[Standard] -- Monsters Mafia Game Over! Overused Win

lynch Anachronism

Really, shade? You're going to renege on your promise? Hurting your own credibility in a game is just making it harder for you in subsequent games.
EDIT: Since you're not going to change (looking at the quote), change vote to Lynch Agape
The Awesome 3 made any [fair] deal so long as we could preserve our longevity short-term (like changing the lynch vote, which was what I did to danman with you). We went against the OM with the VU so that we could survive the lynch. I keep saying "we" instead of "polelover" because without one, the other is effectively spayed and neutered.

Giving the Horns to Agape was the only condition that shade would accept my plan aka tying the lynch, and allowing us to stay alive for another while, albeit not very long (as shown in this lynch). The night-killing spree was his idea. There was only one faction that was not the Awesome's or the Overused. That was your faction, the Undead. I'll admit, we planned it carefully, and shade was right, regardless of his unethical reneging or not: This has come down to a kingmaker.

Anachronism, you have a BPV. You have no night action. In this sense, you are a slightly upgraded villager. If that is so, why is the reason that you have decided to vote the Awesome?
Yes, your killing spree worked well, but it still didn't guarantee that I lose. I assume that the Awesome has a higher kill priority than any of the other 3 sides, which means that you will be able to kill Agape or shade, and therefore I might have the opportunity of winning with the Overused at the end. If I were to lynch shade or Agape, I would run the risk of hitting an lpv, and even if I killed Agape then you would kill shade and vote me the next day, and I would lose. This wouldn't have been possible if polelover44 hadn't idled his kidnap tonight, so thank you for that. Your team's series of blunders in the end is also why I won't be helping you in the kingmaker situation. Shade deserves this win, and if I can win along side him then so be it.

Simply because that was the only condition upon which he would tie the lynch doesn't mean that you couldn't go back on your agreement...
A kingmaker situation=lose for all sides.


Backstabbing is an educated form of trolling, so mafia=trolling.

Everyone loses their credibility after a few games.

That is the logic that has caused you to lose this game. You and I both know your primary target is killers, although you can't win either way tbh. Also, I HAVE A BPV, why would you attempt to dispose of me by any other means than lynch?

Also, you both have a kill tomorrow, the only day that even matters anymore, so your kills are essentially the same for me.


You killz himz.

Dear polelover44,
You are a Basilisk

Originated from Egyptian mythology, a basilisk is a horrible creature with a third eye adorning its forehead. Anyone looking you in the eye will instantly die. Meanwhile, people looking at a reflection of your eye turn to stone.

At night, during nights 2, 5, 8 etc. etc. you can send Jigglypuffers42 and Aura Guardian a PM with title “Night X – Unveil third eye on USER”. You will unveil your third eye and look at USER with it, killing him.

It was said that a warrior on horseback that tried to stab a basilisk with a spear would conduct enough poison through the spear to not only kill the warrior, but the horse too. The first time someone targets you with a night kill, you will survive and the killer will die.

In addition, at night, you can send Jigglypuffers42 and Aura Guardian a PM with title “Night X – take USER hostage”. You will kidnap USER for one day and one night. He will be unable to post in the thread for the duration of this time

Recently, you were given an invitation to join a new faction, made up of the 3 most powerful monsters. This faction was called the Awesome 3. You left the Desert Marauders to join the awesome 3. If only you could find the other 2 members of your alliance…

When alliances rise in this game, you will always be allied with the nation that is not allied with another nation. That loner nation cannot do any harm to you and you cannot do any harm to that loner nation.

You are allied with the Awesome 3. You win if the Awesome 3 defeats all opposing factions.

48 hours till next deadline; it is worth noting that anachronism will not be present too much in the near future so keep that in mind when contacting him. He has informed me about what he wants to do and I will do so for him (i.e. vote and send in a night action)
Game Over

Game Over

Update will come in an edit


Engineer Pikachu Smashes through the street, eventually coming across shade and agape. Agape leaps into the air to strike Engineer Pikachu, but before he can, Engineer Pikachu Crushes the flames that surround Agape to death. The flames had a name.

Dear shade,
You are a Phoenix.

You were once said to be immortal—you never die. But, the fire you have collected and survived over for one million years has died out, and your immortality has reached it’s end. Time to build a nest of spices again.

At night, you may send Jigglypuffers42 and Aura Guardian a PM with title “Night X – Sheath USER in fire”. You will surround USER in fire, protecting him from all night kills. You may not use this on yourself.

You are allied with the Overused Monsters. You win if the Overused Monsters defeat all opposing factions.

But before he can even be relieved for shade's death, Agape's hand impales Engineer, killing him.

Dear Engineer Pikachu,
You are a Golem

Definitely overused, you appear in every video game imaginable. And no, you are not that cute round thing with the double weaknesses to Water and Grass. You’re the clay giant that cloaks yourself in darkness and is only visible on the first plane of magic. Just make sure no one reaches into your mouth to steal a certain scroll that gives you life.

Being a giant hulking Golem, you have the ability to smash people to death. On night 0, 3, 6, etc. etc. send Jigglypuffers42 and Aura Guardian a PM with title “Night X – Smash USER”. USER will be crushed under your giant fists.

Being made of earth, you can go under ground and spy on people. At night, you can send Jigglypuffers42 and Aura Guardian a PM with title “Night X – Spy on USER”. You will get USER’s entire role PM.

In addition, at night, you can send Jigglypuffers42 and Aura Guardian a PM with title “Night X – Find out USER’s name” or “Night X – Find out USER’s Role”, or “Night X – Find out USER’s alliance”. You Observe USER and find out one thing about him.

You decided to leave the Overused Monsters and start a new group of the most evil monsters out there. You named that faction the Awesome 3. If only you could find the other 2 members of your alliance…

When alliances rise in this game, you will always be allied with the nation that is not allied with another nation. That loner nation cannot do any harm to you and you cannot do any harm to that loner nation.

You are allied with the Awesome 3. You win if the Awesome 3 defeats all opposing factions.

Anachronism has just woken up to see agape--the only other one who remains.

It's time to finish this.

They fight each other for 2 days and 2 nights, but, as the sun rises to mark the beginning of the 11th day, Agape is the only man standing.

Dear Anachronism,
You are a skeleton

Bones. And more bones. And a creepy skull. Remind me why I walked into this room, please.

Once per game, if you should die of a night kill, you will not.

Using your skeleton knowledge, you know that there is no Unicorn in this game, and if there was, then he would be a martyr and allied with the Overused Monsters.

You are allied with the Vicious Undead. You win if the Vicious Undead defeats all opposing factions.

Dear Agape,
You are a Demon.

The most fearful of all of the monsters from the underworld, you were too awesome to be a member of the vicious undead. And you weren’t technically dead; you’re only immortal and evil.

At night, you may send Jigglypuffers42 and Aura Guardian a PM with title “Night X – Send USER’s soul to hell”. You will drag USER’s soul down to hell, killing him.

Unfortunately, some moron took your horns. You may not kill until you have your demon horns back.

You are allied with the Overused Monsters. You win if the Overused Monsters defeat all opposing factions.

Overused Monsters Win!

Expect Post game to be up within a week.
fuck we would have won if I hadn't forgotten to send that PM to AG as well as jiggly


Dont' worry, that wouldn't have gone without notice in the endgame, although look at this:

If you had kidnapped anachronism, then noone would be lynched, you would kill shade, unless you tried to kill agape and failed. Agape would've killed polelover, so it would have been:

Engineerpikachu, agape, and anachronism.

A3 has higher kill priority then agape, so assuming engineer wouldn't be lynched you would win, but that's an assumption.

In that position anachronism would've been in a kingmaker situation with 2 killers against him. So, basically, you would've won if you sent the pm to ag AND anachronism chose for you to win rather than agape.
How did you the Vicious Undead fuck this up. I practically gave them victory.

And I was right about knowing who didn't kill me. Cause I'm the one who removed pole's reverse BPV.
Okay, I'd like to add one more thing in:

It is correct i never specified in the item flavor for the scythe that it didn't go through bg, but i thought it was automatically assumed or else it would be incredibly overpowered. You never targeted someone who was a leader, because they might be being bodyguarded, so this also gave me the idea that you knew.

But, with the assumptions aside, i do take blame for not being more specific in the item flavor.
Why, what exactly did the Scythe say?

The BG ability says that it prevents all kills, unless the Scythe said it had the highest priority or went through BG then why would you think it would?