Metagame NP: RU Stage -1: Message to Oglemi, Nails, and Honko (VENOMOTH STOLEN FROM US))

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Kyurem is as broken as we claim. You've got Escavalier and that's it.

Special-spam is going to be everywhere. This tier looks INSANELY dissapointing. Back to Gen2 for me.
Have you even played it yet? Making such sweeping statements without even touching the tier yet seems like pretty poor faith. =(

edit: ugh ninjas
Anyone see how broken set up sweepers will be? Quagsire and Clefable left RU so the only unaware users we have are Swoobat lol and Bibarel lol. Stuff like nastly plot Azelf will just wreck the tier.

The lack of Unaware mons doesn't mean much in terms of set up sweepers being broken. In BW RU, Clefable pretty much always ran Magic Guard > Unaware, and at high level play Quagsire was pretty much never seen, and RU had dangerous set up Sweepers like Lilligant, Omastar, and Gallade. If you are worried about set up mons, make sure your team can either apply constant pressure to the opponent, preventing set up, that you have a good revenge killer for that specific set up sweeper, or on defensive team, that you have set up sweepers covered by a solid counter.

the shellder smuggler said:
Whimsicott - It didn't change from last gen, but it is still the placeholder for being able to have the most annoying set in the world. Leech Seed + Taunt + Substitute + Protect with Prankster, in case you didn't know.

Milotic - From UU to RU :( It still struggles to find a useful niche in this gen, but still can use a physically defensive set from last gen consisting of Scald + Recover + Ice Beam + Haze

Never use that Whimsicott set, as it is hard countered by every grass type pokemon in existence, and just kills momentum. Good moves on Whimsicott are Encore / Leech Seed / U-turn / Taunt / Fairy STAB / Stun Spore, as all of these moves help to gain momentum (Encore, U-turn) or fuck with set up sweepers (Taunt and Stun Spore). Leech Seed is cool for regaining health and can force some switches, but a pokemon dedicated completely to Sub Seeding is almost a complete waste (Shaymin sub-seeds better do to offensive presence).

Milotic has a really useful niche in RU this gen because it can run Competitive and switch into defog users, turning it into a huge threat to the other team because of its nice coverage, access to Recover, good bulk, and acceptable speed tier. Possibly the "Bisharp of RU" in that it will find itself onto many spike-stacking teams because of its ability.

Kyurem is as broken as we claim. You've got Escavalier and that's it.

Special-spam is going to be everywhere. This tier looks INSANELY dissapointing. Back to Gen2 for me.

>Complains about Kyurem dominating the tier
>Plays GSCOU where every team has Snorlax

Kyurem is as broken as we claim. You've got Escavalier and that's it.

Special-spam is going to be everywhere. This tier looks INSANELY dissapointing. Back to Gen2 for me.

I can't exactly agree with you mate, this tier is actually really cool from what I see, and everyone else seems to be liking the tier as well. I like the tier as well. And to be fair, you haven't even tried it.
Agreeing with the Milotic hype, it finally has a niche outside of being a defensive mon. With stuff like Sticky Web and Defog flying around, it's not too hard to grab a +2 SpA boost and start blasting things with Hydro Pump.
tbqh Kyurem is rly bad in this meta between all the fast mons that hit ice SE (Fighting and Rock especially) and all the defensive tanks that wall it (ass vest esca, bronzong, spdef ryhp) not to mention hazards are freakin EVERYWHERE

Defiant Bulk Up Tornadus fucking wrecks anybody trying to Defog, its beautiful
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and I doubt it even gets the 2HKO on Bronzong (too lazy to calc though, so I could be wrong)
Max SDef Bronzong can avoid getting 2HKOd by even modest specs HP fire, which is pretty impressive.
Anyway, Trick room never really worked for me, but with all those nice things like Megaboma and Reuniclus and of course Esca I might try to pick that up again. Last time I used Esca I went for band and swarm, I assume Overcoat would be the favored choice now because of spore and hail?
XY RU!!!
Treecko said:
Vest Escavalier pretty much hard counters it. I wouldn't be too concerned. Bronzong also kinda shits on it. You can run HP Fire, but that's an awful move to be locked into on a Specs set, and I doubt it even gets the 2HKO on Bronzong (too lazy to calc though, so I could be wrong). Kyurem is really good, but it's also something that you should be able to prepare for pretty easily. In fact, you should probably be able to cover it during teambuilding without trying to.
AV Escavalier would probably want RestTalk and at least 252 HP / 64 SpD, otherwise it's gonna be 3HKOed with Rocks a lot.

252+ SpA Choice Specs Kyurem Blizzard vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Assault Vest Escavalier: 94-111 (27.3 - 32.2%) -- 79.7% chance to 3HKO after Stealth Rock
252+ SpA Choice Specs Kyurem Blizzard vs. 252 HP / 64 SpD Assault Vest Escavalier: 89-105 (25.8 - 30.5%) -- 9.8% chance to 3HKO after Stealth Rock

Even specially defensive Bronzong has a real chance of being 3HKOed after SR and hail damage.

252+ SpA Choice Specs Kyurem Blizzard vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Bronzong: 96-114 (28.4 - 33.7%) -- 40% chance to 3HKO after Stealth Rock, hail damage, and Leftovers recovery

Thank goodness for non-permanent weather
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XY RU!!!

AV Escavalier would probably want RestTalk and at least 252 HP / 64 SpD, otherwise it's gonna be 3HKOed with Rocks a lot.

252+ SpA Choice Specs Kyurem Blizzard vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Assault Vest Escavalier: 94-111 (27.3 - 32.2%) -- 79.7% chance to 3HKO after Stealth Rock
252+ SpA Choice Specs Kyurem Blizzard vs. 252 HP / 64 SpD Assault Vest Escavalier: 89-105 (25.8 - 30.5%) -- 9.8% chance to 3HKO after Stealth Rock

Even specially defensive Bronzong has a real chance of being 3HKOed after SR and hail damage. AV Bronzong is legit for tanking Specs Blizzard, but can probably be stalled out to death by Sub Roost variants.

252+ SpA Choice Specs Kyurem Blizzard vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Bronzong: 96-114 (28.4 - 33.7%) -- 40% chance to 3HKO after Stealth Rock, hail damage, and Leftovers recovery
252+ SpA Choice Specs Kyurem Blizzard vs. 252 HP / 0+ SpD Assault Vest Bronzong: 79-93 (23.3 - 27.5%) -- 1% chance to 3HKO after Stealth Rock and hail damage
>ass vest
>rest talk

Yeah no.

Also no one is using Specs Blizzard unless they want to die to hazards / anything faster. It's only viable on Hail which isn't common as of yet anyway.
Never use that Whimsicott set, as it is hard countered by every grass type pokemon in existence, and just kills momentum. Good moves on Whimsicott are Encore / Leech Seed / U-turn / Taunt / Fairy STAB / Stun Spore, as all of these moves help to gain momentum (Encore, U-turn) or fuck with set up sweepers (Taunt and Stun Spore). Leech Seed is cool for regaining health and can force some switches, but a pokemon dedicated completely to Sub Seeding is almost a complete waste (Shaymin sub-seeds better do to offensive presence).

Milotic has a really useful niche in RU this gen because it can run Competitive and switch into defog users, turning it into a huge threat to the other team because of its nice coverage, access to Recover, good bulk, and acceptable speed tier. Possibly the "Bisharp of RU" in that it will find itself onto many spike-stacking teams because of its ability.


Defog-Fodder Competitive Milotic could be terrifying, I may put that on my RU team that I will make later :] The whimsicott set should be changed, I completely forgot the fact that Leech Seed fails on grass types.

Thanks for the info :]
Lum Berry SD Cobalion is based.

Think this is just SR / Volt Switch? Haha nope, I'm now at +2 and have base 108 Speed. Oh, I barely 2hko your Spiritomb with Will-o-wisp? Lum Berry says "hi".

Oh yeah and Raikou's also excellent
No one mentioned it yet, but from what I can see Fire types have a fairly good time right now. Loads of Grass/Steel/Bug/Ice types and not too many resists as it stands. And for all the talk of Emboar, Typhlosion looks like it will be good when the tier looks as slow as it does. Eruption doesn't play around.
With Smeargle, Froslass and other hazard setters, hazard control would be major.
Hitmontop and maybe Kabutops will probably be the spinners of the tier, but what good defoggers are out there ?
From looking at the available users, none seem to quite shine and many has their niches : Xatu in addition to bounce, eviolite togetic, eviolite gligar, eviolite golbat, offensive Braviary(/Swellow/Chatot), Venomoth but it suffers from 4mss, Shiftry surprisingly learns it and has access to Knock Off+Sucker Punch, Skuntank, Lumineon is pretty bulky and I could see it work.

Do you think we could get a list of viable mons? Not just the ones in the OP, literally everything usable. Just so we know what we're dealing better.
Just compiled a list of the more frequent mentioned threats as I read the comments. (In no particular order)


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Delibird is also hilariously viable with Spikes, Spin and Destiny Bond

Triple confirming Delibird is finally viable out of super joke teams, would be better with froslass out of the way but it is still decent as it is.
Confirmo, beats Smeargle leads without fearing Spore/Dark Void and you can spin the entry hazards/2HKO Smeargle with Ice Beam :). Destiny Bond is also really useful since it is pretty easy to KO Delibird, and not a lot of people actually expect it ( Zebraiken ).


Delibird (F) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Vital Spirit
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 Atk
Naive Nature
- Spikes
- Rapid Spin
- Ice Beam
- Destiny Bond

The name's Bond. Destiny Bond.
The beginning of this tier is gonna be crazy. I think I'll wait for things to settle down before I give it a shot, I think.

EDIT: wait no it's gonna be hilarious YOLO
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