
been busy, sorry about not being able to get around to the requests but i will when i have more time


e: this was all done in just 6 colors
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Zeb, I don't know you are a graphic yet! I like it, your draws are really good conceived and performed. And they are likable too.
thanks for the support everyone :)

Excuse me... where the FUCK did that come from. It's amazing...

Good work man!

thank you! i, uh.. i dunno, i just felt like making a metagross and kinda rolled with it. i spent way too much time on it trying to perfect every detail of the lineart, but i'm really pleased with the result. i think the biggest jump i've made was with the shading, which felt really natural to me and i really like how it turned out.

next up on my project list is bowser jr (smash hype) and a big special project with a bunch of mons. bowser jr is on the verge of being finished (nearly completed lineart), so you can expect that in a couple of days or so probably. the other thing probably won't be public news for a little while. =)
your improvement is insane :)

looking at your first (art) posts and your metagross you can really see the transformation :)

I'm particularly enjoying your bright colours, keep on trucking man!
shit son, that Metagross is fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine

one of the most awesome yet annoying Pokemon to draw, hands down
thanks so much guys! i don't remember how much time i ended up spending on metagross, but i do remember it was over the course of several days so i'm really glad it went over well! :D

my computer broke down and after getting a new one i didn't really bother worrying about getting all of my art stuff back, but i got it all and started working on a couple new projects. i made this last night in approx 3 hours, and will be trying to work on something else new today:


large / outline / sketch (bright colors)
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in an attempt to broaden my horizons, i followed through with a doodle that i didn't feel was too great and tried different approaches that i'm not very comfortable with.


i think it's not very technically sound (examples: terribly inconsistent / wonky shading, lack of color depth, bad proportions especially around the arms and legs), but i also like some of the concepts that i applied throughout the whole thing, like a larger emphasis on using whites, working with more dynamic posing, and plucking my own colors instead of purely relying on other references, something i've been really guilty of haha. i also tried to push myself to avoid relying on my reference for structural purposes - by that, i mean i tried not to make my drawing nearly 100% 'correct'. in all honesty though i don't really think i like this drawing much. time to start on newer ones! B)

large / outline / sketch / you activated my trap card!!
I think that looks awesome. It's nice to be humble as an artist, but imo your drawings look like you know what you're doing. The lineart is clean, and your subjects have a lot of character in their facial expressions and/or poses, something that can be hard to pull off. I love the little white highlights and the lighting in this one, and how the light source is coming from below instead of above, the latter of which is much more frequently seen. If there's anything to critique, the fill colours don't totally touch the lineart in some places, which looks a little messy, so watch out for that in the future. Also, I'd say lack of background is better than one that's seemingly rushed. The Metagross up there is also really sleek and well done!
I sensed someone drawing a Heracross and I came running

Overall, I really like that pic. The expression is fierce, the body pose grabs your attention and doesn't let go, and I just generally like the lighting primarily coming from below and the conflicting colors that still work well together. Its main body is a bit too long for my tastes, and while I'm fine with people giving it a head of its own, it's 'head' is more of an extension of its own body, while the space that its horn and eyes are attached to seems like its actual head. But like I said, awesome pic. You're really improving.

also, you're approved artist now

thank you princessofmusic for the kind words! :) i did really rush the end of the heracross because i just wanted to get it done & over with, and the messy mistakes i left there i usually try to eliminate with most things i make. i'll also definitely take the background message into account in the future; backgrounds are something i really haven't worked on much ever, and i'll probably devote some time in the near future to just developing simple backgrounds.

and thank you too, bummer - i honestly hadn't ever conceptualized how heracross's body was constructed up until you pointed it out, and it makes so much more sense to me now, ahaha. i blame this for making me think the 'head' was its actual head. i will do my best to make an effort to work on art for the site now too - thank you so much!

i made this last night, spending about two hours on it (probably a record for me in speediness):


it was inspired partly by the "drawing on the wall" style from A Link Between Worlds, and partly because i couldn't quite get kingdra's body to shape up right for me and decided to make the whole thing out of straight lines. i tinkered around a bit with coloring the lineart and found a tool that i really like using with that, and i tried to use some yellows when shading to bring out the brightness more. next project will probably be drawing a simple pokemon with a simple background, just to get the feel of doing it. maybe hoppip?

large / outline / sketch 1 / sharpsketch
couple new things. no new full pokemon drawings, but i do have a drawing from a different game that i want to share and a couple of sketches i want to post here before i lose them / don't complete them in the future.

the following is The Cage, a fuckshitfuck boss from the Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. when i first started drawing it a while ago i really wanted to make some kind of encounter scene but couldn't settle with a background or w/e that i felt happy with, so i just let it be standalone as it is. i'm going to stick it into a hide tag as a nicety because like many Binding of Isaac mobs, it has a cartoony 'gross' factor.
i feel confident saying that i did a pretty good job with the shading overall. i also think i did well tapering the linework around the belly area and giving the incisions / excretions a rough feel to them. next area of improvement would probably be handling shading around indentions like the stitching by the 'head' and making the arms feel like they're actually a part of the artwork and not just thrown on as an afterthought (they weren't, but they look like it).

outline / concept sketch / actual sketch

and some other sketches. i spent maybe twenty minutes tops on any given one of these, and i'd like to start doing more messy sketches like the bowser one to get a better feel of how to compose body shapes too.


charizard sketch / zubat sketch / bowser sketch (large) / flygon sketch