Still waiting on three tier leaders (by my count), but I want to keep the momentum, so let me summarize the results so far:
The tier leaders are pretty split, with a slight majority in favor of Option 3. The votes also didn't break down the way I'd have expected, with higher tiers (those minimally affected) voting one way and the lower tiers (who stand to get the most new mons) voting another, so that kind of complicates matters.
Given that this is far from a slam-dunk decision, I'm wondering if there's not some middle ground.
First off, those who opposed separate tiering (
Mizuhime), I just want to make sure you realize that the TIMETABLE for this would be the November shift at the earliest, but preferably we'd wait until the release of the next game (regardless of generation, though only assuming the new game has a good number of new mega Pokemon).
If you realized this was the case already and really feel that the best option is to "do nothing" because you actively oppose tiering separately, rather than just not wanting to rock the boat right now, then do me a favor and just hit "like" on this post.
If given this context, you'd like to amend your vote (even just changing to "abstain" or "don't care") please post below.