The Billabong: My 4K post.


Tree Young
is a Tiering Contributoris a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Three-Time Past WCoP Champion
Hey everyone, welcome to my 4K! Those who've been on the forums long enough may have remembered my celebrity match 1k, or my quasi retirement 2k or even my lack of 3k, if you're into stalking that kind of thing.

For quite some time I'd had my mind made up that I was going to make my 4k a shoutout thread and match each user to a song - DJing is not only my job but it's my passion, so I thought it would be a cool way to give shoutouts (maybe even with an accompanying mix) with a personal touch. I decided to go in a different direction a few weeks ago though after a comment from Frizy on IRC. I don't remember what it was he was asking me (I do recall it was a pretty outrageous request), with my response being along the lines of "as if I'm going to do that for someone I've never even met haha". He then responded with "true, but we talk every day pretty much - it's funny how well we know each other when we've never even met face to face". That got me thinking, we might talk on IRC or the forums and consider a lot of people here our friends but how well do we all really know each other? In my case, I'd say that not many people know me all too well as a person. People who frequented Sports Arena and #lifting probably think I'm a nice enough guy. On the other hand people who read the World Cup threads on a yearly basis probably think I'm an arrogant jackass and people who I've been haxed by in tournament battles (depending on how I was feeling at the time) probably think the same! Phil's comments in the WCoP thread reinforced this notion in my eyes - I have nothing against the guy but it just shows how little people not only know about me, but about each other on this forum, even after having been a member for six years. That's why I'm going to divide this thread into three parts - the first will be just a little bit about me, the second part will be a truncated shoutouts section and the third part (the replies to my OP) I'd like to be questions like the ones people ask in The Well - as well as posters sharing a little about themselves (if they wish) so I can get to know you all better as well. This thread is titled the Billabong based on locopoke's "water hole" when he posted his well, except I wanted to put a more Australian touch to it ;).

Section 1 - About Me

I'm a 20 year old male living in Canberra, Australia. I live at home with my 17 year old brother, my 14 year old sister and both parents. I study Information Technology at the ANU and am in my third year. It should be my final year, but I've failed a couple of units so my degree has been extended by a semester (meaning that my estimated finishing time is in July 2013). I can't stand most of my degree, I like some units but the majority of them I'm not a fan of. Unfortunately, I realised this about halfway through my degree and thought that I might as well finish it at this point! As soon as I finish, I want to travel overseas - probably either Europe or the States. I'd like to live in a different country for a bit (or a different city, I just want to get out of home) and do a postgrad after a six month break - most likely a Marketing/Music combined degree but maybe even Philosophy, which I've thoroughly enjoyed and excelled at during my time at the ANU.

I work as a DJ, as mentioned above. I've been doing it for about two years now and was self taught. My favourite music to play has always been Trance but I've fallen in love with so many different dance genre's on my journey; I'll play electro, house, dubstep, deep house, top 40 and tech house as well depending on who's booked me and my mood. I was a resident at a nightclub for about six months at the start of the year, and I'm currently on the verge of getting a residency at an even bigger club (fingers crossed). I think I've come a long way from where I started but I do know that I have a long way to go if I want to get where I wish to be. I've learnt that it's definitely not just what you know but who you know when it comes to the nightclub world, I'd like to think of myself as a good networker so that's contributed to me getting gigs so early into my "career" as much as my actual skill. I also work as a promoter for a nightclub in Canberra, which means that for any of you who have me on Facebook you'll see me advertising that I'm selling tickets for a particular event on a somewhat regular basis. I'm hopefully (expecting a call in the next few days) going to get a job working at After School Care in Primary School's alongside my DJing. Not only will it give me an extra paycheck and allow me to save up to travel, but as someone who has seven first cousins aged ten or below, I feel that the job satisfaction in working with kids would be second to none. We have so much to learn from them, and getting paid to play with them and take care of them would be amazing - not to mention the flexibility this line of work offers in conjunction with my studies!

I'm also very much into my gym and basketball! Aiming to work out five times a week now as opposed to the two that I used to have time for and aiming to cut down drastically on my drinking and improve my eating! I'm in decent shape now, and have improved a lot over the last year and a half or so (progress photos are in the Album) but to get more then decent and get to Delta2777 size, I need to step my game up both nutritionally and intensity-wise. I'm the captain of my university basketball team, but it's at only a decent level - state is a pretty big step up from what I'm playing now. I'd love to get back to the level I was playing at when I was 14/15 but at 5'11"/6'0" ish it's pretty unrealistic. I still love the sport though and the team aspect and camaraderie makes it a lot of fun!

Section 2 - A (shortish) list of shoutouts

I'm deliberately going to keep this shorter then I otherwise would; there are way too many users who have influenced me in my six years at Smogon, who have been awesome friends to me and who have generally made my stay at Smogon as enjoyable as it has been.


You guys are like my e-brothers. A big reason that we have had the success we've had in the WCoP each year is how tightly knit we all are as a team. People outside the chat don't realise this, but each win that we get is probably as much of a result of the collective efforts of the entire team as it is of the individual. I can't imagine having played with another group of people over the four years and I'm looking forward to meeting those of you who I haven't met irl yet at a later stage this year. Blue Kirby, Hipmonlee, Heist, Panamaxis, Earthworm, The_Chaser, Frizy, Playa, KnightoftheWind, ginganinja, animenagai, Ciele, Doom, 199 lives, sheeps, makiri, Fatecrashers, Hugendugen, jumpluff, junior, Poppy, Thorns, VintageBooks and anyone else I've forgotten - thank you all so much. I'm going to leave you guys with the best ten !frizy quotes as chosen by Fatecrashers. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, !frizy is a script in the ilk of !snunch - except with less arrogance (generally) and more tales of masturbation and loneliness. Without further ado, the top 10 !frizy quotes (in no particular order)

<Frizy> i can guarentee im much better looking than ln

<Frizy> Dude <Frizy> I bully people any chance I get <Frizy> It's actually really fun <Frizy> To mock people for their faults lol

<Frizy> ill jerk before i play <Frizy> gg nerves

<Frizy> I saw this ad that said <Frizy> "What if curiousity led you to do something wonderful" <Frizy> And the first thing I thought was <Frizy> "Rape?"

<Frizy> Would you have sex with a stepdaughter if she was really hot? <Frizy> (She would be like 16 ofc) <Hugenboss> I'm gonna say <Hugenboss> uhhhh <Hugenboss> no <Frizy> I would definitely haha <Frizy> Well <Frizy> If I could get away with it ofc

<Frizy> I was sitting next to a russian girl in my new class at a new school <Frizy> And she was hot as :DD <Frizy> She asked me why I kept looking at her though

<Frizy> This is weird <Frizy> I've only masturbated once today

<Frizy> No one wants my dick :(

<Frizy> I wonder how my dick tastes

<Frizy> Bs <Frizy> I am not a bitch <Frizy> Just sensitive :/


You guys are probably the closest personality wise to that of my real life friends! I've only been hanging out there for a relatively short time, but every time we're all online the chat becomes awesome. We have similar goals in life and similar interests, and as a result I'm incredibly stoked for our #lifting Smocon in 2013 wherever we decide it to be (Greece or Cali are our two choices). You all help motivate me to reach greater heights physically and when I think I have a physique that is worthy, I will post it on the "wall of mirin' " like you requested Delta ;). Individual shoutouts go to Lee, Stathakis, StylishInterval, Delta2777, uragg, NatGeo, Ninahaza and Scimjara. I probably forgot a few people so let me know if I did!


Only two in this category but I thought I'd group them together anyway, shoutouts go to ShinyCarletto and Haunter. ShinyCarletto is an awesome guy, our IRC and Skype chats have been so much fun - you've helped me practise my Italian, we've built some cool teams and I really enjoy seeing the difference in culture. Your English is awesome man, I hope you do decide to come to Australia soon! More then welcome to stay at mine if you do! Haunter is probably just all around one of my favourite users on the entire forum! You're always so nice and helpful to everyone, we team up to ban terrible users such as Frizy on Pokemon Online and I've always enjoyed our chats! Oh and we also have the same last name ;) I don't care if it's common in Italy; it's still awesome!

EDM Music Thread people

To Setsuna, symphonyx64, NastyJungle, and quite a few others whose names escape me at this moment, you guys are awesome! Your feedback has definitely made my DJing even stronger and your positivity/enthusiasm to what I've put together is more encouraging then you guys know! I've gotten a lot of cool tracks from you guys as well, so my music collection wouldn't be anywhere near where it is today without your collective help ;).


I don't want to go forever, so I'm going to keep this section to only two: Stone_Cold and [yan] Sogeking. Stone is just one of the most chilled and friendly dudes I know and our Skype sessions have always been awesome! Can't wait to hang out with you in the States, and maybe by then the Panthers would have won a Superbowl (narrrrrt!). Sogeking is my pet and his y/n questions are the best thing that's happened to Smogon since Snunch won the Smogon Tournament! I LOVE YOU SOGEKING <3.

Section 3 - Your questions

That's it from me. For those of you who read the whole thing, thank you! For those of you who hadn't, I completely understand - it was pretty fucking long lets be honest haha. If you guys have any questions for me that you'd like to ask me, please respond below and I'll get to them as soon as I can. If you think you warranted a shoutout and I forgot you, also let me know below and I'll see what I can do about that! Also please feel free to share a bit about yourselves if you have time, getting to know you all just that bit better would be awesome and make the time spent typing my 4k totally worth it :heart:

People who frequented Sports Arena and #lifting probably think I'm a nice enough guy. On the other hand people who read the World Cup threads on a yearly basis probably think I'm an arrogant jackass and people who I've been haxed by in tournament battles (depending on how I was feeling at the time) probably think the same! Phil's comments in the WCoP thread reinforced this notion in my eyes - I have nothing against the guy but it just shows how little people not only know about me, but about each other on this forum, even after having been a member for six years.

Considering some people see me as a suck-up with an unfounded ego, I can relate, haha.

Congratulations dude.
holy fuck i got a shoutout

check that one off the bucket list ;)

sad that you're not in the top 5 cutest users though :P happy 4k buddy

ps good restraint on not mentioning zurich, although i wouldn't want a name like that in my 4k either cos lololololol what an awful name amirite (never gonna get old)
<3 thanks for the shout out buddy <3 means a lot you remembered me. thanks
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Setsuna remember me when you play your EDM at concerts. Also, I have a friend who DJs. One of these days, when you are off touring America, you might get the chance to meet him!!!

Good job on the 4k too bro!!!
thorns what is the most satisfying clothing purchase you have ever made

gj boy stallion, shame about you not being able to make it to sydney. some time in the future, eh?
also i'm claiming this 4k thread as mine too please direct all questions towards me, boy thorns

how come every rose has its thorns but every thorns does not its rose?

ps. mysterious stallion

I will allow this xK post to not mention me because you don't come in the real chatrooms anyway so I never see you. >:[
I'm like your e-brother, am I? ;p

Congrats on almost having as many posts as me ^_^ It's been a pleasure to know you over the years; you were one of the first users I met, back on Shoddy in 2008. I've also enjoyed some of the tracks you've shown in the past, and I guess for my question, I'm gonna ask you to share a link (on soundcloud or youtube or something?) to something you've done that you're especially proud of, if you don't mind?
What is your favourite Arnie quote and/or scene? (if it's on youtube link it)

run us through what went through your mind when phil posted your wc stats. Did you feel angry/hurt/surprised and why do you think he posted it? Can you see yourself ever being e-friends with phil or has the damage already been done?

Since you got bullied a lot in the past and had to shrug it off I'm guessing you developed thick skin, so in terms of not giving a fuck, who would win out of you and lady bug?

who is the most arrogant/egotistical pkmn player on smogon?

since we're e-brothers can I call you bro from now on?

congrats on 4k
Poppy said:
thorns what is the most satisfying clothing purchase you have ever made

skinny jeans, they aren't skinny on me cause i'm REALLY skinny so they're just slim fit. versatile and they show off my long legs yknow

the pugilist said:
how come every rose has its thorns but every thorns does not its rose?

pugo pls

Mr.E said:
I will allow this xK post to not mention me because you don't come in the real chatrooms anyway so I never see you. >:[
no we hang out a lot i just have you on ignore

jumpluff said:
I'm like your e-brother, am I? ;p

Congrats on almost having as many posts as me ^_^ It's been a pleasure to know you over the years; you were one of the first users I met, back on Shoddy in 2008. I've also enjoyed some of the tracks you've shown in the past, and I guess for my question, I'm gonna ask you to share a link (on soundcloud or youtube or something?) to something you've done that you're especially proud of, if you don't mind?

yeah it's been a while, i'll link you to a youtube of something i did cause i'm embarassed to share it here

WaterBomb said:
no love for the NFL thread people? You must hate us all haha. Congrats on surviving to 4k man!
i do enjoy the antics of tim tebow

panamaxis said:
What is your favourite Arnie quote and/or scene? (if it's on youtube link it)

run us through what went through your mind when phil posted your wc stats. Did you feel angry/hurt/surprised and why do you think he posted it? Can you see yourself ever being e-friends with phil or has the damage already been done?

Since you got bullied a lot in the past and had to shrug it off I'm guessing you developed thick skin, so in terms of not giving a fuck, who would win out of you and lady bug?

who is the most arrogant/egotistical pkmn player on smogon?

since we're e-brothers can I call you bro from now on?

congrats on 4k

no worries lol i'm 1-0 thugs for life nigga azn life

me i am the best

me i am the best

we already bros broseph

stallion if you want me to delete this you'll have to give me an e-hug first buddy