Serious Relationships and Sex Ed Thread

Well, the OP will probably need some editing if you go along with my suggestion so that people understand what should and shouldn't be posted in this kinda thread. But I'm glad I could help :>
I'll edit the OP soon, working atm

How do you guys feel about telling a girl with a boyfriend you're super into her. YET you're friends currently
Don't do it unless you're okay with possibility of ruining your friendship with her

Also it's probably a bad idea if she's really into her boyfriend


I love weather; Sun for days
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Only brings up her boyfriend if I ask how they are. Otherwise we joke around and watch 1990's batman cartoons
Im super lame and am still a virgin, I have a hard time making regular friends so I don't have like any frame work for a relationship, let alone a sexual relationship. I my personality still needs to grow a fair bit anyway. It would be unfair for a woman to deal with someone that has the personality of a 13 year old.

I masturbate a lot, that doesn't count though :(


is a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Past SPL Champion
@ Genny

Yeah you're probably in the clear. Physical touches are always good and could sway her emotions toward you even more. Does the bf know you guys hang out or w.e? If so he's probably a push over, which is good news for you.
Only brings up her boyfriend if I ask how they are. Otherwise we joke around and watch 1990's batman cartoons
She sounds like she's into you but not enough yet. Personally I'd wait a bit til she gives you clearer messages.

Tell her.

Also why does this not have the serious tag?
A mod removed it, I'm not sure why but it probably doesn't bode well for this thread's longevity.
21:56 Danilo so i was at a party
21:56 Danilo and i was about to get a bj from a girl who i was hitting on
21:56 Danilo as she bent down
21:56 Danilo she farted
21:56 Danilo and i laughed my ass off
21:56 Danilo she got mad
21:56 Danilo and left
21:56 Danilo -______________________________-
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You'll always be a part of me
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
i keep coming in here, wanting to post about my experiences, but then i just pussy out in the end and just type something random (like last time when i just responded to az's joke instead of making the real intended post).

But i dont know man, i dont know much longer i can hold it in before exploding all over this page
i keep coming in here, wanting to post about my experiences, but then i just pussy out in the end and just type something random (like last time when i just responded to az's joke instead of making the real intended post).

But i dont know man, i dont know much longer i can hold it in before exploding all over this page
Just go for it. Everyone likes stories. Right?...Right?
I'm actually doing the same thing with the drug thread, it looks dead so I don't want to post in it if no one cares, but I have so much shit to share.


You'll always be a part of me
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Just go for it. Everyone likes stories. Right?...Right?
I'm actually doing the some thing with the drug thread, it looks dead so I don't want to post in it if no one cares, but I have so much shit to share.
oh, it was just a joke. things that should have given it away


and of course

"i dont know how much longer i can hold it in before exploding all over this page"

but yes, i have been thinking about it, and still am


to find better ways to say what nobody says
is a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Past WCoP Champion
I'm glad the title (and ostensibly the topic) of this thread has been changed. I originally wrote out a critical reply about why it was silly to sit here and bring out our sexual laundry lists, before deciding it wasn't worth it.

Anyway I want your stories about condoms breaking.

I've never had a condom break; I volunteered at a needle exchange whose main clientele was sex workers, and my impressions from talking to them is that the best common condoms, for feel and sturdyness, are Durex (which are latex condoms btw), and I also heard that trojans break the most, but it's all hearsay so I want your stories smogon.
Conventional wisdom is that using multiple condoms is not more effective than just using one.

During penetration, the condoms will rub against each other creating friction between them, making them likely to slip off or break.
ALTHOUGH apparently multiple condoms reduced the spread of HIV in thailand 20 years ago. this is the only scientific journal i found that actually had proof. It's amazing the things I will do when I have papers due
Natural experiments are unusual in scientific research and can yield important and unexpected findings. We found a considerable reduction in condom breakage over a 3-year-period in northern Thailand, from about 6% in 1992 to <2% 3 years later. Multiple condom use increased from 2.8% to 50.4% over the same period of time. Although the breakage rate for single use in this study was considerably lower than in 1992, the exposure breakage rate for multiple use was lower still, 0.2%, suggesting that multiple condom use was responsible for a significant component of the decline in condom failure.
We believe we have serendipitously measured a natural experiment in which CSWs and their clients have reduced condom breakage rates through multiple condom use.

and similarly from planned parenthood. some health websites suggest multiple condom use breaks condoms more easily but don't support their claims with scientific evidence.

It seems that there is no evidence-based information to support advising against double bagging. On the other hand, the evidence to support double bagging is limited, but positive. It may be best to advise that if double bagging increases a person’s sense of comfort and security, there is no harm in using more than one condom, and there may be benefits.

In conclusion read the pdf and use common sense


I love weather; Sun for days
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I shamelessly use both condoms and pull out method because I don't know if the girls I'm with are on the pill. It seems the most effective and safest.
forgive me for this, but isn't it much more fun to just come inside them? obviously i don't know, but it seems to me like pulling out reduces the whole point of ejaculating inside of a vagina -- if you are pulling out and then masturbating to orgasm. (maybe you're talking about reaching that stage where you're going to ejaculate whether you want to or not, in that case i guess i could understand it, it just seems like it would be more fun to come inside).

edit: sorry, i meant coming inside with a condom on as opposed to what matthew was talking about; obviously it's more fun to come inside without a condom but that's far more dangerous, i really was just wondering if the potential increase in safety from pulling out with a condom was worth sacrificing the potential pleasure from coming inside also with a condom
forgive me for this, but isn't it much more fun to just come inside them? obviously i don't know, but it seems to me like pulling out reduces the whole point of ejaculating inside of a vagina -- if you are pulling out and then masturbating to orgasm. (maybe you're talking about reaching that stage where you're going to ejaculate whether you want to or not, in that case i guess i could understand it, it just seems like it would be more fun to come inside).
The problem with cumming in them is that you risk getting them pregnant, and depending on the girl it might not be a risk you're willing to take. Even if they're on birth control you still run the risk of getting her pregnant, and your options are either the morning after pill, abortion (which is expensive), or having the kid (which is expensive and a stop to your life imo). If I don't use a condom I make it clear to the girl that I don't want to have a kid at any point in my life. I'll also make sure they're clean, as in no HIVs or STDs. Really though, sex without a condom and cumming in them feels great.


(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)
I like that despite the fact that over the fourish years I've been here it's been posted like twelve times (twice by me?), guts still becomes a focal of any thread it's posted in.

Girls are fucking crazy, or at least the ones I know. Never had any sort of meaningful relationship. I've seriously considered asking several of my guy friends out (they're certainly not as nuts on average as my female friends) since like all of my friends are fucking gay cos that's the 'in' thing, fucking (BAN ME PLEASE)s. But then I worry about the wedge it could drive in my friend group if we broke up. Or if they turned me down. Then it could get awkward..

I'd like to spend more time cuddling. One of the main reason (if not the only reason...) I'd like a parter. Cunningligus is the only reason I really want sex, masturbation has been as good or better than anything else I've tried.

Oh also is anybody else astounded that you can taste the diet of both sexes?
That's always been one of my favorite things that I've found out about the human body. If I got a significant other I'd love to experiment with different fruits and shit, that sounds awesome.


I love weather; Sun for days
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
forgive me for this, but isn't it much more fun to just come inside them? obviously i don't know, but it seems to me like pulling out reduces the whole point of ejaculating inside of a vagina -- if you are pulling out and then masturbating to orgasm. (maybe you're talking about reaching that stage where you're going to ejaculate whether you want to or not, in that case i guess i could understand it, it just seems like it would be more fun to come inside).

edit: sorry, i meant coming inside with a condom on as opposed to what matthew was talking about; obviously it's more fun to come inside without a condom but that's far more dangerous, i really was just wondering if the potential increase in safety from pulling out with a condom was worth sacrificing the potential pleasure from coming inside also with a condom
If I'm balls to the wall with a stranger that I didn't bother asking if was on the pill or not chances are I'm going to go the the less pleasurable route and just cum outside in a condom.
I've never had a condom break, never had leakage. We usually use Durex, they fit well, easy to get on quickly and are lubricated enough that with our bodies we don't need anything else like lube.

I cum inside her, with the condom on obviously.

I really shouldn't be so flippant. I was conceived on the pill.

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