Rotom Forms

hp ice won't be doing much and they will probable switching into thunderbolt/overheat unless you have perfect prediction, now you come back into the game for 25% SR damage. +2 immunities lost ect. already had stab t-bolt, loses stab shadow ball ect.

We don't know whether stealth rock will play a big role in the metagame this time around. As of the moment, SR is not give out as a TM, and only a few precious number of pokemon learn it through levelling up. Furthermore, even if pokemon from the DPPT generation are able to pass over to the BW metagame, the new item Aiming Mark (I believe that's what it is called), helps out greatly spinning away rocks.

Although it's not hard to predict Rotom-H, Rotom-H faced the exact same problem when playing with Choice Specs and Scarf the last generation. It was easy to switch into a resisted Overheat, or Shadow Ball, or an immune Discharge/Thunderbolt, but it didn't slow down the usage of Rotom-H. No one likes to have a Choice Spec tricked onto their pokemon, and when used correctly, Rotom-H can be an effective revenge killer. And plus, don't scoff at a decent 105 SpA.

Defensively, I admit Rotom-H has taken a hit. Being immune to Lucario's Extreme Speed and Close Combat was one of its main points in revenge killing it. A Close Combat will do major damage against it, especially when +2. However, regardless, it still resists many important types, such as Ice (a move more important than ever, when we see the new dragon types introduced), Steel (Scizor's Bullet Punch), Grass (A new addition, especially with the introduction of Ninetales' Drought, giving Chlorophyll pokemon a much better status in the metagame), Fire (Again, Ninetales' Drought raises the effectiveness of fire attacks). Also, it loses a Dark and Ghost weakness, two typings that were prevalent in the previous metagame. I still see Rotom-H being an effective defensive pokemon, especially with status moves like Discharge, and Will o Wisp.
All except for Fire Rotom have lost their resistance to U-Turn. I don't know how popular Scizor will be in the new metagame, but assuming he is used, you no longer have a choice as to which form you want to use to counter it.
Is it possible that Rotom-H will have access to Flamethrower and Rotom-F will have access to Ice Beam via TM? It makes sense, since it would be kind of weird to have access to only one STAB move (Overheat, Blizzard, Leaf Storm, etc.).
Is it possible that Rotom-H will have access to Flamethrower and Rotom-F will have access to Ice Beam via TM? It makes sense, since it would be kind of weird to have access to only one STAB move (Overheat, Blizzard, Leaf Storm, etc.).
No, they still only have access to their signatures moves for Secondary STAB.
Is it possible that Rotom-H will have access to Flamethrower and Rotom-F will have access to Ice Beam via TM? It makes sense, since it would be kind of weird to have access to only one STAB move (Overheat, Blizzard, Leaf Storm, etc.).
I doubt it unless they made the form changes permanent. Otherwise you could have Rotom-W running around with Ice Beam and Flamethrower or something.
Oh, gdamn it really?? No ghost type is seriously :/

Like others have said, Water form will be an impressive offensive pokemon. It should even consider going Specs now I think.
I'm really looking forward to trying out SubCharge Rotom-w. It has the best way to punish the Ground types who are immune to Charge Beam, and its solid typing makes it even more attractive.
A loss of spin blockers is truly tragic however I must admit the potential Scizor counter and wash form are somewhat viable. It is possible game freak forsaw the drop in spin blockers due to SR no longer a TM and being accessible to unlikely competitive battling poke and wanted to expand on Rotom's form.

It does look promising to use Fire and Wash form though at this early stage I can only say further research and practice will provide the needed answers
Just in terms of typing I like the toaster and lawnmower forms the most, but the washing machine is probably going to see the most usage (toaster in second).
I'm not sure if anybody realized it, but rotom-fridge is now resistant to boltbeam, so it may give it a niche and is not that bad of a defensive typing!
Also, even if you don't like Blizzard, Fridge-Tom at least can use STAB Hidden Power Ice-- this is more powerful than if a pure electric type got Ice Beam (95 Ice Beam v. 105 STAB HP)
I don't understand why everyone isn't commenting how much of an upgrade Rotom-H got. He may be hit super effectively by water and rock, two of the more common attacks in the metagame (well the 4th generation metagame anyways). However, he gets super effective coverage on water types, with thunderbolt/discharge, and he's able to get past the rock weakness with Hidden Power Ice. I believe that an offensive set of choice scarf/spec with Overheat, Hidden Power Ice, Discharge/Thunder and Trick will be effective. It's able to neutralize any walls like Blissey that want to switch it. It has a multitude of resistances that it can switch in on, such as ground, bug, grass, steel, and ice and hit back hard with an almost unresisted coverage. STAB Overheat will receive an additional STAB, allowing Rotom-H to hit harder before inevitably switching out, and discharge and Hidden Power Ice form a pseudo-boltbeam combo that's been effective since the dawn of the metagame. I'm looking forward to using Rotom-H on my team in the new metagame. Although it'd be my first time, I'm looking forward to writing this guy's analysis on the new metagame.

You forgot about combining two of the best offensive types in the game and turning a quad ground weakness into an immunity :D

Considering Fire and Electric are hailed more for offense than defense, the combination of the two has a whopping 7 resistances and only 2 weaknesses.
There already were two pokemon that got STAB on the two best offensive types in the game: Kindra and Palkia.

Fire is a terrific secondary attacking type, Electric is an ok one (ie. Flygon with Fire Blast is good, and Flygon with Thunder Punch is ok).

For offensive STAB types? Water and Dragon are definitely the two best in the game. As an Un-STAB move Hydro Pump is pretty "meh," but without a doubt Wash-Tom is now the most blessed of the rotom forms.
There already were two pokemon that got STAB on the two best offensive types in the game: Kindra and Palkia.

Fire is a terrific secondary attacking type, Electric is an ok one (ie. Flygon with Fire Blast is good, and Flygon with Thunder Punch is ok).

For offensive STAB types? Water and Dragon are definitely the two best in the game.

Technically Dragon paired with anything that Steel doesn't resist is a perfect offensive typing. Fire, Fighting, or Ground w/Dragon would be the best by that logic as they are super effective.

I said "two of the best" not "the two best".
No, my point is that Gyarados has a better STAB than Heatran. There are a lot more pokemon who can safely switch in on Fire than Water. With a STAB to supply the power boost, those neutral hits are more important than getting a few super effective ones.

Water is almost 100% superior to fire as both a STAB type and as a defensive type. Fire and Water have similar coverage, but water gets more neutral coverage while fire gets more super effective hits-- with STAB the more neutral coverage the better. Defensively too, they have similar resistances (to fire, ice and steel), but water also resists water and has no SR weak-- which is awesome. Wash-Tom is only weak to Grass, one of the most terrible attacking types in competitive play.

Only resisted by Dragon, Grass, and Water, the first two destroyed by Ice Beam and the 3rd a mirror match, Water is without a doubt the best STAB a pokemon can have (other than Dragon).

Non-fire pokemon like Fire Attacks, but without a doubt a Water Type pokemon is generally scarier than a fire one (given the same base stats/ability).
Well, it looks like I'll be heading back to Zapdos as the physical half of my defensive core. I loved Rotom-A and Gamefreak just ruined it, as a defensive Pokemon that is. It seems to have gained a lot offensively, but is no longer very useful as a spin-blocker, steel counter, fighting counter, or any of those defensive/support options.
Rotom frost is screaming PUT ME ON YOUR HAIL TEAM NAOWWWWW Well, now it even has hail immunity and stab, it might sweep.
Rotom frost is screaming PUT ME ON YOUR HAIL TEAM NAOWWWWW Well, now it even has hail immunity and stab, it might sweep.

But unlike its IV version, it can't provide that useful Fighting immunity anymore. There are plenty of strong STAB Blizzards in Hail.
I know it is just a "what if" question, but do you all think that a better move on gamefreak's part would have been to make them all grass/ghost, fire/ghost etc? that was what i initially hoped for, because this is just... not good. it seems like with every new info leak we just keep getting further and further from fourth gen. it was to be expected but it seems like the entirety of competitive battling is being overhauled.
Offensive Typing
Resisted by: Electric/Steel, Lanturn

minor nitpick here, but ironically, Electric/Ice is also a resistor of the boltbeam combo. As is Electric/Fire (making Rotom-H an excellent counter to Rotom-F)
But unlike its IV version, it can't provide that useful Fighting immunity anymore. There are plenty of strong STAB Blizzards in Hail.

but none that got stab T-Bolt ;)

In general the type change is a mixed blessing the loss of the ghost type hurts really but there are new ghosts to play with and the washing machine seems really good and none of them is weak to pursuit now.

I dont think they wil be that much used now they lost their ability to block rapid spin and absorb explosion or counter fighters but their stats are still good and i thnik all of them will find its niche maybe even the levitating flying type troll.