np: UU - A Farewell To Kings

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From what I can see, of the top 10 leads, only Arcanine and Typhlosion deal really well with it. I could never find a lead very good at handling Froslass, except for some stuff like Floatzel, and I could never understand why people kept emphasizing how Crobat could be used. Yes, it has a fast Taunt, but then it gets nailed by Ice Beam, and then even Ice Shard from some variants.

I did agree with the sentiment that "setting up Spikes" was not necessarily broken; that other Pokemon could find opportunities to do so. However, with aggressive play, they could be stopped from doing so. With Froslass, it was harder to do this thanks to the common usage of Focus Sash, its speed, and Ice Beam, which is unresisted by anything faster sans Floatzel and Purugly.

Maybe go outside the box like you always preach. ScarfRoserade neutralizes Froslass completely with Sleep Powder, and hey maybe you should try Persian as a lead...completely beats Froslass. Or here's another idea, use Hitmontop as a lead, like some people use Starmie as a lead in OU to kill suicide leads and spin away rocks. Some of those things you mentioned like Floatzel aren't completely unviable anyway, so as you like to say, play unorthodox and try new stuff.

Oh, and as for your Crobat argument, you U-Turn first turn and nullify the sash, now Froslass is effectively just another Pokemon you take out as normal...not hard to understand why I believe some of the suspect voters failed to think ahead after the new changes would be implemented. Taunt and Destiny Bond are hardly reasons to ban something, especially considering you know the exact lead set Froslass runs. If you know every single lead Froslass will run Taunt / Destiny Bond / Ice Beam / Spikes, then why in the world would you want it banned? If anything, you come up with something that beats it 100% of the time, and what do you know, you're up 6-5 quite easily.

Edit: I'll stop, I'm just reiterating what the community stated in the original UU thread and seemed to back away from when voting came along =)
Because of the closeness and controversy of the vote Froslass will (likely) be looked at again down the road. It would be stupid to do it right away though, so for the time being stop complaining about it. Even though the details aren't entirely clear there always was and is a plan in place to reexamine the things voted BL down the road; so they are considered "suspects" still (in the same way Latias is still a "suspect" until the finalization of the process is done).

The wording isn't exactly perfect for the UU process, but the general point of not complaining about decisions made through the voting process still stands

Stark Rules said:
Do not question the tiering of any Suspect that has gone through Stages 1 and 2 of the Suspect Test process. Besides the fact that all Suspects will be retested in Stage 3, weeks and weeks go into a respective Suspect's actual testing, and this grants those who qualify the fair right to vote on the Suspect. To think that your complaints are going to or should have any actual sway after this process is somewhat insulting to the community at large.
I'm glad to hear Froslass may recieve some leniance in testing.

The problem with Yanmega is the niche it fills in OU isn't the same in UU; Fire-types and stall is abundant, unlike OU, where it could rip apart an offensive team with just Hidden Power Ground and STAB. I'm personally excited to try some Petaya sets with it, though.
Well, on my end of the ladder I've only seen a handful of Yanmegas and they have yet to accomplish squat. Same goes for Crobat. Whenever, I decided that I don't want to use my sandstorm team I think I'll try out...

Yanmega @ Life Orb
Ability: Tinted Lens
EVs: 252 Spd/252 SAtk/ 4 Atk
Naive nature
- U-turn
- Roost
- Bug Buzz
- Air Slash

Looks good to me on paper. Time can only tell..
First impressions:
Timid ScarfRoserade (with Sleep Powder) is working surprisingly well as a lead.
Shaymin-L is so damn dangerous.
Bellyzard is roaring through a lot of teams.
Priority seems to be lacking somewhat. It's a vital weapon in the current metagame, and I'm surprised I don't see much of it.
From the first day's battling, there's something different about the metagame that I can't quite put my finger on. It is hard to tell how much of it is due to Yanmega and Crobat as amazingly in three-quarters of my matches today neither of them featured. There have been a lot of strategies and moves that have taken me completely by surprise, far more often than before. I guess it is due to people testing out a few wacky variations on their old tried-and-tested teams just to get a feel of the new environment, which is kind of what I'm doing at the moment too. The few times that I have seen Yanmega it hasn't been at all destructive, but that's probably because people haven't figured out how best to use it in UU yet.

Not seen a single Bellyzard yet, but I've noticed more Sandstorm teams than before so I can't see how it's going to be all that useful in general, and Azumarill is still very popular. Not a single Registeel today either which is realy odd, perhaps it is just the players I've been paired up with.

What are everybody else's thoughts on the first day of testing?
My team was affected very little by the introduction of Crobat and Yanmega, yet I can see that Crobat is definitely very powerful (as I didn't play the first time around). Anyway, in all of the matches that my opponent had a Crobat, it was always the last pokemon standing for their team, and depending on which team members I had lost to that point, I either won or lost quickly. Yanmega is so far underwhelming, but it dismantles pure offense (without priority) very easily. I am going to play with my Yanmega moveset so it can be a little more effective, but so far it is the member of my team that is most likely to go. Azumarril still earning its stripes battle in and battle out.
My first day of testing has reminded me why I thought Crobat was broken. The combination of high base power Brave Bird, coupled with its ability to stay alive forever, and fast Taunt which prevents stall means that it's a liability NOT to run it... it's literally the perfect preventative measure against every archtype... it breaks down Stall with Taunt and Roost, and it takes out Offense with blistering speed and Brave Bird... and offensive teams are severely lacking a viable Flying resist... the only archtype that doesn't seem to mind is Balance teams that run a Steel / Rock type for their defensive Pokemon and the few offensive Pokemon that don't get outsped and revenge killed or outright walled.
I've put together a fairly devastating combo with Yanmega that has always scored at least two kills right now, and it's proving fairly effective. I keep getting haxed out of wins, though, so I'm finding it hard to effectively climb the ladder. Yanmega's more powerful than most give it credit for, with its massive SpAtk and fine defenses. I haven't found a Pokemon yet that can survive any move from +2 Modest LO Bug Buzz/Air Slash/HP Fight except Noctowl.
How are you hitting +2? Are you baton passing to it? Anyway, I would suggest HP Ground in the last slot so hit stuff like Drapion and the various fire types for super effective damage.
I'm glad Froslass is likely being retested. I personally voted UU, but it didn,t phase me so much that its BL.
I sadly only got in 1 match today, and TintedSpecsMega worked decently, walled by 'Steel though
I'm glad Froslass is likely being retested. I personally voted UU, but it didn,t phase me so much that its BL.
I sadly only got in 1 match today, and TintedSpecsMega worked decently, walled by 'Steel though

I'm rather upset about that, Froslass is just a terrible addition to the metagame, disregarding the actual voting criteria, everyone hates it.

Things I noticed:

-Yanmega (I use SubPeteya) can essentially replace Missy as a late game sweeper on many teams, but im still not sure if I like it better or not.

-Shaymin is as deadly as ever, Crobat honestly doesnt do a thing, it still gets nailed by Psychic.

-Crobat is good as usual.

-CB Blaziken runs through the metagame, with people over preparing for HeYsUpKen (.....) (mixed priority blaziken). People who send their Milotic / Hariyama in to be easily 2HKOed by Superpower or Thunder Punch, and Altarias shot out of the sky with Stone Edge (though Blaze Kick is probably better as Flare Blitz 2HKOes it with SR).

-I still <3 TrickSpecs Espeon in this Metagame.

-Froslass can diaf

Thats about it.
I'm so desperate to try out the ladder, but I won't be able to play for a few days. Hopefully that won't matter too much.

@HeYsUp: Shaymin barely runs Psychic, there are better options.
Shaymin barely runs psychic without Crobat in the metagame. I haven't got a chance to try out the new ladder yet either, although it seems HP ice would be preferred to air slash, now hitting the grass types and crobat and yanmega.
I only get to go on shoddy every two weekends normaly, but last weekend didn't count. So now, I'm only going to be on two weeks from now. BUT... from the looks of it, Specs/Scarf Charzard and Houndoom will finally get their needed chance to RIP THINGS UP! (yes, a post about UU without trick room from me, it is a sign of the apocolips!)
Yea Crobat is extremely threatening, though that may be because my team's not that prepared for it... Shaymin-L isn't nearly as annoying with Yanmega in UU, though it's still very powerful.

The biggest thing I miss is Smeargle, I'm finding it difficult to find a Pokemon as good as Smeargle to set up entry hazards :/ At the moment I'm using Nidoqueen, but she isn't nearly as good as Smeargle. Oh well.
I missed Crobat so much. After palying several battles today, I can say that with Crobat and Yanmega in UU, Shaymin doesn't seem as broken as it seemed during the last month.

Also, I'm not having much problems dealing with Yanmega, its 4x SR weakness really limits its sweeping potential.

I believe that the present UU is a very balanced metagame, at the moment I can't imagine which pokemons could be nominated suspects.
At the moment the only thing that could potentially stand out is Shaymin, but I wouldn't call it a suspect yet. It's annoying to deal with but I haven't had significant difficulty in dealing with it even without Crobat or Yanmega.

Of course, I run a hail team, so that's likely a big factor in why it doesn't scare me.
Yanmega has been highly underwhelming for me. Like others, I haven't seen it as much as I expected I would, and when I do, it's been no problem at all. I haven't seen anyone try to Baton Pass boosts to it yet, though.

I've been trying out a Specs set with Bug Buzz/Air Slash/U-Turn/filler (Sleep Talk). Hidden Power is such a waste on a Specs set, especially when combined with Tinted Lens. One problem I've been encountering is that it doesn't get very many free switch-ins, especially if Stealth Rock gets set up, so you've got to plan the times it comes in very carefully.

Someone using a CB Crobat was a wake up call for me. After a month where the strongest Flying attack was, what, the occasional Swellow's Brave Bird, Crobat's return marks the need for a Flying-resist.
I actually saw a Nasty Plot Crobat lead last night. That surprised me quite a bit. The guy didn't play it well and quit really quick, so I didn't get to see how well it would do. If one was to use that they should save it for later, not give away the surprise right away.
Yanmega has been highly underwhelming for me. Like others, I haven't seen it as much as I expected I would, and when I do, it's been no problem at all. I haven't seen anyone try to Baton Pass boosts to it yet, though.

I've been trying out a Specs set with Bug Buzz/Air Slash/U-Turn/filler (Sleep Talk). Hidden Power is such a waste on a Specs set, especially when combined with Tinted Lens. One problem I've been encountering is that it doesn't get very many free switch-ins, especially if Stealth Rock gets set up, so you've got to plan the times it comes in very carefully.

I agree, I've also barely seen Yanmega. But the specs set isn't bad at all, finally a special attacker that doesnt need boosts to beat Clefable (Air Slash hax!). I personally run hypnosis in the filler section, maybe I'll try out HP Rock or ancientpower to nail Moltres, Charizard and other 4x resists
I agree, I've also barely seen Yanmega. But the specs set isn't bad at all, finally a special attacker that doesnt need boosts to beat Clefable (Air Slash hax!). I personally run hypnosis in the filler section, maybe I'll try out HP Rock or ancientpower to nail Moltres, Charizard and other 4x resists

I'd say between HP Rock and Ancient Power I'd take HP Rock. More PP and more power. The boosts from AP could be nice, but certainly can't be relied upon, it's damage output is lower, and has less PP, so in worse case scenario you are stuck in with it you will be killing yourself with Struggle quickly.
I agree, I've also barely seen Yanmega. But the specs set isn't bad at all, finally a special attacker that doesnt need boosts to beat Clefable (Air Slash hax!). I personally run hypnosis in the filler section, maybe I'll try out HP Rock or ancientpower to nail Moltres, Charizard and other 4x resists

A specs'd Air Slash already 2hkos both Charizard and Moltres, HP Rock would be useful only for Articuno. However, considering tinted lens and the fact that you could be able to switch in only twice, I wouldn't use anything else but the two stab moves.
I'd say between HP Rock and Ancient Power I'd take HP Rock. More PP and more power. The boosts from AP could be nice, but certainly can't be relied upon, it's damage output is lower, and has less PP, so in worse case scenario you are stuck in with it you will be killing yourself with Struggle quickly.

But with HP Rock you are forced to run a 30 Spe IV (IIRC). That means you lose the Speed tie with other Yanmega just for something that is a filler option. Ancientpower works well enough against the 4x Rock weaks, and it won't even be used in many matches.
This Yanmega has been working in my "yanmega test" team:

Yanmega (M) @ Petaya Berry
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 4 Def/252 Spd/252 SAtk
Modest nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Air Slash
- Bug Buzz
- Substitute
- Hidden Power [Ground]

With Specs Espeon, Shaymin and Blaziken weakening all of it's counters, and Regirock Luring and exploding on Hitmontop, it sweeps quite often actually.
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