Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 37 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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True but I don't like how he's weak to earthquake and also to physic type so but hey good choice as well hmm...I already have a mega lucario but this is for online battles I think I will consider tentacruel

Tentacruel can also set and remove toxic spikes and has a great defensive typing
Looking for someone to do a skarmory project for me:

Skarmory (Bastion)
Male Impish Nature
Egg/Transfer Moves:
Brave Bird
Stealth Rock

I would prefer that it was NOT shiny, however its not a deal breaker at all. On the other hand the Nickname is probably the most important thing here, so I very much need that. If anyone would be interested in helping me out with this, I can offer a couple things from my thread from the link in my sig.

Please respond via VM/PM if interested.
I'm wondering if anyone can Super Train (i need them at lv 1) 5 Pokemon for me (the stats that need 252 have been fed the maximum number of stat drinks). I have a 31/x/31/31/31/31 Bold Pineco in a Heavy Ball with Toxic Spikes I can offer for the service or we can negotiate a price.
Looking for a Shiny Squirtle with Water Spout and Aura Sphere. Dive Ball would be a nice bonus.

Will offer any KB Shiny from my thread, maybe 2.

Help a girl out folks- leave a message on my thread.
Currently looking for the "other" three X-exclusive Mega Stones (Manectrite, Pinsirite, Tyranitite), and offering the corresponding Y-exclusives (Aggronite, Heracronite, Houndoomite) in return. PM me if interested. (Not looking for any IVs, etc. in particular, just the stones, and preferably their corresponding mons.)
I'm wondering if anyone can Super Train (i need them at lv 1) 5 Pokemon for me (the stats that need 252 have been fed the maximum number of stat drinks). I have a 31/x/31/31/31/31 Bold Pineco in a Heavy Ball with Toxic Spikes I can offer for the service or we can negotiate a price.
Posting again for new page. I have more to offer, CMT.
Just traded online my Heracronite for Tyranitite, so this offer is going away somewhat quickly.

(Unfortunately, I have been searching online for over a month now.)
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So I caught a shiny recently, and I was told I could find my TSV from it, how do I calculate it?
You don't need to catch a shiny (in X and Y) in order to find your shiny value. Just trade a 'mon that YOU caught to someone who can find out for you. I can't, seeing as I don't have Powersaves. Others can help you out, but might like payment...
So I caught a shiny recently, and I was told I could find my TSV from it, how do I calculate it?
I am one such person. If you want me to check your SV, send me any Poké hatched/caught on your cartridge [preferably one you don't need back so I don't need to come back online].

PM me about it if interested to not flood the thread.
Willing to trade big for a choice specs and anyone got a tentacruel that's a high level I can trade really big for that as well
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