The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Don't feel too bad, that was one of the few puzzles in the game that I could completely not understand either!

The other one was the puzzle that opened the third temple; I get the feeling it's really obvious, but I couldn't understand what I was "supposed" to do either time and just did it by trial and error :x
The other one was the puzzle that opened the third temple; I get the feeling it's really obvious, but I couldn't understand what I was "supposed" to do either time and just did it by trial and error :x

You may have figured it out by now but...

The hint to solving it is to look at the map. The symbols that you activated in the rooms correspond to the positions on the look. IIRC, the water symbol is to the west so the water portion of the look should be pointed to the left. Likwise, the fire symbol is to the south east and the lightning symbol is north, so the corresponding portions of the lock should be pointed to the lower right and up respectively.
I have only played The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass, and Twilight Princess, and enjoyed all of those games. Do you guys think that it would be a worthwhile playthrough for me?
I'm just laughing that your first post on a Pokemon website is involving a Zelda game.

But yeah, the game's great.

Lol, yeah, I was just looking at new posts, and this thread was one of the top ones, and I looked through it and posted. And I heard it was really good, especially control-wise.
my heart sank...
Same here but, as you said, the other challenge is definitely fun and I'm thankful they included it.
Also, if mattj happens to read this... know that I'm that Cave of Ordeals enthusiast who followed your lead and successfully completed it in TP with just 3 hearts.
I will seriously tell my grandchildren about that while sitting around the campfire.
One of the hardest puzzles (in my opinion) in a Zelda game was when you had to physically shut your DS in Phantom Hourglass to imprint the image from the wall to your map. Toyed with the puzzle for over an hour, shut my DS to take a break, and came back to find it accidentally solved.

Do you guys think that Skyward Sword should have had voice acting?

Well, looks like I should actually start worrying about Club Nintendo stuff just in case this does swing overseas.
Might be a little bit off topic, but has anyone gone to/is anyone going to the Symphony of the Goddesses? I'm wondering if they've got music from SS, since the main theme is one of my favorites at this point. I do Video Games Live every year so I'm wondering if this is generally the same thing but with only Zelda.
Up to last trial, some points:
Things I like:
-all the little references to the old games (lanayru sea - wind waker, elder kikwi- it's a secret to everyone, etc.)
-it retains the somewhat more mature elements (the demon cats and the trial guardians have soiled many pairs of pants)
-Fi. End of sentence.
-it looks epic
-the beetle
-the return of Beedle
-the whole time element in Lanayru
-Cthulu (all I could think of against Tentalus)
-Link's a sniper (zoom in with bow)
-adventure pouch/ stamina gauge. Finally, Link's inventory makes sense
-1,000 other things not on the top of my head

Things I dislike:
-you can't name your Loftwing (I want Fluttershyyyyyyy!)
-the bow is last. Lolwut?
-no Tingle (this game is PERFECT for him)
-epic rage after the Triforce of Wisdom (and Power presumably) is also on Link's hand
-wii motionplus fucks up on me a lot

Definitely one of Link's greatest adventures.
how to beat fun fun island mini game

i m playin skyward sword right now and i just got on to the 50 ruppee square 3 times in a row! no joke! all you have to do is just "boost" (cant think of a better name! soz!) straight down. when u r near the platform, wait until the 50 ruppee thing is below u then slow! u should hit it when it comes back around!
hint:boost as soon as u see the rupoor!
other hint: to practice ur skydiving aim, try to land in the chimney of the lumpy pumpkin! its a really small space! if u can get ling to land there, even on the edge only to be swept off again, u will be able to land anywhere!
Apologies for bumping a thread this old, but I am of the opinion that it is drastically important to anyone that plays this game.

The following post is in spoilers, but I'd suggest you read it anyways, the penalty for not (if you make the same mistake I did because I didn't read the spoiler set up in a similar fashion too my post) doing so will be having to restart your game at the 30 hours in point.

EDIT: I made this post because the warning put out by Nintendo is (from my experience, incorrect).

According to verbatim,
1. At the beginning of the quest, go to Lanayru Desert to retrieve the song of the Thunder Dragon.

2. In the Lanayru Mine, speak with Golo the Goron.

3. Complete the Thunder Dragon's event, and receive his song.

4. Before heading to the forest or volcano regions, speak with Golo in the mine again.

5. At this point, the forest and volcano events will no longer occur, making it impossible to continue.
After experiencing this glitch, I can elaborate that this is slightly incorrect.

Once you talk to Golo the Goron, all Song of the Hero's that aren't the Thunder Dragon are immediately locked. HOWEVER!, if you haven't beaten the Thunder Dragon's quest yet, beating it will unlock them. If you talk to Golo the Goron after the Thunder Dragon, then you have to restart.
Sorry for bringing it up, but my post was because the official how to activate the bug posted by Nintendo was wrong (and if you activated it in a certain way, you could unactivate it).
That will be fun to find out, although I doubt that Nintendo would manage to have it all make sense.

That said I have my own theory and here is my basic outline and I’ll explain it all in spoilers.

Skyward Sword -> Minish Cap -> Ocarina of Time -> Majora’s Mask -> Twilight Princess -> Four Swords -> Four Swords Adventure -> Link to the Past -> Oracle Series -> Link’s Awakening -> Wind Waker -> Phantom Hourglass -> Legend of Zelda -> Adventure of Link ->Spirit tracks

Notes: For the most part I ignore graphic style and geography and stick to plot (although some geography comes into play)

SS is first because it makes sense and Demise essentially did a “Hijacked by Ganon” on the entire series. This game is before “Hyrule” as we know it.

I would say the legend at the start of Minish Cap could be SS or some event shortly after with a descendant of SS Link, perhaps some of the people who held on to the ancient knowledge of Skyloft became the Wind Tribe? Also with Vaati and all it makes sense this is before the Four Sword games.

Ocarina needs to be before the four swords because it appears that Gannondorf is already in the FS games, and he doesn’t have his trident in OoT (which he gets in FSA). Also I believe in the single timeline just because Link meets Princess Zelda at the end it’s probably just to cause a stable time loop so he tells her what she needs to do and where she needs to be. MM is then an obvious sequel.

TP could be the same Ganondorf as OoT or a different one, but I’ll assume this is a new version since Sage continuity seems messed up. Plus Ganondorf still doesn’t have the old trident so it should be before FS/FSA.

The FS series is next because the two games are clear sequels to one another with the FSA intro. This would then be the first time of the Dark world, which was the sacred realm from Ganondorf in OoT. Then we finally see the Trident which Ganondorf got in the pyramids at the Desert of Doubt.

Lttp is next because the geography is obviously similar to FSA, (it’s too intentional really). The imprisoning war from this game has been said to be the plot of OoT.

The oracle games follow afterwards because they take place at a time of a unified Triforce, and a dead Ganon, which is the ending of Lttp. The problem here is that Zelda doesn’t recognize Link, which I believe is just a side effect of Link’s wish on the triforce, that the events of that journey and his Uncle’s death didn’t happen, thus Zelda never “met” him.

At the end of the linked Oracle games Link goes off on a boat similar to the LA one, and the LA game was intended to be a sequel to Lttp, the final nightmare boss has Agahnim too.

With WW is was clearly intended to be near the end. I put LoZ and AoL in between PH and ST because the ST map closely resembles that of the LoZ map so it’s feasible they take place in the 100 year gap between the two DS games.

I’ve just defeated the 5th dungeon in SS and I’m holding off on rushing back because I know I have to explore an old area and I’m not feeling up to it. I’ve also been playing Minish cap. Although I’ve beaten it it says something when I can defeat a dungeon in that game before getting on the ground in SS.
Anyone know what stores can possible sell the SS with gold wii remote bundle? I tried gamestop but none of my local gamestops have it. I really don't want to buy a wii motion plus accessory instead of getting that shiny remote.
If you can't find an anniversary edition perhaps you could find a copy of red steel 2. I've seen many new copies that come with a motion plus for $20. Its a good deal if you need a motion plus.