Biosci's Thread of Hawaii(I can now RNG in Gen V)

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Ditto(UT) Lv. 1
OT: ? OT#: 36178
Nature: Hardy Route 3
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31

CMT please.
Wait it's possible to breed ditto's now?
I have no idea, it's not mine. Come to think of it.... How are those ditto Lv. 1? O.o
It means they were hatched from an egg...also the hatch location is Route 3 which is the route the day-care is on...

And I'm 99% sure that it's impossible to breed a ditto, so I think someone probably used a Instant Egg AR Code to get an egg...or someone just hacked it...

Anyways I'm 99% sure it's a hack O_o
It means they were hatched from an egg...also the hatch location is Route 3 which is the route the day-care is on...

And I'm 99% sure that it's impossible to breed a ditto, so I think someone probably used a Instant Egg AR Code to get an egg...or someone just hacked it...

Anyways I'm 99% sure it's a hack O_o

Hes right so NVM sorry thanks freefaller I forgot about that!!!!!

Scrafty Lv. 100
OT: Kaiser OT#: 07887
Nature: Jolly Black City
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 Att 4 Def 252 Spe
EMs: Dragon Dance/Ice Punch/Drain Punch

Thundurus(UT) (Also Available EVed Lv. 100) Lv. 40
OT: Kurt(Kaphotics) OT#: 00007
Nature: Timid Route 3
IVs: 31/18/30/31/31/31
HP: Ice

If the Scrafty is male CMT.

CMT for Thundurus anyway.

Mew(Event UT) Lv. 30
OT: Eppie OT#: 25162
Nature: Adamant Hoenn
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31'

the ivs are not flawless, check it right

actually are 31/30/31/9/30/31,also porygon Z cant have " Fateful Encounter " ,you migth be check (not hack check) all your pokes,since they have different OT's i suggest you to take it off encase of a hack pop's out and try abuse your own mon's to evade the Blacklist here,God luck!
@Stormfront, Check your thread

@lOlpO, I was fixing my Pokemon's IVs today. I was just posting what I was told when it was traded to me. No need to be rude.
@Stormfront, Check your thread

@lOlpO, I was fixing my Pokemon's IVs today. I was just posting what I was told when it was traded to me. No need to be rude.

Im sorry but he has a point on Degalchies thread (Lol I don't know his name) his thread got closed after 3 people said that his pokes were you have to check their IVs and ill also tell the owner of those pokes if they have correct IVs...
@lOlPo, sorry it just seemed that way.

Well, I was planning on fixing the IVs today, since I just got the IV check code yesterday.

Edit: I fixed all of the IVs of each pokemon. I also took out any Pokemon I suspected or were rumored to be hacked.
Biosci that DW Chimchar is hacked! The original one is adamant not jolly! Dude can I get a poke for free because you gave a hacked one!!

I told you to check your thread and my rules!

Zapdos(UT) Lv. 50
OT: Dawg(Pikachu25) OT#: 59236
Nature: Timid Johto
IVs: 30/18/31/30/31/31
EMs: Heat Wave/Roost/Tailwind/HP Grass

Chansey(UT) Lv. 5
OT: Kurt(Kaphotics) OT#: 61886
Nature: Bold Hoenn
IVs: 31/4/31/31/31/31
EMs: Counter/Seismic Toss/Mimic/Aromatherapy

Pikachu(UT) Lv. 5
OT: ?(Winter Zombie) OT#: 41185
Nature: Timid Wellspring Cave
IVs: 30/2/30/31/31/31
EMs: HP Ice/Present/Wish

Teddiursa(UT) Lv. 1
OT: Sky OT#: 45242
Nature: Jolly Johto
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EMs: Yawn/Crunch/Superpower/Fake Tears

Ho-oh(UT) Lv. 45
OT: Mark OT#: 44074
Nature: Adamant Johto
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31

Togepi(UT) Lv. 30
OT: Red OT#: 42758
Nature: Lonely Kanto
IVs: 23/30/30/20/30/31
EMs: Counter/Headbutt/Body Slam/Softboiled

Phanphy(UT) Lv. 1
OT: Sky OT#: 45242
Nature: Impish Johto
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EMs: Ice Shard/Stealth Rock/Knock Off

Elekid(UT XD) Lv. 20
OT: Hordel OT#: 41400
Nature: Hardy Distant Land
IVs: 20/25/25/30/6/27
EMs: Thunder Punch/Ice Punch/Fire Punch/Cross Chop

Absol(UT) Lv. 1
OT: Sky OT#: 45242
Nature: Impish Johto
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EMs: Feint/Megahorn/Superpower

Hippowdon Lv. 50
OT: Skippy OT#: 12156
Nature: Impish Sinnoh
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/4
EMs: Stealth Rock

Minccino(UT) Lv. 20
OT: Mat OT#: 30160
Nature: Jolly Cold Storage
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31

Machamp Lv. 100
OT: Hoshi OT#: 27042
Nature: Adamant Sinnoh
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 Att 6 SpDef 252 Spe
EMs: Dynamic Punch

Magnemite(UT) Lv. 1
OT: Mark OT#: 20111
Nature: Timid Skyarrow Bridge
IVs: 31/30/31/30/31/30
EMs: HP Fire

Quagsire Lv. 100
OT: RYLAU OT# 55324
Nature: Careful Johto
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 HP 252 SpDef

Forretress Lv. 100
OT: Zyro OT#: 25457
Nature: Relaxed Sinnoh
IVs: 31/31/31/15/22/3
EVs: 252 HP 6 Att 252 Def
EMs: Stealth Rock/Spikes

Remoraid(UT) Lv. 1
OT: Serra OT#: 13059
Nature: Modest Sinnoh
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31
EMs: Aurora Beam

Heracross(UT) Lv. 11
OT: Serra OT#: 13059
Nature: Adamant Sinnoh
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EMs: Pursuit/Flail/Aerial Ace

Tyranitar Lv. 72
OT: Mat OT#: 48509
Nature: Jolly Johto
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 5 HP 252 Att 253 Spe
EMs: Aqua Tail/Dragon Dance

Manetric Lv. 100
OT: Justin OT#: 07335
Nature: Mild Sinnoh
IVs: 8/26/2/20/27/29
EVs: 255 SpAtt 255 Spe

Heatran Lv. 100
OT: Kurt(Kaphotics) OT#: 41153
Nature: Naive Sinnoh
IVs: 30/31/31/30/31/31
EVs: 252 SpAtt 4 SpDef 254 Spe

Dialga(UT Event) Lv. 1
OT: arcee OT#: 07655
Nature: Timid Johto
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31

Shellos(UT) Lv. 1
OT: Baneana OT#: 61064
Nature: Relaxed Johto
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EMs: Counter/Mirror Coat

Yanmega Lv. 100
OT: Oishi OT#: 55347
Nature: Modest Sinnoh
IVs: 30/0/31/31/30/31
EVs: 104 Def 252 SpAtt 154 Spe

Zorua(UT) Lv. 1
OT: JB OT#: 62375
Nature: Modest Route 3
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EMs: Sucker Punch/Snarl

Braviary Lv. 100
OT: Infi OT#: 48660
Nature: Adamant Victory Road
IVs: 31/31/31/7/31/31

Ferroseed(UT) Lv. 1
OT: Winning OT#: 17216
Nature: Sassy Route 3
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EMs: Leech Seed

Blitzle(UT) Lv. 1
OT: Bluemew OT#: 64143
Nature: Adamant Route 3
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EMs: Double Kick/Me First/Double Edge

Reshiram(UT Event) Lv. 100
OT: ? OT#: 07161
Nature: Timid Pokemon Movie 11
IVs: 31/2/27/31/22/31

Zekrom(UT Event) Lv. 100
OT: ? OT#: 07161
Nature: Jolly Pokemon Movie 11
IVs: 31/31/31/22/31/31

Bouffalant(UT) Lv. 35
OT: Infi OT#: 32080
Nature: Adamant Route 10
IVs: 31/31/31/13/31/31

Meinfoo(UT) Lv. 1
OT: Alice OT#: 62210
Nature: Jolly Route 3
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31

Ferrothorn Lv. 100
OT: Nicolas OT# 36677
Nature: Relaxed Unova
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 HP 252 SpDef

Mamoswine(DW Male Event) Lv. 34
OT: Snow OT#: 55827
Nature: Bold Entree Forest
IVs: 21/15/30/31/10/15

Dragonite(DW Male) Lv. 100
OT: RYLAU OT# 55324
Nature: Adamant Kanto
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 HP 126 Att 132 Spe

Lapras(DW Male) Lv. 1
OT: Winning OT#: 17216
Nature: Adamant Route 3
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EMs: Dragon Dance/Dragon Pulse
In response to your CMT, how about this:

Gliscor(DW Female) Lv. 100
OT: Infi OT#: 48660
Nature: Impish Route 11
IVs: 31/31/31/1/31/31
EVs: 252 HP 252 Def 4 SpDef
Sure, what are the natures of:

Shiny Dragon Dance / Ice Punch Totodile
Impish Leech Seed Breloom
Shiny Jolly Scrafty
Shiny Excadrill
Shiny Beat Up Whimsicott
Sure, what are the natures of:

Shiny Dragon Dance / Ice Punch Totodile
Impish Leech Seed Breloom
Shiny Jolly Scrafty
Shiny Excadrill
Shiny Beat Up Whimsicott
The natures are included in the descriptions of each pokemon. You listed the natures yourself.
Tododile: Adamant
Breloom: Impish
Scrafty: Jolly
Excadrill: Adamant
Whimiscott: Bold
Sure, what are the natures of:

Shiny Dragon Dance / Ice Punch Totodile
Impish Leech Seed Breloom
Shiny Jolly Scrafty
Shiny Excadrill
Shiny Beat Up Whimsicott
Makes much more since.
I'm pretty sure that their all male. I don't have my game with me atm so I can't 100% say. But I'm 99% sure they're all males.
If they are all male I'm interested in all of them (hopefully you'll find the same amount of interesting Pokemon in my thread).
If they are all male I'm interested in all of them (hopefully you'll find the same amount of interesting Pokemon in my thread).
I'll find out in like one or two hours if they are or not. I'll message you with the info and what I want in return later today. Thanks!!
Edit: I messaged you the information.
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