are still outran by Swift Swimmers/some chlorophyll users).
I think Kyogre is more beneficial to use, IMO. As long as you run another weather inducer(sand/hail) you won't have much trouble with opposing rain/sun teams. Also, if your Groudon dies, it is much harder to get the sun benefit, since most teams I presume will run Kyogre(thus your Kyogre can die and you should still be able to win).

Honestly, I wouldn't waste my team with Eruption or Cherrim, as the former doesn't have any chlorophyll STAB users(and pokemon like Scarf Typhlosion are still outran by Swift Swimmers/some chlorophyll users).

Hmmm... If weather is going to be this important in this metagame, I mght just run rayquaza + mewtwo lead or something. But thanks for your view on this.
I don't think it was, there was something like TR > Rain > Sun > TR but now with the introduction of Auto-weather, those Rain Dance teams no longer require that first turn of set up, so they can plow through TR teams before they can set up or something along those lines.
And I'm pretty sure air lock cancels TR iirc...

Air Lock's description says it only cancels weather effects; Trick Room, Fog, Gravity and Uproar are field effects (that stack among themselves and with weather), so I don't see why Air Lock would cancel them too.
Air Lock's description says it only cancels weather effects; Trick Room, Fog, Gravity and Uproar are field effects (that stack among themselves and with weather), so I don't see why Air Lock would cancel them too.

Actually fog is a weather condition, it disappears when another weather condition takes its place. But its not like we'll ever see fog in the tournaments anyway.
Air Lock's description says it only cancels weather effects; Trick Room, Fog, Gravity and Uproar are field effects (that stack among themselves and with weather), so I don't see why Air Lock would cancel them too.

Well as I said, iirc lol.
I thought I heard it somewhere before though. But now I know for sure.
Dang, it would be nice if air lock canceled field effects.

I know I predict that t-tar, hippodon, and abamosnow will gain some popularity as starters, just to counter weather team starters.
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