[Beginner] Back to the Basics Mafia - The Many win!

Approved by Mekkah.
This is a beginner level game.
In the last days of war, there were a multitude of factions that fought for supremacy. Eventually, they dwindled down to three. Among them were The Terrible. They were the worst of the worst in the minds of everyone else. However, there was another great power. They called themselves The Monsters. A third faction was competing for power. They were called The Many because they were too numerous to be organized. How the factions came to fight each other is not known. However, they fought. And now we seee the last days of the war. *Inserts a DVD into the player.*
RULES: base rules *mostly* swiped from We don't need no Mafia, then modified and added to. A lot. Though many were kept verbatim.
1. The game will cycle between Night and Day, beginning with Night 0. Unlike previous Night 0s, killing will work on Night 0.
2. Days and nights will last 48 hours each, or until majority/all actions are in. Extensions may be granted if needed. Night 0 will last 72 hours so that the mafia may organize. You may only distribute role PMs on Day 1 or later, unless you are mafia and on the same faction.
3. If you don't want to use your Night Role, please send a PM to me with the title 'Night x - Idling' anyway. This at least shows you're paying attention to the game. If you do not send this on Night 0 (if applicable), then I'll sub you out. If you idle without telling me too much, then I'll sub you out.
4. Lynch votes must be bolded. No Lynch is an acceptable vote. Please make sure that you unbold obsolete votes.
4.a) In the event of a tie, all users with the most votes will be lynched. However, for N people lynched, the next N-1 days will be skipped (but I'll give 72 hour deadlines for the nights).
5. There are items in this game and you may hold an arbitrary number of items.
5.a) To give an item, it must be night, and you must send a PM with the following title: "Night x - Giving ITEM to USER". You may not give items away during the day.
5.b) Items go to the killer on death.
5.c) If an item holder is lynched, then the items held go to a random member of the first faction to vote for the lynched, as long as the item recipient voted for the lynched person.
5.d) There is no scavenger ability.
5.e) Giving items has the lowest priority.
5.f) Items may be not be used during the same night you give them away.
6. Do not screenshot anything I tell you to anyone else in the game. Do not screenshot anything related to the game.
7. Do not talk about the game with or in front of living players while you are dead, unless allowed to by the host. You may still plan with your teammates, but only for the sake of planning strategies.
8. Do not impersonate other players or me. You may fake logs, including logs with me.
9. With that said, do not believe everything the hosts tell you, apart from in the role pm itself.
10. If you have any questions about your role or the game please don't hesitate to contact me. I'm on IRC in #warau and #fluodome usually.
11. IRC is not required, but is greatly useful.
12. The game ends when any win condition is fulfilled. All win conditions are mutually exclusive to all other wins (barring being mafia together or village together).
12.a) There are no harmless neutrals.
13. There are 25 players in this game.
14. Give me access to all spreadsheets/google docs you create and send me the URL of any pastebin you create. Also, give me access to any channels you create.
15. This is an open theme game.
16. I can proofread fake role PMs. However, I will not provide fakes.
17. Priorities are set and kept secret.

Here's a sample role PM:
Dear Aura Guardian,
You are Lucario.

You are the Aura Pokemon. You are approximately four feet in height, and you use your ability to manipulate the Aura to give you an edge in battle. However, you also use your abilities to further justice and protect your trainer.

Your may send Aura Guardian a PM with title "Night x - Aura Swap USER1 in for USER2". USER1 will be subbed in for USER2.

You also may send Aura Guardian a PM with the title "Day/Night x - Close Combat USER". USER will die instantly.

You are aligned with the FACTION. You win if the FACTION eliminate all hostile threats.
I'd just like to note that most people will not have two abilities. Also, I'd like to note that I'm the only person with a day action, and that FACTION for me is whichever team wins. Items are mentioned between the last ability and the win condition. The Many are the village, and The Terrible and The Monsters are the mafias. There may be neutrals.

Player List:

Alive (11)
Lightwolf - ??? - Vanished Day 2 - Returned Day 3
Spiffy - ??? - Vanished Day 3 - Returned Day 4
VulcanFenrir/Starkiller2 - sub day 5

Dead (14)
User - Role Name - Alliance - Ability - Died

Acklow - Adolf Hitler - the Terrible - Killer - Lynched Day 1
-Mind- - Arceus - the Monsters - Killer - Lynched Day 2
hailflameblast - the Yeti - the Monsters - Kidnapper, back-up killer - whacked Night 2
Coronis - A bunch of ghosts - the Many - thief finder - saw death Night 2
Uberiffic - Loch Ness monster - the Monsters - bodyguard, back-up Killer - Lynched Day 3
TPM - Lugia - the Monsters - inspector - Whacked Night 3
Xyphang - a Spy - the Terrible - thief - Blown up Night 3
Blue_Tornado - Stripe - the Monsters - thief - Lynched Day 4
RaRe555 - hydrophobia - the Terrible - inspector - whacked Night 4
J-man - Neville Longbottom - the Many - martyr - saw death Night 4
coolking49 - Falco - the Many - item-based vigilante - Vanished Day 1 - Returned Day 2 - Life Orb Night 4
badalcristiano - Lord Voldemort - the Terrible - kidnapper, back-up killer - lynched Day 5
~NJ - Grim Reaper - the Terrible - bodyguard - self-protected, hooked, and whacked Night 5
Rayquaza2233 - Lizzie Borden - Wolf - murderer, inspector, mayor - Lynched Day 6

Please note that there are two levels of randomness. Even though you know one level (order of players), this has no effect on order of roles. So your roles are very randomized.

Q: Are there lynchpins?
A: No.

All role PMs are out. It is now Night 0.

Night 0 ends in 72 hours. All other days/nights will end after 48.

Just reminding you not to share role PMs until Day 1, unless you are mafia and on the same team.

EDIT: If it said "elimanate" in your PM, it should be "eliminate"
GL people. I'll probably be a bit inactive n0 and n1(I'll send in my night action though), since I will be starting Overkill II, so any potential village leaders(in case you guys don't let me lead xD), don't be surprised if I don't give a sufficient reply to your request for claims.