--> A![]()
Similarly to Clefable, in my opinion protean greninja has taken a slight hit in viability and the rest of A+ has gotten better. Greninjas utility as a offense attacker has gotten punished by the rise of pokemon such as Reuniclus which give its sets a tiny annoyance, and Celesteela, which also gives it trouble. Along with that, its speed tier is no longer what it used to be and Ice Beam Ash-Greninja's rise shadows Protean Greninja. While usage is not my only argument, Protean Greninja has lost some usage to its ash form, and similarly to Clefable, is FAR from a bad pokemon.
I'm gonna have to hard disagree with this nomination, although I kinda agree with your other two (I'm not 100% keen on Clefable dropping either way but I definitely think Bulu has more than proven itself worthy of A+ at this point, and Lax is still godlike). Its Speed tier is still incredibly good (crucially beating Tornadus-T, which is fantastic, and everything below), and it still has the movepool to deal with both Reuniclus and Celesteela should those prove too problematic. Taunt and Dark Pulse - neither of which are options I'd call particularly "niche" - can give Reuniclus a serious headache, and Life Orb variants can frequently 2HKO Celesteela after Stealth Rock with HP Fire. I would argue that its speed tier is still very much what it used to be, outside of Ash-Greninja being a little better, and it hasn't actually gotten worse in any sense. Greninja, much like its own ability, is very protean in nature: it has the tools to deal with many of the metagame trends that would be a little annoying for other conventional sets, and it doesn't have to really give much up to do so. Ash-Greninja just got better than it used to be is all, and it for one absolutely deserves to be in A+. I've elaborated a bit about this in the Discord server if anyone's curious, but I'm really not on-board with this thing dropping. It's still amazing as ever and I think that A+ getting a little stronger overall is just pointing fingers at a certain green snake thing being a bit too powerful to stay in A+ and raise the bar by that much.
In terms of my more in-depth thoughts about Clefable... I dunno, honestly. It's definitely not as splashable as it was a couple months ago, and Zygarde continuing to tear through this tier like a wrecking ball by showing how truly godlike its extremely specialized movepool is has been able to develop considerable counterplay for this thing on its own, but it's still good at what it does. I could go either way on this one, but I'm leaning very slightly towards a drop to A, although this is heavily dependent on what ends up rising and dropping (if Zygarde rises to S - and considering I haven't seen a single good argument in favor of it not rising to S it absolutely should - I can still realistically see it staying in A+).