[READ ME] Tips for Simple Hack Checks

It looks like 2016 XY/ORAS event Jirachi, and by looking at it's stats, I'd say it's legal, not legit. These wondercard Pokémon can be RNG abused, and while doing so, when aiming for a Timid nature, one wants the Atk stat to be 0, and not 31. And Twitch channel giveaways, I don't trust them, even if it's from a "mod".

As fellow user Buckert already adequately alluded to:

Generally speaking, Pokémon that are being given away during Twitch streams are always highly suspicious, since hacking allows the streamers to effortlessly create and distribute large quantities of hacked Pokémon to advertize their channels and to reel in unsuspecting viewers.
For non-event Pokémon they also usually use their Twitch handle or their channel URL as an OT.

Keep this rule of thumb in mind for when you obtain Pokémon like that through Wonder Trade, Surprise Trade, and the GTS in the future.
It looks like 2016 XY/ORAS event Jirachi, and by looking at it's stats, I'd say it's legal, not legit. These wondercard Pokémon can be RNG abused, and while doing so, when aiming for a Timid nature, one wants the Atk stat to be 0, and not 31. And Twitch channel giveaways, I don't trust them, even if it's from a "mod".

Ah thank you for your insight. I had no reason to suspect cause I chatted with them a bit and the streamer frequently talks during the stream so it wasn't like someone obscure hiding behind anonymity. I'll do becareful, it was given away afterall so I didn't feel like I lost out!

As fellow user Buckert already adequately alluded to:

Generally speaking, Pokémon that are being given away during Twitch streams are always highly suspicious, since hacking allows the streamers to effortlessly create and distribute large quantities of hacked Pokémon to advertize their channels and to reel in unsuspecting viewers.
For non-event Pokémon they also usually use their Twitch handle or their channel URL as an OT.

Keep this rule of thumb in mind for when you obtain Pokémon like that through Wonder Trade, Surprise Trade, and the GTS in the future.
I thought it'd be a different case cause my sister had gotten a Zeraora and had it OK'd in a big SwSh discord server so I had some sort of hope my Jirachi was ok. Perhaps I should've have known cause because of its 6IV and my sister's wasn't perfect iv. I've only begun to step foot into being aware of this so I'll try to be more careful. >< Also the stream was more about GMAX raid dens so I was there for that than the giveaway portion of it!
while I am here, my sister wanted to check the Jirachi she got recently.

Language: ENG
Species: Jirachi
OT: Nintendo HK
ID No.: 12015
Ability: Serene Gtace
Pokemon's name: Jirachi
Gender: None
Level: 25
Pokeball: Cherish
Shiny?: Yes
Pentagon/Cross? Pentagon
Moves: Wish, Confusion, Swift, Happy Hour
Nature: Adamant
Region of origin: "It seems to have traveled all the way across space and time itself to join me from the Hoenn region, where it met its original Trainer in a fateful encounter."
Characteristic: It's somewhat vain.
Ribbons: Classic Ribbon.
Other comments (optional): Trade.
The description seems to match this event and seems to be untouched, by looking at the info I'd say someone had the event and SR'ed it since the IV's aren't perfect but have a good nature, so I'm thorn between a legit Pokemon someone either didn't care much for (even tho it's a shiny Jirachi)/mistankenly traded or someone who is a lazy hacker. Since she got it fom a trade with someone she doesn't seem to know I wouldn't trust it as legit, you better always assume those as hacked unless you or someone you trust got the Pokemon.
Made this strange trade in HOME through GTS a few days ago, and I really don't know if I've been lucky or if this is a cheat freely given away...

Language: ENG
Species: Lunala
OT: Gridelin
ID No.: 863658
IVs: 31/0/31/HyperTrained/HyperTrained/31
Ability: Shadow Shield
Pokemon's name: Lunala
Gender: None
Level: 100
Pokeball: Pokéball
Shiny?: No
Pentagon/Cross? Cross
Moves: Calm Mind/Moongeist Beam/Psyshock/Ice Beam
Nature: Timid
Region of origin: Alola
Characteristic: Capable of taking hits.
Ribbons: None
Other comments (optional): Already fully EVsed (252 in SpA and Spe). Obtained in HOME through GTS. The funny thing is that in exchange it was requested a Popplio, so as soon as I saw it I quickly started the trade. I wonder what the other player was thinking...
I’d like to check my gts home shiny mons, I’ve taken out the 6iv ones because those are 99% hacked. Wanted to get these two checked first. Thanks in advance

Pokemon: Latios
OT and ID#: かける/050708
Level: 60
IV (Decent/best/best/best/decent/pretty good):
Shiny (y/n): y
Pokeball Caught In: dusk ball
Obtain Method: GTS
Ribbons: none
Encounter: Seems to have been first met in the alola region
Hypertrained (which stats): none
Nature + Ability: Adamant/ levitate
Stamp / Origin Mark: alola
Moveset: Luster Purge, Dragon pulse, Psycho shift, dragon breath
Any other marks/pokerus: no

Pokemon: poiple
OT and ID#: Max/907013
IV (decent/best/decent/best/best/best):
Shiny (y/n):y
Pokeball Caught In: pokeball
Obtain Method: GTS
Encounter: seems to have been first met in the alola region
Hypertrained (which stats):none
Nature + Ability: lonely/beast boost
Stamp / Origin Mark: alola
Moveset: fell stinger, toxic, nasty plot, poison jab
Any other marks/pokerus: pokerus (not cured)
I'm a little out of touch with legality of wondercards after gen 5, so bear with me:

I injected and RNG'd the Shiny Event Jirachi (Hong Kong) on Citra, with my region being US. Was this event region locked or is this region spoofing or whatever it's called? I can't find any info on what region Hong Kong DSes/events belong to.

I'm a little out of touch with legality of wondercards after gen 5, so bear with me:

I injected and RNG'd the Shiny Event Jirachi (Hong Kong) on Citra, with my region being US. Was this event region locked or is this region spoofing or whatever it's called? I can't find any info on what region Hong Kong DSes/events belong to.

If the Jirachi you're talking about is this one then it's illegal by Smogon rules, the region for this one is supposed to be either JPN or EU, you can just change your location and RNG it again to be tradeable here, or you can RNG this Wonder Card which is region free.

Edit: there's also this Wonder Card which should be fine for US region on Citra.
while I assume this is hacked, it has the Korean ID NO but English name. Is it possible it was from the event and they hacked it to have a English name?

Language: ENG
Species: Genesect
OT: was in Korean
ID No.: 01014
IVs: Amazing stats
Obtained Wonder trade
Ability: Download
Pokemon's name: Genesect
Gender: None
Level: 100
Pokeball: cherish ball
Shiny?: Yes
Moves: Techno blast/ flamethrower /flash Cannon/ blizzard
Nature: hasty
Region of origin: unova
Characteristic: Takes plenty of siestas.
Ribbons: wishing ribbon
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while I assume this is hacked, it has the Korean ID NO but English name. Is it possible it was from the event and they hacked it to have a English name?
That's entirely possible, as well as hacking on what I'm sure is conveniently perfect IVs (tho think it should at least have 31 Atk and Spe). IIRC that event was a local distro, meaning it could take on the language of your save, hence the English name and language tag. Given that, think it's at least legal from the info provided.

That said, Idk why anyone would give out their (assuming perfect) legit shiny Genesect via WT. :blobshrug:
That why I was like what lol I don’t see why you would do that


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Language: ENG
Species: original hat pikachu
OT: Ash
ID No.: 120516
IVs: good stats
Obtained discord trade for legendary
Ability: static
Pokemon's name: pikachu
Gender: male
Level: 19
Pokeball: pokeball
Shiny?: no
Moves: thunderbolt/quick attack/ iron tail/ electro ball
Nature: hardy
Region of origin: alola
Characteristic: its proud of power
Ribbons: wishing ribbon
Language: ENG
Species: original hat pikachu
OT: Ash
ID No.: 120516
IVs: good stats
Obtained discord trade for legendary
Ability: static
Pokemon's name: pikachu
Gender: male
Level: 19
Pokeball: pokeball
Shiny?: no
Moves: thunderbolt/quick attack/ iron tail/ electro ball
Nature: hardy
Region of origin: alola
Characteristic: its proud of power
Ribbons: wishing ribbon
Uh, I'm not sure if you checked wrong but the TID 120516 is Alola hat Pikachu, so if it's a original hat Pikachu then it's hacked, besides that i don't see anything shady about it, you can post a picture of its summary screen if you want someone to take a better look at it, I'm going with legit legal based on the info given(assuming it's a alola hat and not a original hat).

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Hello, I'm new to this site. Can you guys check if these are legit. Thanks for responding, btw.

Language: ENG
Species: Celebi
ID No.: 56396
IVs: 30 (Best), 30 (Fantastic), 30 (Best), 31 (Best), 30 (Best), 30 (Best)
EVs (optional):
Ability: Natural Cure
Pokemon's name: Celebi
Gender: N/A
Level: 30
Pokeball: Pokeball
Shiny?: No
Pentagon/Cross? (if yes, specify): Gameboy Origin
Moves: Heal Bell, Safeguard, Ancient Power, Future Sight
Nature: Timid
Region of origin: Johto region
Characteristic: Mischievous
Ribbons: N/A
Other comments (optional): If Celebi is Lvl 100, the mon's IVs are: 31, 30, 31, 31, 31, 31. I assume that this is hacked.

Language: ENG
Species: Solgaleo
OT: Martyn
ID No.: 866598
IVs: 17 (Pretty good),31 (Best),30 (Best), 9 (Decent),30 (Best) ,26 (Very Good)
EVs (optional):
Ability: Full Metal Body
Pokemon's name: Solgaleo
Gender: N/A
Level: 55
Pokeball: Pokeball
Shiny?: No
Pentagon/Cross? (if yes, specify): Cross
Moves: Sunsteel Strike, Cosmic Power, Crunch, Zen Headbutt
Nature: Quirky
Region of origin: Alola region
Characteristic: It likes to thrash about!
Ribbons: N/A
Other comments (optional): If Solgaleo is Lvl 100, the mon's IVs are: 17, 31, 31, 10, 31, 27. Just adding this mon for checking in case that it is fishy, but for me, it isn't. It has a blue triangle marking, blue square marking, blue star marking and, red violet diamond marking (this may be about its IV).
Celebi transferred from VC automatically has 5 perfect (31) IVs. The fact that it has 4 30 IVs implies it’s hacked.

(someone correct me if I’m wrong, it’s been a while)

edit: whoops didn’t notice the last line
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