Data Usage-Based Tier Update for January 2018 (Feb @ #263) (Mar @ #696)

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How Ambipom looks now:
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Isn't Mega Houndoom's low usage just purely because it was only shortly available?

Also HOW TF DID AMBIPOM GET TO UU. Really, Tail Slap isn't THAT good. I really hope it's not gonna treat UU like it did with RU last gen.
Based on these statistics, the following pokemons should not change tiers?

BL => OU
| 41 | Tornadus-Therian | 4.364% |
| 49 | Jirachi | 3.583% |
| 50 | Hoopa-Unbound | 3.403% |
RU => UU
| 52 | Cresselia | 4.011% |
NU => RU
| 64 | Virizion | 3.619% |
PU => NU
| 57 | Type: Null | 3.615% |
| 58 | Miltank | 3.530% |
| 59 | Altaria | 3.432% |

UU => RU
| 58 | Arcanine | 3.223% |
| 59 | Entei | 3.161% |
| 60 | Metagross | 3.159% |
| 67 | Mienshao | 2.276% |
| 73 | Lycanroc-Dusk | 1.756% |
RU => NU
| 65 | Camerupt-Mega | 3.088% |
| 66 | Comfey | 3.031% |
| 73 | Blastoise | 2.008% |
NU => PU
| 64 | Shuckle | 2.323% |
Based on these statistics, the following pokemons should not change tiers?

BL => OU
| 49 | Jirachi | 3.583% |
| 50 | Hoopa-Unbound | 3.403% |
RU => UU
| 52 | Cresselia | 4.011% |
NU => RU
| 64 | Virizion | 3.619% |
PU => NU
| 57 | Type: Null | 3.615% |
| 58 | Miltank | 3.530% |
| 59 | Altaria | 3.432% |

UU => RU
| 58 | Arcanine | 3.223% |
| 59 | Entei | 3.161% |
| 60 | Metagross | 3.159% |
| 67 | Mienshao | 2.276% |
| 73 | Lycanroc-Dusk | 1.756% |
RU => NU
| 65 | Camerupt-Mega | 3.088% |
| 66 | Comfey | 3.031% |
| 73 | Blastoise | 2.008% |
NU => PU
| 64 | Shuckle | 2.323% |
it's a quick rise and quick drop month so those wouldn't drop, it'd need 1.7% to drop
tho lycanroc dusk looks like it barely made uu
Based on these statistics, the following pokemons should not change tiers?

BL => OU
| 49 | Jirachi | 3.583% |
| 50 | Hoopa-Unbound | 3.403% |
RU => UU
| 52 | Cresselia | 4.011% |
NU => RU
| 64 | Virizion | 3.619% |
PU => NU
| 57 | Type: Null | 3.615% |
| 58 | Miltank | 3.530% |
| 59 | Altaria | 3.432% |

UU => RU
| 58 | Arcanine | 3.223% |
| 59 | Entei | 3.161% |
| 60 | Metagross | 3.159% |
| 67 | Mienshao | 2.276% |
| 73 | Lycanroc-Dusk | 1.756% |
RU => NU
| 65 | Camerupt-Mega | 3.088% |
| 66 | Comfey | 3.031% |
| 73 | Blastoise | 2.008% |
NU => PU
| 64 | Shuckle | 2.323% |
Cutoffs are different in "minor" tier shifts.
Edit: fuck those ninjas
Can someone explain why we don’t do regular drops/roses every month and why the quick drops/rises have different cutoffs? Or is there an article/resource that explains the it? The FAQ in the discussion thread didn’t cover it.
Can someone explain why we don’t do regular drops/roses every month and why the quick drops/rises have different cutoffs? Or is there an article/resource that explains the it? The FAQ in the discussion thread didn’t cover it.
That would make a lot of tiers very volatile and extremely difficult to develop. This system allows for mons that do end up falling off hard to still drop while allowing for consistent tiers that aren't too volatile.
because uu players don't want the tier to be shit and they don't want to see the monkey on the ladder
And how will the tier be shit? It's usage is going to drop significantly during this next month so i doubt you'll see it much anyway and even if you do
Seriously, why the fuck is Ambipom being used in UU? What does it offer over Infernape? It can't scratch bulky Steel-types, is set up fodder for Scizor, it's frail, has crap offensive typing, and is deadweight against anything other than HO, which honestly isn't that good right now. Honestly I want to slam the people who use this shitty monkey's head into the table. Let this stupid thing fall to PU where it belongs.
This guy explains why ambipom is trash so why get upset over a 6v5 game?
And how will the tier be shit? It's usage is going to drop significantly during this next month so i doubt you'll see it much anyway and even if you do

This guy explains why ambipom is trash so why get upset over a 6v5 game?
It makes UU look like a meme-y tier and next month is gonna be actually bad with mamoswine and gliscor more likely leaving

when i mean the tier i did mean the ladder. It's not fun to see it on the ladder 24/7. People want a real challenge with real battles. we don't need some meme on it all the time.
aim is doing mamoswineTTT in ou and his ou fanbase is even bigger than his uu fanbase
Wait, so there's ONE guy with a lot of fans who's behind this? Well, at least Mamoswine makes more sense to be in OU than Ambipom in UU, but even then... This reminds me of the Sticky Barb Emboar incident and The Mighty Metang.
Wait, so there's ONE guy with a lot of fans who's behind this? Well, at least Mamoswine makes more sense to be in OU than Ambipom in UU, but even then... This reminds me of the Sticky Barb Emboar incident and The Mighty Metang.
now he has the fans of the ambipomTTT and a shit ton of ou players. Mamo is rising for sure.
It makes UU look like a meme-y tier and next month is gonna be actually bad with mamoswine and gliscor more likely leaving

when i mean the tier i did mean the ladder. It's not fun to see it on the ladder 24/7. People want a real challenge with real battles. we don't need some meme on it all the time.
People arent going to assume that the entire uu tier is "memey" just because one meme was successful and achieved a trash mon rising to the tier. The entire point of the meme was to attempt to get that bad mon into uu and now that it's done. People aren't going to use it anymore. Like i said before, i doubt you'll see it much anymore (and i did mean the ladder too btw) so shouldn't you be more relieved then that you'll be getting more of a challenge now?
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