was in overdrive and clicked too fast in the first 40 turns, but won vs jordy gg
jokes on you dummy. dice is 100% smarter than you and probably 87% of the time is the smartest in the room. he literally doesn’t need to test as he has predictive powers. one time in a league of legends game he was shielding himself from my abilities before i even threw them out. he’s a monster on the sticks and you should appreciate that you even had the opportunitySubbing Narwhal in over Dice
snaga d0nut rozes
This is now twice this season Dice has randomly been completely MIA and gotten/almost gotten us an activity loss, not to mention his “smartest guy in the room” attitude all season and refusing to test, ever. Seriously, how much does a player have to do in a team tour to get banned? This is ridiculous.