Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 43 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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I have some questions regarding events:

1.) Which Pokemon get those at least 3 perfect IVs? Does it include only the ones that can't breed like Diancie?
2.) Does the codes expire? And if yes, then how long?
3.) Do Japanese event codes also work on English carts? (Example: Japanese-only event Darkrai code to be used in an English cart)
I have some questions regarding events:

1.) Which Pokemon get those at least 3 perfect IVs? Does it include only the ones that can't breed like Diancie?
2.) Does the codes expire? And if yes, then how long?
3.) Do Japanese event codes also work on English carts? (Example: Japanese-only event Darkrai code to be used in an English cart)

1. Only Pokemon that can't breed. Pokemon in the Undiscovered egg group like baby Pokemon also have 3IVs when caught in the wild but idk if any were ever given out as events.

2. It expires after a few months but it depends. I think the recent event Gengars expire in February, for example.

3. Nope, and neither do PAL region codes work on NA 3DSes and so on.
Hmm another kinda unrelated question...
Is there something wrong about the edit avatar for your profile? It seems I can't upload a pic from my computer.
Every time I press "Browse...", nothing happened (under the upload custom avatar option).
I have some questions regarding events:

1.) Which Pokemon get those at least 3 perfect IVs? Does it include only the ones that can't breed like Diancie?
2.) Does the codes expire? And if yes, then how long?
3.) Do Japanese event codes also work on English carts? (Example: Japanese-only event Darkrai code to be used in an English cart)

1. only the non breedable
2. Each event has its distribution period. After it is over you wont be able to claim the prize
3. No
?? After you get the code you have the wonder card in your game and it will be there until you claim the prize... So the code itself becomes useless irrelevant

Never mind :/
I don't really understand what you said.

rufusdrumknott already answered it
Excuse me, please?

I'm looking for a Jolly lucario (male/female) with the Ability Justified and with these attacks: (Iron tail, bullet punch, ice punch, and close combat). I really do know if it's possible for it to be in a different pokeball (since ice punch and iron tail can only be obtained from 4th/5th gen), but if it's really not and if it's only in a regular pokeball, that's fine with me.

If anyone has one and if you want something in return, you can CMT for it if you wish. Thank you.

I'm looking for female Pokemon in Apricorn balls. Don't care about IV's, natures and such.
I don't have anything to offer in return, so I'm perfectly fine with your most horrible spit backs. :)
Hey, anybody available to help me finish my pokedex and get the shiny charm? I'm 18 pokemon away, mostly legends, I just need to trade and trade back. I play vgc so most of the Pokemon I can offer are of that bane, I can also offer battle items, breeding services, and I can ev train your pokemon at 5 at a time.
Thank you, Jezabel Wrote! Managed to scrape off that gray stuff with a coin and got the code. I still stand by my claim below, though (for personal reasons).

My day sucks. No, wait, scratch that. AUSTRIA sucks >:[
Does anybody have an extra EU Gengar code?
So, apparently my local GameStop (Austria) does carry event codes, so I decided to grab one. Unfortunately, I was only allowed one code, even though I had both games with me for proof, and now that one code of mine has become unusable. Whilst trying to remove the plastic STICKER, over half of the code was destroyed - 9 of 16 numbers and letters got stuck to the sticker. I've tried by best to read the nine numbers/letters through the dark gray sticker, but to no avail.

So, to that I ask, does anyone have an extra EU Gengar code they'd be willing to part with? I'd trade something for it, so I'm not asking for anything for free (ironic, isn't it?).
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My day sucks. No, wait, scratch that. EUROPE sucks >:[
Does anybody have an extra EU Gengar code?
So, apparently my local GameStop (Austria) does carry event codes, so I decided to grab one. Unfortunately, I was only allowed one code, even though I had both games with me for proof, and now that one code of mine has become unusable. Whilst trying to remove the plastic STICKER, over half of the code was destroyed - 9 of 16 numbers and letters got stuck to the sticker. I've tried by best to read the nine numbers/letters through the dark gray sticker, but to no avail.

So, to that I ask, does anyone have an extra EU Gengar code they'd be willing to part with? I'd trade something for it, so I'm not asking for anything for free (ironic, isn't it?).

I would try and get you one if they still have them tomorrow as I have to go there in any case but I am not sure if they will still have one though as the event ends tomorrow. Others around here may have it though.

In any case, the thing is those stickers fucking never should been pulled off. Just don't. That's literally asking for it to go wrong. Grab a coin and scratch over the grey part. It will come off and the numbers will be protected by the sticker, which is itself transparent. Heck, back in the days, here in spain many codes would have come with the coin instructions.

But let's put it easier: grab the code and show it to them? If it's unusable, unless they want to be real pricks and tell you that it's your fault for pulling off what you shouldn't they should give you a new one, no?
Looking for someone willing to do 7 "quick battles" with me, as I have to check egg SVs again on my 41 eggs.
Try visiting my chat room from my sig.
I'm looking for female Pokemon in Apricorn balls. Don't care about IV's, natures and such.
I don't have anything to offer in return, so I'm perfectly fine with your most horrible spit backs. :)

I can catch some in HG, depending on which ones you want (haven't completed the Kanto segment). Won't be available till later tonight however.
I have a question for those who do HP Breeding, do you breed the HP ditto with a 5iv or with another HP pokemon?

I usually start with a trash poke but starting with a 5 IV poke is a good start (unless its a Hidden Power with a lot of 30's like HP Fighting or Rock). You breed until you get the right Hidden Power or its opposite (i.e. HP Electric means I got the wrong attack stat when breeding for HP Grass, but still works as a breeding mother). I'd say 2/3 of my HP breeding mothers are perfect/opposite, and the last 1/3 being 4 IV. The 4 IV just take longer to produce viable babies (which are usually male to spite me ;p).


Just hatched another shiny (#5 for Gen 6), I mean hell I just hatched shiny exeggcute yesterday! (Again Masuda Method but no Shiny Charm)

Female | Volt Absorb
31/1/31/30/31/31 (HP Electric)

And in line with my luck of never getting a perfect shiny, I AM YET AGAIN 1 STAT AWAY FROM BEING PERFECT!!!

But also in line with all my shiny pokes, they are at least still viable. Missed the HP Grass but least T-Bolt is a decent replacement (tho now I'm walled by Seismitoad pretty hard).
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