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Seconding LO Starmie. It's the only spinner that can seriously threaten Rotom.

I beg to differ. Timid Life Orb Starmie can only 2HKO Rotom-A, regardless of the set (as long as it's not -SpD which is never used). Tentacruel can easily accomplish the same task, and Blastoise can also do pretty much the same thing. Donphan can 2HKO Rotom-A with Assurance unless it's a physically bulky set. Claydol with some SpA investment can 2HKO most Rotom-A with Shadow Ball. most Armaldo and Kabutops can 2HKO physically bulky Rotom-A with Stone Edge.

Infernape-5 and Fatecrashers, you can't discuss that here.
So if I understand what you're trying to accomplish, you want to take out your opponent's lead right off the bat without it setting up entry hazards. I can only think of one way of accomplishing that. You could use an Arena Trap Pokémon, or you could use Shadow Tag in Ubers. Although common leads like Azelf and Aerodactyl are immune to Arena Trap so that won't work too well.

My one idea would be using Gengar, Jynx, Honchkrow, Absol, or Mismagius with Taunt, Mean Look, Perish Song, and either Protect or Substitute. Of course you could use Smeargle as well.

Um, the only problem with the Mean Look Gengar idea is that many leads have U-Turn, which completely ignores Mean Look, and also Baton Pass and Shed Shell do the same job, though they are less common. With Taunt, you're either going to force a switch, or force them to U-turn, either way possibly coming back in second to set up Rocks. Azelf would just instantly switch on you or Taunt you, so there goes that plan.
I just returned after not playing Pokemon for a long time.

I have a question though. Why is my favourite pokemon Salamence now an uber? He was never overpowered!
I just returned after not playing Pokemon for a long time.

I have a question though. Why is my favourite pokemon Salamence now an uber? He was never overpowered!

Perhaps this will answer your questions. Scroll down to find minutes of the Council meeting in which reasons for Mence being Uber are discussed.
Um, the only problem with the Mean Look Gengar idea is that many leads have U-Turn, which completely ignores Mean Look, and also Baton Pass and Shed Shell do the same job, though they are less common. With Taunt, you're either going to force a switch, or force them to U-turn, either way possibly coming back in second to set up Rocks. Azelf would just instantly switch on you or Taunt you, so there goes that plan.

So that means you're trying to accomplish an impossible goal. Good luck with that one, because there's really no way to always take out your opponent's lead
So that means you're trying to accomplish an impossible goal. Good luck with that one, because there's really no way to always take out your opponent's lead

Yeah, it's practically impossible. I wish the best of luck to Elroid, but i highly doubt his Azelf will succeed.

Question: I have a Jolteon. It's main role is as a switch in to electric attacks, which my team is utterly weak to. But, do i invest at all in it's defense? The way i see it, since it's got Volt Absorb, i'm not sure if it would be worthwhile to give it any defense EV's at all. I intend for it to outspeed and heavily damage any water types carrying Thunderbolt (God i hate Starmie), so i thought about running Max Speed, Max Special Attack and a Timid Nature. Would that be too risky?
Jolteon really never has a reason not to run the traditional 252/252/6. It's defenses are not very salvageable imo. A strong physical move, definitely 2, will bring him down even with a fully defensive spread.

So just use the cookie cutter timid spread.
I have a couple simple questions.

Note: I used to find out this info.

1. In order to catch a Lotad in the Safari Zone, I need "special items" of some kind, could this be explained - and what item is needed for me to find a Lotad?

2. Budew's are apparently accesible to both HeartGold & Soulsilver in the Ilex forest though whether an error on the site, or actual fact, whne I click for Details I don;t see anything for HeartGold. However, it is visible for SoulSilver. I would like ot get it as early as possible, but I'm not sure about this as well as the Sinnoh Sound condition for me to find it there. Can anyone hepl me?

Thanks in advance. ^_^
I have a couple simple questions.

Note: I used to find out this info.

1. In order to catch a Lotad in the Safari Zone, I need "special items" of some kind, could this be explained - and what item is needed for me to find a Lotad?

Easiest way is to place 8 water type blocks in the desert area. You don't get these until after you beat the Elite Four and get the National Dex.

2. Budew's are apparently accesible to both HeartGold & Soulsilver in the Ilex forest though whether an error on the site, or actual fact, whne I click for Details I don;t see anything for HeartGold. However, it is visible for SoulSilver. I would like ot get it as early as possible, but I'm not sure about this as well as the Sinnoh Sound condition for me to find it there. Can anyone hepl me?

To get Budew you need Sinnoh Sound, to get Sinnoh Sound you need National Dex, to get National Dex you need to beat the Elite Four and meet Prof. Oak at Olivine. That's not early enough is it?

Thanks in advance. ^_^
Jolteon really never has a reason not to run the traditional 252/252/6. It's defenses are not very salvageable imo. A strong physical move, definitely 2, will bring him down even with a fully defensive spread.

So just use the cookie cutter timid spread.

That's 252 SpAtk / 252 Spd and 6 ???

Also, as i've said before, my main enemy for Jolteon to stop is Starmie. While my team isn't based around rocks, so i don't need to block Rapid Spin, i do need to outspeed to maim Starmie. Starmie only hits 361 speed Max+, while Jolteon hits 394.

If i lower Jolteon to only 362 speed (1 above Starmie), is it worth it? That way, i have some EV's to drop into its other stats.
That's 252 SpAtk / 252 Spd and 6 ???

Also, as i've said before, my main enemy for Jolteon to stop is Starmie. While my team isn't based around rocks, so i don't need to block Rapid Spin, i do need to outspeed to maim Starmie. Starmie only hits 361 speed Max+, while Jolteon hits 394.

If i lower Jolteon to only 362 speed (1 above Starmie), is it worth it? That way, i have some EV's to drop into its other stats.

There really isn't a point in having more HP or defense EVs. The small amount of bulk you get is not worth the drop in speed.

Do rotom forms work in the battle tower? If so, will Guillotine still hit ghost types?
thx for the tournament help. i was looking at the different teams online and i wanted to know how BL pokemon fit in.

BL Pokemon are deemed too powerful for UU so they're not allowed in UU matches. They're not used enough to be considered OU but you can by all means use them in OU and Uber matches.
should i make my roserade toxic spikes lead or life orb, i don't know which one to choose since i have enoughs lead for now and enough sweepers for now
Is a metagross a viable lead for the battle tower because a jolly max speed metagross can outspeed anything but the electrodes and anything with a choice scarf?
i was thinking about a UU lead, but im having a bit of trouble deciding which moves to use.

@focus sash
timid, 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 6 HP
tinted lens

toxic spikes/stun spore
sleep powder
bug buzz
HP fighting/HP ground/Energy Ball/U-turn

sleep powder because sleep leads aren't too common in UU, so neither are lum berries
bug buzz for STAB and for Uxie, Mesprit, and Alakazam

toxic spikes spreads poison, but it is easily absorbed or rapid spinners can spin it away. Stun spore would be going in a double powder theme, which would spread paralysis and cripple another pokemon

HP fighting is for Omastar, Kabutops, Cloyster, and Ambipom. HP ground is for Omastar, Kabutops, Qwilfish, and Electrode. Energy ball is to hit Omastar, Kabutops, and Cloyster a little harder than hidden power. U-Turn is to forget about covering leads because they will most likely be asleep and to switch to a pokemon who can handle whoever Im matched up against. (If I use U-Turn, I'll change the nature and put the 6 HP Evs into Attack) Which do I use?

I was also trying to decide between Guts and Quick Feet for a UU Ursaring. With guts, I'm firing off a 210 BP Facade (double facades power b/c of status + STAB) with a 591 attack stat. With Quick Feet, I can bring my speed up to 344, but my attack is only 394. My other moves besides Facade are weak, too. Which should I choose?
Venomoth is actually something that you need to find out for yourself and what fits your team the best. As for myself I run Psychic on Venomoth together with Toxic Spikes. Poison types trying to get in and absorb them are hit SE with Psychic (HP Ground could also work but alot of Poison types in UU are Grass as secundary type, making HP Ground only neutral).

About Ursaring, a Quick Feet - Sword Dance set is extremely deadly as a late game sweeper. The Guts version is to slow imo. The only benefit the Guts version has is the ability to run Flame Orb which is better in the long run as Toxic Orb's damage increases over time. If you go with the SD QF version, I suggest you couple it with something as Memento Uxie or something. This allows Ursaring to get an SD up on the switch.
Quick question about RNG : when someone says " I wasn't able to RNG well and decided to opt for SRing" ...
I tought SRing was an integral part of RNGing... when someone says that does he mean that he attempted to get specific results without resetting (by finding your initial seed then starting from there) but the coin flips/happyness checker were too much of a bother? Can a flawless shiny pokemon be bred this way? If what I just said doesn't make any sense, I guess I'll just need to read how to RNG again... :p