Just FYI: Dexit isn't gone. The number they gave for Pokemon being added back in was a bit over 200, which depending on if the currently shown oldies are part of that or not could mean anywhere above or below 600 Pokemon. Better than before, but still not the complete Pokedex.
Other than that, I agree with everything you said, this is absolutely a huge step in the right direction and hopefully it succeeds so we can finally gut the archaic 3rd version for good.
I see. Well, that's a shame. I misunderstood the situation because I misread the information about old Pokémon being coded into the games as
all old Pokémon being coded into the games, not just these 200 that will be added with the DLC. Now this makes me unsure about whether I should quit Pokémon or not... at this point I think it is just best to accept that I'll probably never quit. But everything else I said still stands, just forget what I said about Dexit and the National Dex in my previous post. And because of all this, I'm not making a post in the Dexit thread at all. I'm still very happy about the DLC and I think that ~600 Pokémon in the games is way better than just 400, so this is a huge step in the right direction.
I also hope this means we'll never get another third/alternate version. Despite the fact that I liked all past ones, I would definitely prefer it if they could make the first pair feel as complete as possible from the beginning (I think B/W did this the very best) or update them with DLC. I think this is also tied to how I'm becoming more of a casual player now, buying a third/alternate version doesn't feel quite as interesting as it did in the past. Overall, I think I'm going to prefer DLC over third/alternate versions, though I'll wait to give a final opinion until it has been released and I have played through it, but this is what it looks like right now.
And now that I finally have a bit more time, I'll write some more thoughts on the DLC and what we are going to get from it.
After thinking about it during the weekend, I have decided that I am going to get the Expansion Pass. I am just so interested in everything about it that I have to get it. As someone who really liked Sword despite all of its flaws, this really feels like it can breathe new life in the game. One thing I wanted from Sword was more content and that's exactly what the DLC is going to add, so I'm happy about that.
I'm not sure if I'm going to get and start playing both packs on their release dates, but it looks like that will be the case. I usually find new Pokémon games to be the most fun to play when they are the newest since that is when most others are playing them as well and the online fandom is the most active and centered on the new games. Though this is DLC so it is a bit of a different situation but I expect it to be mostly the same in the end. Before the Direct, I had planned to consider myself done with Sword once I had "beaten" the Battle Tower (which will likely happen very soon, at some point this month at the very least) but I guess I'll just be taking a break and play XC2 again, then go back to Sword once the Isle of Armor releases. This also makes Sword the third Switch game I own which has DLC that I'm interested in, and I have yet to get the DLC for either BOTW or XC2... now I wonder which DLC I will be getting first? I'm also not sure how much I'll look into the pre-release material for the DLC, going into Sword mostly blind was very enjoyable and I might do the same for the DLC packs to try and hopefully get the same feeling from them.
The DLC packs will each have their own specific Pokédex. This is good, though I'm not sure if I will complete these Dexes. I did complete the main Galar Dex but if the Island and Tundra Dexes also have version exclusives, then I don't know. Maybe. We'll have to see. It might happen though since I recently learned that a yearly subscription isn't the only alternative for NSO, it has a monthly alternative as well and that is something I might consider getting if it turns out I will need it in order to complete the DLC Dexes. Though there's the chance I also need to get Home as well as renew my Bank subscription (which I'm unsure about at the moment since I'm more or less completely done with Gen 6/7 and haven't planned to do any transfers to Gen 8). So I don't really know yet.
I saw some people discussing the Pokémon that are returning for the DLC, and I'm also unhappy about Zubat returning. This is one line I was very happy about not being in the regular Galar Dex, I'm glad they went with Woobat and Noibat instead. I'm tired of seeing Zubat or its evolutions in every single game, Golbat also became my third least favorite Pokémon when I played Moon, so I'm not happy about it returning. This also means that all three of my least favorite Pokémon will be in S/S once the DLC has been released, which feels a bit meh. I could also have lived without the Magnemite line returning since it has been in every single regional dex except for D/P Sinnoh and B/W Unova. Even if I really like Magnezone, it doesn't need to be in every regional dex. I don't mind most of the others though, I am also happy about the Chansey line returning since it could give S/S epic training spots if they do it right. Not expecting that to happen though. I also noticed that Amaura and Aurorus are reappearing and it made me wonder if we will just get their fossils or if we will be able to catch them in the wild? I hope for the latter, catchable fossil Pokémon would be something almost completely new and a very welcome addition
Some other Pokémon I also like but aren't quite my favorites but that I still like from those that are returning are these: Talonflame, Kingdra, Electivire, Walrein, Metagross and Cryogonal. And of course Slowbro and the legendary birds, even if they get Galarian forms. And many legendaries, not 100% sure which ones have been confirmed though. It also seems like the Abra line is going to reappear based on two Twistedspoons appearing on Avery's hat. This would make me very happy since Alakazam is my favorite Kanto Pokémon and I was missing it in Sword even if it is kind of an overused gimmick as an early-game Pokémon.
I also read the following on Bulbapedia: "In the upcoming The Isle of Armor expansion, there will be a way for certain Pokémon to be trained to Gigantamax." They don't have any source for it though, and I don't think I have seen it being mentioned anywhere else, so I don't know if it is true. But I really hope it is. If you can "train" a Pokémon to Gigantamax, that would fix one of my issues with the concept, so that's excellent. I wonder what they mean with "certain" Pokémon though. Will it be all of those that can potentially Gigantamax, or just some of them? If so, which ones, and why just those? I guess we'll have to wait and see. Also, regarding Gigantamax, I'm happy that the Galar starters get Gigantamax forms. They are the ones that should have gotten them in the first place, not the Kanto starters which I feel have already gotten way too much attention throughout the years.
Seems like some of the new characters are version exclusive, again according to Bulbapedia. It seems like the pink-haired girl is named Klara and is exclusive to Sword while Shield gets Psychic-dude named Avery. That means I get to see Klara when I play through the Isle of Armor and I'm fine with that. I'm surprised it isn't spelled Clara but I guess the reason Bulbapedia gives for her name origin makes it make sense. And it seems like she's a new rival, so that's cool. I wonder how she will measure up to Hop, Marnie and Bede? It will be hard for them to make her a better rival than Hop but she still has the potential to be pretty good in the end.
Lastly, I want to say some slightly more detailed opinions about all the newly revealed Pokémon and forms (not including Gigantamax forms since I don't care much for them):
- Galarian Slowpoke is a little disappointing since I think it looks too similar to regular Slowpoke, but it is still Slowpoke and it is still awesome, so I think it is okay even if it is probably my least favorite Galarian form so far. Looking forward to how its evolutions will look though!
- The birds are all pretty cool, they all look a bit shadowy or darker compared to the regular forms. Made me think of the Shadow birds from XD. I also wonder if they will drop the Flying-type or not.
- Kubfu and Urshifu are both pretty cool, Urishifu's both forms look pretty similar to each other though.
- Calyrex is still extremely weird and that's actually okay because that's how I usually feel about new Pokémon. But this is
almost weirder than usual. That's all I have to say about it.
- New Regis... that was very unexpected. They look a bit weird as well. I wonder what they will be named and how they will be connected to the other four.
And I guess that's all I have to say for now. Sorry for rushing this post a bit but I just wanted to get this done so I could leave this whole thing for now and focus on other stuff.