If you're a mod, I beg of you, would you LOCK this thread?

Select your favorite nicknames from this list, may the best win (like American Idol).

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Ah Pukuh-The Mayan God of death I think it suits it pretty well. Also hydroponics cause it's a hydra and looks like a pot head.
Nickname her Hathor, an Egyptian goddess that was sent down by Amun-Re to punish humanity.

The only means by which to stop her fit of rage from destroying humankind was by getting her drunk. The Egyptians have a drinking festival in her honor at the Mut precinct at Karnak.

I think it suits a little black dragon well.

Technically, the goddess you're referring to is Sekhmet, the Egyptian warrior goddess. From what I remember they were basically two forms of the same deity, but when depicted as Hathor she is the goddess of joy, love and motherhood.
I think that "Orochi" would be a sweet name. For those familiar with Japanese mythology, I believe Orochi was the name of a mythical hydra creature. Also, Okami was a fantastic game.
I would call it "Toothless" from the movie How To Train Your Dragon, because toothless is a badass, and this Deino is just as badass.
Technically, the goddess you're referring to is Sekhmet, the Egyptian warrior goddess. From what I remember they were basically two forms of the same deity, but when depicted as Hathor she is the goddess of joy, love and motherhood.
You're right, but Hathor is a cooler name. :D

How many nicknames are we from 30?
I think 32
I'll make a poll with my favorites and leave it open until wednesday
then, I'll nickname this specific deino, upload to the internet as a pkm file and distribute some myself
You should name it Waffles because it looks like it's eating something and mythological nicknames are too serious for a cute first evolution.
Nooo, I saw this too late to participate!

Would it still be possible to receive one of these? It's a pretty awesome poke...

(for what it's worth, I would have suggested the nickname "Petunia"... what can I say, I like juxtapositions :))
Nooo, I saw this too late to participate!

Would it still be possible to receive one of these? It's a pretty awesome poke...

(for what it's worth, I would have suggested the nickname "Petunia"... what can I say, I like juxtapositions :))

I mean, she'll be fully-redis and I'll upload her pkm file too
if you don't get one from me, you could get one from someone else any other day
I voted Waffles.
I like Waffles.
I'm sure I'd like this Pokemon.

EDIT: Actually no I wouldn't! I just noticed it's Timid, I need Modest. LOL (I still voted tho)
I have to say, while Hydra may sound cool, it's completely unoriginal. It's like naming Blastoise "Cannon Turtle" or something. No offense to the many people that suggested it, but I think we can to better than the first half of its actual name. My vote goes to Sazandora, as its what I called it before the English release, and I've always liked the sound of it.
I have a Modest version of this deino in my thread
I thought timid would be preferred because of the whole speed>power thing LOL

Poll will end Wednesday at 3pm -7 (Pacific Standard Time)

and I know Hydra is overdone, but someone might've liked it...
Oh well, may the best NN win
I voted for waffles ^_^ It's just an epic name for that pokemon.......... so cute!

I'll love a pkm file when this is over, great catch!
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