Official NBA 2011-12 Season Thread

You guys really have no idea why he's a superstar, do you?

Because he is Superman duh!

The Lakers are guranteed a spot on the championship game versus the Thunder if not a finals appearance this year. Quit fighting it guys, just join in the wagon already. More than enough space in here.
I'd be pretty butthurt to if I were a Spurs/Thunder fan. The Spurs stars are getting old and the Thunder won't be able to sign both Harden and Ibaka next year unless they want to pay luxury tax, which they won't.
Here's what I think:

* Old Kobe playing off the ball = average player
* Dwight was in the East. His effect somehow echoed in a weaker conference. Let's see though when he's on the West trying to cover up older guys.
* Stall, after watching second round last year, Kobe and Artest's defense is already mediocre. Now add one more year into that.
* As I've said, defense isn't an excuse for doubts, especially if you want to win West.
Here's what I think:

* Old Kobe playing off the ball = average player
* Dwight was in the East. His effect somehow echoed in a weaker conference. Let's see though when he's on the West trying to cover up older guys.
* Stall, after watching second round last year, Kobe and Artest's defense is already mediocre. Now add one more year into that.
* As I've said, defense isn't an excuse for doubts, especially if you want to win West.

Here's what I think:

* OKC are still the team to beat until otherwise proven, but that you're scared of the threat the Lakers pose (we ran you pretty close this year in most matches with a far worse team) and are trying to rack your brain for any potential shortcoming, assuming it will happen!

* The east has better centers then the West. Assuming everyone is healthy, Marc Gasol (and to a lesser extent Bogut) is the only really tough center that Howard will have to contend with in the West. Not to mention he is no longer in the same division as LeBron, Dwyane Wade or Chris Bosh - the toughest offensive trio in the league. The Pacific division is pretty weak with only the Clippers and potentially the Warriors (don't sleep on them, they've put together a nice little team) being threats.

* Old Kobe playing off the ball - above average player. I remember seeing on synergysports or a similar site his shooting/scoring stats off the ball compared to on the ball, and although it's a much smaller sample size, his stats were impressive off the ball iirc. The man taught himself to have a post game superior to that of most center's and yet you don't think he can adjust to an off the ball game? You think Kobe is going to shoot a higher percentage spinning to the baseline fading over two defenders (he actually hits this shot surprisingly well) compared to a midrange jumper or 3 with one defender on him. On that point...

* Kobe can't really be double teamed at all anymore. Yeah Bynum took away a fair bit of attention from him, but with how lethal the Nash/Howard PnR game looks to be, the defending team won't be able to spare extra defenders for Kobe. His efficiency isn't superb like a James or Durant, but Kobe still finished second in the league in scoring last year in the face of constant double teams and "hero-ball". Just imagine what a legitimate PnR and not necessarily being the first option on every play will do for him.

* As I said before, Kobe and MWP may have struggled a little vs OKC defensively (they are athletically freakish after all), but you're telling me that they're worse defenders then Hedo Turkoglu and Rashard Lewis, or Vince Carter? Please.

* The Thunder are going to lose either Ibaka or Harden next year, unless they both take way less to stay together. It would be good for basketball (and the franchise) if they did that, but the odds are that after this year your boys are going to be missing a key component.
* Old Kobe playing off the ball = average player
Are there any statistics for this?

* Dwight was in the East. His effect somehow echoed in a weaker conference. Let's see though when he's on the West trying to cover up older guys.
I don't see why there'd be much of a difference. He's leagues ahead of Bynum defensively and the Lakers dominated defensively with him.

* Stall, after watching second round last year, Kobe and Artest's defense is already mediocre. Now add one more year into that.
I don't think it's right to call it mediocre after one year. They were facing Kevin Durant after all.
* OKC are still the team to beat until otherwise proven, but that you're scared of the threat the Lakers pose (we ran you pretty close this year in most matches with a far worse team) and are trying to rack your brain for any potential shortcoming, assuming it will happen!
Of course, this move will have an impact on any team who eyes for championship. I just hate the idea that people now believes the Lakers are the team to beat.

* The east has better centers then the West. Assuming everyone is healthy, Marc Gasol (and to a lesser extent Bogut) is the only really tough center that Howard will have to contend with in the West. Not to mention he is no longer in the same division as LeBron, Dwyane Wade or Chris Bosh - the toughest offensive trio in the league. The Pacific division is pretty weak with only the Clippers and potentially the Warriors (don't sleep on them, they've put together a nice little team) being threats.
NBA defense right now is not about defending centers NOT named Dwight Howard. As we've seen with the Heat, elite perimeter defense wins playoffs games (esp against the Thunder). That despite the Heat having a really bad post defense. And we can translate that to how Lakers can keep up with West. I can't imagine how a line-up of Nash/Kobe/Artest/Gasol can keep up with a team like Denver, Minnesota or OKC. Gotta admit though, Howard definitely can help, but up to what extent?

* Old Kobe playing off the ball - above average player.
This is my point. Old Kobe playing off the ball won't be the elite player we were used to. Kobe thrives on volume of shots. Take those away from him, and we'll have a Kobe averaging 15-18 pts. Pretty above average.
* As I said before, Kobe and MWP may have struggled a little vs OKC defensively (they are athletically freakish after all), but you're telling me that they're worse defenders then Hedo Turkoglu and Rashard Lewis, or Vince Carter? Please.
Put that Magic team in West and they'll go to bottom or mutiple first round exits. I thought I'm proving here Lakers isn't the team to beat. I'm fine with them being close to Heat or Thunder, but not really at the top.
* The Thunder are going to lose either Ibaka or Harden next year, unless they both take way less to stay together. It would be good for basketball (and the franchise) if they did that, but the odds are that after this year your boys are going to be missing a key component.
We're talking about this season, Thunder's last chance on the trophy with their young line-up. Plus I'm pretty confident with Thunder's FO that they can replace Ibaka if they won't keep him. You know, the way Spurs handled themselves last decade...

DerrickRose, I think the way to prove Lakers are the team to beat at this point is to beat the Thunder then the Heat at least on paper. I don't see that right now. I admit I'm wrong on the words I used such as "mediocre", but my point is, how the hell will this team team defend the Thunder and the Heat in a 7 game series? With the Thunder especially has ways to defend them.
Of course, this move will have an impact on any team who eyes for championship. I just hate the idea that people now believes the Lakers are the team to beat.

NBA defense right now is not about defending centers NOT named Dwight Howard. As we've seen with the Heat, elite perimeter defense wins playoffs games (esp against the Thunder). That despite the Heat having a really bad post defense. And we can translate that to how Lakers can keep up with West. I can't imagine how a line-up of Nash/Kobe/Artest/Gasol can keep up with a team like Denver, Minnesota or OKC. Gotta admit though, Howard definitely can help, but up to what extent?

This is my point. Old Kobe playing off the ball won't be the elite player we were used to. Kobe thrives on volume of shots. Take those away from him, and we'll have a Kobe averaging 15-18 pts. Pretty above average.
Put that Magic team in West and they'll go to bottom or mutiple first round exits. I thought I'm proving here Lakers isn't the team to beat. I'm fine with them being close to Heat or Thunder, but not really at the top.
We're talking about this season, Thunder's last chance on the trophy with their young line-up. Plus I'm pretty confident with Thunder's FO that they can replace Ibaka if they won't keep him. You know, the way Spurs handled themselves last decade...

DerrickRose, I think the way to prove Lakers are the team to beat at this point is to beat the Thunder then the Heat at least on paper. I don't see that right now. I admit I'm wrong on the words I used such as "mediocre", but my point is, how the hell will this team team defend the Thunder and the Heat in a 7 game series? With the Thunder especially has ways to defend them.

Fact: A healthy Howard is a top 2 defensive player in the league along with LeBron. A dominant defensive big man had an effect on perimeter offense as a whole where as dominant defensive wings are more likely to lock down just a single player. Admittedly, the Heat especially are filled with elite defensive wings which won them a title. Look what a dominant defensive big can do though. When Rose was down, the Bulls trotted out a back court of Watson/Hamilton as their starters - nobody in their right mind can call them above average defenders. Yet they had two awesome post defenders in Joakim Noah and Omar Asik. Similarly, the championship Pistons team of 04 had Hamilton/Billups as a starting back court (not amazing defensively) but had the Wallace boys who were elite defenders. Hell even the Rockets of the 90s were good defensive teams from my recollection, and Olajuwon was the biggest reason. Do you remember those run and gun Suns teams? Raja Bell, Joe Johnson and especially Shawn Marion were elite wing defenders. Their team sucked ass defensively though in large part because they trotted out Stoudemire (a mediocre defensive player) at centre.

Take it from a basketball player, as an individual it can be frustrating and effective if I'm shadowed by an elite defender. We've still won games where my contribution has been minimal though, where as when the team (and our team for that matter, where the reverse proves true) have had an awesome defensive big, our success rate is much lower!
Let's summarize: My point is West is a better conference expecially offensively, mainly due to perimeter teams (outside of Memphis and Lakers). The way you can come out of top of West is to figure out how your team can stop perimeter players running rampant throughout the conference, led by the Thunder. Howard is a great defensive player, I'll give you that.

I admitted that the biggest problem of the Thunder is that they're heavily jumpshooting team. But based on last year, it turned out it became a very good problem, led by very efficient young players in Durant, Harden (and Russ??)... Then, we saw Lakers having problems stopping them (regular season and playoffs resulting to 4-1). With Howard, the only thing he can minimize are the inside drives during set plays, which was being done by Bynum on a lesser extent. Heck, I can't even see him chasing screens...
out of all the teams, Dwight will probably have less of an effect on OKC in comparison to other teams since the Thunder take jumpshots. What Howard gives them though is that extra rebounding edge, somebody to come out on the pick-and-roll due to his improved speed, and some needed athleticism.

It's true that the Lakers are still old on the perimeter and Artest/Kobe may be past their age.

I'll also admit that I have little experience in watching the western conference.

The only thing I can go on and how they've been with Bynum in that conference; and they've been relatively fine defensively. Actually, the Lakers versus the East was their problem last year; not the West.
I'll also admit that I have little experience in watching the western conference.
If Heat meet Lakers in Finals, which team will have the edge? I think it's still the Heat. The Big 3 can still carry them through the regular season, but the addition of Allen and Lewis make them very very scary in a 7-game series.
If Heat meet Lakers in Finals, which team will have the edge? I think it's still the Heat. The Big 3 can still carry them through the regular season, but the addition of Allen and Lewis make them very very scary in a 7-game series.

Nope, those guys are auto-shit. They're way past their primes, can't play defense and will just stand around and wait to shoot open threes! Oh wait, that's exactly what Artest, Meeks, Jamison and anyone else not named Nash, Bryant or Howard. Hell, you could probably throw Kobe into that category.
Stop being so hypocritical, if it can work for Miami, with an even more worthless bench, it can certainly work in LA.
Really the only obstacle I see is whether Mike Brown can manage this team. If he tries to ride the starters like he did last year, you can bet there will be a shitstorm of people screaming for his head.
The Heat still lack a true center, and Howard could be the difference maker in that match-up.

We saw how much a doofus like Hibbert could beat them, Bosh be damned.
I heard that FIBA suggested a 3v3 basketball tournament for 2016 so I'm curious to hear what you guys think would be the best lineup for 2016 olympics. It'd be a nice way to get off the D12 subject since nobody knows what'll happen until the season starts.

I'm gonna have to say Lebron / Durant / Howard (lol)

Lebron and Howard are nearly impossible to defend down low without a double team and if you guard them you still have Durant waiting on the three point line. Lebron is a good enough passer so there isn't necessarily a need for Chris Paul / Rondo
I heard that FIBA suggested a 3v3 basketball tournament for 2016 so I'm curious to hear what you guys think would be the best lineup for 2016 olympics. It'd be a nice way to get off the D12 subject since nobody knows what'll happen until the season starts.

I'm gonna have to say Lebron / Durant / Howard (lol)

Lebron and Howard are nearly impossible to defend down low without a double team and if you guard them you still have Durant waiting on the three point line. Lebron is a good enough passer so there isn't necessarily a need for Chris Paul / Rondo

Yeah, LeBron/Durant/Howard would be pretty much unstoppable. I would love to see a 3v3 basketball tournament. Then we can get even more basketball gold medals!
I don't know why people are making such a big deal of how their defense is going to work. Both the Spurs and the Thunder were in the bottom half of the league on defense last year, but were still incredibly successful. The Lakers should be focusing on their strengths, which is dominating on offense with their size. As long as their defense isn't complete shit, they really shouldn't be worrying about it.
I heard that FIBA suggested a 3v3 basketball tournament for 2016 so I'm curious to hear what you guys think would be the best lineup for 2016 olympics. It'd be a nice way to get off the D12 subject since nobody knows what'll happen until the season starts.

I'm gonna have to say Lebron / Durant / Howard (lol)

Lebron and Howard are nearly impossible to defend down low without a double team and if you guard them you still have Durant waiting on the three point line. Lebron is a good enough passer so there isn't necessarily a need for Chris Paul / Rondo
Fuck, I love this idea.

Any team with Durant will be always my team. But since beach volleyball can send multiple teams per country, I'm thinking about a second team for US..

For Spain: Gasol/Gasol/Navarro
Argentina: Ginobili/Scola/Delfino
Would the team of Bronbron/Howard/Durant be the most physically dominating team in sports history? Sending multiple teams per country would be interesting. The hype surrounding the formation of USA teams would be insane. Would be fun to watch.
I don't know why people are making such a big deal of how their defense is going to work. Both the Spurs and the Thunder were in the bottom half of the league on defense last year, but were still incredibly successful. The Lakers should be focusing on their strengths, which is dominating on offense with their size. As long as their defense isn't complete shit, they really shouldn't be worrying about it.

In SGV's reality PPG is the only way to interpret defensive statistics, thank god I do not live in that reality.
lol thank Tebus you have your own reality to live in. If only you could stay there...

That 3 man team is awesome! It just sucks it wasn't done when Jordan was playing. Only reason why Phelps has more medals than him is because there are so many swimming events. Greatest olympian my ass.
lol thank Tebus you have your own reality to live in. If only you could stay there...

That 3 man team is awesome! It just sucks it wasn't done when Jordan was playing. Only reason why Phelps has more medals than him is because there are so many swimming events. Greatest olympian my ass.

I've always thought this was an interesting thought. I mean, what IF there were a dozen or so basketball events or something? There is really only one possible sport where it's even possible to win as many medals as Phelps won, and that's swimming.
I always thought Usain Bolt is the best Olympian. Phelps folded at one point. Bolt... never.

One interesting thing about 3-on-3 is that they could change the settings of the game. Remember that beach volleyball isn't called a "2-on-2 volleyball", it's "beach volleyball". Now how change the name of 3-on-3 basketball to somethiing like street basketball, and do the game literally on the host country's famous street, or in a steel cage ala Rucker Park. Then like beach volleyball, they can change the uniforms to something funky with bling blings all over, with hiphop music in the background and my man Dre doing the talking. Then no fouls, just technical fouls. Sky is the limit for this idea! Lol I'm going too far...
In SGV's reality PPG is the only way to interpret defensive statistics, thank god I do not live in that reality.
OKC was 12th out of 16 in defensive efficiency even after playing trash teams the first two rounds, SAS was 8th. They were 13th and 10th in points allowed. What other stats do you need, bitch?
Yeah, I'll be the first to say that last year, defense wasn't really the statistic to look at. Many successful teams last year got by on unstoppable, great offense.