Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 41 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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This has probably been answered before, but can a regular DS and a 3DS communicate with each other for the purposes of transferring from gen 4 to 5? I was thinking about trying to get some female Pokemon from SoulSilver in Apricorn balls so I can pass the balls down onto their offspring in X, and I have no interest in buying a second DS or 3DS to do that.
This has probably been answered before, but can a regular DS and a 3DS communicate with each other for the purposes of transferring from gen 4 to 5? I was thinking about trying to get some female Pokemon from SoulSilver in Apricorn balls so I can pass the balls down onto their offspring in X, and I have no interest in buying a second DS or 3DS to do that.
Yep, 3DS consoles still support DS games
Yep, 3DS consoles still support DS games
Alright, then I have reason to dig out SoulSilver and gather up some Apricorns. On the one hand it's a shame I never got the shiny beast trio events to pass, but on the other their IV's would have sucked anyway. This gives me ideas to learn to RNG the legendary Pokemon in it as well.
Hey guys. I got this little guy from an egg giveaway on Reddit, but since he's flawed, I don't want him. Think of him as the abandoned Charmander Ash saved in the anime and take him with you! The first person to message me gets him, but I'm not holding him for anyone so you will have 10 minutes to pick him up.


#004 Charmander (ヒトカゲ)

Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/00/31/31/31
Ability: Blaze
OT: つすねえし
ID: 50516
Egg Moves: Dragon Pulse, Dragon Dance, Outrage

Can also give him a nickname if you want one.

Taken by kbullard26, congrats.
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First TSV hatch!

#303 Mawile


Nickname: Double Down
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Intimidate
IVs: 31/31/31/18/31/31
Egg Moves: Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Metal Sound
OT: mechaDamage | ID: 14302
Special thanks to BriarRose for checking the eggs for me and Fire_Damage from Reddit for hatching it for me.

So... anybody able and willing to clone me a few of these (and possibly any or all future TSV hatches I do)?
I can clone it for you if you want?
Now, are all eight legendary Pokemon obtainable through Dream Radar only receivable once per save file on B2/W2? Or if they were ever received for a B2/W2 game card, you're screwed if you want to receive them again in another save file? I put the emphasis on received because I'm well aware that Dream Radar can only catch them once without being deleted and downloaded again.

Looking for bouffalent!

What do you want Bouffalant for? Just to get its entry for Shiny Charm, or are you intending to breed one?
Now, are all eight legendary Pokemon obtainable through Dream Radar only receivable once per save file on B2/W2? Or if they were ever received for a B2/W2 game card, you're screwed if you want to receive them again in another save file? I put the emphasis on received because I'm well aware that Dream Radar can only catch them once without being deleted and downloaded again.
Well, I can say this much. I've tested, and the Dream Radar will not SEND the Legendaries to a file that can't get them, so they're safe there until a game can receive them, whether that's a file or cartridge.
there is the two 3DS cloning glitch, where you can clone by turning of your game at a very specific time after the screen returns form the black screen signaling a trade in the process.
What is the risk to the Pokemon/file with this glitch?

Also, with the Destiny Knot, how are the IVs chosen? I understand with normal pair it's 1 from each parent, and then one parent chosen at random passes the 3rd.

Does the Destiny Knot do 2 each + 1 random pass, 1 each+ 3 random pass, 3 from one + 2 from the other, or some other combination?

Also, does the parent holding it affect the inheritance (defaults as the random, wins overlapping IV passes, etc.)?
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What is the risk to the Pokemon/file with this glitch?
No risk to the save file, although you can clone the wrong pokemon, resulting in the pokemon you were trying to clone becoming the pokemon that you didn't care for anymore. But as long as you make sure that you turn off the 3DD that is sending the pokemon you want cloned, there shouldn't be a problem.
I understand with normal pair it's 1 from each parent, and then one parent chosen at random passes the 3rd.

Does the Destiny Knot do 2 each + 1 random pass, 1 each+ 3 random pass, 3 from one + 2 from the other, or some other combination?

Also, does the parent holding it affect the inheritance (defaults as the random, wins overlapping IV passes, etc.)?
With or without Destiny Knot IVs are taken randomly form either Pokémon. It is perfectly possible to inherit all 5 IVs from the Male, or all 5 from the Female (if using a Destiny Knot).
The Pokémon who holds the Destiny Knot makes no influence on the IVs chosen.
Gimme some good breeding projects cause I'm going to Europe and it's a long flight lol
Litleo in a nice ball (Repeat or Premier... or, ugh, Luxury) with its four egg moves: Entrainment, Fire Spin, Snatch, Yawn.
Entrainment is learned from: Dedenne (39), Pancham (42), and Buneary (50)

Fire Spin is learned from: Vulpix (12), Heatmor (16), Torkoal (17), Fennekin (20), Flareon (25), Ponyta (25), Torchic (25), and Chimchar (33)

Snatch is learned from: Heatmor (26), Purrloin (39), and Sneasel (40)

Yawn is learned from (there are too many...): Munna (7), Hippopotas (13), Dunsparce (16), Pansear (16), Bidoof (25), Wooper (29), Numel (36), and Slakoth (start)
Doing time change to get Love + Moon Ball Ralts, and a Love Ball Marill. Any other Apricorn requests while I'm at it?

Will take at least 3 requests, only "stationary" encounter I can get is the Lapras (can't RNG for Kyogre)
Looking for a Careful Ditto. Ivs dont matter.

Also looking for 3 Lucky Eggs. I have a extra Leftovers, Black Sludge and a few othets for trade.
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