The World Cup of Pokemon V - Round 2

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I'm not retarded I'm Canadian it's different
is a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Dedicated Tournament Host Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Well, after a dramatic finish we have team Oceania sneaking into the last spot with a chance to fight and defend their title. What we also have are 7 other teams hungry to display that elusive blue trophy below their names. Welcome to the knockout stages of the World Cup of Pokemon V.

Last round saw all 192 battles get completed with no activity wins given, a tremendous feat. I again need to thank everyone for that, as it topped last years first round as the benchmark for what this community can collectively accomplish. We have had great participation from outside communities who are pretty new to Smogon, and I thank those communities for fielding competitive teams this year that were able to adequately challenge Smogon's best.

Before we begin I would like to clarify that Salamence will be BANNED for this round.

The final rosters can be viewed here

The format for this round can be found here

The rules of the tournament can be found here

At the conclusion of the first round, the teams were seeded based on points collected in Round One action. The final standings can be viewed here.

These teams will now face off in a knockout format, as artistically depicted by fantasitc artist Pirika


And so it begins, the quest for world glory. Who will be world champions? Let's find out.

The Brackets

All battles are to be completed within ten days. That leaves you until Saturday, July 31st at Midnight EST. SPL has proven that a good number of battles can be completed within a single week, and I expect no less from the WCOP crowd. I made the first round extra long so you could all have ample time to strategize with your team, and now it is go time, no excuses. I understand that Salamence has just been banned, but this has been in the works for a while and I expect people to be prepared by now. No excuses.

Tiebreakers can happen after this date, but no standard battles. PM your opponent and set up a time ASAP.

All the rules from the Round 1 thread still apply, and keep in mind the policy on subs, which states that for this round, a subsitution can only be made in the case of unexpected/sudden absence. I will personally review all sub appeals on a case by case basis.

Good luck to all remaining teams, and may the best nation win.


USA West (3) vs Oceania (5)

Monta vs Frizy
remlabmez vs Hipmonlee
LoveDestiny vs animenagai
Scofield vs panamaxis
TheFourthChaser vs Earthworm
Duskie vs Stallion
Phillip7086 vs Heist
TAY vs Blue Kirby

ISGME (4) vs USA Metro (4)

Sarenji vs Kevin Garrett
husk vs alex
Light-Kun vs SilentEcho
gmax vs JabbaTheGriffin
Lady Bug vs Plus
Malfunction vs reachzero
Twist of Fate vs FM
Aldaron vs Delta2777

United Kingdom (4) vs Europe (4)

Mechazawa vs Megan Fox
Taylor vs jumpluff
6A9 Ace Matador vs Binabik
twash vs Nachos
Sage Abdul vs Blue_Tornado
Ashley Young vs Joel
Kinneas vs B-Lulz
vashta vs Mekkah

Latin America (4) vs Brazil (4)

ENZ0 vs Sebastian
reyscarface vs DarkLynx
Mizuno vs Mosh
hanke vs Quantum Mechanics
legendary_07 vs pi face
_Rewer_ vs Royal Flush
Scimjara vs Rurushu
tito vs Fallen Alice




husk vs. reachzero
twash vs. megan_fox
hanke vs. rurushu
Hey look I did predictions stuff because I was bored. Anywas GL all.

USA West (3) vs Oceania (5)

imperfectluck vs Frizy - he wont show up
remlabmez vs Hipmonlee
LoveDestiny vs animenagai
Scofield vs panamaxis
TheFourthChaser vs Earthworm
Duskie vs Stallion
Phillip7086 vs Heist
TAY vs Blue Kirby - BK: unluckiest

ISGME (5) vs USA Metro (3)

Sarenji vs Kevin Garrett
husk vs alex - who is husk???
Light-Kun vs SilentEcho
gmax vs JabbaTheGriffin
Lady Bug vs Plus - tough matchup bud :(
Malfunction vs reachzero
Twist of Fate vs FM
Aldaron vs Delta2777

United Kingdom (5) vs Europe (3)

Mechazawa vs Megan Fox
Taylor vs jumpluff
6A9 Ace Matador vs Binabik
twash vs Nachos - ooof brit on brit action
Sage Abdul vs Blue_Tornado
Ashley Young vs Joel
Kinneas vs B-Lulz
vashta vs Mien.

Latin America (6) vs Brazil (2)

ENZ0 vs Sebastian
reyscarface vs DarkLynx - its coming bet on it
Mizuno vs Mosh
hanke vs Quantum Mechanics
legendary_07 vs pi face
vs Royal Flush
Scimjara vs Rurushu
tito vs Fallen Alice - lol tito fuckin sucks

Heres the original one so you dont have to CP mine and re-edit it:

USA West () vs Oceania ()

imperfectluck vs Frizy
remlabmez vs Hipmonlee
LoveDestiny vs animenagai
Scofield vs panamaxis
TheFourthChaser vs Earthworm
Duskie vs Stallion
Phillip7086 vs Heist
TAY vs Blue Kirby

ISGME () vs USA Metro ()

Sarenji vs Kevin Garrett
husk vs alex
Light-Kun vs SilentEcho
gmax vs JabbaTheGriffin
Lady Bug vs Plus
Malfunction vs reachzero
Twist of Fate vs FM
Aldaron vs Delta2777

United Kingdom () vs Europe ()

Mechazawa vs Megan Fox
Taylor vs jumpluff
6A9 Ace Matador vs Binabik
twash vs Nachos
Sage Abdul vs Blue_Tornado
Ashley Young vs Joel
Kinneas vs B-Lulz
vashta vs Mien.

Latin America () vs Brazil ()

ENZ0 vs Sebastian
reyscarface vs DarkLynx
Mizuno vs Mosh
hanke vs Quantum Mechanics
legendary_07 vs pi face
_Rewer_ vs Royal Flush
Scimjara vs Rurushu
tito vs Fallen Alice
US WEST (5) vs OCEANIA (3)

imperfectluck vs Frizy
remblabmez vs Hipmonlee
LoveDestiny vs animenagai
Scofield vs panamaxis - pamanaxis 9.9
TheFourthChaser vs Earthworm - GO TFC!!!!!
Duskie vs Stallion - DUSKIE 8b
Phillip7086 vs Heist -philio
TAY vs Blue Kirby - burrrkirby (don't get unlucky)

BROWN (6) vs METRO (2)

Sarenji vs Kevin Garrett
husk vs alex
Light-Kun vs SilentEcho
gmax vs JabbaTheGriffin
Lady Bug vs Plus
Malfunction vs reachzero
Twist of Fate vs FM
Aldaron vs Delta2777


Mechazawa vs Megan Fox
Taylor vs jumpluff - ^____^
6A9 Ace Matador vs Binabik
twash vs Nachos - nom nom nom
Sage Abdul vs Blue_Tornado
Ashley Young vs Joel
Kinneas vs B-Lulz - kinnoos <3
vashta vs Mien. - 9.9

LA (8) vs BRAZIL (0) (in all reality la will get haxed to hell by brazil)

ENZ0 vs Sebastian
reyscarface vs DarkLynx
Mizuno vs Mosh
hanke vs Quantum Mechanics
legendary_07 vs pi face
_Rewer_ vs Royal Flush
Scimjara vs Rurushu
tito vs Fallen Alice
USA West (5) vs Oceania (3)

imperfectluck vs Frizy
remlabmez vs Hipmonlee
LoveDestiny vs animenagai
Scofield vs panamaxis
TheFourthChaser vs Earthworm
Duskievs Stallion
Phillip7086 vs Heist
TAYvs Blue Kirby

ISGME (4) vs USA Metro (4)

Sarenji vs Kevin Garrett
husk vs alex
Light-Kun vs SilentEcho
gmax vs JabbaTheGriffin
Lady Bug vs Plus
Malfunction vs reachzero
Twist of Fate vs FM
Aldaron vs Delta2777

United Kingdom (4) vs Europe (4)

Mechazawa vs Megan Fox
Taylor vs jumpluff
6A9 Ace Matador vs Binabik
twash vs Nachos
Sage Abdul vs Blue_Tornado
Ashley Young vs Joel
Kinneas vs B-Lulz
vashtavs Mien.

Latin America (6) vs Brazil (2)

ENZ0 vs Sebastian
reyscarface vs DarkLynx
Mizuno vs Mosh
hankevs Quantum Mechanics
legendary_07vs pi face
vs Royal Flush
Scimjara vs Rurushu
tito vs Fallen Alice
My predictions

ISGME (4) vs USA Metro (4)

Sarenji vs Kevin Garrett
husk vs alex
Light-Kun vs SilentEcho
gmax vs JabbaTheGriffin
Lady Bug vs Plus
Malfunction vs reachzero
Twist of Fate vs FM
Aldaron vs Delta2777

United Kingdom (3) vs Europe (5)

Mechazawa vs Megan Fox
Taylor vs jumpluff
6A9 Ace Matador vs Binabik
twash vs Nachos
Sage Abdul vs Blue_Tornado
Ashley Young vs Joel
Kinneas vs B-Lulz
vashta vs Mien.

Latin America (7) vs Brazil (1)

ENZ0 vs Sebastian
reyscarface vs DarkLynx
Mizuno vs Mosh
hanke vs Quantum Mechanics
legendary_07 vs pi face
_Rewer_ vs Royal Flush
Scimjara vs Rurushu
tito vs Fallen Alice
USA West (08) vs Oceania ()

imperfectluck vs Frizy
remlabmez vs Hipmonlee
LoveDestiny vs animenagai
Scofield vs panamaxis
TheFourthChaser vs Earthworm
Duskie vs Stallion
Phillip7086 vs Heist
TAY vs Blue Kirby

ISGME (3) vs USA Metro (5)

Sarenji vs Kevin Garrett
husk vs alex
Light-Kun vs SilentEcho
vs JabbaTheGriffin
Lady Bug vs Plus
Malfunction vs reachzero
Twist of Fate vs FM
Aldaron vs Delta2777

United Kingdom (6) vs Europe (2
Mechazawa vs Megan Fox
Taylor vs jumpluff
6A9 Ace Matador vs Binabik
twash vs Nachos
Sage Abdul vs Blue_Tornado
Ashley Young vs Joel
Kinneas vs B-Lulz
vashta vs Mien.

Latin America (8 vs Brazil (0

ENZ0 vs Sebastian
reyscarface vs DarkLynx
Mizuno vs Mosh
hanke vs Quantum Mechanics
legendary_07 vs pi face
_Rewer_ vs Royal Flush
Scimjara vs Rurushu
tito vs Fallen Alice
USA West (4) vs Oceania (4)

imperfectluck vs Frizy
remlabmez vs Hipmonlee
LoveDestiny vs animenagai
Scofield vs panamaxis
TheFourthChaser vs Earthworm
Duskie vs Stallion
Phillip7086 vs Heist
TAY vs Blue Kirby

ISGME (5) vs USA Metro (3)

Sarenji vs Kevin Garrett
husk vs alex
Light-Kun vs SilentEcho
gmax vs JabbaTheGriffin
Lady Bug vs Plus
Malfunction vs reachzero
Twist of Fate vs FM
Aldaron vs Delta2777

United Kingdom (6) vs Europe (2)

Mechazawa vs Megan Fox
Taylor vs jumpluff
6A9 Ace Matador vs Binabik
twash vs Nachos
Sage Abdul vs Blue_Tornado
Ashley Young vs Joel
Kinneas vs B-Lulz
vashta vs Mien.

Latin America (!) vs Brazil ()

USA West (5) vs Oceania (3)

imperfectluck vs Frizy
remlabmez vs Hipmonlee
LoveDestiny vs animenagai
Scofield vs panamaxis
TheFourthChaser vs Earthworm
Duskie vs Stallion
Phillip7086 vs Heist
TAY vs Blue Kirby

ISGME (3) vs USA Metro (5)

Sarenji vs Kevin Garrett
husk vs alex
Light-Kun vs SilentEcho
gmax vs JabbaTheGriffin
Lady Bug vs Plus
Malfunction vs reachzero
Twist of Fate vs FM
Aldaron vs Delta2777

United Kingdom (3) vs Europe (5)

Mechazawa vs Megan Fox
Taylor vs jumpluff
6A9 Ace Matador vs Binabik
twash vs Nachos
Sage Abdul vs Blue_Tornado
Ashley Young vs Joel
Kinneas vs B-Lulz
vashta vs Mien.

Latin America (8) vs Brazil (0)

ENZ0 vs Sebastian
reyscarface vs DarkLynx
Mizuno vs Mosh
hanke vs Quantum Mechanics
legendary_07 vs pi face
_Rewer_ vs Royal Flush
Scimjara vs Rurushu
tito vs Fallen Alice

Only heard of QM, and he's facing big hanke lol. GL to everyone, especially US WEST!
USA West (3) vs Oceania (5)

imperfectluck vs Frizy
remlabmez vs Hipmonlee
LoveDestiny vs animenagai
Scofield vs panamaxis
TheFourthChaser vs Earthworm
Duskievs Stallion
Phillip7086 vs Heist
TAYvs Blue Kirby no more bad luck for

ISGME (3) vs USA Metro (5)

Sarenji vs Kevin Garrett
husk vs alex - some anon vs alex
Light-Kun vs SilentEcho - unless hax
gmax vs JabbaTheGriffin - GMAX will be rusty plus spicy food puts him off his game...
Lady Bug vs Plus
Malfunction vs reachzero - go mal ^_^
Twist of Fate vs FM - ma boy
Aldaron vs Delta2777

United Kingdom (7) vs Europe (1)

Mechazawa vs Megan Fox
Taylor vs jumpluff n/o taylor but if shiki gets in da zone ain't no stoppin her...
6A9 Ace Matador vs Binabik
twash vs Nachos
Sage Abdul vs Blue_Tornado
Ashley Young vs Joel
Kinneas vs B-Lulz
vashta vs Mien.

Latin America (8) vs Brazil (0)

ENZ0 vs Sebastian
reyscarface vs DarkLynx
Mizuno vs Mosh
hanke vs Quantum Mechanics - hankey gonna wreck you snot nosed kids...
legendary_07 vs pi face
vs Royal Flush
Scimjara vs Rurushu
tito vs Fallen Alice - go tito!
looks like ocn has 10 days to say goodbye to their trophies!

i see pana frequently, we'll get it done.
@ Ace Matador: Actually, they're the snot nosed kids, all their team are around 14 to 16 years old... most of Brazil's team are on the early twentys, so, we are the vets babe, and we are gonna put them in their rightful places =)

Jokes aside, good luck Latin America, do your best... but you know it will NOT be enough, as I will not choke again in round 2 and our guys are gonna keep on playing nicelly.

Vets > Snot nosed kids =)

USA West (5) vs Oceania (3)

imperfectluck vs Frizy
remlabmez vs Hipmonlee
LoveDestiny (TIP) vs animenagai
Scofield vs panamaxis
TheFourthChaser vs Earthworm
Duskie vs Stallion
Phillip7086 vs Heist
TAY vs Blue Kirby

ISGME (4) vs USA Metro (4)

Sarenji vs Kevin Garrett
husk vs alex
Light-Kun vs SilentEcho
gmax vs JabbaTheGriffin
Lady Bug vs Plus
Malfunction vs reachzero
Twist of Fate vs FM
Aldaron vs Delta2777

United Kingdom vs Europe - Good luck

Latin America (5) vs Brazil (3)

ENZ0 vs Sebastian
reyscarface vs DarkLynx
Mizuno vs Mosh
hanke vs Quantum Mechanics
legendary_07 vs pi face
_Rewer_ vs Royal Flush
Scimjara vs Rurushu
tito vs Fallen Alice
USA West (4) vs Oceania (4)

imperfectluck vs Frizy
remlabmez vs Hipmonlee
LoveDestiny vs animenagai
Scofield vs panamaxis
TheFourthChaser vs Earthworm
Duskie vs Stallion
Phillip7086 vs Heist
TAY vs Blue Kirby

west wins in tiebreaker?!?!? maybe not

ISGME (5) vs USA Metro (3)

Sarenji vs Kevin Garrett
husk vs alex
Light-Kun vs SilentEcho
gmax vs JabbaTheGriffin
Lady Bug vs Plus
Malfunction vs reachzero
Twist of Fate vs FM
Aldaron vs Delta2777

alex beats husk and gmax beats jabba in two hilarious matches

United Kingdom (4) vs Europe (4)

Mechazawa vs Megan Fox
Taylor vs jumpluff
6A9 Ace Matador vs Binabik
twash vs Nachos
Sage Abdul vs Blue_Tornado
Ashley Young vs Joel
Kinneas vs B-Lulz
vashta vs Mien.

i can't decide!!

Latin America (7) vs Brazil (1)

ENZ0 vs Sebastian
reyscarface vs DarkLynx
Mizuno vs Mosh
hanke vs Quantum Mechanics
legendary_07 vs pi face
vs Royal Flush
Scimjara vs Rurushu
tito vs Fallen Alice

rey loses to bs hax, you heard it here first folks
I understood, but I just wanted to say that we are the Vets and Vets pwns. Can I?

Oh, and if you can't understand that my posts are mostly jokes, them you're just plain stupid =)

Ok, prediction time:

West passes, just to choke again in the semi-finals... 6-2
Brown is too strong... 6-2
UK is even stronger and will pass, though AM is going to lose and whine for a month... 5-3
Brazil is going to surprise everyone, actually, it's rather obvious that we are going to take it all... 8-0

Well, good luck for all of you and keep up making this World Cup the best tournament ever =)
USA West (4) vs Oceania (4)

imperfectluck vs Frizy
remlabmez vs Hipmonlee
LoveDestiny vs animenagai
Scofield vs panamaxis
TheFourthChaser vs Earthworm
Duskie vs Stallion
Phillip7086 vs Heist
TAY vs Blue Kirby

I'll stand by my last cup prediction that West will go all the way to the finals.

ISGME (5) vs USA Metro (3)

Sarenji vs Kevin Garrett
husk vs alex
Light-Kun vs SilentEcho
gmax vs JabbaTheGriffin
Lady Bug vs Plus
Malfunction vs reachzero
Twist of Fate vs FM
Aldaron vs Delta2777

...too strong

United Kingdom (5) vs Europe (3)

Mechazawa vs Megan Fox
Taylor vs jumpluff
6A9 Ace Matador vs Binabik
twash vs Nachos
Sage Abdul vs Blue_Tornado
Ashley Young vs Joel
Kinneas vs B-Lulz
vashta vs Mien.

seems about right

Latin America (4) vs Brazil (4)

ENZ0 vs Sebastian
reyscarface vs DarkLynx
Mizuno vs Mosh
hanke vs Quantum Mechanics
legendary_07 vs pi face
_Rewer_ vs Royal Flush
Scimjara vs Rurushu
tito vs Fallen Alice

To be honest I think it can easily go either way, but it is kind of my duty as a Brazillian to root for my country <_<..
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