Online Competition Kanto x Alola Regional Rumble

Went 10-5 on my day one battles, one match I forfeit because of a zboosted baton passing eevee team. I hate that so much. Having fun so far though. Made some bad switches to lose me a couple other matches and one of my matches came do to a miss on rockslide which I am super salty about. Shocked to not see a lot of celesteela and alola muk so far. Happy with it though because those two hard for my team to get around. I am looking forward to a different style of tournament soon because I feel like they are using the same thing over and over.
Yeah, I haven't seen anything extraordinarily awesome either. Most people I faced were playing it safe and battles got really stale for me. I think that 5 out of all 7 battles I've played went like this:

> Lead Tapu Lele
> Lead Scarf Gengar
> Sludge Bomb
> ????
> Profit

I'm probably hovering around the 1600s, BUT I won't be playing anymore cause I realised that I locked my team before properly checking their movesets so I've got stuff like Gengar with Dream Eater instead of Shadow Ball and P2 lacking Recover. I dun goofed real good :T
An underwhelming Day 2 left me with a 9-6 record (19-11).

This whole time, for the Sixth Mon I was needing a Ground-type, as the Nihilegos and Gengars that left me with a hard time showed. And I had a Firium Z Chomp...

The final battle was the first good one I had in this tour, even if I lost. My team vs someone who knew a thing or two about stall. Breaking through a Chansey, a Toxapex and a Pyukumuku was a puzzle without solution.

(Although I could have picked Marowak, in hindsight...)
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I broke 1700 today with 24-6 record. Gonna try and reach 1800 in the third day. I've played a couple vgc teams that screw me over because I High Jump Kick into a Protect and my matchup vs Porygon2 Trick Room is really poor. Rain has also been a difficult matchup for me since my water resist is Cloyster, but I haven't played it too much
Also, is it me or there are surprisingly few Tapus compared to the Alola Friendly?

Only encountered three today.
Also, is it me or there are surprisingly few Tapus compared to the Alola Friendly?

Only encountered three today.

I played today's games in the 1640-1670 range and saw a bunch of suicide lead-into-Lele-into-Cloyster. Absolutely no Bulu thus far and enemy Koko only made it into a game a few times out of the maybe 9-12 team previews it was in.
Day 1: 12-3

Day 2: 10-5

Rough second day, I admit that I'm still not too familiarized with this new gens big hitters. I don't know much about this kartana or whatever but that damn thing was the prime reason for at least four of my losses. I'm guessing people are running scarf on it? Seemed to always hit first and hit hard with smart strike, that beast boost to attack made it impossible for me to do anything.

With how difficult day two was, I'm quite nervous about day three. Especially since I can't figure out how to corner that Kartana thing, once it gets going, I can't switch anything into it. I'm sure I'll see more of that tomorrow.
I have around 1700 points atm after Day 2, was too lazy to count my wins and losses so I dunno what my w/l ratio is. I also saw less Tapus and UBs in contrast to Alolan Friendly and I´m really happy that I don´t brought any of them in my team cuz ppl seem to be prepared for them much better than in the tournaments in the past.
Also a bit under 1700. I haven't played in many pgl tournaments, but it feels like the competition in this one is a bit softer thanks to people going after the mega stones (myself included). Seeing a lot of teams that just look like ensembles of random stuff people bred.

also psychic seed hitmonlee is a pretty cool dude
lol I literally just beat the game and I have only half a team built unless I use all transfer.

I doubt I'll be able to get one for this tour, but how's Toxapex in stopping Cloyster sweep?

I try running taunt on my leads, but it always sets up mind games were the opponent can just attack rather than setting up which will cost you at least one mon.

If I do get to play tonight, may just run Slowbro.
lol I literally just beat the game and I have only half a team built unless I use all transfer.

I doubt I'll be able to get one for this tour, but how's Toxapex in stopping Cloyster sweep?

I try running taunt on my leads, but it always sets up mind games were the opponent can just attack rather than setting up which will cost you at least one mon.

If I do get to play tonight, may just run Slowbro.
Pretty Solid. Especially with Haze.
Let me begin by stating that this tour was a lot of fun, hopefully there's more like them in the future. As for the outcomes of all 3 days: 12-3, 9-6, 11-4...

Day 1: Pretty much everything went smooth as I was winning left & right. The 3 losses I suffered were to a crit, misclick, & greed (never again!)

Day 2: Lost the first 3 matches due to me being seriously careless & underestimating my opponents. Picked up some momentum then lost the last 3 matches to some bullshit.

Day 3: Got back on track but had a couple of 1 turn sleep crits mess me up... some of my opponents got really lucky or else the matches were mine.

Overall, I saw 1 Chansey, a ton of Garchomps, a fuck load of Tapus (No surprise!), & mixed bag of Gyarados + Dragonite. The thing I did learn is to never underestimate these Japanese players as they run some really odd sets.
Maybe try not to "over predict" as it did cost me some matches that could have easily been Ws...
Got a 10-5 record today to finish with a rather disappointing 29-16, below 1675.

A surprise survival of a (Scarf) Kartana from a special attack and a surprise Clear Smog from a Muk sealed the bad overall record of this tournament.

Really, I needed a Ground-type.

I think all but three of my losses were due to someone happening to pack what my team was very weak to. Things I did not expect to be that common (except perhaps Cloyster, which I had a counterplan that failed due to hax once).
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Just beat some mid 1600s dude at 1717 for my battle. I did pretty bad on my last day and I kept getting matched up vs players lower than me which made it hard to earn points. Did not really have that much fun with this comp since it was so similar to the friendly. Didn't face too much weird stuff besides Special Gyara and Corkscrew Crash Sub Tapu Koko.


The team is really standard, but it did fairly well and there weren't too many matchups I felt were really bad. Most of the time I'd lose from Team Preview because I'd look at something like Cloyster and think I'd be fine vs it by just bringing Tapu Koko. I also wanted Rock Slide on Garchomp but I forgot to change it and I don't think I really lost a game because of it.

Replays: P65G-WWWW-WWW6-6K2L, N2UG-WWWW-WWW6-6K44, H9YW-WWWW-WWW6-6K4G

Overall it wasn't my favourite or the comp I did the best in but I'm still glad I participated and am looking forward to the next one!


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I finished Day 3 with around 1670 rating. I broke into the 1700s near the beginning of Day 3 but unfortunately had some "bad hax" and lost 3 in a row to go back down to the 1600s.

I tried to run some "unexpected" sets that caught some of the mons that I knew would be common off guard.

My favourite was an Arcanine with Electrium Z and Extreme Speed. EVs were 252 Atk / 252 Spe.

Whenever I saw an opponent with Cloyster I would lead Arcanine and they would lead Cloyster. Obviously they thought that I would switch out because they would go for the Shell Smash setup while I would go for the Z Move. Of course they would be using Focus Sash so they now only have 1 HP left. Next turn go for Extreme Speed to knock out Cloyster with not even a scratch on my Arcanine.

My other set that I had much success with was Kartana with Assault Vest. I survived many potential KOs and revenge KOed several mons that were not expecting it. I wish I would have used Vacuum Wave though as I had a lot of trouble with Poryon2 and in several battles would have won if I had a priority fighting move.
I had to battle all the 45 matches today...phew, it was exhausting. I did 29-16, if I'm not wrong, finishing with ~1650 pts. The team and analysis:

alola x kanto.jpg

I wanted something to beat Dragonite, tapus, cloyster and gyarados, because at beggining I was pretty sure that those would be threat. Thinking on that, and having my Kanto Classic team in PS, I decided to run my Nidoking + Tailwind setter core. My original core was Nidoking + Zapdos, but I didn't know that tutor's move couldn't be remembered even if u transfered it with the pokemon, so no Tailwind zapdos for me (it made me soo sad, because many battles could have been won if there was a Zapdos)
Nidoking: Ice beam for Garchomp and other non-steel flying mons. Sludge Wave destroys Tapus. Earth Power for Magnezone and other steel-types. Thunderbolt against celesteela and water types. After tailwind my nidoking could easily win the game in 3 turns.
Talonflame: I couldn't use Zapdos, so I went with Bulky Talonflame. This was almost my lead against garchomps and dragonites. They couldn't handle WoW, since none set got lum berry or substitute. I decided to use flare blitz because of celesteela. Bulky Zapdos would be alot better.
Mimikyu: I've seen this set at BSS, copied (I couldn't resist) and start using it. It works pretty well against tank mons. However, it completely losses it sweep capability.
Ditto: MVP of my team. The perfect mon against Cloyster and Kartana. The idea is simple, let cloyster setup, switch to ditto, take a Icicle Spear and sweep the opponent team with a boosted rock blast. Or, let kartana get a attack boost, switch and defeat the opponent kartana, getting other attack boost. Pretty neat.
Chansey: My usual pivot (wut?). Since many teams got tapu koko and lele, chansey could easily lead against them and set the rocks on the field.
Gengar: I liked this set, but I would have replaced it with fast subseed Celesteela. Anyways, trick gengar was good against chanseys and toxapex, which were pretty common at PS, but NOT during the tournament. I used it like 5 times...Celesteela would be alot better.

Edit: Replays. I think that one of them was against a jp player using shiny Tapu koko.
Finished 31 matches only as didn't have much time this weekend to play.
Did 19-12 for a 61% Win Percentage. It didn't go as expected, I had a similar W% in my first competition (Alola Friendly).

I did some mistakes which I (hopefully) learned from, and I definitively need more training.

The team I used was:

Nidoking @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
-Ice Beam
-Earth Power
-Sludge Wave

Dragonite @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Multiscale
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
-Fire Punch
-Extreme Speed
-Dragon Dance

Tapu Fini @ Leftovers
Ability: Misty Surge
Nature: Modest
EVs: 252 HP / 44 Def / 196 SpA / 4 SpD / 12 Spe
-Hydro Pump
-Calm Mind

Porygon 2 @ Eviolite
Ability: Download
Nature: Quiet
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
-Trick Room
-Shadow Ball
-Ice Beam

Talonflame @ Flynium Z
Ability: Gale Wings
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 44 HP / 252 Atk / 212 Spe
-Brave Bird
-Flare Blitz

Magnezone @ Assault Vest
Ability: Magnet Pull
Nature: Modest
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
-Flash Cannon
-Volt Switch
-Hidden Power [Fire]

I was pretty satisfied with the team, but had some problems against stall teams with Chansey and Scarf pokemons (such as Garchomp, when I didn't bring in P2).
Nidoking was a beast under Tailwind, and Talonflame with Flynium Z is just atrociously good.
After the competition, I think going TBolt on Porygon2 would have won me some games (thought Shadow Ball was good for Gengar, but it didn't show up at all), and probably Celesteela is a better fit than Magnezone (to stall some pokemons to death). Lastly, probably Dragonite needs Outrage: I thought there were more fairies than I actually fought, so I went for a more "neutral" move in EQ.

I'm really looking forward the next competition, it will be fun!
I did a decent job in this tournament unfortunately I didn't have time to do all the matches so I finished at 16-6 with a 1646 point total. The team I used was pretty solid here is a link to it.
My only regret is not putting heatwave on zapdos it may have won me a couple of the games I lost. Had a good time playing maybe I could've done a little better if I had a little more time but I'm happy because it could've been worse. Looking forward to a tournament where they have a little more variety I feel like they are missing a lot of good Pokemon with what they've had so far so hopefully will get one soon maybe even get to use mega stones.
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I did a decent job in this tournament unfortunately I didn't have time to do all the matches so I finished at 16-6 with a 1646 point total. The team I used was pretty solid here is a link to it.
My only regret is not putting overheat on zapdos it may have won me a couple of the games I lost. Had a good time playing maybe I could've done a little better if I had a little more time but I'm happy because it could've been worse. Looking forward to a tournament where they have a little more variety I feel like they are missing a lot of good Pokemon with what they've had so far so hopefully will get one soon maybe even get to use mega stones.
Don't you mean Heat Wave?