Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 40 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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If I am using Masuda Method and save before receiving every 5 batches of eggs, say the the third one hatches shiny but the IVs aren't desired. If I reset, will the third egg still be shiny?
I'm not an expert, but I don't think resetting would help. If the shininess was preserved, I would assume the IVs would be as well. But don't take my word for it.
If I am using Masuda Method and save before receiving every 5 batches of eggs, say the the third one hatches shiny but the IVs aren't desired. If I reset, will the third egg still be shiny?
The shininess will not be preserved. The created egg is only preserved if you save when the egg guy is turned around to give you one, and the IVs and shininess both stay the same once he turns around. I hope that makes sense... I just got through Masuda-ing a shiny myself.
I'm not an expert, but I don't think resetting would help. If the shininess was preserved, I would assume the IVs would be as well. But don't take my word for it.

I don't remember where I read this, but I heard that shininess was set & IVs weren't.
Where can I find a Modest Horsea/Seadra/Kingdra with Hidden Power Fire (and the appropriate IVs to make it as strong as possible)? Is there a trade thread anywhere that specializes in Hidden Power Pokemon?
Where can I find a Modest Horsea/Seadra/Kingdra with Hidden Power Fire (and the appropriate IVs to make it as strong as possible)? Is there a trade thread anywhere that specializes in Hidden Power Pokemon?

I.. actually RNG'd one of those in Soul Silver accidentally. I can see if its still laying around.

Can someone please trade me an enigma berry?

I have plenty, I can give you a freebie. Info's in my sig.
Looking for 5 IV Timid Vivillon patterns that I don't already have. I can offer these from my region:

Name: Vivillon (Polar)
Nature: Timid
IV's: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Ability: Shield Dust / Compound Eyes

As of right now, the Vivillon I have are as follows: Continental, Polar, Garden, Monsoon, Savanna, Icy Snow, Archipelago, High Plains, Modern, Ocean, Jungle, Sun, River, Meadow, Sandstorm, and Marine. I'm looking for the remaining two Vivillon patterns which are Tundra and Elegant, preferably in matching pokeballs. If my polar one doesn't interest you, CMT for anything I can breed in return for yours, thanks.

PM or post on my profile.
.............that is strangely convenient.

Thank you.

You are certain it has max IVs for HP Fire, right?

I'd show you the Pokécheck, but uh.. yeah. :P
Here we go:


Female, Modest, 31/31/30/30/31/30

Its at level 65, 196 HP, 250 Sp. Atk, 64 Speed EVs. No egg moves, as its a Gen 4 capture.
I should have the UT Horsea on my Soul Silver so I can trade this Kingdra (nickname is Queendra)
I don't know if it's even possible, but I'm looking for the different Floette flower colors with Symbiosis and in matching balls.

They can be fresh caught from the Friend Safari (actually, that is preferred). I need the red, orange, and white flower colors.

(or a regular pokeball, but Heal is preferred)
Thanks, shiny finder !!!

Please PM me if you can help ^_^
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I'd show you the Pokécheck, but uh.. yeah. :P
Here we go:


Female, Modest, 31/31/30/30/31/30

Its at level 65, 196 HP, 250 Sp. Atk, 64 Speed EVs. No egg moves, as its a Gen 4 capture.
I should have the UT Horsea on my Soul Silver so I can trade this Kingdra (nickname is Queendra)

I'm totally fine with that Kingdra. Or the Horsea. Whichever you want to trade me.
I'm totally fine with that Kingdra. Or the Horsea. Whichever you want to trade me.

Kingdra's easiest. Got any sexy ball female spitbacks?

Dow anyone know where I can find a good sun team strategy I'm starting to create one and I need some help

I've done Drought teams since 2011; no joke. If you're doing VGC 2014 I have a recent RMT of mine I can throw at you or something.

Thanks so much projecttitan313 been trying to get that berry for days.

No prob. I grew 20+ after the May International to give out. :P
Need help trade evolving my kadabra and gurdurr
Fc: 3454-0621-9555
Ign: glint
Pm me or reply of interested and I would appreciate the help
So I need something that it is kind of near impossible to get but if someone can help please let me know. Here they are. Flawless IV's please. Don't care if they are cloned or pokechecked.

- Rash mixed attack or fully physical Shiftry w/Knock Off
- Careful Lickilicky w/Heal Bell & Wish
H! I have a rather unusual but urgent request.
I need a Timid competitive Eevee with one of the following Hidden Powers: Rock, Ground, or Fire, preference in that order. (it's for the Eevee Friendly).
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