Nintendo 3DS Discussion Thread - Mark 2

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The ONLY screw up of the 2DS is no closing ability, nintendo screwed up there.
Maybe it's just me, but has everyone complaining about this seriously not played any other handheld system? Or anything pre-GBA SP? If protection is the issue just stop, put on a screen cover (which you should be doing with normal 3DS already if you're concerned about scratches) and it is good to go. The only thing the the lack of a hinge really presents is lack of portability (since you can't fit its slate design into pants pockets). Yeah that's a bummer, but that's also why there's a variety of cases anyways.
Maybe it's just me, but has everyone complaining about this seriously not played any other handheld system? Or anything pre-GBA SP? If protection is the issue just stop, put on a screen cover (which you should be doing with normal 3DS already if you're concerned about scratches) and it is good to go. The only thing the the lack of a hinge really presents is lack of portability (since you can't fit its slate design into pants pockets). Yeah that's a bummer, but that's also why there's a variety of cases anyways.
My real issue is lack of portability, its missing out on one of the biggest factors its supposed to do. Not being able to put it in your pocket and go something handhelds are known for is just not right. No one wants to put it in a case every time they have to leave and do something, imo. Of course everyone has their own opinion. :P

Freaking voice talent of Simon and Haruhi used for Phoenix and Athena. My life is complete.
Dead looking thread, but I figured this should go here.

So, Nintendo have disabled sending of Swapnote/LetterBox through SpotPass due to misuse affecting minors:;jsessionid=3B3223B4D3B5882CADA95107442638A6

Fortunately I got to send out a last "Happy Halloween" before this came into effect, but I'm pretty bummed out by this because I had a few friends around the world that I would regularly exchange doodles with, and it was always nice to wake up and see a new message/picture.

Hoping that it gets reversed or revised somehow.

This is why we cannot have nice things...with idiots misusing it all and all.

What is even more idiotic is the fact people are saying that Nintendo sucks because of this...why must a good margin of humanity be so...negligent to their own kind?

First, this could have been major for them if this escalated. It is ILLEGAL to send pornographic images to minors, so Nintendo definitely would've been sued if this persisted.

Second, the argument on "why they banned everyone." I do agree that this could have been implemented better, but it was a good move nonetheless.

And finally, the big one, the "Nintendo sucks" people coming out because of this. I have seen countless of comments saying that this should be ignored. Yeah, sure, let little Mary Sue be exposed to the nasty stuff at her young age and let it mold her to what you twisted individuals call "acceptable." Nintendo is doing a good bit on their part to prevent this, but it all comes down to what Nintendo can't do and what others CAN do. Sadly, our society is degrading to absolutely sickening levels, so eliminating this freedom to do these wrongs to an extent simply isn't least they cannot misuse the 3DS.
Let's just get rid of all social media while we're at it.

So in spite of Wendee Lee phoning it in as usual, I have a question for you guys. Dual Destinies; best Phoenix Wright game? Or best game of the year?
Just finished Dual Destinies today. Definitely up there for the series, but I guess the fact I barely remember Apollo Justice and only kinda remember T&T makes that judgement a little shaky.

Still, great translation to 3DS, great characters, fun cases, crazy story, awesome music, etc. Glad it was as good as it was.

Dunno about best game of the year, though...
Man, who could only kind of remember Trials and Tribulations? The twist in that game was so masterful it makes me feel kind of bad for liking Dual Destinies more. But Dual Destinies has such amazing cases (especially 5-3), such likeable characters, a neat twist of its own, and the trio of playable characters really puts it over the top. It also has beautiful graphics. For a day one purchase this game really blew away my expectations.
Let's just get rid of all social media while we're at it.

So in spite of Wendee Lee phoning it in as usual, I have a question for you guys. Dual Destinies; best Phoenix Wright game? Or best game of the year?

Best game of the year. But, not the best 3DS game in history. Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward has it beat on that.

This game honestly blew me away. The twist in it was a neat surprise and after beating it it made me want more.... /sob

I cannot wait for the DLC case to come out here in the U.S. because I want moar objections (oh and PLvsAA needs to come out faster it's taking too long :((((( )
The 3d sprites in VLR are garbage compared to Dual Destinies. Most people probably won't see that as a big thing but I've said my piece about VLR before, I liked Dual Destinies waaaaaaay more.

Frankly the last time I played VLR (about a month ago) I got to the Luna ending and then stopped because I didn't want to sit there and listen to that old woman prattle on for an hour about how few plot holes the story has.
So I want to buy my girlfriend a 3DS. As much as I'd just love to go out and buy everything now, I'd like to wait until the system and certain games are the cheapest. I know they won't fluctuate in price that much, but Black Friday and Christmas are coming up soon.

I want to get:
3DS Midnight Purple
Animal Crossing New Leaf
Pokemon Y
Mario Kart 7 (2 copies, for girlfriend and I)

I've looked on both Amazon and Gamestop, the 3DS is $170~ minus tax/shipping
Mario Kart and New Leaf are about $30 each, Y is probably still full price.

Should I wait for Black Friday or near Christmas to roll around or should I just go for it now?
The 3d sprites in VLR are garbage compared to Dual Destinies. Most people probably won't see that as a big thing but I've said my piece about VLR before, I liked Dual Destinies waaaaaaay more.

Frankly the last time I played VLR (about a month ago) I got to the Luna ending and then stopped because I didn't want to sit there and listen to that old woman prattle on for an hour about how few plot holes the story has.
Did you play 999?
Best game of the year. But, not the best 3DS game in history. Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward has it beat on that.

This game honestly blew me away. The twist in it was a neat surprise and after beating it it made me want more.... /sob

I cannot wait for the DLC case to come out here in the U.S. because I want moar objections (oh and PLvsAA needs to come out faster it's taking too long :((((( )

The real question for me is whether we're going to get another Ace Attorney game. There's no question that another will be made, but whether they actually think it's worth localizing is another story. I'm pretty sure Dual Destinies sold pretty well overall here so I think our outlook as good, but it's hard to be optimistic given the fact that AAI2 never got brought over and never will.

But yeah Dual Destinies was superb and ranks as the second best Ace Attorney game for me after Trials and Tribulations.
You jest. Have you forgotten Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney?

Also AAI2 has been speculated to be brought to outside of Japan via the 3DS store.
You jest. Have you forgotten Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney?

Also AAI2 has been speculated to be brought to outside of Japan via the 3DS store.

PLvAA was developed and published by Level 5. Layton sells way better than AA too. Layton has sold 15 million copies, AA has sold like 5-6 million.
I get that. My response was to you saying that you hope we get another AA game...
Did you play 999?

Yes, only a few months before VLR came out in fact. I thought 999 was a much, much better game. It had a more cohesive story, better character development, it didn't suffer from "part two of a trilogy syndrome", and I'm pretty certain a different company designed the puzzles too.
so I only realized the other day that the new professor Layton is out. I watched the trailer and omg it looks so cool. I have so many questions that need to be answered. I also really want dual destinies, but I've only played the original and justice for all so far. I feel like I must play the others before dual destinies. Is this true? Is there stuff in DD that potentially spoils previous games? Or am I ok just getting DD outright?
Oddly enough, Dual Destinies has no spoilers for Apollo Justice in spite of Apollo being one of the three major characters. You'll get some whiplash from certain things not being explained, but it's nothing you wouldn't know from playing case 1 of AJ. Then again if you haven't played T&T, you must also do so asap as it has one of the best (also never mentioned in DD) twists of all time.
In my opinion, for best experience I would play the others before Dual Destinies. Just because it makes the flow that much better. It's always more fun to read through a book without skipping chapters.
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