There are a lot of things I want to mention first. In this part, I'm also going to refresh you all on the Pokemons' stats, and ability set, since I imagine I'm the only person on the planet who would know all of that. I'm also going to give a competitive summary of what I think they all gained.
I gave Knock Off and Trick Room low distribution before now, so I'll be italicizing those instead because I gave those to a ton of Pokemon. The Isle of Armor moves didn't exist before now so I distributed those as well. Also, Roulettemons get IoA moves and moves that didn't exist before now distributed to them at random and their signature move was made randomly, but I won't go into specifics on either of those.
also some of these sprites need reworks or straight up are not finished lol
View attachment 280152
Azurolt (Duo Pokedex)
90 / 105 / 110 / 105 / 100 / 90
Ground / Electric
Sturdy / Iron Fist / Electric Surge
Notable Moves - Earthquake, Thunder Punch, Wild Charge, Bulk Up, Stealth Rock, Nasty Plot, Thunderbolt, Earth Power, Volt Switch, Flash Cannon, Iron Head,
Bulldoze, Freeze Shock, Spikes, Trick Room, Knock Off, Stormcloud, Sand Stomp, Destructive Blow, Scorching Sands, Dewy Flowers, Crystal Surge (100 BP / 100 Acc | Special, Electric | The user becomes immune to Ground moves for 5 turns.)
...Yeah, I'm sorry. There's going to be a lot of information in each Pokemon, and I'm going to be going over all 36 of them. I'll try to keep things as brief as possible in terms of explanations for returning Pokemon. Anyways, Azurolt has a lot of new options. Knock Off, Scorching Sands, Spikes, and Dewy Flowers all have their place on utility sets. I could see Destructive Blow being a great coverage option for Bulk Up sets, and Crystal Surge is just better than Thunderbolt for a standard attack otherwise.
View attachment 280154
Baloon (Roulettemons)
137 / 124 / 142 / 102 / 12 / 83
Contrary / Refrigerate (modified) / Roulette Spin (The user uses the move Roulette Wheel upon switchin)
Notable Moves - Play Rough, Heart Swap, Heal Order, Anchor Shot, Fire Punch, Clanging Scales,
Misty Explosion, Steel Roller, Draconic Roar, Roulette Wheel (Status, Fairy | The user sets a random terrain and weather and gives the opponent one of three statuses).
Baloon gets a new move for phazing in Draconic Roar, and it may be the best Pokemon to use that move in that way despite it always lowering its Attack. But how about Roulette Wheel, huh? It's too unpredictable to run in an actual slot, but using it on switchin is kind of fun to screw with weather setters and having a good chance to screw something over with status.
View attachment 280155
Bismage (Duomod)
80 / 80 / 80 / 110 / 80 / 95
Steel / Fairy
Clear Body / Magician / Colored Rocks (-ate ability that turns Ground moves to Fairy)
Notable Moves - Flash Cannon, Moonblast, Earth Power, Doom Desire, Recover, Hydro Pump, Stealth Rock-Fairy, Taunt,
Gear Up, Kinesis, Happy Hour, Magic Dust, Destructive Blow, Misty Explosion, Steel Roller, Core Cannon (150 BP / 90 Acc | Physical, Fairy | The user recharges if they fail to knock out the opponent.)
Pretty big winner this shift. Gear Up and Happy Hour are two great setup options for this thing since it has such a good defensive typing, and Core Cannon is a very strong move to go with it. Those moves don't fix any of its problems, those being its lacking +1 Speed tier and its poor coverage keeping it from breaking certain Pokemon, but this is a good buff regardless and I may nerf Core Cannon or remove the boosting moves if this ends up being too good.
View attachment 280157
Blastora (Roulettemons)
53 / 89 / 121 / 116 / 92 / 69
Light Metal / Forewarn / Aerilate
Notable Moves - Flamethrower, Hyper Voice, Glare, Defog, Autotomize, Nasty Plot, Synthesis, Calm Mind, Iron Defense, Sticky Web, Healing Wish, U-Turn,
Flip Turn, Cleansing Waters, Hyperspeed, Draconic Roar, Magic Dust, Destructive Blow, Snipe Reader (113 BP / 87 Acc | Special, Steel | The user breaks the targets' Screens.)
Hyperspeed is nice, but not huge, since Blastora already had Autotomize. Cleansing Waters is the big one, but isn't completely game changing, and I doubt its signature move will be too helpful. Not a huge winner, but there's only so much you can do to give this Pokemon a better movepool.
View attachment 280158
Cadbunny (Two-Step 'Mons)
90 / 50 / 90 / 100 / 90 / 90
Normal / Fairy
Pickup / Run Away / Regenerator
Notable Moves - Flash Handoff (60 BP Normal-type pivoting move, it already had this), Hyper Voice, Moonblast, Knock Off, Stealth Rock, Agility, Wish,
Last Resort, Reducing Punch, Magic Dust, Misty Explosion, Dewy Flowers, Chocolate Gift (Status, Normal | The target heals by 30%, but the user heals by 70%).
Being one of few fully defensive Dewy Flowers users is really nice, and a new item might make it useful on Stall teams with this purpose alongside Wishpassing. I have no idea how good Chocolate Gift will be though, if at all. Just thought it'd be cool honestly.
View attachment 280160
Catelax (Roulettemons)
84 / 76 / 116 / 26 / 79 / 119
Neutralizing Gas / No Guard / Shed Skin
Notable Moves - Return, Fake Out, Mach Punch, Octolock, U-Turn, Will-o-Wisp, Heal Block,
Dual Wingbeat, Scorching Sands, Hyperspeed, Frenzy Web (59 BP / 100 Acc | Physical, Grass | The user heals 50% of the damage dealt.)
I highly doubt this Pokemon will run anything it gained here, making this one of the Pokemon that benefit the least from the changes. It had a really specific role as is. Next.
View attachment 280162
Cliety (Duo Pokedex)
70 / 100 / 40 / 110 / 60 / 75
Water / Fairy
Synchronize / Natural Cure / Poison Heal
Notable Moves - Scald, Surf, Hydro Pump, Moonblast, Play Rough, Liquidation, Waterfall, Wish, U-Turn,
Bubble Beam, Kinesis, Magic Dust, Dual Wingbeat, Flip Turn, Misty Explosion, Toxic Tantrum (120 BP / 100 Acc | Special, Fairy | Can only be used if the user is badly poisoned)
Bubble Beam may be useful for this thing's poor Speed tier, but other than that I can only see it using Toxic Tantrum to reinforce that you cannot spam Toxic if your opponent has one of these.
View attachment 280165
Crazefly (Roulettemons)
99 / 99 / 15 / 96 / 121 / 74
Galvanize / Gooey / Windproof (Flying-type immunity)
Notable Moves - Lunge, Rapid Spin, Roost, Wish, Jump Kick, Fusion Flare, Psycho Boost, Quick Attack,
Dual Wingbeat, Scorching Sands, Cleansing Waters, Sand Stomp, Mat Tantrum (101 BP / 100 Acc | Physical, Grass | Does 50% recoil if the user misses)
lol @ randomized secondary effects. That aside, Scorching Sands is pretty nice for both defensive and attacking sets, and you could probably use Cleansing Waters on offensive sets as well.
View attachment 280167
Debring (TNFG)
90 / 78 / 69 / 105 / 95 / 42
Levitate / Magic Guard / Magic Bounce
Notable Moves - Earth Power, Earthquake, Air Slash, Recover, Explosion, Topsy-Turvy, Rapid Spin, Stealth Rock, Psycho Shift,
Bulldoze, Air Cutter, Knock Off, Reducing Punch, Destructive Blow, Sand Stomp, Scorching Sands, Rocksplosion (250 BP / 100 Acc | Special, Ground | The user faints, but sets Stealth Rock on the opponent's side.)
I don't know if this thing is going to want to run any defensive set, since it has tons of defensive Ground-type competition, but if it does then it'll probably run either Knock Off or Scorching Sands in one of its moveslots. Rocksplosion is great for lead sets.
View attachment 280172
Deliriophage (Two-Step 'Mons)
80 / 65 / 70 / 100 / 120 / 60
Normal / Steel
Aftermath / Unnerve / Rage Boost (Changed: After an opponent boosts any of their stats, all of their stats lower by 1 stage.)
Notable Moves - Inferiority Burst (doubles in power if the target has boosted stats), Flash Cannon, Recover, Rapid Spin,
Knock Off, Spikes, Kinesis, Gear Up, Destructive Blow, Steel Roller, Injection (Status, Normal | Negative priority. The target transforms into the user.)
So, aside from Spikes being fantastic and setting it apart from the other bulky Steel here Injection's the big point of discussion. This is a fun way to basically reset any momentum on the field, since neither you nor your opponent will do much to each other, maybe unless the opponent wants to use any of the utility options you just gave them.
View attachment 280173
Detonuke (Roulettemons)
89 / 85 / 65 / 61 / 102 / 116
Fire / Electric
Magnet Pull / Drought / Surge Surfer
Notable Moves - Blaze Kick, Fusion Bolt, Heal Order, Trop Kick, Leaf Storm,
Scorching Sands, Steel Roller, Hyperspeed, Destructive Blow, Wrap Shock (54 BP / 94 Acc | Electric, Physical | The user Encores the target.)
Wrap Shock is a cool stallbreaking move with its super high Speed, and Destructive Blow could help you break past Baloon, but these aren't the biggest buffs in the world.
View attachment 280174
Falkick (Duo Pokedex)
80 / 96 / 70 / 60 / 70 / 103
Fire / Flying
Flame Body / Delta Stream / Gale Wings
Notable Moves - Brave Bird, Air Slash, High Jump Kick, Flare Blitz, U-Turn, Swords Dance, Roost, Quick Attack, Ice Burn, Air Cutter,
Knock Off, Hyperspeed, Dual Wingbeat, Burning Jealousy, Scorching Sands, Falcon Punch (180 BP / 100 Acc | Physical, Fire | Two-turn charge move.)
So now you have basically a Z-Move option in Falcon Punch (i had to) if you want to run Power Herb. Other than that, Dual Wingbeat is nice to avoid breaking Gale Wings.
View attachment 280176
Fantom (Duo Pokedex)
60 / 70 / 120 / 70 / 80 / 80
Illuminate / Motor Drive / Prevailing Wind (Sets Tailwind on switch)
Notable Moves - Hurricane, Air Slash, Roost, U-Turn, Defog, Rapid Spin, Knock Off, Haze, Whirlwind, Heal Bell,
Air Cutter, Freeze Shock, Destructive Blow, Hyperspeed, Spinning Blades (40 BP / 100 Acc | Physical, Flying | Sets Tailwind and switches out)
This thing already had a really good movepool so there's not much improvement to be made. Having a backup option in case Tailwind goes out for whatever reason is nice though.
View attachment 280177
Flamepion (Roulettemons)
68 / 156 / 121 / 85 / 57 / 33
Static / Grass Pelt / Flame Trap (The user's Fire-type moves trap the opponent for 4-5 turns)
Notable Moves - Blaze Kick, Meteor Mash, Psychic Fangs, Roost, Stealth Rock, Wish, Teleport,
Trick Room, Dual Wingbeat, Misty Explosion, Reducing Punch,
Grassy Palm (86 BP / 100 Acc | Physical, Grass | +1 Priority, but fails if the opponent is not attacking)
Nothing really noteworthy except for the reintroduction of Trick Room and possibly what's in contention for one of the biggest buffs for a signature move. Grassy Palm provides Flamepion with not only good coverage against the Water-types and Ground-types that scare it out, but it also has instant Speed control to back its great Attack. It still hates Dragons but this is a welcome buff nonetheless.
View attachment 280179
Floundrawn (Duo Pokedex)
100 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 90 / 60
Water / Ground
Water Absorb / Hydration / Swift Swim
Notable Moves - Stealth Rock, Scald, Recover, Earth Power, Hydro Pump, Thunder, Calm Mind,
Bubble Beam, Bulldoze, Cleansing Waters, Scorching Sands, Ancient Script (Status, Ground | If the user was hit by a Grass-type attack on this turn, they gain +2 in all stats. Negative priority.)
Scorching Sands is an alternative to Scald I guess, and Ancient Script may be a gimmick for some lure sets with Rindo Berry or something, but this Pokemon got very few buffs here.
Fluidrake (Duo Pokedex)
50 / 80 / 50 / 110 / 100 / 60
Water / Dragon
Steelworker / Stench / Contaminate (20% chance to badly poison targets when using a Water move)
Notable Moves - Scald, Hydro Pump, Surf, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Flash Cannon, Stealth Rock, Bubble Beam, Submission,
Knock Off, Destructive Blow, Scale Shot, Steel Roller, Rancid Rush (65 BP / 100 Acc | Special, Water | Double damage if the target is badly poisoned.)
As cool as Cleansing Waters would be for Fluidrake, it makes absolutely zero sense flavor-wise. Rancid Rush might compete with other moves too much for a slot, and the rest of its moves don't help it much.
Hyperoach (Roulettemons)
121 / 99 / 41 / 87 / 89 / 69
Normal / Grass
Desolate Land / Power of Alchemy / Hype Overload (Deals 33% of the target's max HP when the user faints.)
Notable Moves - Return, Hyper Voice, Growth, Bug Buzz, X-Scissor, Earth Power, Sunsteel Strike, Wish, U-Turn,
Rising Voltage, Dewy Flowers, Destructive Blow,
Sucker Chop (75 BP, 85 Acc | Physical, Normal | The user sets Misty Terrain upon use.)
None of the new stuff is really fantastic even if I could see most of it being useful in some way. I doubt Sucker Chop will ever be run.
Komodith (Roulettemons)
60 / 124 / 91 / 113 / 93 / 56
Steel / Dragon
Liquid Voice / Beast Boost / Rough Skin
Notable Moves - Boomburst, Brave Bird, Bulk Up, Draco Meteor, Dragon Claw, Dragon Pulse, Earth Power, Earthquake, Flash Cannon, Healing Wish, Ice Shard, Iron Head, Overheat, Psycho Boost, Zen Headbutt,
Freeze Shock, Rising Voltage, Misty Explosion, Scorching Sands, Stormcloud, Volt Attack (108 BP / 100 Acc | Physical, Electric | 50% chance to drop the target's Defense)
That's probably the most moves I'll h ave to list out for one of these. Anyways, Komodith has basically every coverage option it'd ever need, so there's not much you can really add to that. Getting a buffed Freeze Shock would have been nice if not for Volt Attack being better. I think I may have made a mistake when entering this thing's base power, it might have been meant to be 48, but I'm just gonna keep this unless it's overpowered.
Monstratus (TNFG)
76 / 57 / 52 / 95 / 81 / 89
Electric / Flying
Rain Dish / Volt Absorb / Drizzle
Notable Moves - Thunder, Thunderbolt, Hurricane, Surf, Discharge, Volt Switch, Defog,
Air Cutter, Freeze Shock, Bubble Beam, Knock Off, Reducing Punch, Cleansing Waters, Stormcloud, Draconic Roar, Dual Wingbeat, Rising Voltage, Stratus Shock (70 BP / 100 Acc | Special, Electric | Doubles in base power if any weather other than rain is active)
Cleansing Waters is an interesting alternative to Surf, but the secondary effect's tradeoff might not be worth it. This is likely the only viable user of Stormcloud but even then it might not wantto run it, and most of the weather setters in this format don't mind Stratus Shock so I doubt that'll see much use.
Mortemoth (Duo Pokedex)
50 / 43 / 43 / 130 / 120 / 111
Frisk / Cursed Body / Deteriorate (The user loses 1/6th of its max HP each turn)
Notable Moves - Air Slash, Hurricane, Taunt, Giga Drain, Dazzling Gleam, Bug Buzz, Quiver Dance,
Air Cutter, Sticky Web, Hyperspeed, Dual Wingbeat, Spirit Steal (60 BP / 100 Acc | Special, Flying | The user drains 3/4 of the damage dealt)
Spirit Steal is basically a Draining Kiss clone and this is a Pokemon strong enough to reasonably use it. It also has Sticky Web which is new because I forgot to distribute it earlier.
Pterrost (Duo Pokedex)
80 / 90 / 80 / 60 / 80 / 120
Dragon / ???
Pressure / Intimidate / Adaptation (The user's secondary type is determined by their first moveslot)
Notable Moves - Taunt, Stealth Rock, Defog, Icicle Crash, Ice Shard, Dragon Claw, Zing Zap, U-Turn,
Air Cutter, Freeze Shock, Submission, Hyperspeed, Draconic Roar, Dual Wingbeat, Scale Shot, Adaptive Claw (100 BP / 90 Acc | Physical, Normal | Type depends on the user's secondary type)
Lots of new tools here. Freeze Shock is better than Zing Zap, Submission is strong now, Draconic Roar and Scale Shot may be cool setup options and Adaptive Claw is great for sets that run Stealth Rock and Defog for the typings they provide.
Sharmpedo (The Garbage)
60 / 3 / 60 / 53 / 60 / 64
Klutz / Huge Power / Pure Power
Notable Moves - Every single Punch move,
Reducing Punch, Shark Punch (90 BP / 100 Acc | Physical, Water | 30% chance to confuse the target.)
Now he doesn't have to rely on Ice Punch for STAB. Yippee.
Spirox (TNFG)
60 / 100 / 120 / 100 / 120 / 100
Battle Armor / Pickpocket / Power of Two (If the user has two moveslots empty, they gain a 1.5x boost in power)
Notable Moves - Iron Head, Flash Cannon, Recover, Thunderbolt, Dazzling Gleam, Thunder Punch, Play Rough, Teleport, Will-o-Wisp, Volt Switch,
Gear Up, Kinesis, Last Resort, Knock Off, Reducing Punch, Destructive Blow, Steel Roller, Heated Blade,
Clear Beam (70 BP / 100 Acc | Special, Steel | This move does not factor type effectiveness)
Here, there are a lot of good new options on a Pokemon that already was really versatile. Heated Blade, Clear Beam, and maybe Last Resort by itself will give Choice sets with Power of Two some big merit, Knock Off is good on utility sets, Gear Up is a good setup move, and Destructive Blow may be handy too.
Valianch (Duo Pokedex)
110 / 130 / 70 / 60 / 70 / 80
Chlorophyll / Harvest / Technician
Notable Moves - Leaf Blade, Swords Dance, Earthquake, Solar Beam, Giga Drain, Earth Power, Air Slash, Dragon Claw, Leafage (+1 priority here), Solar Blade, Play Rough, Aerial Ace,
Snap Trap, Bulldoze, Knock Off, Reducing Punch, Dewy Flowers, Destructive Blow, Grassy Glide,
Justice Slash (150 BP / 100 Acc | Physical, Grass | Fails if the user was not attacked on that turn.)
I don't know if any of these moves really help its main offensive set, but having a pseudo-counter is at least fun, right?