Resource USUM OU ULTRA Viability Ranking Thread

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My only thing against Z move lando is I really don't think it's special or anything. SD z fly steals the Z move that can straight up be used better by dd zyrade and it can run away with the match and not tell the set away after the first sub or dd.

It will get a kill but unless You double dance it shouldn't sweep as much as be a throw away breaker that one on one loses to bulky lando with hp ice and most the stuff You want to hit with z fly really would hate to be U-turned onto a run away sweeper like B-clown or scarf kart

It just seems better at forcing bad match ups, and just keeping the match in Your favor in a number of ways than being a 1 hit nuke. Still very viable but why not run Z-zyrade?
My only thing against Z move lando is I really don't think it's special or anything. SD z fly steals the Z move that can straight up be used better by dd zyrade and it can run away with the match and not tell the set away after the first sub or dd.

It will get a kill but unless You double dance it shouldn't sweep as much as be a throw away breaker that one on one loses to bulky lando with hp ice and most the stuff You want to hit with z fly really would hate to be U-turned onto a run away sweeper like B-clown or scarf kart

It just seems better at forcing bad match ups, and just keeping the match in Your favor in a number of ways than being a 1 hit nuke. Still very viable but why not run Z-zyrade?

Vs AV tang 1v1
252+ Atk Landorus-Therian Supersonic Skystrike (175 BP) vs. 248 HP / 212+ Def Tangrowth: 432-510 (107.1 - 126.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Zygarde Devastating Drake (190 BP) vs. 252 HP / 28 Def Tangrowth: 229-270 (56.6 - 66.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Vs Defensive Lando-t if you set up as it comes in (Lando-t sets up an SD, zygarde sets up a DD)
+1 252+ Atk Landorus-Therian Supersonic Skystrike (175 BP) vs. 252 HP / 240+ Def Landorus-Therian: 397-468 (103.9 - 122.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Zygarde Devastating Drake (190 BP) vs. 252 HP / 240+ Def Landorus-Therian: 220-261 (57.5 - 68.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

They're not really comparable
nuke S: I don't think this is the right thing to do, mostly because of how dominant Zygarde is. We can/should discuss moving Lando-T or Heatran down, but I think that Zygarde alone could take this spot at the top of the tier. It's not obligatory that we have S ranks, but I think that Zygarde fits the bill.

Landorus-T from S to A+: Agree. I'm somewhat torn on this, so I'll give some points for either side. On one hand, Defensive Lando has fallen off as the meta has developed, SD Z sets are a little more predictable/play-aroundable and its niche as a Defog/Rocks user has become heavily competitive with other mons who've risen up to counter new meta threats. With Rotom-W, Gyarados, Torn-T, Bulky Zygarde, SG Magearna, Clefable, M-Sableye, and even Gliscor moving up the VR over the course of USUM, some of Lando's classic sets (Defensive/Helmet, Bulky Scarf, etc.) seem less deadly than they used to. On the other hand, Landorus still has a veritable shit ton of sets, all of which do something useful and continue to be incorporated into new styles of play like how Sash/Rocks/Explosion is great on HO or Rocks + Z-Fly to lure bulky grasses on balance. Even when it's running bulky Scarf, it still can be deadly, particularly with mons like Mawile moving up the VR. But given all the information I see Landorus more as a contender rather than a sure pick. Compared to Heatran and Zygarde, I just can't see it as S anymore - it's just fallen off a little in the same way that Lele, Koko, and Pex all have since early USUM. The VR should reflect that Heatran and Zygarde are really the bosses of everything around here.

Tornadus-T from A+ to A: I think this is too soon as well. Torn-T, while certainly well-checked and defended against by most teams, is in my eye, the tier's best Defog user by a long shot. Regenerator gives it awesome longevity and it has solid switch-in opportunities against Tangrowth, Clefable, Landorus-T, Ferrothorn (lacking Gyro/Twave) and a host of other passive mons. Its access to Taunt, U-Turn, a useful Z-move, and loads of coverage options make it quite the pick for gluing balance squads together. While there are a lot of counter-currents going on in the meta (M-Mawile offense, M-Zam offense, offense in general), Torn-T is still one of the most reliable picks for balance, as it checks a few very important threats (Lando, Scarf/SD Kart, Bulu, Tangrowth), it has offensive presence, and it has the utility moves and offensive presence needed to be useful
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nuke S: I don't think this is the right thing to do, mostly because of how dominant Zygarde is. We can/should discuss moving Lando-T or Heatran down, but I think that Zygarde alone could take this spot at the top of the tier. It's not obligatory that we have S ranks, but I think that Zygarde fits the bill.

How does Heatran even remotely deserve discussion regarding a move down? It's still the most dominant force in this meta, able to run a plethora of sets that allow it to take out would-be counters and generally outpreform similar mons in its roles. It's one of the best trappers, it's a great utilizer of z-moves, it can be a useful utility mon... it's a force to be reckoned with, for sure. Meta trends have been mostly going in its favor; Grastro and M-Latios have been slowly declining, and the bulky grass types that have been rising up to counter Zygarde are pretty easily taken care of by firium or steelium z (the latter moreso just for bulu). And, despite Zygarde supposedly being a counter, Heatran can even sometimes bop that with steelium z to get a surprise kill. All in all, Heatran definitely should NOT fall below S level in the immediate future, and it's definitely more universally good than even Zygarde, regardless of whether it deserves an S-rank or not.
How does Heatran even remotely deserve discussion regarding a move down? It's still the most dominant force in this meta, able to run a plethora of sets that allow it to take out would-be counters and generally outpreform similar mons in its roles. It's one of the best trappers, it's a great utilizer of z-moves, it can be a useful utility mon... it's a force to be reckoned with, for sure. Meta trends have been mostly going in its favor; Grastro and M-Latios have been slowly declining, and the bulky grass types that have been rising up to counter Zygarde are pretty easily taken care of by firium or steelium z (the latter moreso just for bulu). And, despite Zygarde supposedly being a counter, Heatran can even sometimes bop that with steelium z to get a surprise kill. All in all, Heatran definitely should NOT fall below S level in the immediate future, and it's definitely more universally good than even Zygarde, regardless of whether it deserves an S-rank or not.

Ah, I see you didn't fully read the part about Landorus-T. The "should" part was about Lando-T, mostly. Heatran can be discussed, though it probably shouldn't be. In the part about Lanod I agreed with you that it's at the top tier of the metagame and the VR should reflect that.
UR => at least C- : Agree

Kommo-o has a some niche in certain HO teams like webs and screens. Both Clangorous Soulblaze+DD and SubSalac sets can be decent wincons. Kommo-o benefits from Clef drop and Heatran being spammed, as Kommo-o uses most Trans as a setup fodder. Potential Soundproof helps to avoid Tran's Roar. Also Clanging Scales, as well as Clangorous Soulblaze, bypasses Zygod and Serp's Subs. I've used Kommo-o a bit on ladder and sure it definitely deserves to be at least in C-, with potential rise in C.

C => C+ : Disagree

C is for mons that fit only at single niche archetype like tr, veil, webs, examples include Ninetales-A, Crawdaunt, etc, or that are slightly outclassed but still viable, M-Gallade for example. C+ is for mons that are still niche but their niche is bigger than C mons, and they fits not only at single niche archetype. Examples include Thundy, Bisharp, M-Bro, etc. Bee fits only in webs HO, which is a pretty niche archetype, so Bee is C, not C+.
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Ah, I see you didn't fully read the part about Landorus-T. The "should" part was about Lando-T, mostly. Heatran can be discussed, though it probably shouldn't be. In the part about Lanod I agreed with you that it's at the top tier of the metagame and the VR should reflect that.

Ah, I misunderstood that and thought you were saying both potentially deserved to drop. Sorry!

Lando-T possibly deserves a drop. The only set that's truly top-tier is the flynium z set, and although it is pretty great that's not always good to fit onto your team because of Lando-T's crippling weakness to ice that's shared with Zygarde and, although it's a little less important, Gliscor and Garachomp. However, it's still such a great set, alongside the other sets still being decent even if they're overprepared for, that S doesn't feel completely out of place for it. But I think I'm slightly leaning to drop.
As the head of the VR and a member of the VR Council which votes on each slate, I feel some obligation to discuss Zygarde and why it is A+ (or, rather, why it is not S) given the outcry after the last few slates when it remained A+. Before I go on, I wish to say that this is just my opinion and only mine; we never had many members of VR Council voting for Zygarde to move up to S before, but that does not mean everyone else on VR Council has the same exact reasoning as myself even if their vote is the same. In addition, I expect no further discussion on Zygarde to S until I give the ok as this topic has been beaten to death. That does not mean that my opinion is the rule of the land and it does not mean we will not vote on it again if we feel it is appropriate, but it does mean that we will no longer be discussing Zygarde to S for the time being for the sake of the thread's quality. You are still more than welcome to personally disagree with my opinion as a whole or parts of it and of course you can personally believe Zygarde belongs in S rank, but please keep those sentiments and arguments backing them outside of the thread for the time being (that does not mean to bombard my PMs with them either as I will more likely than not ignore these PMs if you do this). Regardless of all of this, here is my stance on Zygarde; I hope readers on both sides keep an open mind while reading it.

Zygarde is obviously a great addition to the metagame and has been one throughout the course of the generation. While the metagame (both tournament and ladder) has changed countless times with a number of archetypes, cores, and even individual Pokemon surging, plateauing, and seemingly disappearing throughout, Zygarde has been as close to a constant as you can get in terms of overall viability. Zygarde was highly touted from day 1 with the introduction of signature move Thousand Arrows, giving it a seemingly spammable STAB move that did not have many drawbacks. With natural bulk superior to Hippowdon on both sides of the spectrum, respectable base 95 Speed, and access to a number of boosting and utility moves, Zygarde was destined to be one of the better Pokemon in the metagame. I am not arguing that Zygarde is not good and I am not arguing that it did not live up to this hype as it most definitely did. However, I am arguing that despite all of these positive characteristics, Zygarde is not on par with the two most viable Pokemon in the metagame, but rather much closer to or on par with the "second tier" of Pokemon that all reside in A+ currently.

To break this down, we need to see what the Pokemon in current S rank have that Zygarde does not. Heatran and Landorus-Therian both reside in S rank and for good reason.

Heatran provides noteworthy defensive utility to a team while also taking the role of a top-notch offensive threat if given the appropriate Z crystal. The fact of the matter is that Heatran is a Pokemon that the metagame has limited switch-ins to, but it also is a Pokemon that functions as a switch-in to other threats, thus making it more multi-purposed than just about anything else in the metagame. Rarely do you ever see a Pokemon with such an established defensive presence also have a lack of defensive counterplay while not actually being banworthy. While it is true that the defensive prowess of Heatran is maximized on the specially defensive Leftovers variants and the offensive prowess of Heatran is maximized on the offensive Z variants, Heatran is still capable of playing a part on both sides of the spectrum no matter what variant it is. This is largely thanks to a fantastic typing, devastating moves such as Magma Storm, a certain degree of versatility, and other metagame trends revolving around Pokemon that provoke increased Heatran usage (Heatran is a top-notch Clefable answer dating back to ORAS, Heatran can trap Toxapex with the classic Taunt + Magma Storm set, Heatran can take advantage of Ferrothorn coming in and Spiking up, Heatran can be an actual offensive check to Mega Mawile, Heatran can sponge Kartana's STABs to situationally check choice variants or start a sequence against SD variants, Heatran can make quick work of Celesteela, Heatran can check specific variants of Magearna, Heatran can handle most Mega Scizor with ease, Heatran can sponge STAB attacks and HP Fire from Tapu Lele, Heatran can nuke or cripple Tangrowth depending on the set and situation, Heatran can pivot into most Tornadus-Therian, and Heatran can threaten out Tapu Bulu). The fact that the list I just made has over half of the Pokemon in A+ and A rank right now should be pretty alarming, even if Heatran clearly is not a direct counter to all of these things. Hell, to add onto that, metagame trends of the past number of months include Mega Alakazam, Mega Latios, and Gliscor, which are all now seen as significant pieces to the puzzle of fully countering offensive Heatran that every good bulky-offensive and balanced team right now must solve in order to actually be viable. If it is not clear by this point, Heatran is a Pokemon that oftentimes sets the tempo for the metagame around it; the metagame has adapted to it through a number of means, including the Pokemon I just mentioned moving up in usage, but each time that happens, another Heatran set surges in usage (Z-Steel starting in the middle of WCOP this year is a perfect example as it catches Mega Alakazam and Mega Latios) or there still is easily enough appeal to use Heatran quite often. Heatran does not require support and Heatran does not have crippling vulnerabilities that only make it have a limited scope of viability on standard archetypes at all. Heatran is the epitome of a well-rounded S rank Pokemon.

Landorus-Therian is a vastly different case than Heatran, but it also belongs in S rank and is more viable than something like Zygarde (although I must admit it has seen better days and I can see some arguments for A+ in the future if trends continue). Landorus-Therian has a great Choice Scarf set that has been the most common thing to use on it dating back to much earlier in this generation and although Tornadus-T surging has eaten into some of its usage on that front, it is still easily a supportive reason as to why it is ranked where it is. Nothing else provides Speed control with the ability to check as many things as Scarf Landorus-T does and this will hold true for the remainder of the generation without a doubt. Landorus-Therian also is a fine Stealth Rock setter, but the bulky Stealth Rock pivot set is nowhere near as good as it once was and honestly if it was just this set, Landorus-Therian would undoubtedly be ranked much lower. Honestly, both of these variants are nice and show that Landorus-T is a valuable addition to the metagame with significant viability, but what really distinguishes Landorus-T in the metagame is the fact that there is literally near no hard counterplay to the Swords Dance Z variants that sees consistent usage. Sure, you have to pick between Z-Fly and Z-Rock, both of which are great and hit a number of different things, but the fact of the matter is that outside of like random Mega Slowbro, faster Ice Beam Mew with PDef investment, PDef Celesteela that can stay near full and keep rocks off, and the rare PDef Skarmory with Toxic or Counter, there really aren't viable things that I would consider counters to Swords Dance Landorus-T in the metagame. While it is true that this set has never seen as much usage as the Choice Scarf set (which is stupid, but a product of closed-minded building and clinging to trendy sets/structures in teambuilding), that does not take away with how effective it is. There is nothing that remotely as convenient as SR SD Z-Landorus-T to use that can essentially assure getting Stealth Rocks up safely at least once and getting a kill and this is insanely valuable given the state of the metagame (balance oriented with stall seeing more and more usage as each day passes). Landorus-T's Z sets are really unmatched in the metagame and they do not really require much support themselves so much as they provide offensive support for other things and open up games, which oftentimes takes a dedicated breaker or lure. Landorus-T does not run the metagame as much as it once did when it saw ~70% usage, but it is still an S rank Pokemon and it has a ridiculous offensive presence that is oftentimes forgotten or simply underestimated.

Now, how does Zygarde stack up when compared to these two? Well, in my opinion, it is significantly less viable overall. Zygarde does have the versatility to match any other offensive threat or win condition in the metagame, but that in itself does not put it over the top. First and foremost, unlike Heatran and Landorus-T, Zygarde actually has universal counterplay. Standard AV and physically defensive Tangrowth is a hard counter to every Zygarde set you see nowadays (and don't try to argue that Z Dragon can hit the former as it has not been used for over a year now and for good reason). Clefable and Tapu Bulu are also counters to a vast majority of Zygarde sets you currently see, with each falling susceptible to Iron Tail variants and the former losing to DD Soft Sand if it comes in on a DD. These are three Pokemon that are all A or A+ tier that stop Zygarde in its tracks almost always and I'm not even counting Mega-Scizor, Mew, or a few other things that basically fit the bill, too, as they're not as common as the aforementioned universal counters. Therefore, no matter how versatile Zygarde may be, it will still have some match-ups where it's only good for switching into a couple Magma Storms or cockblocking a HP Iceless Tapu Koko only to get hard-stopped on its own if it remains in.

It is true that there is much more than Zygarde than what I allude to above and I want to cover this now. Zygarde's main set on balanced teams is the Choice Band set and sadly that falls into the trap of being hard checked by the Pokemon above, but it is true that it at least forces switches and recovers from Clefable, thus making it of some use. This set in itself is far from S still, in my opinion, so you really have to look beyond that. Honestly, the most potent and perhaps "best" application of Zygarde is on these "cheese" Hyper Offense archetypes, most notably Screens. On these teams, Zygarde is given Reflect + Light Screen to set-up on things it has no business doing so against normally and it also often has a pinch berry, pretty much letting it live for an ungodly amount of time, abusing its ridiculous bulk and need for only Thousand Arrows as an attack. It is amazing on these builds because you pair it with Screens as I said before and then also something like Hawlucha or Gyarados (regular or mega) and those two will at very least weaken normal counterplay, if not take it out, and then Zygarde will have a vulnerable team to essentially feast on with the support of screens and a foolproof "second life" with the berry. A great example is when Screens faces a Clefable balance, it is often the case that the Clefable is used to check Hawlucha or Zygarde, leaving the other to sweep afterwards. You can interchange Clefable with a Grass like Tangrowth or Tapu Bulu and Hawlucha with Gyarados/Mega Gyarados, too, and the same dynamic works -- one goes in early and makes progress, thus letting the latter clean through when timed well with screens. This type of team (and various similar ones with Lead Excadrill or Aurora Veil) have been ridiculously successful on the ladder and also somewhat successful in tournaments; I do not disagree with them being a major plus for Zygarde's viability at all. However, these teams all provide Zygarde ridiculous amounts of support to the point where it is in literally as ideal as possible conditions. You have to support it with hazards, potentially screens/veil to give it more set-up opportunities, complimentary sweepers to cripple normal counterplay, and potentially fodder before letting it get in safely to begin with. Would a Pokemon that is top tier need all of these things in order to function at its best? I don't think so. Some of the things that I tried to emphasize when discussing Heatran and Landorus-T is the fact that they do not need support as standalone they do not only serve their purpose and make progress, but they also force the opponent to have specific counterplay that is beyond one standalone Pokemon to check every set. You have to go well out of your way to check them and that's when they lack much support at all. Zygarde is nowhere near that and the best standalone set is the CB variant, which I touched on before and while it's fine, is nothing near S rank. Zygarde's a great abuser of the right team environment and the support of other things if played properly and therefore it is clearly a great pick on those type of teams, but that does not make it S caliber. The combination of common universal counterplay, support needed to function anywhere near its peak in terms of potency, and the lack of a standalone threatening nature (or top tier defensive capabilities that a defensive Pokemon in S may have if we happened to have one that was solely defensive) simply make it so that Zygarde is not close to Heatran and Landorus-T in overall viability in my eyes. It is still A+ rank for sure as plenty of those Pokemon provide situationally effective support or can be threats under the right environment or with the right set, but they all have drawbacks or require things to function as well as the S rank Pokemon and this cannot be ignored as it is a part of teambuilding and the game we play to integrate these things.

tl;dr: Zygarde does not fit the mold of an S rank Pokemon, especially when compared to Heatran and Landorus-T, and that is why I continue vote for it to stay in A+.
The thing with Stakataka is that if you use it off of full TR, say with a standalone CB set like you allude to, then it is slower than legitimately everything and lacks the other characteristics to compensate and be an effective option. While it's true that Stakataka 2HKOs the entire metagame with only 1-2 exceptions, you don't actually make a ton of progress with it in practice. Think about it for a moment; you posted a calc with Gyro Ball doing 60+ to Tangrowth, but once you scout the move with Tangrowth and calc to know it's CB damage, then you can easily switch on out to any Steel resist that isn't too frail and move on (or if Stakataka is weakened, you can finish it off with your faster Tangrowth's EQ/Focus Blast). The issue with Stakataka running a CB set is that it lacks one of a standout defensive typing/presence, thus letting it repeatedly get in and pose a long-lasting threat, or a sufficient amount of speed to outrun things and take advantage of free turns from U-turn/V-Switch/momentum/doubles/etc. as it really only gets one turn and one attack. Couple this with the lack of a spammable move (closes to it is Stone Edge and a majority of teams have a Rock resist + it's not as strong as maxed out Gyro Ball). It really needs TR to function at a remotely worthwhile fashion and that alone is a lot of support as it's a seldom used archetype as is and then it's less strong off the bat as it's not using the CB set as to not lock into a move and then waste turns switching, so I feel like it should stay near C- or get unranked (probably the former as it's still viable on TR) if anything.
C- => C/C+ : Disagree

Speaking of the Veez's Band set, it's just unviable. Staka is TOO slow to work outside of TR and has horrible defensive typing, and although Gyro Ball 2HKOes Scarf Lando after Intimidate, Staka is forced to take on some EQs, which hits 4x. It's fine when bulk and good defensive typing overweights low Speed tier, allowing it to work outside of Room, and while Staka has a good bulk, its defensive typing makes it struggling outside of Room. Rocks also is bad move on choice sets of any mon, as it's really big momentum drain.
Speaking of the only Staka's viable set, Rockium OTR, it's outclassed by Magearna, which has superior defensive typing, allowing it to more freely setup Room, and a snowball effect without decreasing its good bulk. C- is fine for Staka as for very niche mon.
thank you finch for giving an extremely thorough and informative explanation as to why zygarde has been voted to remain in A+ for the last 3 or 4 slates (too lazy to check). while i and a lot of other people i've talked to / people who post in the thread clearly disagree, you brought up some valid points. with that out of the way, i want to address some of the current discussion in the thread:

i think nuking S rank is a horrible idea. i can't help but feel that a lot of this is due to zygarde getting better and landorus-t getting worse in the eyes of many. i think the current S rank and A+ rank pokemon are much closer in viability than before, but there is still enough of a discrepancy, especially when you look at heatran. heatran is the best pokemon in the tier and undeniably better than everything in A+ by a significant margin (zygarde aside). as for landorus-t, it's still really good even though it's fallen off a bit. however, i think this was accounted for when the S- rank was removed. while landorus-t has technically been S rank throughout all of this, it was previously 2 levels above the A+ rank pokemon, whereas now it is 1 level above them. to me, this is informal drop is appropriate enough. i think landorus-t is fine in S rank for now, and S rank should absolutely stay.

i disagree with tornadus-t dropping. i think it's still extremely effective both as a glue mon and as an offensive threat with Z sets. it provides nice compression on teams by checking grasses and being a situational switch in to the omnipresent scarf landorus-t, among other things. i've been playing around with fightz sets lately, and those are great at punishing a tran switch in, which is sadly pretty common since hurricane is annoying to switch into and tran is a really common pick for the fat steel slot on a lot of these bulky offenses that have been gaining traction. while there has been a slight rise in rotom-w usage which can annoy torn-t, there's also been a decline in koko, which is a bit more annoying than rotom-w since it has the potential to be more threatening. finally, usage is still through the roof in tournaments. i know usage =/= viability, but it's not like there's been some decline in tornadus-t lately. i think this is indicative of where the meta is right now with many bulky offense builds that really appreciate torn-t as a pivot with a good mix of bulk/utility and offensive capability. this pokemon should stay A+.

i think garchomp deserves a rise. it's been seeing more usage lately as well, and a lot of that is due to its niche > zygarde as a rocker capable of switching into / threatening non wisp/plume heatran sets. it shouldn't be a primary switch in on any team, but it's ability to come in a few times and be immediately threatening / get rocks up easily is super nice. furthermore, all kinds of sets with it fit really well on bulky offense teams people are running right now: sd rocks, tank, and mixed rocks. scarf chomp is still garbage though.

some other things i want to comment on briefly: i think sableye rising makes sense given how dumb stall is right now. in the same vein, i think moltres should rise since it's become more and more common on these obnoxious stalls, and i think it's a level above avalugg now. kommo-o rising makes sense, not much to say though since i don't have much experience with it. ash greninja and regular greninja should both remain A+ rank, idk why they were nommed for a rise and a drop respectively tbh. hydreigon and regular slowbro rises i could get down with. stakataka rise is a big no... if you're gonna bump anything from tr then rank crabominable >:[. also, blacehpalon could probably go to B rank.

Well this is a very, very interesting VR change to say the least.

On one side we've got the justified raises of Mega-Mawile, Tapu Bulu (finally!) and Reuniclus, while on the other side the (enormously) controversial drop of Clefable and Kartana, the less surprising drop of long-reigning Tapu Koko and the intruiging prospect of Zygarde.

In response to Finch's post regarding Zygarde and the S-rank...

First of all, thank you for clarification and for the incredulous effort.

Having said that, I did find myself glowering at some points you made regarding Zygarde staying in A+. Take the following with a grain of salt; this is merely what I believe and is only based on my experience. Also, none of the following is meant to nominate Zygarde to S-rank either.

Firstly, Tangrowth is not a universal counter to Zygarde; AV variants, by far the most common set with a usage rate of nearly 70% in high ladder, are 2OHKO'd by +1 (I'm not saying it's a Z-Outrage variant, it could just as well be a Leftovers/Berry, Steelium Z or Weakness Policy variant) and Band Outrage, severely crippled by Toxic and outright beaten with Toxic Spikes support.

Speaking of Toxic Spikes support, Toxapex is back to a very good spot again with Gastrodon losing traction and combined with the hazard, Zygarde easily pressures the heck out of Tang and Bulu (and Mew for completion's sake), so saying that it's always a sitting duck in certain matchups is a very controversial thing to say, at least, when it is paired with Toxic Spikes. However, it does certainly hold true for non Toxic Spikes teams.

Clefable and Bulu aren't counters either to the vast majority of Zygarde because those are found running either CB or Iapapa Berry. Both lose to CB Iron Tail, which is always run and Clefable doesn't exactly counter Iapapa berry sets either; the mon has no counters.

In the beginning of its days, when Bulu and Clef were used to check it, it ran CB Iron Tail and Z-Iron Tail to dispose of them. As a result Tangrowth raised up in viability, and in result it started running Z-Outrage and Sub+Protect with Toxic Spikes to get rid of that.

When Clefable started to define balance, it was even seen running CB EQ (along with Thousand Arrows of course) to safely 2OHKO it while maintaining even bigger pressure against grounded foes in said archetype. When Heatran shot up in viability, many players used a RestTalk set to safely face it while maintaining an almost equal amount of pressure.

When players desperately started to look for yet another viable check, Curse Mega Scizor was born. Surely, this would have ended the hysteria about it right? No, because now it started running Dragon Tail.

Hence, there is no telling what Zygarde is able to do and can do if the metagame even slightly approaches to adapt to it. Because, unlike other meta-defining offensive forces (read Landorus and Heatran), this mon has an equally viable plan B,C,D, and E to resort to if needed. So I wouldn't be surprised at all if it starts running the DD-Outrage+Z-Iron Tail or Z-Outrage sets again in response to Tangrowth and the omnipresent Tapu Bulu. Of course this is a mere prospect, but I believe it is a rather feasible one that should be taken into account, because whenever it might happen, people will start nominating it to S again and we'll be back to the start.

Obviously, S-rank shouldn't go because
rules OU like a bawse. As clear as that.

Landorus-T S>>>A+

Landorus usage has undoubtedly been on the decrease but Landorus is generally a very threatening mon with lots of offensive and defensive options. While Defensive sets have been falling of due to bulky grasses being everywhere for Zygarde, Bulky Scarf is still an incredulously good set, if not the best set in the tier. Z-options are always open and very threatening on their own right. Lando still provides enormous compression so I'm leaning towards a disagree, although it is closer to A+ than ever and it's position might change towards the new voting slate, much like Clefable last slate.

Tornadus-T A+>>>A

Absolutely not. Most consistent defogger by far with loads of offensive presence and utility and a good check to all the grasses running around. Also a full counter to Bulky Lando and Bulky (non Rock-move) Scarf Lando.

Sableye-mega B+>>>A-

Stall is evidently rising and Mega Sab is a staple on it. A ranking alongside Chansey seems more appropriate to me.
In response to Finch's post regarding Zygarde and the S-rank...

First of all, thank you for clarification and for the incredulous effort.

Having said that, I did find myself glowering at some points you made regarding Zygarde staying in A+. Take the following with a grain of salt; this is merely what I believe and is only based on my experience. Also, none of the following is meant to nominate Zygarde to S-rank either.

Firstly, Tangrowth is not a universal counter to Zygarde; AV variants, by far the most common set with a usage rate of nearly 70% in high ladder, are 2OHKO'd by +1 (I'm not saying it's a Z-Outrage variant, it could just as well be a Leftovers/Berry, Steelium Z or Weakness Policy variant) and Band Outrage, severely crippled by Toxic and outright beaten with Toxic Spikes support.

Speaking of Toxic Spikes support, Toxapex is back to a very good spot again with Gastrodon losing traction and combined with the hazard, Zygarde easily pressures the heck out of Tang and Bulu (and Mew for completion's sake), so saying that it's always a sitting duck in certain matchups is a very controversial thing to say, at least, when it is paired with Toxic Spikes. However, it does certainly hold true for non Toxic Spikes teams.

Clefable and Bulu aren't counters either to the vast majority of Zygarde because those are found running either CB or Iapapa Berry. Both lose to CB Iron Tail, which is always run and Clefable doesn't exactly counter Iapapa berry sets either; the mon has no counters.

In the beginning of its days, when Bulu and Clef were used to check it, it ran CB Iron Tail and Z-Iron Tail to dispose of them. As a result Tangrowth raised up in viability, and in result it started running Z-Outrage and Sub+Protect with Toxic Spikes to get rid of that.

When Clefable started to define balance, it was even seen running CB EQ (along with Thousand Arrows of course) to safely 2OHKO it while maintaining even bigger pressure against grounded foes in said archetype. When Heatran shot up in viability, many players used a RestTalk set to safely face it while maintaining an almost equal amount of pressure.

When players desperately started to look for yet another viable check, Curse Mega Scizor was born. Surely, this would have ended the hysteria about it right? No, because now it started running Dragon Tail.

Hence, there is no telling what Zygarde is able to do and can do if the metagame even slightly approaches to adapt to it. Because, unlike other meta-defining offensive forces (read Landorus and Heatran), this mon has an equally viable plan B,C,D, and E to resort to if needed. So I wouldn't be surprised at all if it starts running the DD-Outrage+Z-Iron Tail or Z-Outrage sets again in response to Tangrowth and the omnipresent Tapu Bulu. Of course this is a mere prospect, but I believe it is a rather feasible one that should be taken into account, because whenever it might happen, people will start nominating it to S again and we'll be back to the start.
In addition, I expect no further discussion on Zygarde to S until I give the ok as this topic has been beaten to death.
enjoy the lurk more
C+ C: Agree

Being a webber that beats Mega Diancie just isn't as valuable anymore. Yes, it has a really powerful Liquidation, but Ribombee's Speed tier in combination with Quiver Dance and a really nice utility option in Stun Spore means there isn't as much reason to use Araquanid anymore. The most common Defogger in the tier being Tornadus-T isn't helpful either. It falls into a similar boat to Uxie in my eyes - the difference being that Uxie defines it's playstyle whereas Araquanid doesn't as much because of Ribombee, however Webs is a bit better than Trick Room rn. Alongside this, Ribombee to C+ is definitely something I could see happening as it's a little better than Araquanid as a Webs setter, but I wouldn't really mind if it stayed in C alongside Araq.

A+ → A: Disagree

A lot of what I think about this nom has already been said so I'll try not to just repeat others, but I really don't see why this would drop. Nothing has really changed that would make it any worse, if anything it has gotten slightly better due to a drop in Koko usage and Z-Focus Blast's discovery meaning Heatran isn't a 100% safe switch-in anymore. I genuinely use this mon on like 70% of my teams and have never noticed it being less good than before.

UR → C-: Agree

I tried the SubBD w/ Salac set a while back on Screens and Webs and safe to say it's definitely a viable option on HO. It definitely pulled its weight, straight up winning a majority of games, which I'll post a few of. It appreciates trends like Clefable dropping in viability, Heatran, Bulu, and Tangrowth being spammed, and it generally just smashes through a lot of HOs too. It is only viable on some HOs, however it is still viable, and should definitely be ranked.

S → A+: Disagree

I don't even think Lando got worse, I just think people are using the wrong sets. Scarf is still a fantastic glue set, needless to be said, however as Finch rightly pointed out, Z sets really aren't getting the usage or attention they deserve. It's easily the best Rocker in the tier in my eyes, beating literally every good hazard remover in current times. It also has some surprise factor to it, as Z sets haven't seen a lot of usage in a long time, so you can easily gimp Torn / Zap etc on the switch with a Z and bam, your rocks stay up for the whole game. I prefer Flyinium as you can opt to not run SD to further bluff other sets and OHKOing fat grasses without setup is super nice, but Rockium is still definitely a very solid set. Keep big dog in S.

Remove S: Disagree

Heatran and Lando are clearly a cut above the rest of the mons in A+, simple as that. Not much more to be said, think this is a mostly unanimous opinion seeing from the above posts.

C+ → B-

Here's a nom I've considered making for a while. Extreme playstyles at both ends of the spectrum in HO and Stall are pretty common picks currently, both on ladder and in tournaments, and Ditto has a fantastic matchup vs both. Having infinite PP means it is practically impossible for any team with Ditto on it to lose to Stall, and denying setup from all the common mons on hyper offense for fear of reverse sweeping them is invaluable. This mon is seriously underrated; the fact that the only notable team I've seen it on is p2's Ghost Town is just a crime.

A few other mons I wanted to mention

Sableye should probably rise considering that Stall is in the best spot its been since Dugtrio meta imo and it's a staple on that archetype, Slowbro should go C because unlike nearly everything else in C- I would actually consider using it, Ash-Gren shouldn't go S because nothing has changed - Bulu bonermen are still around and Tangrowth, Pex, and Ferro are still as common as ever while Stall is also really good which always has Chansey which sits on Grens face, Hydreigon should go B because fuck Reuni and it checks a number of things prominent in the meta such as Ash-Gren and Heatran (read more here!!!) aaaaand I think that's all I want to talk about this time round. Peace.

no i'm not writing a tl;dr, read the post u lazy asses
Idk what posses yall to talk about zygarde so much lmao just let it go.

I'm back at it again with the UR nom but this time it's a renom that was ignored twice. Hoopa C from UR -> B-
It is not secret that i am a huge fan of Hoopa C. I've used it for the past 2.5 years and it was one of the few mons I actually was really excited for! it has amazing bulk, utility and potential, but you have to actually think about stuff so a lot of users will stray away from it (btw, people like jordy tend to think i'm being an asshole - or 200 IQ - when I say this, and it may come off that way for sure but thats actually a user research point that yall REALLY should look into. People don't like effort, people don't like to think. If something requires effort people stray away. This is a business fact. This is a UX/UI fact and it applies heavily to gaming. This is not me being mean. Google it <3). But that shouldn't be the case! It's really an amazing mon yall.
Before the inevitable (maybe not but in the past few days I've gotten a lot of hate lmao) snide remarks either on discord or on here let me address them beforehand.
WhY nOt uSE hOOpA uBoUND iNsTeAd?
I will inform you rhetorical troll,
*These are all the arguments of why I use hoopa c rather than hoopa u a lot; Mind you that I frequently use both so I'm not coming from a place of ignorance and a lot of these are a lot more nuanced than you might think.
1- Hoopa C not weak to uturn (this is actually dumb important and a huge plus)
2- Not weak to fairy. Considering that half of you decide that the best course of action is to run ~3 fairies per team this is also dumb important
3- Uturly walls chansey and sets up. The set I run a lot is sub calm mind/nasty plot with aguav which I'm sure some of you know already. utterly nearly 6-0ing stall and And by looking at the high ladder usage stats it looks like my hoopas are nearly the only ones running around which is actually pretty amazing!
4- Anything that kills hoopa c also kills hoopa u but not the other way around. It is no surprise to anyone that hoopas have trash def and skyhigh spdef, and thus most of the time they will hit you physically. Hoopa and Hoopa U have the exact same defenses and hp. Thus in my thousands of games of experience nearly everything that will oko a hoopa c has to oko a hoopa u (bar the dark pulse). Most of the time it's a banded neutral hit.
5- Ghost type is much better and far more useful than dark. This is kinda why yall hype tf outta blace (btw blace has 1 less spa than hoopa c)
6- hoopa c is one of only 2 ghost types to get nasty plot and the only one that gets nasty plot and calm mind. see point 5
Not to mention sub hoopa 6-0s trick room

bUt wHaT aBoUt oFfEnSivE tEaMs?
I'm going to be honest, people that say this sound ignorant af to me and that's fine (and obviously not used hoopa c but thats another story). But don't let your ignorance limit the scope of your imagination or train of thought. Hoopa c has the exact same moveset bar hf as hoopa u and the exact same defenses with slightly smaller offenses. U can run a shit ton of sets - specs, lo, av, band with a shit ton of moves. Against offesive builds my seemingly situation ass set comes in clutch AS HELL as it disrupts the offenses, steals items, and pivots in since its natural bulk is sky high. Unless ur running into a mono dark squad. I think ur fine. I even have replays of this which i will share.
Why so high? Many teams have straight up just lost to this omfg lmao . Like for real. I wont put replays of it fucking up stall b/c Im gonna assume yall can see that / have been bodied by it and just gonna give the cynicals some smole
Heads up you oko ttar at +1 and even +0 and ur faster lmao. - Btw im just going down my replays the fact that half of high ladder feels the need to be bulky is not my fault - lost this but see wht i meant about fairy and uturn? - offense bitches
P.s. a lot of my games go like this so if ur asking why they are spread out :
hoopa just tore apart his squad:
if u must see tr here u go: - typical of the 1925s+
high ladder tr for the last time
lastly, did its job against A:

No wall of calcs this time. Good day people
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Aerodactyl: UR --> C-

Aerodactyl @ Focus Sash
Ability: Unnerve
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Taunt
- Tailwind/Earthquake
- Stone Edge/Earthquake

I have been messing around with a gimmicky HO team and, to my surprise, found that aerodactyl is actually a really good lead with notable niches over the standard choices, lando and excadrill. First of all, it is faster than both and has access to taunt, allowing it to keep rocks off your side efficiently while also reliably setting them. Now you are probably thinking "But exca does that due to rapid spin!", and you are correct, however exca cannot get rocks V defoggers such as torn t or zapdos, which aero can due to being able to taunt them or threaten them out with stone edge. It also has another valuable niche that no other notable lead gets: Tailwind. While tailwind is not necessary for every HO team, it can help dragon dance sweepers such as gyarados by allowing them to threaten (or KO) faster threats it would not normally be able to set up on, as these sweepers are naturally not that fast but get a lot more set up opportunities with tailwind. If this is not necessary, EQ can be ran to lead better V exca and KO tran rather than just taunt it. I think these niches validate it's use over the more standard suicide leads, and it deserves to be ranked at least alongside Azelf, which is certainly not as good as Aero as it underspeeds things like lead gren and screens Koko (which aero outspeeds and ties with, respectively), and also cannot provide tailwind support or be as threatening to torn t.

Replays (sorry they're only mid ladder, I'll try to get some higher up ones): - Gets rocks, prevents them being set against me and provides tailwind so Xurk can set up on terrakion. - Opponent was bad but shows the usefulness of tailwind + how it can prevent hazards. - An example of how it can be useful if it's not sacked. Comes back in mid game to take out zapdos + get a vital tailwind off that allows Cloyster to sweep. - Another example of it getting rocks + preventing a problematic pokemon doing damage due to tailwind.

About other things:
Araq to C: Disagree. I've used this extensively and IMO it's still the premier web setter as it can get webs V screens Koko and also damages stall, which ribombee cannot. I do think ribombee is a good setter though, and if it is thought they are on par I think they should both be C+ rather than C.

Lando-t to A+: Agreed. Honestly I think this thing has been overhyped for months, it slipped from on par with tran a long time ago. Yes it's versatile, the best scarfer in the tier, etc, but it's not the meta defining force that an S rank mon should be and fits in more with the A+ crowd. I consider it to be on par with zygarde in terms of viability and since the council say that should be A+ I think this should be A+ alongside it. Keep S rank though as tran is clearly above the rest of A+, with lando and zyg the only debatable ones that are borderline.
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My own nom:
B => B-

I think Gengar is outclassed by Blace. Blace hits harder than Gengar, although slightly slower, but it can be patched with Speedboosting SubCM. This set breaks stall more effectively than Gengar because of Chansey, staple on stall, being a setup fodder for Blace. Choice-items variants of Gengar also outclassed by Blace. The main advantage Blace has over Gengar is a snowball effect, which makes Blace harder to stop with each KO.

My thoughts about some noms:
B- => B: Agree

With two great sets in Offensive Rocks and Tank, Chomp can fit on both offense and balance teams. Being a mon that punishes Tran is great by itself. OSR set can put a big pressure on opposing Defoggers with SD and immensely strong nuke in Z-Outrage. Tank set can take on physical hits relatively easy, phaze dangerous sweepers with Dragon Tail and being not passive defensive mon. Chomp even can run lure sets to pick a surprise KO on its checks like Bulu and Celesteela. Clef dropping is also helps Chomp to function better in the meta, though Chomp must be careful of Bulu if not running lure set. Definitely B.

C+ => B- : Agree

With HO and stall being more potent in the meta, Ditto becomes a lesser niche option, fitting into both HO and stall and also beating both. Reverse sweep opportunity is really great, allowing stall to beat dangerous sweepers, and being an emergency exit for HO if it's going to be swept. Infinite PP is invaluable for stall, greatly helping against stall vs stall matchup. It also prevents HO from being PP stalled. With all these traits, Ditto definitely should rise to B-.
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Mega Sableye B+ => A- Agree

Mega sableye offers the rare ability in magic bounce, which allows it to bounce back most status moves, such as stealth rock, toxic, and taunt. With the new meta trend of moltres and avalugg, rockers that normally are able to set up on mega sableye through either an advantageous typing (fairy), sheer power (z-moves/heatran), or the ability mold breaker (excadrill or the niece druddigon), are now unable to set their hazards without them being blown away by moltres,who also pp stalls with pressure, and has a typing that allows it to wall clefable, heatran, and the speed tier to outspeed excadrill and heatran, with the combination of substitute, which blocks status effects such as clefable’s thunder wave, or heatran’s and excadrill’s toxic. Avalugg’s immense physical bulk, combined with rapid spin, allows it to remove hazards from defensive, suicide, and offensive landorous, and mega swampert. The two Pokémon also check mega mawile, a fearsome stall breaker with few checks and counters, moltres with it’s stab move, and avalugg with earthquake. Mega sableye also offers the utility moves knock off, will-o-wisp, toxic, and more niece moves in foul play, and metal burst. The combination of good bulk, fantastic defensive typing, and utility it provides, mega sableye is a top pick for stall teams.

Slowbro C- => C+ Agree

The ability regenerator, reliable recovery in the form of slack off, great physical bulk, in combination with it’s defensive typing, allows slowbro to check fearsome physical attackers such as mega medicham, god snek zygarde, mega loppuny, lando-t, as well as check the top tier threat in heatran. Slowbro has access to a wide movepool, with moves such as thunder wave, counter, foul play, ice beam, scald, psychic/psyshock and flamethrower/fire blast in it’s arsenal, that allows it to support it’s team in a variety of ways, slowbro acts as a great physical wall, and defensive pivot that checks a good portion of the meta.

Also nuke S rank, nothing in the meta is “broken” or over centralized.
My own nom:
B => B-

I think Gengar is outclassed by Blace. Blace hits harder than Gengar, although slightly slower, but it can be patched with Speedboosting SubCM. This set breaks stall more effectively than Gengar because of Chansey, staple on stall, being a setup fodder for Blace. Choice-items variants of Gengar also outclassed by Blace. The main advantage Blace has over Gengar is a snowball effect, which makes Blace harder to stop with each KO.

My thoughts about some noms:
Alright I'm going to have to hard disagree with moving down gengar. Gengar has so many more advantages over blaceph. One is it cant be pursuit trapped that easily. IRC, Finch hates blaceph cause it can be dead weight if the team has ttar. That isn't the case with gengar as gar has focus blast that can ohko ttar. On top of that gengar has a much better speed tier as it speed ties lati@s and out speeds kart, keldeo, terrak, and the clown. Also Gengar is basically known for beating chansey and stall. With access to taunt, it shuts down stall very well. I know blaceph learns taunt as well, but gengar has much better coverage. Also people use gar and blaceph for different reasons. Blaceph is more so a choiced user while gengar is a stall/wall breaker. Gengar is a really good Mon rn. The only problem with it is that its hard to fit on teams, but thats why its b and not higher.

Edit: Sub CM is more popular than choiced rn, but gengar still does a better job as a wall/stall breaker imo
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Idk what posses yall to talk about zygarde so much lmao just let it go.
View attachment 134952

I'm back at it again with the UR nom but this time it's a renom that was ignored twice. Hoopa C from UR -> B-
It is not secret that i am a huge fan of Hoopa C. I've used it for the past 2.5 years and it was one of the few mons I actually was really excited for! it has amazing bulk, utility and potential, but you have to actually think about stuff so a lot of users will stray away from it (btw, people like jordy tend to think i'm being an asshole - or 200 IQ - when I say this, and it may come off that way for sure but thats actually a user research point that yall REALLY should look into. People don't like effort, people don't like to think. If something requires effort people stray away. This is a business fact. This is a UX/UI fact and it applies heavily to gaming. This is not me being mean. Google it <3). But that shouldn't be the case! It's really an amazing mon yall.
Before the inevitable (maybe not but in the past few days I've gotten a lot of hate lmao) snide remarks either on discord or on here let me address them beforehand.
WhY nOt uSE hOOpA uBoUND iNsTeAd?
I will inform you rhetorical troll,
*These are all the arguments of why I use hoopa c rather than hoopa u a lot; Mind you that I frequently use both so I'm not coming from a place of ignorance and a lot of these are a lot more nuanced than you might think.
1- Hoopa C not weak to uturn (this is actually dumb important and a huge plus)
2- Not weak to fairy. Considering that half of you decide that the best course of action is to run ~3 fairies per team this is also dumb important
3- Uturly walls chansey and sets up. The set I run a lot is sub calm mind/nasty plot with aguav which I'm sure some of you know already. utterly nearly 6-0ing stall and And by looking at the high ladder usage stats it looks like my hoopas are nearly the only ones running around which is actually pretty amazing!
4- Anything that kills hoopa c also kills hoopa u but not the other way around. It is no surprise to anyone that hoopas have trash def and skyhigh spdef, and thus most of the time they will hit you physically. Hoopa and Hoopa U have the exact same defenses and hp. Thus in my thousands of games of experience nearly everything that will oko a hoopa c has to oko a hoopa u (bar the dark pulse). Most of the time it's a banded neutral hit.
5- Ghost type is much better and far more useful than dark. This is kinda why yall hype tf outta blace (btw blace has 1 less spa than hoopa c)
6- hoopa c is one of only 2 ghost types to get nasty plot and the only one that gets nasty plot and calm mind. see point 5
Not to mention sub hoopa 6-0s trick room

bUt wHaT aBoUt oFfEnSivE tEaMs?
I'm going to be honest, people that say this sound ignorant af to me and that's fine (and obviously not used hoopa c but thats another story). But don't let your ignorance limit the scope of your imagination or train of thought. Hoopa c has the exact same moveset bar hf as hoopa u and the exact same defenses with slightly smaller offenses. U can run a shit ton of sets - specs, lo, av, band with a shit ton of moves. Against offesive builds my seemingly situation ass set comes in clutch AS HELL as it disrupts the offenses, steals items, and pivots in since its natural bulk is sky high. Unless ur running into a mono dark squad. I think ur fine. I even have replays of this which i will share.
Why so high? Many teams have straight up just lost to this omfg lmao . Like for real. I wont put replays of it fucking up stall b/c Im gonna assume yall can see that / have been bodied by it and just gonna give the cynicals some smole
Heads up you oko ttar at +1 and even +0 and ur faster lmao. - Btw im just going down my replays the fact that half of high ladder feels the need to be bulky is not my fault - lost this but see wht i meant about fairy and uturn? - offense bitches
P.s. a lot of my games go like this so if ur asking why they are spread out :
hoopa just tore apart his squad:
if u must see tr here u go: - typical of the 1925s+
high ladder tr for the last time
lastly, did its job against A:

No wall of calcs this time. Good day people
I also use both but here are reasons to still use Hoopa-U.
1) Nasty Plots Sets are pretty good on regular Hoopa but choiced: Hoopa-U is just superior. You can be CB or Specs while abusing better atks esp like Banded Hyper Space Fury which also goes through Protect
2) Hoopa-U checks Mega Alakazam who is spammed alot lately.
3) Regular Hoopa is slower which most of the time does not matter but it is a factor

I am not against Hoopa being ranked. I do think that if you consider using Nasty Plot Hoopa-U on your team, you should also consider Hoopa or a CM Blacephalon. But most people either just like to use Specs/Choice Band in which Hoopa-U is just better.

I do take your ambition and post seriously. However, if you want the majority of players to take your proposals seriously you need to use a different, more standard team and add a Hoopa to it and show that it is useful. Post replays of that and people will be more convinced. This will prove that Hoopa is useable not only in your team, but in general.
I also use both but here are reasons to still use Hoopa-U.
1) Nasty Plots Sets are pretty good on regular Hoopa but choiced: Hoopa-U is just superior. You can be CB or Specs while abusing better atks esp like Banded Hyper Space Fury which also goes through Protect
2) Hoopa-U checks Mega Alakazam who is spammed alot lately.
3) Regular Hoopa is slower which most of the time does not matter but it is a factor

I am not against Hoopa being ranked. I do think that if you consider using Nasty Plot Hoopa-U on your team, you should also consider Hoopa or a CM Blacephalon. But most people either just like to use Specs/Choice Band in which Hoopa-U is just better.

I do take your ambition and post seriously. However, if you want the majority of players to take your proposals seriously you need to use a different, more standard team and add a Hoopa to it and show that it is useful. Post replays of that and people will be more convinced. This will prove that Hoopa is useable not only in your team, but in general.

"you need to use a different, more standard team and add a Hoopa to it " This shouldn't be a factor whatsoever actually and you know it lol. I use it on several squads in the replays btw. the ph level of my team(s) shouldnt factor into the usefulness of a mon.
Next to ur points.
1. By choiced you mean banded - choiced specs isnt superior actually especially considering that their movepool is the exact same (ghost > dark).Im not gonna run banded hoopa c however I wont run banded hoopa u either since I consider it a liability - plus they do different things lol if ur running band def go hoopa u. its main lure is the POWERFUL HYPERSPACE FURY
2. I'm at a crossroads here, I actually play around that since its gonna shadow ball. However hoopa u - in general cannot switch into zam like at all. But u said check so you meant 1v1. I dont need to check zam as that is very specific and I have 5 other teammates.
3. it is a factor but as you stated most of the time it doesnt matter.
also FUCK BLACE lol.

Lastly for the taking seriously part, thank you man. I really appreciate it. Seriously
Mega Herracross: B—> B+
I feel this mon should rise. One big reason is Ske’s exellent RMT that still holds up well even with OLT done. It does a great job checking a certain green snake as well as scarf lando, 2 big threats. It checks many more as well that i wont list. It also can do bullet seed over pin missle now due to bulu who also helps it with recovery and checking its counters. It can also obilterate stall and balance with its strong attacks (watch for moltres on stall). It’s also very bulky, taking a heatran’s magma storm. And dont forget, if u run jolly, heatran can be killed off before u mega. This mon is so much better rn than shit like diancie and vic imo. Raise it.
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However hoopa u - in general cannot switch into zam like at all.
hoopa u actually has great special bulk. it can switch into anything besides focus blast even after rocks and let's be real no one hits 2 focus blasts

252+ SpA Alakazam-Mega Shadow Ball vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Hoopa-Unbound: 96-113 (31.8 - 37.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock
252+ SpA Alakazam-Mega Focus Blast vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Hoopa-Unbound: 143-169 (47.5 - 56.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock

theoretically shadow ball into focus blast could kill if you get high rolls on both but it's really unlikely.

"you need to use a different, more standard team and add a Hoopa to it " This shouldn't be a factor whatsoever actually and you know it lol. I use it on several squads in the replays btw. the ph level of my team(s) shouldnt factor into the usefulness of a mon.
it is a factor. if a mon is good by itself but doesn't synergize well with high ranked stuff then it shouldn't be ranked as high. also i went through the replays and you literally used 2 different teams, both of the "offense with mandibuzz" archetype.

i appreciate you using heat teams, but i'm not convinced that hoopa can work outside of this incredibly specific niche.
Imagine if someone had said Tapu Bulu would once be considered the best of the Tapusback at the start of S/M. That person would be deemed a loony back then. I love how far Tapu Bulu has come because I live that Mon.

Anyway I think Kartana is definitely a Metagame defining Pokemon still and think it should stay in A if not A+.
hoopa u actually has great special bulk. it can switch into anything besides focus blast even after rocks and let's be real no one hits 2 focus blasts

252+ SpA Alakazam-Mega Shadow Ball vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Hoopa-Unbound: 96-113 (31.8 - 37.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock
252+ SpA Alakazam-Mega Focus Blast vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Hoopa-Unbound: 143-169 (47.5 - 56.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock

theoretically shadow ball into focus blast could kill if you get high rolls on both but it's really unlikely.

it is a factor. if a mon is good by itself but doesn't synergize well with high ranked stuff then it shouldn't be ranked as high. also i went through the replays and you literally used 2 different teams, both of the "offense with mandibuzz" archetype.

i appreciate you using heat teams, but i'm not convinced that hoopa can work outside of this incredibly specific niche.

1) Im aware both hoopas have great special bulk lmao. they have the same bulk. and in the practice -
252 SpA Alakazam-Mega Focus Blast vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Hoopa-Unbound: 130-154 (43.1 - 51.1%) -- 5.5% chance to 2HKO
This is what youre getting hit with. If im running av hoopa u im switching into zam for DAYYYSS but also if i run av hoopa c i live a shadow ball
" by itself but doesn't synergize well with high ranked stuff then it shouldn't be ranked as high. also i went through the replays and you literally used 2 different teams, both of the "offense with mandibuzz" archetype." This is actually your opinion lol (wrong one at that as it is a fallacy) and basically showing that youre adverse to steering away from the meta slave arch. which is fine who i am to tell you to not be basic or how to play the game to your enjoyment. But lets do a simple exercise. If i had replaced hoopa c with giratina on my teams would that have made any of you points differ? No it wouldn't; and yet giratina is uber.... (this is bc of the fallacy thing I mentioned) This isnt that complex of a game on that high of a level youve just been primed to think that way and like its fine i know people gotta have some type of order but like that has nothing to do with me. I thought I had used 3 teams, If It's 2 I have a few things to say, one of them being actually ty for watching all of the videos man, and 2 I am sorry for saying it was a few. (heres a third one just in case:
Lastly still on this point - " i'm not convinced that hoopa can work outside of this incredibly specific niche." That is your personal problem. It is not my job to open your mindset of how you play the game just give an example of what I know has worked for me and a few other people with replays and explanation. If your counterpoint is that I used original teams thats a huge fallacy that when applied to almost anything else makes even less sense(if you want I can explain this further). Also this game takes very little time. Nothing is stopping you from actually trying the mon on your - what i assume to be - basic squads and proving to yourself that it will work.

Btw I am serious about you trying and will actually give you a bunch of different sets to try( AV, SPECS, fightium, electrium, lo, sub calm aguav, sash). just ask

P.s: I want to bring to light that this has now developed into a small subset of a subset of the points Ive made
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