Smeargle's Studio Second Annual Secret Santa: MERRY CHRISTMAS FINAL DAY!!!!!!!~~~~~~

lol just so everybody knows i post things between 8 and 11pm central time

sooooooooo unless i dont make it within that deadline dont bitch at me

though i do find skeleton op images pretyt funny
I know, I appologize, I really didnt mean to offend, though i knew it would happen. i was just dying to post that since last night.

Appologies NJ ^_^'
nasty is apparently doing it to pay us right for nagging her about it
actually she's just lazy
nasty be a good santa and post tomorrow
*slaps nastyjungle on the back of the skull*


I want more art! It keeps me alive!

*losing strength*

*gasping for air*
Sorry everyone, Christmas has been cancelled because NJ killed Santa in a drunk driving accident with his sleigh. She's currently being sued by Mrs Santa for acts of terrorism (or just plain ol' terror) against Christmas.
I wish I may, I wish I might, I wish and pray with all my might, for my sake, for their sake, for our sake that NJ brings us out presents tonight.

heres to you OP, cheers
Santa is so busy with finals it hurts
6 pictures because yesterday santa was pulling an all-nighter

From: Master Win
To: Dan Dan
"a Magmortar santa riding a sleigh being pulled across the sky by his faithful crew of Ariados. Yup."

From: Bynine
To: reyscarface
"santa id like the MOST BADASS ABSOL EVER

better if hes smoking a joint"

From: ZcX
To: Swaggersaurus
"hi can i please have something that features cute mons dratini, aron, azelf, whimsicott (is that how you even spell that??) doing something cute AND/OR christmasy"

From: Penguin344
To: Mekkah
"anything with exeggutor"

From: Casteel
"my wish is for a zombie mawile to be eating the brains of a wizard swadloon. or attempting to, either or."

From: elcheeso
To: Rodumb
"a hariyama laughing at some ethiopian children"
RODAN, you did not deserve such awesome art; your request basically ruined Christmas :(

Great work by everyone as usual, especially elcheeso for doing that request so well... Also oh my god, I just noticed that Mawile's brains are showing aaaa but it looks so cool.
Casteel that is fucking brilliant

but RODAN >:( elcheeso's incredible talent was wasted on that :(

nazijungle making up for her laziness yesterday well today :)
Wow, that's horrible

EDIT: I'm sorry that elcheeso had to draw that shit of a request