The Everything NFL Thread - 2012 Season (Up til 2013 Draft)

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Yeah, lol....I really don't think Jackson is much of an improvement over Turner tbh. 2 years ago Turner was a top RB in the league statistically, him and Jackson are the same type lol. I don't get that move but alrighty!

In other news, I hope the Panthers end up doing something besides signing a CB on his last leg haha.
Yeah, lol....I really don't think Jackson is much of an improvement over Turner tbh. 2 years ago Turner was a top RB in the league statistically, him and Jackson are the same type lol. I don't get that move but alrighty!

In other news, I hope the Panthers end up doing something besides signing a CB on his last leg haha.

Except that Jackson can catch the ball and Turner cant.
the problem the falcons have had the last couple years is that, because they have enjoyed so much regular season success, they have not needed to change their schemes or do things differently. Though regular season success provides some advantages in the playoffs (home field advantage, better seeding, etc), not changing how you do things gives opposing teams that much longer to study you and find your weaknesses. The reason the Falcons lost in the playoffs again this year was not because they weren't the better team, but because the opposition had an easier time gameplanning for them since they were doing the same things that had given them success in the regular season.
Yeah, lol....I really don't think Jackson is much of an improvement over Turner tbh. 2 years ago Turner was a top RB in the league statistically, him and Jackson are the same type lol. I don't get that move but alrighty!

In other news, I hope the Panthers end up doing something besides signing a CB on his last leg haha.

Turner has both fallen off a lot in the last two years, and has always been playing on a much better offense, making it a hell of a lot easier for him than it is for jackson... The concern the falcons should have though is that jackson will be 30 by the time the season starts, and could really fall off at any time

Also@waterbomb: they lost also because... They werent the best team. Both the niners and the seahawks had better point differentials (the seahawks by a fair margin), and both were playing a significantly harder schedule than the falcons.
the problem the falcons have had the last couple years is that, because they have enjoyed so much regular season success, they have not needed to change their schemes or do things differently. Though regular season success provides some advantages in the playoffs (home field advantage, better seeding, etc), not changing how you do things gives opposing teams that much longer to study you and find your weaknesses. The reason the Falcons lost in the playoffs again this year was not because they weren't the better team, but because the opposition had an easier time gameplanning for them since they were doing the same things that had given them success in the regular season.

The reason the Falcons lost this year was because they couldnt hold leads in the 2nd half of games. So in-game adjustments is where they have a problem.
Turner was probably the worst starting RB in the NFL last year. The Falcons don't need a 1400 yard rusher guys, we just need someone who can pick up tough yards which Turner could not do. Sjax being a decent receiving option made him that much more appealing.

WB if you watched previous Falcons playoff games and the ones from this year, I do not see how you could say "same ol falcons" the offense was far more aggressive and explosive this year. We really didn't have problems moving the ball on the Niners either, the defense was just getting destroyed in the second half. Matt Ryan made great strides with his deep ball this year.

I don't think Nolan had the pieces to stop mobile QBs, because I like to think that he is a smart man that would not willingly let us get run over by QBs .
Define "tough yards". I bet you can't.

I think Turner is the falcons scapegoat, nothing more. I mean the fans'. I actually see SJ and Turner similar players.
falcons release turner and sign steven jackson


Another big difference: Turner was scheduled to make $6.9 million next year, and Jackson's contract is reportedly 3 years $12 million ($4 million a year).

He's old and about to hit the wall, but Jackson still has a year or two in the tank. Turner was done after the 2011 season, and was just abysmal last year.

One thing screwed the Falcons in the postseason this year, and that was turnovers. Two very fluky turnovers in the San Francisco game (dropped snap and an interception after the receiver fell) both happened in 49er territory, and if either one of them had led to a field goal the outcome of the Falcons' second to last drive would have likely given them the lead. In the Seattle game, two terrible throws led to two turnovers, one in Seattle territory (taking 3 points off the board) and the other in the middle of the Seahawks comeback, which helped fuel it.

Any notion that it's a scheming issue might have been true under our old offensive coordinator (there was a very, very good reason Mularkey got fired after one year with the Jags), but it's simply not the case with Dirk Koetter. Midgame adjustments have been an issue for both, though.

Define "tough yards". I bet you can't.

I think Turner is the falcons scapegoat, nothing more. I mean the fans'. I actually see SJ and Turner similar players.

1st and goal at the 1 yard line, 3rd or 4th and >2 yards, etc.

Turner and Steven Jackson really aren't that similar of players. Jackson sometimes gets seen as a power back, but it's really not the case. He's still pretty fast for an older guy and can catch passes out of the backfield. His statsheet has been pretty tarnished by being the only viable weapon on a team without a good offensive line for his entire career, a situation that anyone short of AP would not excel in.
Define "tough yards". I bet you can't.

I think Turner is the falcons scapegoat, nothing more. I mean the fans'. I actually see SJ and Turner similar players.

Are they similar? Jackson has more catches in one year than Turner has his entire career. Turner is pretty one-dimensional. Great when he runs in a straight line but is too slow to be used on tosses, outside runs and draws. I love the guy for what he has done for the franchise but Ive grown tired of him dancing around in the backfield and losing yards.
Define "tough yards". I bet you can't.

I think Turner is the falcons scapegoat, nothing more. I mean the fans'. I actually see SJ and Turner similar players.

3rd and 1, 4th and 1. Turner can't push a pile anymore. It's so obvious to anyone that has watched a few Falcons games this year. Hell, CK watched a couple and called him the least talented player in the NFL
To be clear, I wasn't referring to changes from year to year. There was an obvious change in the Falcons' offense when they switched from Mularkey to Koetter. What I was trying to say was that an easy schedule and lots of success during the regular season means you don't have to change much from game to game. I mean, if it's not broken, why fix it right? The Falcons didn't meet much adversity during the season so they weren't FORCED to make adjustments like other teams were. As a result, other teams got an entire season to see this new offense under Koetter, hence more time to study and plan against it.

I do think the Falcons have the talent and coaching caliber to be a Super Bowl team, but they have to be wary of regular season success and not allow themselves to be too predictable.
The Falcons did pretty good at changing their scheme up a bit in the second half of the season under Koetter. The offense wasn't really the issue this year in the playoffs, just the second half adjustments and the lack of a pass rush.

Possibly the strangest contract story I've ever heard: The Broncos' Elvis Dumervil was expected to take a pay cut or be released. The league deadline for next year's salaries was at 4 PM EST today, and the Broncos were negotiating with Dumervil. They reached an agreement before the deadline, but the team did not receive the signed contract fax from Dumervil's agent, so they had to release him.

Because of the dead money that counts against the cap for releasing him, it's highly unlikely he'll be able to sign with the team and they'll both be forced to look elsewhere.
The Falcons did pretty good at changing their scheme up a bit in the second half of the season under Koetter. The offense wasn't really the issue this year in the playoffs, just the second half adjustments and the lack of a pass rush.

Possibly the strangest contract story I've ever heard: The Broncos' Elvis Dumervil was expected to take a pay cut or be released. The league deadline for next year's salaries was at 4 PM EST today, and the Broncos were negotiating with Dumervil. They reached an agreement before the deadline, but the team did not receive the signed contract fax from Dumervil's agent, so they had to release him.

Because of the dead money that counts against the cap for releasing him, it's highly unlikely he'll be able to sign with the team and they'll both be forced to look elsewhere.
I dunno, I'm half tempted to think that was a stall tactic by Dumervil's side to see if they could bait the Broncos into picking up the $12mil over the paycut he did accept...after all, who seriously faxes things? Or are the rules still so archaic that they haven't decided signing stuff online or via email or something can be just as legally binding...for Dumervil, he now has a chance to explore other options if he wants.
So the Vikings got rid of one WR who was constantly out and sign another WR who has problems of being on the field recently. Greg Jennings is great when he's healthy but he's not, then the Vikings are back to their problems at WR.

Also New York Jets is the new Seattle Seahawks with their obsession to grab every QB out there if they get Kevin Kolb to sign there. I just can't wait for training camp with Sanchez, Tebow, McElroy, Gerard, Simms, and Kolb if he gets signed. The Jets are so dysfunctional that Jerry Jones is probably trying to think of something to take the crown of most dysfunctional.
not gonna lie, as a seahawks fan this draft made me jizz a little bit, shame the cap hit will bite us in the next couple of years probably
Is it just me, or has the free agency period this year been particularly crazy? I'm looking at all the newly signed contracts and the money involved, and I'm being blown away by the drastic increase from what I thought was the norm. Linebackers being signed for 12mil a year? top 10-15ish WRs being signed for 13? 14th best QB in the league is now the highest paid? Greg Jennings making almost 10 a year with Welker making only (lol) 6?

Seems like the disparity between high profile contracts and the rest of the pack is growing, and at an alarming rate. Going to be interesting to see how it plays out in future years, with its effects on free agency, salary cap, etc. I wonder if the balloon will eventually burst?
It won't change. The difference between good and bad teams will just get bigger.

The Dream Team was an example of what will happen to most of the teams not named the Giants, Packers, Patriots, Steelers or whichever team has Peyton Manning. The Ravens were in the list but haha.
And apparently James Harrison too. Do they think they're gonna get them for cheaper than Kruger and Ellerbe would have been? Seems strange...
And apparently James Harrison too. Do they think they're gonna get them for cheaper than Kruger and Ellerbe would have been? Seems strange...

Dumervil will probably cost around 8mill a year, but honestly I'd rather him then both Kruger or Ellerbe. He's 29 and still an elite every down player in this league. He's a better pass rusher then Kruger and more then capable as a run stopper as well. We have the cap room now, cause don't forget Boldin's 7mill has come off the books too. If we were to theoretically sign him (Miami is the other potential destination but I'm sick of those fuckers this FA period), I could see our defense doing really well assuming improved health. There aren't really any other holes we can fill as well this FA period unless we were to go after Brandon Lloyd, which I'm almost certain we won't, so I think it's a good use of our money.

RE Harrison: As much as the guy is a psycho, even football wise I wouldn't be comfortable signing him for more then the veterans minimum. The leadership and intangibles he'd bring to the club would be worth it for the right price, but I'm worried that Harrison today still thinks he should be paid the same as Harrison 4-5 years ago.
Dumervil is very overrated. He's actually a better fit at OLB in a 3-4 because he gets manhandled too much when he's a DE.
I'll be surprised if Dumervil does much. He's always seemed only to be a guy for cleanup sacks and rarely produces on his own.
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