Pokémon Aegislash

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No slash for King's Shield on the wallbreaker set? Been using it personally for about a week over the original iron head i was using. I guess the point of the set is to hit & run, but so far i'm really liking King's Shield as an alternative.
Weakness policy is a good item for Aegislash if you want to almost dangle the carrot so to speak.. Need to keep yourself pretty fresh or have some way of keeping the Aegislash healthy like leech seed from somewhere else if they decide to stay in and fancy themselves against it. The super effective hit is pretty well tanked with the shield up so you don't need to worry about the hit most of the time. Timing of this really is good when it is late in the game to sweep up the crud. It is a good pokemon in the right hands but it needs a support section to be great and sometimes I have seen people try to accommodate him when their strategy goes another way and is easily bullied.

Saw a ballooned Aegislash earlier mind.. Didn't think it was worth it though as it loses the balloon when it tried boosting itself. Sure it covers the ground weakness but the balloon dilutes what Aegislash can do which is wreck weakened or terrible pokemon
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Weakness policy is a good item for Aegislash if you want to almost dangle the carrot so to speak.. Need to keep yourself pretty fresh or have some way of keeping the Aegislash healthy like leech seed from somewhere else if they decide to stay in and fancy themselves against it. The super effective hit is pretty well tanked with the shield up so you don't need to worry about the hit most of the time. Timing of this really is good when it is late in the game to sweep up the crud. It is a good pokemon in the right hands but it needs a support section to be great and sometimes I have seen people try to accommodate him when their strategy goes another way and is easily bullied.

Saw a ballooned Aegislash earlier mind.. Didn't think it was worth it though as it loses the balloon when it tried boosting itself. Sure it covers the ground weakness but the balloon dilutes what Aegislash can do which is wreck weakened or terrible pokemon

In bold is the only instance where I think WP would be good for Aegis. King's Shield sucks for the most part due to it not blocking Status so after the boost from WP you can't switch out. Boosting with Automize as you take a Super-Effective hit might work, but is still very situational. Aegis, IMO, is best used as a "hit and run" monster. Let it tank a hit, hit back with a huge attack stat (Physical or Special, I always go mixed), then GTFO. That's how I see it.
In bold is the only instance where I think WP would be good for Aegis. King's Shield sucks for the most part due to it not blocking Status so after the boost from WP you can't switch out. Boosting with Automize as you take a Super-Effective hit might work, but is still very situational. Aegis, IMO, is best used as a "hit and run" monster. Let it tank a hit, hit back with a huge attack stat (Physical or Special, I always go mixed), then GTFO. That's how I see it.

Yeah true. Kings shield only really works against club swinging attack lugs. Can't count how many times I have burnt or seeded it. Can get outmuscled pretty darn quick if the opponent makes any kind of mistake
After the initial hype I stopped using Aegislash, but I've decided to use him again. However I've been having some issue picking a set, but this is what I've come up with.

Aegislash @ Spooky Plate
240 HP/ 12 Atk / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
- Shadow Ball
- Sacred Sword
- Shadow Sneak
- King Shield

I based this off of what I saw in CC, but I didn't find a set that fit me, because I like my a little bit tanky, but at the same time leaving a shadow sneak univested seemed like a horrible idea. So I moved the speed EV's to Atk and gave Aegislash a Spooky Plate in order to not take away from Aegislash's staying power.
After the initial hype I stopped using Aegislash, but I've decided to use him again. However I've been having some issue picking a set, but this is what I've come up with.

Aegislash @ Spooky Plate
240 HP/ 12 Atk / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
- Shadow Ball
- Sacred Sword
- Shadow Sneak
- King Shield

I based this off of what I saw in CC, but I didn't find a set that fit me, because I like my a little bit tanky, but at the same time leaving a shadow sneak univested seemed like a horrible idea. So I moved the speed EV's to Atk and gave Aegislash a Spooky Plate in order to not take away from Aegislash's staying power.

What is the 4 SpD for…and what noticeable difference is 12 Atk EVs doing?
The SpD is for Genesect because Aegislash does not like taking +1 Flamethrowers. The 12 Atk, used to be in Speed to out speed and attempt to KO -Spe nature Ttar, but I found it not to matter as much. I switched it to attack to give my Shadow Sneak a small bit of oomph, and to keep my HP at a leftovers number.
The SpD is for Genesect because Aegislash does not like taking +1 Flamethrowers. The 12 Atk, used to be in Speed to out speed and attempt to KO -Spe nature Ttar, but I found it not to matter as much. I switched it to attack to give my Shadow Sneak a small bit of oomph, and to keep my HP at a leftovers number.

Makes sense, thanks for the explanation. Your statement that "leaving Shadow Sneak uninvested seemed like a horrible idea" was confusing since 12 Atk EVs isn't really gonna mitigate that much. SS is more for finishing things off that you've dented with one of your other attacks anyway, so it's not usually meant to do more than like…10%.
That's the reason I'm using Spooky Plate over leftovers, It will power up shadow sneak as well as shadow ball, but I just found the speed to be negligible. As a bonus any Aegislash running 12 Spe EVs will be slower and possibly let me hit a shadowball while they are in Blade Forme.

EDIT: I just realized that running a leftovers number isn't necessary on a Spooky Plate set, but I like the little kick the 12 Atk EVs give.
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Aegislash @ Life Orb
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 SDef
Adamant Nature
- Iron Head
- Swords Dance
- Shadow Sneak
- Sacred Sword
There's the argument as to whether or not Iron Head is viable, and to this I say, no, therefore, use it!
Now before I seem like a complete idiot, think about this: Togekiss, M-Gardevior, Clefable, and Florges will all generally not care if you send Aegislash on them, as they can either stall or believe that you won't be able to take them out, due to the common fact that Iron Head is not viable for coverage. So, surprise them by using it, by faking a fake out of it (SDing to make them think you're predicting a switch and you don't actually have it), then use it in a surprise factor. It messes with their mind and can even cause them to be more careful and expect it more often. Though, I do mainly run this alongside SpD Heatran, otherwise, it's preference in the end. Overall, I believe that a pivot set is better than this, but taking in what I already have on it's team, this was the way I decided to go.
What would be a good EV spread for a Brave Mixed-Attacker Aegislash? I plan to use King's Shield, Shadow Ball, Shadow Sneak, and Sacred Sword.

It is worth noting that I plan on using it for level 50 NOT 100.
What would be a good EV spread for a Brave Mixed-Attacker Aegislash? I plan to use King's Shield, Shadow Ball, Shadow Sneak, and Sacred Sword.

It is worth noting that I plan on using it for level 50 NOT 100.

If you got Brave, I would actually recommend re-breeding for a Quiet one. Quiet nature is recommended to actually hit things with Shadow Ball. The recommended spread (taking into account lv. 50) is:

240 HP / 12 Atk / 248 SpA / 8 SpD with a Quiet nature.

If you want, though, you can use the following. However, it's not the same without a Quiet nature either.

Aegislash@Life Orb
EVs: 248 Atk / 248 SpA / 12 SpD
Nature: Brave
-Shadow Ball
-Shadow Sneak
-Sacred Sword
-Iron Head/Head Smash
If you got Brave, I would actually recommend re-breeding for a Quiet one. Quiet nature is recommended to actually hit things with Shadow Ball. The recommended spread (taking into account lv. 50) is:

240 HP / 12 Atk / 248 SpA / 8 SpD with a Quiet nature.

If you want, though, you can use the following. However, it's not the same without a Quiet nature either.

Aegislash@Life Orb
EVs: 248 Atk / 248 SpA / 12 SpD
Nature: Brave
-Shadow Ball
-Shadow Sneak
-Sacred Sword
-Iron Head/Head Smash

What I never understood was why it is necessary to run Quiet over Brave? The majority of its attacks are physical moves, so why do I want a special attack oriented nature with heavily loaded special attack EVs? Furthermore, its priority move is also a physical move.

Also, on the Brave set, why do you not have King's Shield?
What I never understood was why it is necessary to run Quiet over Brave? The majority of its attacks are physical moves, so why do I want a special attack oriented nature with heavily loaded special attack EVs? Furthermore, its priority move is also a physical move.

Also, on the Brave set, why do you not have King's Shield?

The Brave set is a lot better with Quiet, and mixed Aegislash altogether, because the move you are using 80% of the time is Shadow Ball. Shadow Sneak is super, super weak and should only be used to shave that last 20% off the opposing Scizor or something, AFTER it gets hit really hard by a Shadow Ball.

The wallbreaker set is an all-out hit-and-run attacker that has no room for King's Shield. It just switches in and out, and doesn't really take many hits either.
I'm apologizing in advance for my lack of knowledge, but how are the EVs adjusted for use at Lv50 as opposed to Lv100? My Aegislash is Quiet, so I was thinking of using the wallbreaking set w/ Life Orb.

EV questions should really go in SQSA, but anyways...

At level 50, your stats are essentially halved, with the extra parts rounded down. This basically means you are running 248 Special Attack EVs instead of 252, 248 Attack EVs instead of 252, and 12 HP or Special Defense EVs instead of 4.

Or, you know, you can look literally three posts above yours.
Just a random thought, why so many people these days try to set up on a low hp dying aegislash?
Ive got multiple talonflames and lucarios sd in front of my aegislash, and even an azumarill tried to belly drum.
Why would people set up on an all-out attacker that has priority? Are they predicting something than im not aware of, or is just plain bad play_?
Just a random thought, why so many people these days try to set up on a low hp dying aegislash?
Ive got multiple talonflames and lucarios sd in front of my aegislash, and even an azumarill tried to belly drum.
Why would people set up on an all-out attacker that has priority? Are they predicting something than im not aware of, or is just plain bad play_?
People try to predict the King's Shield constantly, and so will set up if they can- not only to avoid the king's shield, but to not be crippled by it if they mispredict later. Generally a bad idea though, I've gotten numerous KOs on people like that. It's funny when this happens if you don't have King's Shield, as one's opponent is working around an illusion as opposed to the actual mon in front of them. Sort of like non-scarf Genesect, people just assume it has scarf immediately only to have their switch-on KO'ed by another move.
I havn't read the whole thread, so I don't know if this has been posted yet, just throwing this out here.

Aegislash Weakness Policy
Adamant Nature 252HP/252Atk/4Spe
Swords Dance
Shadow Sneak
Sacred Sword
King's Shield

Due to it's immense bulk, he can easily take SE hits (Barring fire moves in the sun) and SD on the first turn, activating his policy and effectively bringing him to +4. (Sometimes even to +6 if the opponent has to switch first) Then proceed to sweep the opposing team with ss provided normal types are off the field. Sure, there are things out there that can take a hit from him, but hyperoffensive teams are pretty much done for. He's an incredibly potent late game sweeper and worked out well for me, often sweeping whole teams all on his lonesome.
I havn't read the whole thread, so I don't know if this has been posted yet, just throwing this out here.

Aegislash Weakness Policy
Adamant Nature 252HP/252Atk/4Spe
Swords Dance
Shadow Sneak
Sacred Sword
King's Shield

Due to it's immense bulk, he can easily take SE hits (Barring fire moves in the sun) and SD on the first turn, activating his policy and effectively bringing him to +4. (Sometimes even to +6 if the opponent has to switch first) Then proceed to sweep the opposing team with ss provided normal types are off the field. Sure, there are things out there that can take a hit from him, but hyperoffensive teams are pretty much done for. He's an incredibly potent late game sweeper and worked out well for me, often sweeping whole teams all on his lonesome.

Stance Dance has fallen out of favor, and your set most certainly isn't novel.
My experience is that +6 shadow sneak still cant kill as many things including heatran, megagarchomp, megaðinsir etc. If you have been brought fown to red just to set up this, you kill only one opponent and thats it.
Just a random thought, why so many people these days try to set up on a low hp dying aegislash?
Ive got multiple talonflames and lucarios sd in front of my aegislash, and even an azumarill tried to belly drum.
Why would people set up on an all-out attacker that has priority? Are they predicting something than im not aware of, or is just plain bad play_?

King's Shield remains on everyone's mind considering that there is no giveaway to a set not having it as any of Aegislash's sets either carry it as a core move or can slash it in and drop coverage for protection or continued dicking with mons that can't 2HKO it through shield or status it.

So people try to play around it, even when it's not there.
It's psychological play, really. You know whether your Aegislash has KS or not. Unfortunately, the same can't be said of your opponent, and it's impossible for him to rule out KS until he has seen all 4 moves of Aegislash. Something like say mixed KS-less aegislash (head / ball / sneak / sword) usually doesn't end up revealing its entire moveset in a battle. Should lucario attempt to go for the kill with crunch, or should it try to anticipate a SD?

Honestly though, that aside, Aegislash is a gigantic ass threat, so it'd be best if they calculated and see if a -2 Aqua Jet would be able to kill it in shield form. Probably not though, depending on how 'low' aegislash's HP is.
Ok, I've been reading these pages, but I am still a tad confused, what is the ideal Item / EV Spread for an Aegislash running King's Shield / Sacred Sword / Shadow Ball / Iron Head?
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