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The best deck I've made so far. Dragunity can be so fast it's a little sickening and I wind up making mistakes sometimes cause of how fast it is. I usually just stick to the level 8 Synchros and hope to god that I can get Red Nova. (I actually only put in Red Nova because I love the song "Clear Mind". I'd use Shooting Star, but I cant find any room for formula and it's tuners. Otherwise it'd be much easier to get Shooting star than red nova.)

I can get stardust out very easily and uncommonly I can get both stardust and Darkness Metal Dragon out on the first turn.

It also has extremely good top-decks. I won 3 duels today because of an awesome top deck and almost won the 4th if my opponent didn't top-deck something a million times better twice. lol

That's not to say this deck doesn't have it's bad ends. This deck is heavily reliant on the first hand. If it's bad, I'm gonna have to play catch up the entire duel and I never really get over it. The draws can be great but that start hand is what makes or breaks this decks wins. I'm thinking about getting rid of some of the traps for more spells sense most of my bad hands tend to be traps with monsters and my traps are more for Defense than offense. at the same time though I can name more than a few times those traps have saved me but more often or not they don't seem to work all that well. If anyone has some advice on what I can replace for this deck feel free to tell me.

I've never really liked the feel of adding REDMD and Wyvern into Dragunities. I would suggest taking those out and adding in 1 or 2 Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite, a third Terraforming, and Effect Veiler/Divine Wrath/third Cards of Consonance/Pot of Avarice/Malefic Stardust Dragon/Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind/Dark Hole(just noticed you don't have this...) as filler. Also could use Trident Dragon in the side.

Zeph lets you bounce Future Fusion, Dux, or Ravine for some ridiculous combos. Load the grave, use Dux again next turn, or get another search off with Ravine. Really works well in the deck.
my decent evol deck


found the evol archetype and I decided that this would be my next deck. So basic concept is to dump evolsaurs into grave, gephyro brings back vulcano which brings back another evolsaur and I xyz summon my evolzars. westlo/odonto can also help. Just a bit unsure on what spell/traps to use because I think I could use a little bit of help in that area. This deck is decent but I think I could improve it a lot more.

Any Suggestions?

Yes I do know about the top right camera thing but this isn't my computer and I didn't wanna turn off the pop up blocker just to get that pic. Photobucket works fine too.


I use Call of the haunted for Metal Dragon who, while cant be Special Summoned by other Metal Dragons, it can be Special Summoned period. I also sometimes use it to summon Red Nova if I have the means to do so. I can probably get rid of one though.

I have thought about using duality but I think that'd actually slow down my deck more than speed it up because even if I did get the card I needed this deck is reliant on Special Summoning so I wouldn't be able to do very much of anything for the rest of the turn.


I love using Metal Dragon in this deck. If I can get just one on my field my Field Speed just increased ten million fold. This card is a beast at helping me get my synchro's out. I especially love using it on Leyvaten who's effect will always activate when it's special Summoned. I did have 2 Trident Dragion's at one point but got rid of one becuase I felt it a little uneeded.

I can see the benifits of using Zephyros (though if I did get rid of the Red-eyes for this card, bouncing future fusion would be pointless because I wouldn't have enough Dragon's in my deck to use it in the first place after using it a second time.)

@Terraforming (a third one seems bitter sweet for me. I can see adding one would increase my speed by a little bit but at the same time it seems kinda pointless to me. I don't know why.), and Effect Veiler/Divine Wrath(these cards are always good but I'm trying to decrease my defense to add more speed lol)/third Cards of Consonance(the reason I decided not to do 3 instead was because I thought it would lead to more dead draws. I already get more dead draws than not with this card so I'm actually thinking about taking 1 out.)/Pot of Avarice(I can see the benifits of using this card but at the same time my deck is heavily reliant on monsters in the grave. Using it on the winged beasts is something I can think of going with but at the same time there aren't nearly as many of those as the dragons I need to have in my grave.)/Malefic Stardust Dragon(this one I can get behind. A 2500 beat stick that's easy to summon and protects my field spell is pure love. Only bad thing I can think about it is that it banishes Stardust which I often target with my level 8 synchros. Maybe I can put in Return from the different Dimension?)/Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind(useful for defense and it allows me to get out those level 7 synchros sense this deck lacks any level 3 tuners or level 5 non-tuners that would actually allow me to get em out. Another card I can get behind.)/Dark Hole (Always a useful card and there are definately times when I needed it.)

Thanks for your critisism everyone. Once again, I already know about the camera but I didn't wanna take away the pop up blocker on a computer that's not even mine (I'm using my ma's comp because my laptop's keyboard is busted.) If anyone has any more edits they can give me I'd love for the help. I'll think about all the things told to me already. :D
Oh I didn't see you had a Trident Dragon. Two is pointless yes.

A lot of the options are just filler really. I've seen a local Dragunity player rip pretty much everyone with Zephyros/Divine Wrath plays alone. The thing was, if you get rid of 6 cards you needed to add 6 cards, so a lot of the options I gave were personal preference.

If you want to keep the REDMD and Wyvern engine but still want speed: Zeph does add speed definitely.

You could try something like:

-2 BTH
-1 of your lvl 6's

+1 Dark Hole
+2 Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite
+1 Malefic Stardust Dragon
+1 Stardust Dragon
So, we're not too far away from March 2012 (Banlist should be out mid-Feb). What's on everybody's minds in regards to the banlist?
I would say Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the End, but Konami is promoting the Chaos archetype, especially with the new structure deck that has Lightpulsar and Darkflare Dragons, so I doubt that BLS - EotE will be getting hit. Reborn Tengu and Tour Guide won't be touched unless it's an emergency ban (only done for Yata-Garasu and Envoy of the End) until they get to the OCG, so that's out.

If Inzektors make a big enough impact, I can see either Dragonfly or Hornet getting Semi-Limited. Dandylion needs to get hit, and I would like Doppelwarrior or Quickdraw to be Semi. I would love to see Lonefire banned completely. Being able to search out whatever Plant you want at whatever time you want is not balanced.

Edit: Started thinking about Tier 0 decks. Rescue Rabbit needs to be hit with something. Instant Fusion is annoying in Karakuri decks (instant Burei), but I don't think it should be hit.
Oh I didn't see you had a Trident Dragon. Two is pointless yes.

A lot of the options are just filler really. I've seen a local Dragunity player rip pretty much everyone with Zephyros/Divine Wrath plays alone. The thing was, if you get rid of 6 cards you needed to add 6 cards, so a lot of the options I gave were personal preference.

If you want to keep the REDMD and Wyvern engine but still want speed: Zeph does add speed definitely.

You could try something like:

-2 BTH
-1 of your lvl 6's

+1 Dark Hole
+2 Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite
+1 Malefic Stardust Dragon
+1 Stardust Dragon

Only use 1 Zephyros; if you use any more and it's useless.
Only use 1 Zephyros; if you use any more and it's useless.

There are two train of thoughts. Yours, which is true and in my current Blackwing deck, and this:

If you run two your chances of drawing it are doubled. Yes, there are times where it is useless, but that is slim to none. And in those times, what happens? You have a 1600 beater which isn't bad in a BW deck (Shura's effect can be hard to pull off, especially late game), and in a Dragunity deck it's just ditched with Ravine. If Ravine isn't up, then a Dragunity deck is likely going to lose anyway when the average Dragunity deck runs 5-6 ways to get the field spell. Having 2 Zephyros's though speeds up the deck, which is what his goal was. Your chances of drawing it and using its effect are doubled.

It isn't like Spore or Glow-up where you go through your whole deck minus 10 cards every duel and another would be useless, with Foolish/Lonefire/Dualities/Maxx C to thin the deck/search for what you need. It isn't a guaranteed draw, so running 2 is really fast with very few drawbacks. If you run a deck where Zeph works in it (only decks I've seen are BW, Dragunity, and Heroes), try running 2 instead of 1. It really works wonders.
Yo guys, I haven't played Yu-Gi-Oh in forever (last time I remember playing SixSam was top tier stuff) and I kind of wanted to get back into it. I just wanted to know what decks are considered top tier now.
TourGuide-Agents is a target for the next banlist, that's for sure.
Rabbit (Rescue Rabbit into Double Kabaulzaur/Sabersaurus into Dolkka/Laggia) also made 1st and 2nd at YCS Brighton.
The Plants Engine is teched into most decks but also runs on its own comfortably.
Wind-Ups are becoming pretty big now also.
Karakuris don't seem that amazing, but they combo off pretty hard and can pack a punch.
Inzektor Dragonfly/Hornet needs to be limited. Most likely semi but really, so long as it's limited in some way.
Rescue Rabbit. I think we all agree that thing is broken in alotta ways.
For god sakes someone get rid of A Day Of Peace. It's not broken but it's extremely annoying to play against a draw deck while they do a 15-25 Draws and when it's finally your turn you cant do anything against them while they have 2-4 pieces of Exodia. I swear I rage quit every time I see a draw deck.
Judgment Dragon was good how it was before and heck I wouldn't have minded it being completely limited. Lightsworn decks are all the rage these days. I can understand Konami wanting to sell BLS but what was the point of Judgment dragon at all. it's way to easy to get 2 or even all 3 out. D:

@Hobo Joe/Buzzcut
I can solve this whole thing right now by simply stating I only put one in there.
For god sakes someone get rid of A Day Of Peace. It's not broken but it's extremely annoying to play against a draw deck while they do a 15-25 Draws and when it's finally your turn you cant do anything against them while they have 2-4 pieces of Exodia. I swear I rage quit every time I see a draw deck.

Alternatively, Konami could just ban Exodia and put an end to Exodia Loops once and for all, but that would be too wise...

If Inzektors make a big enough impact, I can see either Dragonfly or Hornet getting Semi-Limited.

iirc Inzektors have been topping in the OCG like crazy, so I can forsee something getting hit (Dragonfly to 1 makes the most sense imo).
So I recently got into yugioh and built my first deck. It's a Batteryman OTK deck and was wondering what you guys thought of it and if you have any suggestions.

Batteryman AA X3
Shining Angel X3
Batteryman Micro-cell X2
Batteryman D X2
Batteryman Charger X2
Wattfox X2
Batteryman Fuel Cell
Super-Electromagnetic Voltech Dragon
Batteryman Industrial Strength

Inferno Reckless Summon X3
Short Circut X3
Battery Charger X2
Recycling Batteries X2
Swords of Revealing light
Makiu, the Magical Mist
Photon Lead
Book of Moon
Heavy Storm
Monster Reborn
Lightning Vortex
Soul Exchange
Monster Gate

Wattcannon X3
Gravity Bind
Bottomless trap Hole
Mirror Force
Return from the Different Dimension
Portable Battery Pack

Extra Deck:
Watt Chimera

The Basic Concept is to get as many ways as possible to Special Summon Batteryman AA, allowing me to Inferno + Short Circut for an OTK.
There are two train of thoughts. Yours, which is true and in my current Blackwing deck, and this:

If you run two your chances of drawing it are doubled. Yes, there are times where it is useless, but that is slim to none. And in those times, what happens? You have a 1600 beater which isn't bad in a BW deck (Shura's effect can be hard to pull off, especially late game), and in a Dragunity deck it's just ditched with Ravine. If Ravine isn't up, then a Dragunity deck is likely going to lose anyway when the average Dragunity deck runs 5-6 ways to get the field spell. Having 2 Zephyros's though speeds up the deck, which is what his goal was. Your chances of drawing it and using its effect are doubled.

It isn't like Spore or Glow-up where you go through your whole deck minus 10 cards every duel and another would be useless, with Foolish/Lonefire/Dualities/Maxx C to thin the deck/search for what you need. It isn't a guaranteed draw, so running 2 is really fast with very few drawbacks. If you run a deck where Zeph works in it (only decks I've seen are BW, Dragunity, and Heroes), try running 2 instead of 1. It really works wonders.

The problem is that you can only use Zephyrus's eff once. If you use draw the second one, it's a dead draw and a waste of your time.

If he's only for bouncing Future Fusion/Ravine - why run him at all? Why not just use 2 Gold Sarc to increase speed instead?
The problem is that you can only use Zephyrus's eff once. If you use draw the second one, it's a dead draw and a waste of your time.

If he's only for bouncing Future Fusion/Ravine - why run him at all? Why not just use 2 Gold Sarc to increase speed instead?

If it's used in Dragunity, it's ditched for Ravine. Dragunity is the best decks at turning dead draws into pluses, so in the very rare times that you do draw both, you get a search out of it.

Because bouncing FF or Ravine is broken...

Two searches in a turn, with one being a card you want in the grave anyway is pretty ridiculous. Dragunities rely a fair bit on the graveyard, so sending 10 cards to the grave with FF is ridiculous. You're set for game with a grave full of REDMD, Wyvern, Phalanx, and Aklys.

Gold Sarc is the exact opposite of adding speed. Would you rather have a card you want now in two turns, or right now? Its only use is for decks that can plus off of cards being banished or inconsistent decks that rely on one card/combo to win.

No point in debating as he already decided on only adding one. I really love two though if a deck has room for it because of the pure speed and plays Zeph can make all on his own, but if someone only wants to use one/none that's fine.
On a side note, Zeph makes it very easy for Dragunities to Synchro Trishula (Normal Legionnaire, equip Phalanx, Special Phalanx, bounce Ravine/some other Magic or Trap card to Special Zeph, synch into 9). It would otherwise take two turns to do so with Dux and Legionnaire unless you used a CotH or Monster Reborn on one of them.
What is everyone's opinion on a pure agent/fairy build? No tour guides, thunder king mained, and 3 fiendish chain?
It's viable, I suppose. I hope you plan on running Agents and Hyperion somewhere in there.

I have to disagree about 3 Fiendish Chain with LizardMan. When Inzektors get more popular in the TCG, it's going to become necessary that you have some way to stop them. Effect Veiler only stops them for a single turn, and Fiendish Chain isn't affected by D-Fissure Rescue Rabbit decks, unlike Veiler.

I will never stop hyping Inzektors until everyone realizes that they are the biggest new threat.
Except they're not broken.

Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror.
Skill Drain.
Fiendish Chain.
Effect Veiler.
King Tiger Wanghu.
Solemn Warning.
Macro Cosmos.
Banisher of Radiance.
Chain Disappearance.
Solemn Warning.
Divine Wrath.
Effect Veiler.
Light and Darkness Dragon.
Crevice into the Different Dimension.

It's not broken just because you don't actually look for ways to beat it. Side Decks exist for a reason.
Wind-Up Zenmaighty to 1 plz. You can rack up huge combos with that beast but it's not totally broken.


I made this deck a little while ago. It's not nearly as successful as my Dragunity deck but it's still viable in top tier 1000+ duels on DN. I'll have to duel a little more with it though.

Can I get some advice with it. I was thinking about taking out alexandrite (I like Alex for being a 2000atk but the only real reason I put it in there in the first place was because it was recommended in dragon decks.) and Starbright (I do like starbright for giving me Trident much more easily but I don't get it out in moments when I need it so I'll probably bring that down to one.)

Anyone got any advice for this deck.
It's true that Inzektors are overpowered, and it's also true that they can be easily sided against. The thing is, you have to play really carefully/conservatively, b/c putting anything on the board without protection is asking to get combo'd. And if you do don't have a decent hand, they just start beating you down with other monsters, xyz monsters via tourguide etc. Unless you want to have a terrible match up Game 1, you are going to have to run anti Inzektor cards in your maindeck, prolly Fiendish Chain and Veilers.
Except they're not broken.

Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror.
Skill Drain.
Fiendish Chain.
Effect Veiler.
King Tiger Wanghu.
Solemn Warning.
Macro Cosmos.
Banisher of Radiance.

Chain Disappearance.
Solemn Warning.
Divine Wrath.
Effect Veiler.
Light and Darkness Dragon.
Crevice into the Different Dimension.

It's not broken just because you don't actually look for ways to beat it. Side Decks exist for a reason.
The bold are cards that no one sides or you have to have a deck revolve around those. And Inzektors just need 1 card in the grave so Crevice is pretty much useless. Also any big banishment plays can easily be fixed by tour guide going into a leviair.