
Harvest can always work under the sun.
Try it in your game.
Otherwise it is about one third chance to be active.

Is this confirmed? If so, then oh boy...

About that log, it broght a smile to my face. However, it seems shut down by taunt users even after you pass Eggy the boosts. What stops a gliscor (blasted poison heal), erufuun, or even a kojondo from raining on your parade?
The point is to pp stall, which he can do infinitely. It seems as though taunt, multi-hit moves, and a combination of slower attacks and priority should be able to beat it though.

Here's a set I think could be effective:
Petaya Trick Room Exeggutor:
Exeggutor @ petaya berry
Quiet, Harvest
252 Sp atk/ rest in defenses depending on whether you want to be able to take physical priority or ice beams better, hp divisible by 4.
Trick room
Leaf storm/energy ball/giga drain
Psycho shock/hidden power

Switch in on a bulky water, sub down to petaya, then trick room. Proceed to sweep with +1-3 (depends on harvest, a long regen right away could screw you), boosting every few turns at least. Works best in sun when you have guaranteed +3 and a boost every turn after that.
  1. Denchura (the only Poke in Gen V that gets Tension outside of DW): Faster than Eggy and comes with STAB on Bug moves (Bug Buzz in particular) Wants more compound eyes
  2. Houndoom (DW): Almost completely walls Eggy for the most part while being faster, and likely won't let Eggy get off a Nature Power EQ/ Wants more Flash Fire, but Tension is usable
  3. Tyranitar (DW): Do I really need to say it? I doubt anyone will use it, specially now that controlling weather is more important than ever
  4. Ononokusu (DW): An absolute beast of the new dragons getting added in Gen V, and plenty faster than Eggy. Mold Breaker.
  5. Mewtwo (DW): Yeah... 'nuff said. However it is technically in Ubers He can use it, but... in Ubers
  6. Ursaring (DW): Just as slow as Eggy, but also has a decent enough bulk (relatively speaking) to possibly take a hit and OHKO back with either STAB Little by Little or SE Night Slash Quick Feet/Guts make Tension unfeasible.
  7. Aerodactyl (DW): Fast, strong, and has STAB Flying to smack Eggy around. Useable, specially in leads. Otherwise, Rock Head is just more appeling.
The only other two Pokemon with Tension are Arbok Intimidate and Persian Technician, which kind of suck anyway.

The other problem I see with Harvest is that (and someone correct me if I'm wrong) Incinerate bypasses Harvest's effect.

As you can see, none of these pokemon are likely to use Tension, at least not without messing up with their original roles.
Infinitely reusable berries? Whew. Harvest looks like it could open the door to all sorts of interesting possibilities. It seems a shame that the only two who get it will be Exeggutor and Tropius (the latter being practically unusuable, anyway), but I'm liking some of these Exeggutor ideas so far.
The problem for the egg tree is that slow speed and actually getting that low hp to activate the berry.

It's revenge killed by anything faster than 50 base speed.

Get phazers that know roar or whirlwind and the sub set is mess up.

Or just use a special wall like blissey to sponge up the moves

Or even use afrobull and absorb that sleep powder and destroy it with a STAB boosted Afrobreak
I've been waiting for Eggy to get a niche buff, and this one is brilliant. I am looking forward to trying out some stuff; probably a Calm Mind and Swords Dance set. Too bad there's no White Herb-esque berry, since infinite drawbackless Leaf Storms would be fun to abuse.

It's a shame its typing is so horrible though. :/
Exeggutor is massively dependent on the weather,true it can use that Petaya Berry set/PP Stall with chesto berry+Rest but are its defenses high enough to let it last one turn while resting? Even if its heal'd 100% I could tell you a lot of moves of the top of my hat that could OHKO Eggy. I'd rather use my Sun-time to build a sweep of my own around perhaps Urugamosu/ Remove the opposing wether-Pokemon to set up my own actually offensive strategy.
Starf Berry Harvest is just ridiculous. I've never had any trouble with Inconsistent users, but I haven't found anything that counters a pokemon that has the sheer bulk and surprising speed that Exeggutor can manage, especially after a few boosts.
see the issue is that any bulk it may have is neutered by the fact that it's at 1/4 HP for the berry to activate. Offensive sets are the best IMO.
see the issue is that any bulk it may have is neutered by the fact that it's at 1/4 HP for the berry to activate. Offensive sets are the best IMO.

Surely a defensive ChestoHarvest set could be worthwhile? It's the same type of healing available to Vappy and Manaphy with Hydration, the problem comes with what else to run on it to avoid being OHKOd by every U-Turn in the world.

Edit: Wondering whether Tropius or Eggy seems more usable for harvest abuse. Both have a 4x weak, both have similar defences but Eggy's offences are far better. Perhaps notably for efforts to stall with Harvest abuse, Tropius has Whirlwind over Eggy.
The problem for the egg tree is that slow speed and actually getting that low hp to activate the berry.

It's revenge killed by anything faster than 50 base speed.
That's why infinite Lum/ChestoRest is probably the best option for Harvest-users. With Lum it pretty much can't be statused and can Rest up whenever it wants; Chesto is more of the same, just without the chance of being forced to eat the Lum for status and Rest on the same turn (not likely to happen often with Lum anyway).

I do also like the idea of Natural Gift acting as a physical Hidden Power, due to the infinite supply of Berries. I think there are even some berries that have useful secondary effects should they be consumed outside of NG... Can't remember what they were, but I listed a few of them in the Harvest thread.
Exeggutor @ Custap Berry
252 Spec. Att./160 Def./96 Speed
- Substitute
- Hidden Power Fire
- Psycho Shock
- Solar Beam
EVs outspeed Scizor and the rest is put into defense to help against other priority.
I can see Exeggutor being a decent dual-screener this gen.
Exeggutor @ lum berry
252 HP 54 Def 200 Sp Def
-light screen
although sacrificing not using light clay may not be such a great idea.
Celebi has 100 in all stats.
The only stat Eggy has that even reaches 100 is his Sp.Attack(125).

Celebi is not only bulkier,it's faster.

That's an point that deserves to be emphasized. Grass/psychic is a typing that is loaded with terrible weaknesses and great resistances. Celebi is bulky enough to abuse his resists to switch into certain threats, and either stay in and tank their weaker SE coverage moves, or outspeed and threaten with his own.

Finding those kinds of opportunities is much more difficult for Exxecutor, and it wasn't that easy for Celebi to begin with.
I've tried using this thing with a lum rest strategy and it's pretty tricky. Even with a bulky sort of spread you have to be very careful and come in on status. If they're not packing one of your many weaknesses you can sleep the incoming and... maybe lay down a relatively powerful special-based hit if they don't resist. Trying to stick in with a lum and rest strategy doesn't work against anything really sweepy. Since Celebi is better at status absorption and boasts nasty plot, I think exeggutor is sort of a dud. It's too bad really but he might be better off with chlorophyll.
Why even use Lum anyway when Rest cures status?

Because a lum berry can do two things. It can absorb status instantly, like if you switch into spore or thunder wave or something, or it can turn rest into 100% recovery. Getting a turn to do something by canceling a status effect when you're incoming is really the chief advantage. Otherwise exeggutor has basically no momentum, especially when it's likely that 3-4 of 6 pokemon on any given team carry something he's weak to.
Because a lum berry can do two things. It can absorb status instantly, like if you switch into spore or thunder wave or something, or it can turn rest into 100% recovery. Getting a turn to do something by canceling a status effect when you're incoming is really the chief advantage. Otherwise exeggutor has basically no momentum, especially when it's likely that 3-4 of 6 pokemon on any given team carry something he's weak to.

I you use Chesto then the status you're vulnerable to are Para, Burn and Poison. The latter two do not bother Eggy at all for a turn, you can just Rest off the damage later. Para's speed drop likewise - what the hell does eggy hope to be outspeeding anyway? The only thing Lum does for you is eliminate the chance of horrible parahax, but really, you wouldn't be staying in on something that could beat you when paralysed anyway. Chesto Berry lets you Rest and wake up the same turn for sure - whereas if hit by another status then Rest when using Lum, you'll be asleep for a turn, which is pretty crippling if the opponent has a status user.

Chesto>Lum for Rest abuse sets.
I you use Chesto then the status you're vulnerable to are Para, Burn and Poison. The latter two do not bother Eggy at all for a turn, you can just Rest off the damage later. Para's speed drop likewise - what the hell does eggy hope to be outspeeding anyway? The only thing Lum does for you is eliminate the chance of horrible parahax, but really, you wouldn't be staying in on something that could beat you when paralysed anyway. Chesto Berry lets you Rest and wake up the same turn for sure - whereas if hit by another status then Rest when using Lum, you'll be asleep for a turn, which is pretty crippling if the opponent has a status user.

Chesto>Lum for Rest abuse sets.

That's very reasonable and I'll give it a shot. As of now in my experience they don't try to hit you with another status once they find out you have a preventative, regenerating berry. They just switch out or smack you with something supereffective. I think it might be pointless to even try playing the 'predict when to rest' strategy when exeggutor takes giant gobs of damage and winds up not being able to spare a moment to do anything other than rest once an opponent switches in something SE.
Thought about running this set for Eggy:

Item: Apicot berry
Ability: Harvest
Nature: Careful
Ev's: 252 HP / 252 Sp.Def
Bullet Seed
Leech Seed

SubSeed for obvious reasons. Curse and Bullet Seed for setup and a decent stab. Apicot up's Sp.Def each time it is used and this gives Eggy +2-3 in both defense with leech seed recovery. Wanna try it out as soon as possible.
Exeggutor@ petaya berry
Evs: 252 hp 156 def 100 spatk
Nature: relaxed/ modest
Ability: harvest
Leafstorm/ energy ball/ hp fire

I know petaya isn't out yet, but this would make quite the set up if were viable.