Ability Exchange XY

Hmmm how about a Sand Rush team with Garchomp, Tyranitar, and Excadrill? Just with Garchomp and Excadrill swapping abilities, and maybe Sand stream Ferrothorn to pair up with Anticipation Tyrannitar to scout for super effective moves against the core? Garchomp is much faster than Excadrill and far bulkier, meaning it can run adamant and invest in hp instead of all speed. Also, if you really want to nuke, slap a mega stone on there and mega evolve at the correct time to get insane bulk and attack and speed. Standard Gale wings Talonflame is still useful although Braviary works better and Intimidate/Defiant Talon is pretty interesting
So here's the thing i have a question on. When you are in the teambuilder, you can legally select a mega pokemon already in that forme, and attach its appropriate mega stone, despite it showing that mega evolutions ability in the teambuilder. Since you can show that ability, wouldnt the server detect that ability being switched and deem it legal? in that way it would make you be able to modify mega evolution's abilities and pass them without it being illegal, and you could gain stuff like multiscale mega tyranitar in the sand or pass megazardY's drought to something that could make it even more OP.
They're not made legal because you have to Mega Evolve your Pokemon in order to get a Mega. Selecting the Mega itself in Teambuilder means that you are trying to put the Mega itself on your team, which isn't allowed.
They're not made legal because you have to Mega Evolve your Pokemon in order to get a Mega. Selecting the Mega itself in Teambuilder means that you are trying to put the Mega itself on your team, which isn't allowed.
test it in OU. if you still attach theappropriate mega stone, it will revert back in battle but still show up as mega in the teambuilder and the importable. example:
Manectric-Mega @ Manectite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Volt Switch
- Thunderbolt
- Overheat
- Hidden Power [Ice]

Use it in OU and it will let you go into battle, but revert manetric to its non-mega form prior to battling.
test it in OU. if you still attach theappropriate mega stone, it will revert back in battle but still show up as mega in the teambuilder and the importable. example:
Manectric-Mega @ Manectite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Volt Switch
- Thunderbolt
- Overheat
- Hidden Power [Ice]

Use it in OU and it will let you go into battle, but revert manetric to its non-mega form prior to battling.
Using that as an argument is invalid because that is just a convenience for people who click on the mega they want to use (and people who play OU and BH)- or want to see their mega's stats- if you can get the game to show your mega evolution's stats, out of battle, then you can consider yourself right.
Using that as an argument is invalid because that is just a convenience for people who click on the mega they want to use (and people who play OU and BH)- or want to see their mega's stats- if you can get the game to show your mega evolution's stats, out of battle, then you can consider yourself right.
So here's the thing i have a question on. When you are in the teambuilder, you can legally select a mega pokemon already in that forme, and attach its appropriate mega stone, despite it showing that mega evolutions ability in the teambuilder. Since you can show that ability, wouldnt the server detect that ability being switched and deem it legal? in that way it would make you be able to modify mega evolution's abilities and pass them without it being illegal, and you could gain stuff like multiscale mega tyranitar in the sand or pass megazardY's drought to something that could make it even more OP.
basically i am asking if the server will still detect the mega's ability when it is checking to make sure all the abilities in your team are legal.

This means that my argument IS valid, since because you can use a mega in the teambuilder and it works in OU with its mega stone then that makes my argument valid.
Nobody say i am saying you can have a mega evolution already in battle please, that is not what i am talking about tyvm.
basically i am asking if the server will still detect the mega's ability when it is checking to make sure all the abilities in your team are legal.

This means that my argument IS valid, since because you can use a mega in the teambuilder and it works in OU with its mega stone then that makes my argument valid.
Nobody say i am saying you can have a mega evolution already in battle please, that is not what i am talking about tyvm.
The argument you should doesn't work for the reason I posted- Showdown letting you do something isn't the same as being treated as it for the OM. The valid argument you can press, although I don't think you were, was about the way the teambuilder would recognize it- probably incorrectly, and the way you were asking about. Lunatic Lies
Yeah, if it's an ability that the Pokemon can only access once it's mega evolved, you can't switch it around due to the fact that iirc, once a Pokemon mega evolves it's old ability becomes the new one regardless, meaning you'd have two Pokemon on the same team with the same ability.
Yay another creativity meta (3

Technician Breloom><No Guard Machamp. Machamp can utilize Bullet Punch, Dual Chop (for breaking Substitutes), and maybe even Rock Tomb and Rolling Kick. Meanwhile, Breloom can abuse never-miss Dynamic Punch, Stone Edge, Iron Tail, and Stun Spore if you're that guy.

Guts Flareon><Levitate Flygon. Levitate gets rid of one of Flareon's weaknesses. Guts Toxic Orb Flygon sounds pretty cool, seeing as it can escape if need be with U-turn, effectively resetting Toxic damage. The rest of its moves benefit too, of course.

Analytic Porygon-Z><Sheer Force Conkeldurr. Lots of Pory-Z's move-pool is boosted by Sheer Force, like T-Bolt, Ice Beam, Psychic, Shadow Ball, and Tri Attack. Meanwhile, Pory-Z could never make use of Analytic, so that goes to Conkeldurr, who uses it very well with its 45 base Speed.
I feel this is one of the most underappreciated OMs to exist, and I believe it needs more attention. I've played a couple ORAS games lately and they've been extremely entertaining. Eevee General said that I couldn't take over and make a new thread yet, but that I could bump with a post describing ORAS changes.

The main thing ORAS brought was an assortment of new mega evolutions, or, in terms of AE, new Pokemon to absorb mediocre abilities. Here are some of my thoughts on ORAS updates:

Mega Altaria looks incredibly potent, as in OU, perhaps with Download from Porygon-2, a perfectly viable Pokemon on its own that can accept a variety of abilities and still function well. Mega Diancie would be another good receiver of Download.

Slowbro and Audino can donate Regenerator to other Pokemon and mega evolve to become at least somewhat viable. (Audino is a bit of a stretch, but Mega Slowbro could certainly see some use, especially with Refrigerate Kyurem-Black running around.

Hoopa-U looks incredible in this metagame, as it was during its brief stay in AAA. It can take on something like Sheer Force (which has countless viable donors, like Conkeldurr) and serve as an amazing wallbreaker.

As for some sets I've been using in my few recent battles:

Alakazam @ Alakazite
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Psychic
- Focus Blast
- Shadow Ball
- Thunder Wave

This combines the functionality of Sash Alakazam and Mega Alakazam, as used in OU, so you can choose not to mega evolve if you'd like to take a powerful hit and hopefully retaliate. (Watch out for rocks, though.) I inherited Sturdy from a Skarmory, passed Alakazam's Magic Guard to a Talonflame with Brave Bird and Flare Blitz, and passed Gale Wings to Skarmory; an excellent trio.

Keldeo @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Scald
- Focus Blast
- Icy Wind
- Taunt

A nice wallbreaker that is a huge pain for stall. Sheer Force Focus Blast does insane amounts of damage, if it hits (which is a big if). Scald misses out on its infamous burn chance, but has nearly as much power as Hydro Pump with significantly better accuracy. Icy Wind hits a lot of common switch-ins; you sometimes miss the speed drop, but it actually does a decent amount of damage in exchange. Taunt just messes with stall even further.
Here are some sample battles that I just had.

http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/customgame-258389218 — Beat Kit. I played pretty terribly at times with my motley crew of random assorted Pokemon. Thankfully, Sand Rush Specs Magnezone was surprisingly useful.

http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/aqua-customgame-1732 — Lost to thesecondbest. Again I made a really bad predict at a crucial time. Unaware Porygon-2 exceeded my expectations. Flash Fire Ferrothorn proved extremely annoying, especially because even my Magnet Pull Excadrill had no way of dealing with it.

http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/aqua-customgame-1733 — Beat thesecondbest in what was effectively a showcase for Sheer Force Keldeo and Justified (o.o) Bisharp.
Yeah taunt keldeo destroyed me. GGs. And yea ban p2 and ferrothorn, too bulky with only a weakness to fighting (OK don't ban but prepare for it when you build). Hoopa was decent but it wastes an ability on something else, and slowbro was lackluster, as was staraptor.
What's the deal with unreleased abilities? For example, can Suicune give something Water Absorb?

Testing has shown that you can exchange unreleased abilities.

In any case...

Archeops @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Head Smash
- Earthquake
- Knock off
- Heat Wave

Alakazam @ Alakazite
Ability: Defeatist
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Substitute
- Psychic / Psyshock
- Focus Blast
- Shadow Ball / Dazzling Gleam

Alakazam, in the process of absorbing Archeops's Defeatist upon mega evolution, also donates it the fantastic Magic Guard, which allows Archeops to launch off devastatingly powerful Head Smashes with no recoil, and it also doesn't mind Stealth Rock or Toxic damage. Archeops's coverage lets it bop basically every Steel-type that would threaten to tank its Head Smashes, even if they're Flash Fire or Levitate. The exception is Flash Fire Ferrothorn, which Megazam can at the very least revenge with Focus Blast. Dazzling Gleam is if you aren't worried about Psychic-types and want to hit non-Bisharp Dark-types more reliably.

I can also see Mega Scizor being used to absorb Defeatist while Archeops takes up Smack Down, Bulldoze/EQ, Acrobatics, and perhaps a Hidden Power, but given the redundancy of that coverage and the relative lack of power compared to Archeops + Megazam, maybe it would be best to just have a third party join the mix to form a core.
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Made a couple more teams today, tried some interesting things. Here's my favorite.

Bisharp @ Life Orb
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe or 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Jolly/Adamant Nature
- Sucker Punch
- Swords Dance
- Knock Off
- Iron Head

I believe Flash Fire Bisharp was used as a lure in AAA at one point, and it's excellent here too. No longer does Bisharp fear Will-o-Wisp in the slightest; in fact, it can use Mew, Heatran, Talonflame, and similar Pokemon as setup bait. Because Heatran gets Flash Fire, it's a good teammate for this Pokemon; you can give Defiant to a random physical attacker, give Levitate from pretty much anything to Heatran, and make a nice core. You can also do this with Scizor and pass Technician, which can be useful (anything gets elemental beam-level coverage with Hidden Power, so anything can be a good Ferro and Scizor or Garchomp and Lando lure).

edit: replay: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/aqua-abilityexchange-1811
Unburden seems like it will be really fun in this meta assuming it doesn't get banned later.
The obvious choices are Weakness policy users like Metagross and Belly Drum users like Darmanitan.
I also quite like the idea of taking a more Sky Attack Hawlucha approach, perhaps with Kyurem Black.

Kyurem-B @ Power Herb
Ability: Unburden
EVs: 252 Atk / 56 SpA / 200 Spe
Lonely Nature
- Freeze Shock
- Dragon Claw
- Fusion Bolt
- Ice Beam

You open up with a 140bp physical Ice STAB that also packs a solid 30% chance to paralyse, and then double your speed :)
Dragon Claw is STAB, Fusion Bolt is high powered coverage, and Ice Beam allows you beat Physical walls easier and gives you another Ice STAB given that you should realistically only be using Freeze Shock once.
Sceptile could possibly be a good donator of Unburden as it could receive Teravolt to remove Sap Sipper users, which may be quite common with Goodra around. Sceptile could also mega evolve should there not be any Sap Sipper users on the opposing team.

Other generally good Unburden donators would be Hawlucha and Slurpuff.
Hawlucha has that great typing and speed, would probably be quite strong with an ability to increase its attack in some way.
Slurpuff in the lower tiers has a pretty annoying mono attacking set with Heal Bell, Cotton Guard, Calm Mind and Draining Kiss. I could see it or a similar variation being viable and even quite hard to deal with should it get a defensive ability like Unaware, Poison Heal, Magic Guard, Magic Bounce, etc.
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Here's a core I devised.

Suicune @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature
- Protect
- Scald
- Calm Mind
- Roar

Gliscor @ Leftovers
Ability: Flame Body / Flash Fire
EVs: 248 HP / 204 Def / 56 Spe
Impish Nature
- Earthquake
- Roost
- Stone Edge / U-Turn
- Defog

Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 248 HP / 192 SpD / 68 Spe
Calm Nature
- Lava Plume
- Toxic
- Roar
- Stealth Rock

Suicune gets Poison Heal from Gliscor, Gliscor gets Flame Body (or Flash Fire) from Heatran, and Heatran gets Water Absorb from Suicune. Gliscor and Water Absorb Heatran have impeccable defensive type synergy -- every weakness of one is resisted (or immune) by another, and the pair has thirteen resistances (including three immunities) among them. Their movesets are pretty standard, with Gliscor going Physically Defensive to best handle attacks made on Heatran, and handling hazard control. Flash Fire is an option on Gliscor to bring in a fourth immunity, while Flame Body can punish physical attackers that Gliscor can't damage much directly.

Suicune, taking Poison Heal from Gliscor, seems like a good mon for the spot of Water Absorb donor (preferred over Storm Drain for the healing), boasting very high bulk and a great neutral typing whose weaknesses to Electric and Grass are thoroughly covered by Gliscor and Heatran, respectively. Scald gives the core a third (or second) way to spread burns, and Calm Mind gives it some offensive presence. Most importantly, it threatens bulky Ground-types that Gliscor and Heatran can't do much to (outside of Heatran's Toxic). Protect also gives the core an opportunity to scout out Choiced attackers -- given that no single move from anything will break both Gliscor and Heatran, this can prove useful.

Physically-inclined Kyurem-Black with Ice Beam or Refrigerate threatens every member of this core; under a Trick Room, so does Mega Abomasnow (with Wood Hammer, Earthquake, and Ice Shard / Blizzard). Teams with Kyub will also have a Turboblazer, which may or may not throw a wrench into your plans. Victini can do a number on you if Gliscor isn't running Flash Fire, or if Victini's splashing Special for Glaciate (or running Refrigerate? Has anyone tried that?). Water Absorb Ground-types, especially Mamoswine, are good stops to the core if they carry a move for Gliscor. Levitate Doublade can tank all but Victini. Keldeo should cleanly KO all of these threats if it's boosted by an item or an ability, but it can't switch in.

All members of the core are susceptible to Taunt; I would recommend using it with at least one Taunt absorber of some kind, be it a Magic Bouncer or an attacker that just doesn't care.
Looking forward to a fur coat and no guard + dpubch/zap cannon/ inferno ban personally. I think these are fairly obvious why they are uncompetitive and overpowered. (or for a new thread if the OP isn't updates bc honestly this meta is gold and shouldn't go to waste)
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