Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

You need to use the encounter code first to find if you can catch a mangemite. When you generate method J spreads, right click on one of the frames that is a shiny spread (you should have a few different ones) and it will tell you the encounter slot for that frame. Look it up on the encounter table and you will see what pokemon is on that frame. Do this until you find one that gives you a magnemite. As far as calcs for your journal flips go, you should be doing 978-2-0 roamers = 976. 976/2 = 488 journal flips. Make sure you saved in the grass so you have no need to walk around when sweet scenting after you've completed all of your flips.

Ahh I see, I now face a different problem
I've gotten a "seed" from spreads already generated which you can download from the OP. My seed is C8120291
What do the "frame" and "Actual" frame mean? Which one am I meant to be aiming for? Sorry for the silly questions =[

Also, I right clicked on calculate encounter slots. It said sweet scent in grass/cave is 7? What does this to to my overall flips? O_o. I clicked on diamomn encounter slots webby, it said magnemite is frame 0 or 1. Does that mean it has a chance of appearing on both? (swarm of course). Is this certain they'll appear? Or is it only a % chance it'll appear?
Hey everyone. I was able to hatch shinies in the past, but about a month ago, the RNG program crashes as soon as I try opening it. This is most likely a problem with my computer and not the program itself. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Ahh I see, I now face a different problem
I've gotten a "seed" from spreads already generated which you can download from the OP. My seed is C8120291
What do the "frame" and "Actual" frame mean? Which one am I meant to be aiming for? Sorry for the silly questions =[

Also, I right clicked on calculate encounter slots. It said sweet scent in grass/cave is 7? What does this to to my overall flips? O_o. I clicked on diamomn encounter slots webby, it said magnemite is frame 0 or 1. Does that mean it has a chance of appearing on both? (swarm of course). Is this certain they'll appear? Or is it only a % chance it'll appear?
You only need to worry about the frame column. If you have a magnemite swarm, that means any frame that shows an encounter slot of 0 or 1 for sweet scent will give you a magnemite.
You only need to worry about the frame column. If you have a magnemite swarm, that means any frame that shows an encounter slot of 0 or 1 for sweet scent will give you a magnemite.

Okay, i'm completely confused now =/.

From excel it says frame "offset" is 1881 (I posted the wrong seed, it's c912029b, in RNG reporter it says actual frame is 1880.

So is this new process correct?

As soon as I enter, I check with flips to see if I've hit my delay.
Open up journal and flip 1878/2. (I have no roamers)
So thats 939 flips.
Then I close the journal.
I sweet scent to advance the frame by 2?
Then I should get a magnemite? O_o

I'm confused by what you meant with

that means any frame that shows an encounter slot of 0 or 1 for sweet scent will give you a magnemite.

EDIT: Wait, mine says 7? How do I lower it? O_o

2x EDIT: Oh... I never realised there were several spreads of the same seed at different frames XD. I found a spread that has encounter 1. If I use this spread it should mean I have a magnemite right? =)
May attempt it later tonight
Okay, i'm completely confused now =/.

From excel it says frame "offset" is 1881 (I posted the wrong seed, it's c912029b, in RNG reporter it says actual frame is 1880.

So is this new process correct?

As soon as I enter, I check with flips to see if I've hit my delay.
Open up journal and flip 1878/2. (I have no roamers)
So thats 939 flips.
Then I close the journal.
I sweet scent to advance the frame by 2?
Then I should get a magnemite? O_o

I'm confused by what you meant with

EDIT: Wait, mine says 7? How do I lower it? O_o

2x EDIT: Oh... I never realised there were several spreads of the same seed at different frames XD. I found a spread that has encounter 1. If I use this spread it should mean I have a magnemite right? =)
May attempt it later tonight
Yeah, when you look them up you'll have a bunch to choose from. You just have to find one that has the poke you're looking for. Make sure you have a syncher in the front of your party with the correct nature and it should be your magnemite.

Edit: Also, when you're calculating flips, do it like this - (frame - roamers - sweet scent) / 2
So it should be (frame-2)/2 for whatever frame you choose in this case, not frame/2 - 2.
So has the FR/LG abuse information been posted or what?

It's been ages now and I haven't seen anything about the method anywhere. Just people on trade threads apparently trading results of it.
For Giratina (Cave, frame 1) with Method J (Platinum Version):

I search a Seed with Synch nature, spread and all
RNG Reporter generate a result with Frame 1 and Modest Nature
Generate Times of this seed and I choose data, Second and Delay.

Frame Pokèmon = 1
Frame Time finder = 1

I SRing to my Target, appeared a journal with no pokèmon, I caught Giratina It has my delay, my second but spread isn't of the TF.
Why ? Help me please °O°

Time Finder says: Delay 604, Second 14, Frame 1, 2004-06-29
I SRing to this date, I press B to journal white page (no pokèmon) and caught Giratina.
It has: Delay 604, Second 14 (i've checked with seed finder) but hasn't good IVs
For Giratina (Cave, frame 1) with Method J (Platinum Version):

I search a Seed with Synch nature, spread and all
RNG Reporter generate a result with Frame 1 and Modest Nature
Generate Times of this seed and I choose data, Second and Delay.

Frame Pokèmon = 1
Frame Time finder = 1

I SRing to my Target, appeared a journal with no pokèmon, I caught Giratina It has my delay, my second but spread isn't of the TF.
Why ? Help me please °O°
If I read correctly, you're using platinum version. If that's true, then you're catching this Giratina in the Distortion World, which doesn't have a starting frame of 1, but of 12.
I think I'm not quite done yet with the info needed.

Is a seed picked when I talk to say Mewtwo? He will say "Mew!" or something like that. Or when I actually press A afterwards and the battle is started?

Also, when I've got this seed, I enter it in the main menu, right? So, I search for a spread, when I find one, do I need to add up/take down a certain amount of numbers to get the time I need to wait, or I take the time listed?

Because I tried it, but the spread I got was for a nine minute wait, I only had a 4.45 minute wait. I don't see how I could've add 5 more minutes.
Anyone got an answer?
Hi guys, I seem to have found myself at a loss here

I'm trying to breed some shinies, but it's just not working, and I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong.

Here's what I've been doing:
1) 5 pokemon in party(Lv50 to repel, 2 for capturing, a ditto[WITHOUT an everstone], and a Charizard)
2) I save up above the Resort Area, soft reset, check the time on my synched clock when I push "Continue," get in a battle, capture the thing, log all the info in RNG Reporter's "Find Initial Seed By Stats" and all that. (No problem so far, I think)
3) I shift off app #5 to app #6(happiness checker) and make them jump the exact number of times it says, then shift to the coin flip and do that the exact number of times it says as well (leaving it on the coin flip app for the rest of the attempt)
4) I fly to Solocean, toss ditto and charizard in the breeding pit, go up and down 210/Solocean/209 until the old man has an Egg for me, grab it, grab my Magcargo, and hatch the thing

As far as I can tell my SID is right on(according to mingot's deducing your Secret ID topic), and I'm definitely not forgetting to push "Shiny Only" or DPPt Egg PID (Normal).

The last time I failed, I checked the Nature of the failure, and it matched the nature the Shiny WOULD have recieved, which is further frustrating and confusing me(edit: I just tried again, and again it was the same nature RNGr said it would be, but not shiny). :(

What am I doing wrong?
( sorry if that came out long-winded, I'm new ^_^;;; )
Maybe you need to check your ID/SID...if it's the right nature every time but not shiny that's most likely it. I've made that mistake before, just double/triple check it.
So has the FR/LG abuse information been posted or what?

It's been ages now and I haven't seen anything about the method anywhere. Just people on trade threads apparently trading results of it.

I've been wondering about that myself. :/
Maybe you need to check your ID/SID...if it's the right nature every time but not shiny that's most likely it. I've made that mistake before, just double/triple check it.
I thought the same too, but after I re-checked it a couple times I have to conclude that if that method always works 100% of the time, then my SID must be correct. (confirmed with a Shiny Golem caught in same game pak, using Metalkid's IV Calc every level from 51-69, with verified HP type[Psychic], and going through the math posted in mingot's Deducing page).
I plan on doing an IV battle in a few minutes with a friend to check the IVs again, but the only way that would do me any good was if Metalkid's IV Calc was wrong, and I sincerely doubt that being a possibility.

I'm really wishing I had another Shiny from this pak, in case I happen to have run into some glitch in the programming(I trust you guys a little more than GameFreak :P). I managed to grab a japanese ditto though, so at least I'll fail faster the next couple times(I know to switch it to International, yep).

One question though
. In the RNG Reporter, it tells me X amount of times to "jump" the happiness checker, and then X amount of times to flip the coin. BUT ALSO, on the bottom under the chart of pokemon generated, it says "Coin Flips for Seed: " followed by H's and T's. Do I need to flip the coin an additional 10 times after the jumps+coinflips? (It still doesn't make sense, since I'm always getting the correct Nature, but maybe I'm just a little daft, and by some fluke it was trying to trick me into thinking I was doing it right?)

(gamer22, thanks, but, as little as I trust microsoft, it doesn't warn me about running RNGr, but it warns me not to run ShinyFinder, and I just haven't known you guys long enough yet ^_^;;; )
I thought the same too, but after I re-checked it a couple times I have to conclude that if that method always works 100% of the time, then my SID must be correct. (confirmed with a Shiny Golem caught in same game pak, using Metalkid's IV Calc every level from 51-69, with verified HP type[Psychic], and going through the math posted in mingot's Deducing page).
I plan on doing an IV battle in a few minutes with a friend to check the IVs again, but the only way that would do me any good was if Metalkid's IV Calc was wrong, and I sincerely doubt that being a possibility.

I'm really wishing I had another Shiny from this pak, in case I happen to have run into some glitch in the programming(I trust you guys a little more than GameFreak :P). I managed to grab a japanese ditto though, so at least I'll fail faster the next couple times(I know to switch it to International, yep).

One question though. In the RNG Reporter, it tells me X amount of times to "jump" the happiness checker, and then X amount of times to flip the coin. BUT ALSO, on the bottom under the chart of pokemon generated, it says "Coin Flips for Seed: " followed by H's and T's. Do I need to flip the coin an additional 10 times after the jumps+coinflips? (It still doesn't make sense, since I'm always getting the correct Nature, but maybe I'm just a little daft, and by some fluke it was trying to trick me into thinking I was doing it right?)

(gamer22, thanks, but, as little as I trust microsoft, it doesn't warn me about running RNGr, but it warns me not to run ShinyFinder, and I just haven't known you guys long enough yet ^_^;;; )
Coin flips for seed is just a way to verify that you hit your seed. You don't need to worry about that for what you're doing, you don't need to do any more coin flips than it tells you.
Coin flips for seed is just a way to verify that you hit your seed. You don't need to worry about that for what you're doing, you don't need to do any more coin flips than it tells you.
Damn... I've been doing that part right all along then. :(

(edit: weird.... I just failed again, and not only was it the wrong nature, but the only reasonable way I could've hit the resulting Nature is by accidentally jumping one time too many, and flipping one time too few.... but it was only 6 flips, so it still seems ridiculous, as I know I can count to 6. :/ Alright, I'm definitely stumped....)
I plan on doing an IV battle in a few minutes with a friend to check the IVs again, but the only way that would do me any good was if Metalkid's IV Calc was wrong, and I sincerely doubt that being a possibility.

I found a bug in it last month :P

(gamer22, thanks, but, as little as I trust microsoft, it doesn't warn me about running RNGr, but it warns me not to run ShinyFinder, and I just haven't known you guys long enough yet ^_^;;; )

ShinyFinder is not malware, but the author actually built the functionality of ShinyFinder directly into RNG Reporter, so there is really not much of a need to use it anymore.

Seriously, You probably do have the ID/SID either wrong or incorrectly typed. I have went ahead and added some troubleshooting tips to the article that will be going on site, so here is a link to a mock up of the final page.

all the way at the bottom.
Hey guys, I´ve got another question:
What is the frame number of giratina in platinum in the torn world? I tried to catch one after hitting the right delays, but 2 times it was wrong so maybe i took the wrong frame.