Steam Christmas sale


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50% off GTA: San Andreas and 50% off Cogs.
I dislike the former and already bought the latter with HIB3...

If anyone wants these coupons, let me know.


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Definitely still thinking about Borderlands, but picked up Braid for next to nothing while I'm fraught with indecision.

I am hoping Portal 2 goes back on sale at some point!


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I think Valve will do a "Best of" sale on either Christmas and/or New Years which should have Portal on sale again. Also hope you guys picked up Borderlands on Amazon. Definitely a better deal.
I managed to miss the Portal 2 for $7.50 sale (didn't know it was a daily) but I did pick up a great bundle on Portal and Portal 2 for $15. I'd say my favorite daily deal for Christmas is Arkham Asylum for $7.50. Time to finally get into this series.


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ugh, got my fifth piece of coal just now!!

gr r r r r r

however i did get portal 2 free soooooooo


Alas poor Yorick!
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If you have ever been a Sonic fan there is no reason to not buy Sonic Generations. This is probably the best sonic game I have played and is a complete nostalgia bomb.

EDIT: Xaq if you have a USB controller BUY IT BUY IT BUY IT. This game is too good for that price.
Not gonna buy Generations 'cause I'd rather I'd have my Sonic games for console. Gonna be tough holding out on that deal the entire day.

Anyone and everyone should try the Bastion Demo and buy the game if they like it, that game is so damn good.


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Not all that happy that there's no way in hell my computer can run Sonic Generations and it's only 10 bucks :/

Anyway everyone do yourselves a favor and buy Bastion immediately. It's one of the best games I've played all year.


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echoing the bastion recommendation; i was in-game on skyrim (v_v) when i saw the notifications about the new objectives from steam and the first line was "kid just rages for a while"

brought a smile to my face

when you're done with it be sure to pick the soundtrack up too!!


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I might double dip in Sonic Generations... $10 to have it in 1080p at 60fps with anti-aliasing seems a little hard to pass up even if I've finished it on 360. Not to mention any mods the community might come up with.


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I didn't notice this topic existed. I would have posted since the beginning.

I loaded up on Recettear, The Witcher, Mass Effect 2, Torchlight, Audiosurf, Brink (some friends I know bought it), Borderlands, Psychonauts, Alice, Rock of Ages (might as well, looks lol), Beat Hazard, and Sequence. That increases my backlog to a whole 66 unplayed games out of 99 total.

If you like rhythm games like ITG or play some Stepmania you'll probably like Sequence. I know a rhythm game fan who liked Sequence, so its probably good.

Also anyone here who doesn't have FEAR 1 needs to get it. That game is godlike. 15GB download though.

Edit: Anyone who still wants Sanic go on Amazon. $10 there and you'll get 60FPS on the PC as opposed to 30FPS console.

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