Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 40 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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So as of
Right now, what's the most viable competitive thundurus set and spread? If u can't help me can u link me to where I can ask

A simple 31/00/30/31/31/31 IV spread for Hidden Power Ice

Mostly Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, HP Ice and holding Life Orb. Sub with leftovers can be an option for Thundurus as well.

I guess Defiant can work, never tried it so I have no idea how effective it is tbh. >_>

Just because things "get through" doesn't mean they're legit :P too many people assume the hack checker in Poke Transporter is infallible.
People think that? I thought everyone knew the hack checker for Poke Transporter was s***. lol
You can have a Fly Pikachu on XY if the pokemon came from Black and White. There was a fly Pikachu event for Pokemon Black and White.

You cannot transfer a fly or surf Pikachu from HGSS.

You can have a Fly Pikachu on XY if the pokemon came from Black and White. There was a fly Pikachu event for Pokemon Black and White.

You cannot transfer a fly or surf Pikachu from HGSS.

You can have a Fly Pikachu on XY if the pokemon came from Black and White. There was a fly Pikachu event for Pokemon Black and White.

You cannot transfer a fly or surf Pikachu from HGSS.
Wow no need to be condescending, I actually asked initially to try and clarify how a legitimate one would be found, and got people telling me either they can't or only via the walker, so don't have a go at me for trying to figure it out based on the replies I get.
Just because things "get through" doesn't mean they're legit :P too many people assume the hack checker in Poke Transporter is infallible.

I never said I was stupid enough to believe everything that comes through is real XD But it doesn't change the fact that several people claim to have them, and therefore I wanted to know if there was a way or not.
A simple 31/00/30/31/31/31 IV spread for Hidden Power Ice

Mostly Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, HP Ice and holding Life Orb. Sub with leftovers can be an option for Thundurus as well.

I guess Defiant can work, never tried it so I have no idea how effective it is tbh. >_>

Defiant sets were a bit better on HO teams during the Deo's era, since Thundurus could had a bit more surprise factor than Bisharp for Defiant, and didn't always want to risk momentum on Thunder Wave since the team was usually already fast. I imagine it's less viable with their hazards gone.
Wow no need to be condescending, I actually asked initially to try and clarify how a legitimate one would be found, and got people telling me either they can't or only via the walker, so don't have a go at me for trying to figure it out based on the replies I get.
I never said I was stupid enough to believe everything that comes through is real XD But it doesn't change the fact that several people claim to have them, and therefore I wanted to know if there was a way or not.

You can edit your posts and reply to more than one person. You were told more than once that Gen 4 ones don't pass and that there was an event in Gen 5 for "Fly" Pikachu. Nippon Pikachu = Gen 5, World Champ 2012 = Gen 5, both have "Fly".

If you want them find someone to trade them to you, there is a Japanese event coming out in August that will be a Pikachu that has "Surf". I wouldn't take Chill's statement so harshly, it's been said a few times prior by several people.
Wow no need to be condescending, I actually asked initially to try and clarify how a legitimate one would be found, and got people telling me either they can't or only via the walker, so don't have a go at me for trying to figure it out based on the replies I get.
I wasn't being condescending. I already told you this before you made your other post saying that you were going try and catch one so it. I was just trying to keep you from wasting your time.

Or maybe I was being condescending and trying to keep you from wasting your time. Either way, I wasn't trying to pick on you or hurt your feelings.
Does anybody have a female HA Marill or Pachirisu and 0 IV in HP and SpD?
The rest of the IV do not matter.
Thanks in advance my fellow PokeBreeders :D

Edit: Only need it for a short time, no purpose on keeping it!
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Hi, is there a way to check a non-flawless IV of a level 1 monster with out KeySV / Power saves? Is there some place I can check the stats at level 50 or something? EDIT: With out saving? This would help breeding Hidden Power monsters, and possibly a semi-flawless Boomlax.
Hi, is there a way to check a non-flawless IV of a level 1 monster with out KeySV / Power saves? Is there some place I can check the stats at level 50 or something?
Yep, just go to the Battle Institute in Lumiose City. Save before the battle, then check once you enter the battle. The only downside is since you can only use one of each Pokemon in battles there, you can't check multiple of the same Pokemon very fast :/
Hi, is there a way to check a non-flawless IV of a level 1 monster with out KeySV / Power saves? Is there some place I can check the stats at level 50 or something? EDIT: With out saving? This would help breeding Hidden Power monsters, and possibly a semi-flawless Boomlax.
KeyBV only uses battle videos and your computer. If you don't use Windows you can still emulate it on mac.
Hey-o looking for a few pokemon that I need on short notice.

That timid Jirachi that's going around, it has water pulse.

HA tentacool, is this possible in anything other than a pokeball?

Ferroseed, relaxed.

Poliwag (HA).

If you have an of these pokemon please contact me and we can talk about stuff. :p
Hey-o looking for a few pokemon that I need on short notice.

That timid Jirachi that's going around, it has water pulse.

HA tentacool, is this possible in anything other than a pokeball?

Ferroseed, relaxed.

Poliwag (HA).

If you have an of these pokemon please contact me and we can talk about stuff. :p
HA Tentacool can be in any ball available in gen 5 except Cherish.
Going to be SRing Game Zards and I want to know what the perfect stats for Lv 36 are. Can anyone help out lazy little me?

Also lockiegengar12, be a bud and PM me the Fancy Vivillon perfect stats. I still haven't given up on getting a reasonable spread! ;)

Someone has probably already helped out but I figured it couldn't hurt. My first time doing this but these should be right:

Charizard @ 36 with all 31 IVs







I have four Munchlax I need checked for Shiny Value. Please PM me if you can do this.

KeyBV only uses battle videos and your computer. If you don't use Windows you can still emulate it on mac.

Yeah, I'm going to buy a new Laptop just for that soon. This 2006 Mac book can't run the emulator.
Looking for friend safaris with warturtles, start a convo with me if you have a friend safari with anyone of these.
Also, my friend safari is a fire type with pyroars, braxiens, and pansears in it.
I also need one with metang in it if possible, please.
I want to offer a male Lv. 1 Froakie with HA Protean, Timid (+Speed, -PhyDmg), 31/X/31/31/31/31 from Germany, should be perfect for you to DV-Shiny breed.
My wish is to have a different pokemon with HA or at least best ability, 5 x 31 in the perfect spots and perfect nature, to evolve into something from the OU tier. Also not from Germany please. Male preferred.

I am open-minded to your offers. (PM preferred)
Hey-o looking for a few pokemon that I need on short notice.

That timid Jirachi that's going around, it has water pulse.

HA tentacool, is this possible in anything other than a pokeball?

Ferroseed, relaxed.

Poliwag (HA).

If you have an of these pokemon please contact me and we can talk about stuff. :p
I have a rain dish dream ball tentacool. I can probably catch you a relaxed Ferroseed too.

We need to trade the other six anyway
hey,i dont think that the question is belong to here but how can i open a trade thread?
See "Trade Thread rules" -

To actually create a thread, go to the main page of the wi-fi forum. Click on the blue button that says [Post New Thread] give the created thread a name and fill it with all necessary information. If you need ideas there's plenty of decent to good formats from other people you can use.
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I have four Munchlax I need checked for Shiny Value. Please PM me if you can do this.


Yeah, I'm going to buy a new Laptop just for that soon. This 2006 Mac book can't run the emulator.

I'm not sure if there is a Mac verison for KeyBV yet but can confirm it seems to work through everything up to Windows 8.

hey,i dont think that the question is belong to here but how can i open a trade thread?

What Esemya said. Just follow the rules and you'll be fine.

Also, if you check the OP, first page of this thread - there's a list of common terms people use on the Wi-Fi forms you might want to familiarise yourself with before starting a thread. It will ease the process of sliding into it if you know what people are saying when they go on about, "CMT for hex flawless Gible".
I have a shiny Boldore (Great Ball) from Wonder Trade , I'll take any offers and I'll be very reasonable with what I take. PM please. (Don't offer shinies please or anything like Fletchling, Ralts etc.)

Also looking for Friend Safaris with the following: Breloom, Seviper, Whirlipede, Nincada, Duosion, Sneasel, Beartic, Heracross, Golurk, Crawdaunt, Sableye & Absol.
Bump for the Shiny Boldore.
My newest baby! :)

-No PowerSaves involved (for once)
-Obtained for an actual GAME store in the UK
-Looking for good offers, probably other SR'd events.

- PM moi.


GAME Zard (Hasty/Blaze) Cherish Ball


OT: GAME 2014 ID no: 07114

Crap you'll never use Moves:

-Flame Burst
-Fire Fang
-Air Slash

Comes with a Charizardite Y.
And a Classic Ribbon (but who cares?)

lockiegengar12, if you still don't have one in.. say a week, you can have my baby for free.
But shhh, don't tell anyone else.
Crap, everyone can see this..
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