Become a Star-ly Wi-Fi Tournament! Series 1 ROUND 1 PAIRINGS!

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Become a Star-ly Wi-Fi Tournament! Series 1 - Main Thread

First a little explaining to do:

This tournament is being run in SWISS style, so NO ONE is out even if you lose the first round! The top 8 players will make the cut, but everyone is encouraged to play all 6 Rounds, no matter your score. Any questions feel free to PM/post here.

The format of course is OU standard.

-WiFi battles, Level 100 modifier only.
-ITEM Clause (makes battles a bit less tedious and adds diversity)
-OHKO moves Clause
-SELF-KO Clause
-Sleep Clause
-Players MAY change their team between rounds
-ABSOLUTELY NO team talk anywhere --> automatic DQ
-Wobbuffet AND Deoxys-E are NOT allowed for this tournament.

Ok, here are the parings, listed in alphabetical order. Just scroll down to your Smogon username and see who you're up against. Nevermind the Table at you're at lol.

Table Name Opponent
2 0mastar Smogon (0/0) vs. negator Smogon (0/0)
10 altex Smogon (0/0) vs. Sunday Smogon (0/0) [forced loss]
17 ambervoid Smogon (0/0) vs. Marauder Artemis Smogon (0/0)
11 Bentendo13 Smogon (0/0) vs. SWChill Smogon (0/0)
4 BlakBlastoise Smogon (0/0) vs. Sixonesix Smogon (0/0)
8 bobdigsea Smogon (0/0) vs. R2-D2Rules Smogon (0/0)
15 Crunkking01 Smogon (0/0) vs. Mini Guerra Smogon (0/0) [forced loss]
7 Davy Smogon (0/0) vs. soma Smogon (0/0)
5 DawnBringer Smogon (0/0) vs. Noodle Smogon (0/0)
6 Expert Evan Smogon (0/0) vs. Shinryu Smogon (0/0)
16 forbidden Smogon (0/0) vs. Scruffy Smogon (0/0)
19 Frokko Smogon (0/0) vs. munje Smogon (0/0)
18 Garchomp17 Smogon (0/0) vs. Gin Smogon (0/0)
18 Gin Smogon (0/0) vs. Garchomp17 Smogon (0/0)
3 jimbo422 Smogon (0/0) vs. jonniewalkereal Smogon (0/0)
14 johnXkid Smogon (0/0) vs. Mr Goodbar Smogon (0/0)
3 jonniewalkereal Smogon (0/0) vs. jimbo422 Smogon (0/0)
1 kingbattlus Smogon (0/0) vs. TheHuntBegins Smogon (0/0)
17 Marauder Artemis Smogon (0/0) vs. ambervoid Smogon (0/0)
15 Mini Guerra Smogon (0/0) vs. Crunkking01 Smogon (0/0) [forced loss]
14 Mr Goodbar Smogon (0/0) vs. johnXkid Smogon (0/0)
19 munje Smogon (0/0) vs. Frokko Smogon (0/0)
2 negator Smogon (0/0) vs. 0mastar Smogon (0/0)
5 Noodle Smogon (0/0) vs. DawnBringer Smogon (0/0)
13 PabloMeza Smogon (0/0) vs. Thomaz Smogon (0/0)
8 R2-D2Rules Smogon (0/0) vs. bobdigsea Smogon (0/0)
Bye sandman Smogon (1/0)
16 Scruffy Smogon (0/0) vs. forbidden Smogon (0/0)
6 Shinryu Smogon (0/0) vs. Expert Evan Smogon (0/0)
4 Sixonesix Smogon (0/0) vs. BlakBlastoise Smogon (0/0)
7 soma Smogon (0/0) vs. Davy Smogon (0/0)
9 strikesocome Smogon (0/0) vs. Tri-DarkSouls Smogon (0/0)
10 Sunday Smogon (0/0) vs. altex Smogon (0/0) [forced loss]
11 SWChill Smogon (0/0) vs. Bentendo13 Smogon (0/0)
1 TheHuntBegins Smogon (0/0) vs. kingbattlus Smogon (0/0)
13 Thomaz Smogon (0/0) vs. PabloMeza Smogon (0/0)
12 Train Man Smogon (0/0) vs. Vivi Smogon (0/0)
9 Tri-DarkSouls Smogon (0/0) vs. strikesocome Smogon (0/0)
12 Vivi Smogon (0/0) vs. Train Man Smogon (0/0)

Best of luck to everyone! Let's make this a success!

DEADLINE - Monday night, 21st of April 2008, 8 PM GMT -6 is the deadline to complete your matches, so that I can post the next Round Monday night when I come back from University. Please post ALL results here, by BOTH players please.
that's ok, cuz I know his team too...we'll work something out, anyways I'm looking forward to the battle :D

thanks for adding face to my name EQ

I'm gonna make predictions tomorrowww

Also Pablo everyone is posted twice, I suggest cleaning up your post a lot
Whens the deadline? I'm going away for a short while tomorow (hoping to be back before the deadline) so hopefully we can battle today...
Sorry, deadline is edited in at the bottom now.

Goodbar the pairings are that way so that you can simply scroll down to your username and see who you're battling, makes it easier for everyone, instead of posting every pairing just once and people having to look for themselves in two different columns.

Table    Name        Opponent
2    0mastar Smogon (0/0)     vs.    [B][I]negator[/I] [/B]Smogon (0/0) 
0mastar is good, negator is lucky. Luck > Skill :P
10    altex Smogon (0/0)     vs.     [B][I]Sunday[/I][/B] Smogon (0/0) 
Sunday's good.
17    ambervoid Smogon (0/0)     vs.     Marauder Artemis Smogon (0/0) 
11    [B][I]Bentendo13[/I][/B] Smogon (0/0)     vs.     SWChill Smogon (0/0) 
Bentendo is decent.
4    BlakBlastoise Smogon (0/0)     vs.     [B][I]Sixonesix[/I][/B] Smogon (0/0) 
Seen him a number of times, he's not too shabby
8    bobdigsea Smogon (0/0)     vs.     [B][I]R2-D2Rules[/I][/B] Smogon (0/0) 
Pretty good.
15    Crunkking01 Smogon (0/0)     vs.     [B][I]Mini Guerra[/I][/B] Smogon (0/0) 
7    [I][B]Davy[/B] [/I]Smogon (0/0)     vs.     soma Smogon (0/0) 
Luckiest SRer evaaaaaar
5    DawnBringer Smogon (0/0)     vs.     Noodle Smogon (0/0) 
Who is DawnBringer?
6    [B][I]Expert Evan[/I][/B] Smogon (0/0)     vs.     Shinryu Smogon (0/0) 
Father = Professional, Therefore EE =  Pro
16   [B][I]forbidden[/I][/B] Smogon (0/0)     vs.     Scruffy Smogon (0/0) 
forbidden's pretty good.
19    [B][I]Frokko[/I][/B] Smogon (0/0)     vs.     munje Smogon (0/0) 
UU King > Smogon Scammer!
18    Garchomp17 Smogon (0/0)     vs.    [B] [I]Gin[/I][/B]Smogon (0/0) 
Gin was good in ADV, so he's probably good now.
3   [I] [B]jimbo422[/B][/I] Smogon (0/0)     vs.     jonniewalkereal Smogon (0/0) 
Random guess but jimbo is pretty good.
14    johnXkid Smogon (0/0)     vs.    [I] [B]Mr Goodbar[/B][/I] Smogon (0/0) 
Battled number of times, pretty darn good.
1    [B][I]kingbattlus[/I][/B] Smogon (0/0)     vs.     TheHuntBegins Smogon (0/0) 
He is the king...
13    [B][I]PabloMeza[/I][/B] Smogon (0/0)     vs.     Thomaz Smogon (0/0) 
Thomaz is a big underdog here =/
Bye    [B][I]sandman[/I] [/B]Smogon (1/0)         
Good Ubers player, will definitely beat a 3 letter word!
9   [B][I]strikesocome[/I][/B] Smogon (0/0)     vs.     Tri-DarkSouls Smogon (0/0) 
Random guess.
12    [B][I]Train Man[/I][/B] Smogon (0/0)     vs.     Vivi Smogon (0/0) 
Great Ubers player, pretty good at OU as well.
Hrm, it's going to be a close call for me to get back in time.... :(


But I should be able to.

2 0mastar Smogon (0/0) vs. negator Smogon (0/0)
10 altex Smogon (0/0) vs. Sunday Smogon (0/0)
17 ambervoid Smogon (0/0) vs. Marauder Artemis Smogon (0/0)
4 BlakBlastoise Smogon (0/0) vs. Sixonesix Smogon (0/0)
8 bobdigsea Smogon (0/0) vs. R2-D2Rules Smogon (0/0)
6 Expert Evan Smogon (0/0) vs. Shinryu Smogon (0/0)
19 Frokko Smogon (0/0) vs. munje Smogon (0/0)
18 Gin Smogon (0/0) vs. Garchomp17 Smogon (0/0)
3 jimbo422 Smogon (0/0) vs. jonniewalkereal Smogon (0/0)
15 Mini Guerra Smogon (0/0) vs. Crunkking01 Smogon (0/0)
14 Mr Goodbar Smogon (0/0) vs. johnXkid Smogon (0/0)
5 Noodle Smogon (0/0) vs. DawnBringer Smogon (0/0)
13 PabloMeza Smogon (0/0) vs. Thomaz Smogon (0/0)
Bye sandman Smogon (1/0)
16 Scruffy Smogon (0/0) vs. forbidden Smogon (0/0)
7 soma Smogon (0/0) vs. Davy Smogon (0/0)
11 SWChill Smogon (0/0) vs. Bentendo13 Smogon (0/0)
1 TheHuntBegins Smogon (0/0) vs. kingbattlus Smogon (0/0)
9 Tri-DarkSouls Smogon (0/0) vs. strikesocome Smogon (0/0)
12 Vivi Smogon (0/0) vs. Train Man Smogon (0/0)

I've only seen a few people battle, so 3/4 of these were based on what they have in their threads and how many trades they're gotten ><
[U]2 0mastar Smogon (0/0) vs. [B]negator[/B] Smogon (0/0)[/U]
[I]mah partner is da shit[/I]
[U]10 altex Smogon (0/0) vs. [B]Sunday[/B] Smogon (0/0)[/U] 
[I]he's bright[/I]
[U]17 ambervoid Smogon (0/0) vs. [B]Marauder Artemis[/B] Smogon (0/0)[/U] 
[I]guessing here[/I]
[U]11 [B]Bentendo13[/B] Smogon (0/0) vs. SWChill Smogon (0/0)[/U] 
[I]kinda guessing[/I]
[U]4 BlakBlastoise Smogon (0/0) vs. [B]Sixonesix[/B] Smogon (0/0)[/U] 
[U]8 bobdigsea Smogon (0/0) vs. [B]R2-D2Rules[/B] Smogon (0/0) [/U]
[U]15 Crunkking01 Smogon (0/0) vs. [B]Mini Guerra[/B] Smogon (0/0)[/U] 
[I]event guy vs. smogon whore[/I]
[U]7 Davy Smogon (0/0) vs. [B]soma[/B] Smogon (0/0) [/U]
[I]i dunno davy boy you're just decent, prove me wrong[/I]
[U]5 [B]DawnBringer[/B] Smogon (0/0) vs. Noodle Smogon (0/0) [/U]
[I]holy mutha fucka it's a giant asian!!!!!! my dream is to get my ass literally kicked by him[/I]
[U]6 [B]Expert Evan[/B] Smogon (0/0) vs. Shinryu Smogon (0/0) [/U]
[I]he's very mature and intelligent, good battler, but he's also a fraud (God i'm immature...)[/I]
[U]16 [B]forbidden[/B] Smogon (0/0) vs. Scruffy Smogon (0/0) [/U]
[I]we argue so fucking much, he's smart, i heart you peter forbs[/I]
[U]19 [B]Frokko[/B] Smogon (0/0) vs. munje Smogon (0/0) [/U]
[I]please show me a UU victory[/I]
[U]18 Garchomp17 Smogon (0/0) vs. [B]Gin [/B]Smogon (0/0)[/U] 
[I]Gin beat me once with a UU team against an OU team...even if it was a little random...[/I]
[U]3 jimbo422 Smogon (0/0) vs. [B]jonniewalkereal[/B] Smogon (0/0)[/U] 
[I]support from negator > support from goodbar...[/I]
[U]14 johnXkid Smogon (0/0) vs. Mr Goodbar Smogon (0/0)[/U] 
[I]gonna be a good match :D[/I]
[U]1 [B]kingbattlus[/B] Smogon (0/0) vs. TheHuntBegins Smogon (0/0)[/U] 
[I]king's smart, been around for awhile[/I]
[U]13 [B]PabloMeza[/B] Smogon (0/0) vs. Thomaz Smogon (0/0)[/U] 
[I]pablo es inteligente, pero thomaz hace hueves bueno, pero pablo sera el ganador[/I]
[U]Bye [B]sandman[/B] Smogon (1/0)[/U] 
[I]bitch, jk[/I] 
[U]9 [B]strikesocome[/B] Smogon (0/0) vs. Tri-DarkSouls Smogon (0/0)[/U] 
[U]12 [B]Train Man[/B] Smogon (0/0) vs. Vivi Smogon (0/0)[/U] 
[I]he's sharp, very sharp[/I]

Table    Name        Opponent
2    [I][B]0mastar[/B][/I] Smogon (0/0)     vs.    negatorSmogon (0/0) 
You have to be a pretty good player to be as bad-ass as to replace an 'o' with a '0'.
10    altex Smogon (0/0)     vs.     [B][I]Sunday[/I][/B] Smogon (0/0) 
More established member.
17    ambervoid Smogon (0/0)     vs.     [B]Marauder Artemis[/B] Smogon (0/0) 
Random guess.
11    [B][I]Bentendo13[/I][/B] Smogon (0/0)     vs.     [I][B]SWChill[/B][/I] Smogon (0/0) 
They seem equal to me.
4    BlakBlastoise Smogon (0/0)     vs.     [B]Sixonesix[/B] Smogon (0/0) 
Random guess.
8    bobdigsea Smogon (0/0)     vs.     [B][I]R2-D2Rules[/I][/B] Smogon (0/0) 
More established member.
15    Crunkking01 Smogon (0/0)     vs.     [B][I]Mini Guerra[/I][/B] Smogon (0/0) 
Everyone thinks you're hot.
7    [I][B]Davy[/B] [/I]Smogon (0/0)     vs.     soma Smogon (0/0) 
5    DawnBringer Smogon (0/0)     vs.     [B]Noodle[/B] Smogon (0/0) 
Because DawnBringer is a waddle dee alt.
6    [B][I]Expert Evan[/I][/B] Smogon (0/0)     vs.     Shinryu Smogon (0/0) 
Because he's an expert
16   [B][I]forbidden[/I][/B] Smogon (0/0)     vs.     Scruffy Smogon (0/0) 
Ehh... never knew scruffy that much
19    [B][I]Frokko[/I][/B] Smogon (0/0)     vs.     munje Smogon (0/0) 
Dancing banana avatars are annoying.
18    Garchomp17 Smogon (0/0)     vs.    Gin Smogon (0/0) 
I only knew Gin from NB in Adv.
3    [B]jimbo422[/B] Smogon (0/0)     vs.     [B]jonniewalkereal[/B] Smogon (0/0) 
14    [I][B]johnXkid[/B][/I] Smogon (0/0)     vs.    Mr Goodbar Smogon (0/0) 
I feel like acting like a bitch today and reject goodbar lol.
1    [B][I]kingbattlus[/I][/B] Smogon (0/0)     vs.     TheHuntBegins Smogon (0/0) 
I don't know who the other guy is.
13    [B][I]PabloMeza[/I][/B] Smogon (0/0)     vs.     Thomaz Smogon (0/0) 
I <3 mexico. 
9   [I][B]strikesocom[/B][/I] Smogon (0/0)     vs.     Tri-DarkSouls Smogon (0/0) 
More established member.

12    [B][I]Train Man[/I][/B] Smogon (0/0)     vs.     Vivi Smogon (0/0) 
I see him quite often on Shoddy and is one of the top 100.

/used db's quote
Please guys be sure to spread the word to everyone participating, and PM your opponents. I don't want to blacklist anyone from the tourney series!
I'm up against BlakBlastoise, eh? I'd better work on putting together a team that adheres to item clause. Gawd, I'm such a lefties whore.
We only have till tomorrow? Not very long to do these battles...

*PMs Expert Evan*

This should be fun, I'm predicted to lose, and I haven't even battled in a bit. Nothing like stacked odds...
You give me freking DB as my first opponent? <_<;

Geezez, wish you woulda given me Thomaz where I know I'm going to win, lol.
Is item clause in affect? I noticed people complaing and was wondering if you changed it.

Wether I win or lose my first battle I'm definately looking forward to this.
thanks for taking the time to organize this Pablo, it means alot to us smogonites and its a heavy burden to bear, especially as time progresses, people lose interest, and just disappear. Glad you're giving us the opportunity to play here. Also if I'm not mistaken 5 Swiss rounds should be sufficient
Hey guess what guys I'm "good", "bright" and "established" but none of that helps me to remember to PM my opponent.

Doing that now.
2 0mastar Smogon (0/0) vs. [B]negator[/B] Smogon (0/0) 
Negators got my vote although I can't vouch for his battling prowess first-hand.

10 altex Smogon (0/0) vs. Sunday Smogon (0/0) 

17 [B]ambervoid [/B]Smogon (0/0) vs. Marauder Artemis Smogon (0/0) 
More experience dictates most of my votes, this one included.

4 BlakBlastoise Smogon (0/0) vs. [B]Sixonesix[/B] Smogon (0/0) 
Probably has a better Poke-pool to work with.

8 bobdigsea Smogon (0/0) vs. [B]R2-D2Rules[/B] Smogon (0/0) 
Once I trade him my SpiderPig he'll be unstoppable! Also once he trades me his Kyogre I'll be unstoppable! Mwahahahaha!

6 [B]Expert Evan[/B] Smogon (0/0) vs. Shinryu Smogon (0/0) 
Huge pool+Experience+never heard of the other guy=easy choice.

19 [B]Frokko[/B] Smogon (0/0) vs. munje Smogon (0/0) 
Dear lord do i really need to explain this. Give him a (focus)"Punch" from me Frokko.

18 [B]Gin[/B] Smogon (0/0) vs. Garchomp17 Smogon (0/0) 
SBP Mods unite!

3 [U]jimbo422[/U] Smogon (0/0) vs. [U]jonniewalkereal[/U] Smogon (0/0) 
holy shit I can't decide so I underlined them both.

15 [B]Mini Guerra[/B] Smogon (0/0) vs. Crunkking01 Smogon (0/0) 
Prolly going with Kara on this one.

14 Mr Goodbar Smogon (0/0) vs. [B]johnXkid[/B] Smogon (0/0) 
See Gins comment!

5 Noodle Smogon (0/0) vs. [B]DawnBringer[/B] Smogon (0/0) 

13 [B]PabloMeza[/B] Smogon (0/0) vs. Thomaz Smogon (0/0) 
Beat the tourney director and he might just ensure you have a nasty "accident" involving a Rhyperior and some concrete :P

Bye [B]sandman[/B] Smogon (1/0) 
Yes prediction +1

16 Scruffy Smogon (0/0) vs. [B]forbidden[/B] Smogon (0/0) 
Running out of comments!

7 soma Smogon (0/0) vs. [B]Davy[/B] Smogon (0/0) 
Yeah the thread partners should both win then have to verse next round.

11 [B]SWChill[/B] Smogon (0/0) vs. Bentendo13 Smogon (0/0) 
Hard, choice. Very hard.

1 TheHuntBegins Smogon (0/0) vs. [B]kingbattlus[/B] Smogon (0/0) 
I dare you to use a team comprised entirely of shinys you've chained :P

9 Tri-DarkSouls Smogon (0/0) vs. [B]strikesocome[/B] Smogon (0/0) 

12 Vivi Smogon (0/0) vs. [B]Train Man[/B] Smogon (0/0) 
ViVi's no slouch but Train Man's got experience all over the board.
yay i get goodbar! but he knows my team <_<, but i know his ^_^
the times me and him have battled are even (i think its 3-3 atm), and im looking forward to the match
Thanks again Pablo, for organizing this Tournament. I'll PM you the prize i'm donating when I decide what to donate and write a decent description piece.

PM'd Vivi regarding our match.

Some predictions,

2 0mastar Smogon (0/0) vs. negator Smogon (0/0)
0master, i've heard he's pretty damn good.
10 altex Smogon (0/0) vs. Sunday Smogon (0/0)
Rouletted a few times against this guy. While the selection doesn't say much, his prediction and skills were pretty good.
17 ambervoid Smogon (0/0) vs. Marauder Artemis Smogon (0/0)
Seen the name, somewhere...
11 Bentendo13 Smogon (0/0) vs. SWChill Smogon (0/0)
Had a pretty close battle with you before. GL.
4 BlakBlastoise Smogon (0/0) vs. Sixonesix Smogon (0/0)
I see you in the Battle Me thread quite a bit, giving you some experience.
8 bobdigsea Smogon (0/0) vs. R2-D2Rules Smogon (0/0)
I've seen you play a few times on Shoddy and read a warstory about from long ago (VS Starwizard, i think). Pretty good.
15 Crunkking01 Smogon (0/0) vs. Mini Guerra Smogon (0/0)
Backed only cos I know your name over Crunk's. No clue, really.
7 Davy Smogon (0/0) vs. soma Smogon (0/0)
See above.
5 DawnBringer Smogon (0/0) vs. Noodle Smogon (0/0)
Very good at OU and has trounced me a number of times. Definitely in the Top 8.
6 Expert Evan Smogon (0/0) vs. Shinryu Smogon (0/0)
Heard your good and your recent upgrade to Mod status might be another indicator of your skill. Top 8.
16 forbidden Smogon (0/0) vs. Scruffy Smogon (0/0)
Strong battler, haven't had a serious battle against you but our Roulette was very close. GL.
19 Frokko Smogon (0/0) vs. munje Smogon (0/0)
See Tables 15 and 7.
18 Garchomp17 Smogon (0/0) vs. Gin Smogon (0/0)
See above.
3 jimbo422 Smogon (0/0) vs. jonniewalkereal Smogon (0/0)
No real clue. Whatsoever. Really.
14 johnXkid Smogon (0/0) vs. Mr Goodbar Smogon (0/0)
See 18, 19, 15 and 17. Though I do know johnXkid, Goodbar carries a little more weight just in the sheer selection of pokemon.
1 kingbattlus Smogon (0/0) vs. TheHuntBegins Smogon (0/0)
Backing the WiFi vet here.
13 PabloMeza Smogon (0/0) vs. Thomaz Smogon (0/0)
Great battler, fantastic prediction, member of various SBPs and owner of a kickass trade thread giving him a tonne of new pokes. Definitely a contender in the Top 8.
Bye sandman Smogon (1/0)
Hrmm... lol. Top 8, if he's half as good at Standards as he is at Ubers.
9 strikesocome Smogon (0/0) vs. Tri-DarkSouls Smogon (0/0)
WiFi vet, sorry Tri-dark
12 Train Man Smogon (0/0) vs. Vivi Smogon (0/0)
Vivi has the edge of sheer unpredictability (tonnes of Emerald pokes, meaning Elem. Punches and CounterSashing). Best of luck to me, but i'm betting on a lose for me.
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