Xbox One

wow this thing is terrible (the announcement at least). First of all no backwards compatibility that was already a thing that I can't be 100% mad at, but the 100% discouraging use of Used games, the weird-ass name, and the look that it is over attempting to become a bigger mobile device basically turns it to a watered down PC with a free controller on it and Halo. The worst part about it is that a lot of retards are probably gonna buy this due how they talked about it. Terrible reveal. Also, I would request that you take your time in order to see The most biased look at the Xbox One by a Microsoft fanboy. I honestly think that rather than "saving" gaming, or launching it into a new state, it's removing the precious things about gaming and is trying to turn itself to a worse version of other things. Just try to put emphasis on the unique trait of consoles.

Could maybe edit it to make it more detailed but you get the point
That's incredibly sad, and that's coming from a Sony die hard fan (nothing compared to Philip though). But meh, when games start to get announced everyone will forget this ever happened...

Also, Sony is poised to repeat the PS2 monopoly with the Wii U and XBox bombing...

Edit: People were saying you cannot top 599 dollars...YOUWEREWRONG.

I doubt Sony will get its monopoly back - in the PS2 era, the XBox was a new contender, so people probably weren't as happy to jump on it. Now, the XBox 360 has proven its worth and built a fan base, so there will be more than enough people buying the XBox One.
Concerning the Wii U, I doubt that will turn out to be a bombing. I imagine it a lot like the 3DS - slow start, but eventually it will start to pick up pace as some proper exclusives are released. Once Nintendo gets a new Mario and a new Zelda onto the Wii U, I think it will start to climb again.

-Best controller ever made, but the look is meh
-Confirmed x86 architecture (even though this was known for a while)


-Console + Kinect are huge. They REALLY want to replace everything
-They envision unified access with your cable box, but cable is becoming abysmal


-Lots of confusion on used games, license keys etc

-Phil Spencer saying the console needs to connect to the internet at least once a day; what happens if it doesn't?

Yes, you need to home in at least once in 24 hours which is a pretty shitty deal for me since I exclusively have used my 360 for singleplayer only lugging it to the next room and plugging it online once in 3-4 months for some firmware update and shit without with some game refuses to run.

Once in 24 hours is a more polite way of saying 'Yeah, always online fuck you' you seriously can't imagine people pulling up an ethernet cable everyday. It's either your console is set up with internet or you're screwed

-No real gameplay shown. All appeared CGI, but a Forza 5 dev said it (Forza 5) wasn't?

Nope pretty much sure 100% of it was CGI. Everyone is keeping their cards close with the E3 so near.
im doubting this "connect once a day" thing that Phil Harrison said. That and his comment on used games and how they work on X1 sounds like a response he made up on the spot. On top of all that microsoft did say they were just "possible scenarios" whatever that means.

All this sounds like Microsoft hasnt decided on everything yet. I'm willing to bet all this noise made their decision alot easier

I really hope other companies don't think that Microsoft's used game policy for the XB1 is a good idea and follow suit.

WHAT other companies? The 2 other major players (Sony/Nintendo) have already released their next gen system, WiiU doesn't have any of this bullshit and PS4 hasn't indicated on there being any draconian DRM (so far).
Can't wait to get one. Already beat the PS4 by a mile, I have something to look forward to.

What I liked:

Snap Mode
Fantasy Sports integration
Cable Box stuff
FL Limit up to 1000.
Windows OS (probably will make it easier to port games than PS4)
5 Billion Transistors (whatever that means)
More servers
500 GB HDD
Kinect included
(Games should be announced at E3, hope that they release more exclusives than Kinect based ones. Doubt that there will be Halo/Gears so that's encouraging at least)
Getting to see the console.

What I Didn't Like:

Could've been more sleek
Not much focus on gaming (I expected that, but still was dissapointed)
I've been a Nintendo fan for all of my life, but last generation I decided to buy an XBox 360 to go along with my Wii and it turned out to be a great decision. Really couldn't play the mainstream games otherwise and the console overall is really solid.

However, this upcoming generation is a bit different for me: Microsoft really needs to show consumers like myself a good reason to buy the XBox One, as now the Wii U can pretty much play mainstream games like Call of Duty to their fullest capacity. As a gamer (for the past eighteen years) I've always been about the video games. The newer consoles (and I'll put the start of this on the PS3) have started to trend away from "video game console" and towards a "home entertainment system". Those companies have shifted from creating their own goods to being more of a "host" for outside parties to inhabit. There's nothing intrinsically wrong with that, but to someone like me that's not really what I'm looking for. I have a television and cable. I have a DVD/Blu-Ray player. I have access to Netflix. I have internet. Those are pretty much standards outside of consoles (especially if you find yourself in the market to buy a video game console). I just want to play video games.

As a result, yesterday's press conference...didn't really sway me to pick up an XBox One. I'm absolutely giving Microsoft a pass on software display, since the E3 Expo is so close around the corner. I imagine Microsoft held back on software for that, and would be heavily surprised and disappointed if that was not the case. Still, some sports games and the CoD trailer that was fanfare'd around the internet for the past few weeks definitely didn't create much excitement. The "always online" features are an inconvenience, but I don't really have internet issues (thankfully) so there's not much of a problem there. What really makes me doubt the One, though, was the focus on television and the whole "used games" fees. I don't like the direction the console seems to be going in in terms of providing those resources that most people shopping for a console already have. All three big companies are doing it, but Microsoft's exposition showcases it the heaviest so far. Service providers like NetFlix and Hulu are one thing, but to have your conference go on about watching television on it? What kind of a pull is that? The used games fees kill me, though. I'm one of those guys who buys a game and then goes over to friends' houses to play it with them. Now it seems that I'll have to pay a fee just to go over my friends' houses just because Microsoft fears that one disc will spread to multiple XBox One units and profits will be lost. They forget the fact, of course, that disc units can only be played with one at a time (unless people have been able to download the whole data of the disc onto the console?). It's a terrible decision, as it pretty much takes a key component of social connectivity away from the consumer. Furthermore, there is zero way that Microsoft could ever make that announcement and look good doing so. It's entirely negative.

I'm not 100% turned off by the XBox One, however. Software is still important to me, so I'll still be heavily interested in the E3 announcement. Yesterday's presentation may have solidified my decision to wait around two years to pick one up, though. It just may not be worth it. In related news, this is now Sony's opportunity to "win": they could gain a lot of support from wavering 360 consumers or in-between consumers (like myself) by solidifying their console's line-up. However, looking at how the PS3 went, I wouldn't be surprised if the PS4 went a similar route as the XBox One. If that's the case, I'd be content with a Wii U alone this generation.

tl;dr: I don't like the direction the One is going in, and as someone who was considering owning both a One and a Wii U, I'm hesitant.

As a Nintendo fan, I'm really enjoying just how badly this has been bungled by Microsoft. I mean, after the Wii U you'd think developers would know that confusing and contradictory information with no solid line up of games are the death knells for a console launch, but here we are.

I'm not enjoying this simply because I love Nintendo. The gamer is me is not happy with where the industry is heading, and if one console fails it isn't good for the industry as a whole, but it seems as if MS are shitting on their user base with the Xbox One, with gaming being the last thing on their minds.

Of course, it's very early days, and MS could still knock everyone's socks off at E3 (especially since they're going to have to after their reveal utterly tanked), but with two competitors completely fucking themselves in the ass, the PS4 reveal only has to not be a huge disappointment and Sony will have a good start this gen.
also about the installs to hdd thing ... i wanna know if its cause the games are on bluray or its cause of this used game/DRM thing. We've installed games on our PS3's almost everytime as well, it may just be an extension of that
Well the thing is Cowbell Nintendo looks like it's going to back to it's "Zelda-Mario-Metriod Machine" niche ala 64, and Xbox has managed to alienate it's own fanboys let alone prospective users. Maybe not exactly as the PS2 (My God that was a beautiful machine) but pretty darn close.


In face this thread is pure golden with all sorts of GIFs:
I'll be fine with my pc/3ds/vita/ps3 for now and honestly the only things that are gonna make me buy a next gen console are persona 5/valkyria chronicles 3 (except p5 might be ps3 and idk if vc3 is even going to happen...) coming out on ps4 and SMTxFE or Smash Kerfluffle coming out on WiiU
The thing is guys, this used games business is so stupid and so corrupt, I can only believe that Microsoft and Sony agreed to go into it together and MS just drew the big straw and had to reveal first.
On the bright side for Microsoft, they are still the most trending in Eritrea and the disputed parts of Western Sahara. And Montenegro, judging by the map. And they can use it as a marketing argument that PS4 seems to be more popular in North Korea.