Borderlands Series

If I were to make some suggestions, drop the points from the right tree except aux tanks and 1 point in energize. That way you can still take advantage of the legendary enforcer, but the healing from zero hour is awful from my experienceand not worth it and termination protocols is...interesting. I'd rather have 5 points in divert power to continually loop emergency response and never go down than get a FFYL bonus. Also, you should pick up afterburner, as reload times in this game are awful and everything helps. Much more useful overall boost to DPS than venom bolts.

(I'd take targeting scope over man and machine but that's a personal thing, as well as the fire rate boost skill, but I know you hate kill skills :pirate:)

I'm mostly using lasers so Targeting Scope is useless :| The only bonus I would get is on crit damage, but right now a lot of the crit points on enemies are too small to try and aim for properly. I guess with the beam lasers and their "easier" time aiming might benefit from the crit damage... But doesn't seem worth it.

Switched it up a little. Problem is I want to try and benefit my friends a little bit, that's why I have the point in laser guided. 25% extra damage from all sources is going to be really nice vs some of the bigger bosses later in play through two. After playing with the shoulder cannon a bit more, trying a build to keep it active at most points is really good, it does really nice damage and can set things on fire when inside an atmosphere. Plus it has a really cool noise :) I just wish it lasted a teeeeeny bit longer than 12 seconds.
Laser guided is probably one of the best skills in the game; you should definitely keep it. Wilhelm doesn't have much to support the team, but laser guided is definitely enough. In my opinion Cyber Commando is a tree that you have to go all-or-nothing in, because all the bottom skills have great synergy with each other, but taking them means you can't take another capstone. Just enough points to get laser guided and energize to benefit from the legendary mod are great, because all of wilhelm's bottom cyber commando skills can just carry him.

This is my plan: I want to keep wolf and saint on the battlefield as long as possible and keep them powerful, while not letting anything take me down. When I first got zero hour, I thought it would make an oxygen field-type bubble that you could heal under, like Axton's Phalanx Shield. Unfortunately, it makes a healing circle on the ground like the scorpio turret, which gets stuck on terrain all the time. In a game as mobile as this, you can't sit around and wait to get healed either.
so the 6th character (the 2nd DLC character after Jack's body double) was leaked a while ago - her name is Aurelia, and she's confirmed to be Hammerlock's sister

her entire skill tree was leaked yesterday:

seems interesting overall; middle tree is a lot like Gaige's BFF tree in that you can just pop your action skill and play in easy mode for a while while her sniping tree is potentially more powerful than Zer0's (besides for B0re, obviously)

as far as jack's skills go, though, we only know his action skill, where he summons 2 Digi-Jack clones that replace themselves when they die - so it's interesting that we already know Aurelia's entire tree
Anyone still playing the Borderlands series? I finally got TPS and I'm super disappointed by how much of a turd it is. Thankfully I got it 50% off but jeez.
Thankfully I have good ole Borderlands 1 to keep me company.
Me me me! Bought the GOTY version for Borderlands2 and will touch it after the Jan exams ( I was waiting for someone to like comment in this thread)
so far TPS is shaping up to be a far worse game than BL2 was, and that's really disappointing. the next campaign DLC is rumored to be 5 gigabytes, though, so there's a lot of potential there (Tina's DLC was something like 1.7GB)
is there anything to do after defeating the warrior in bl2 besides that giant worm that is impossible to kill? i beat all the side missions that you got before the final fight. Also i have no dlcs.
BL2 was its own game; what bothers me about TPS is how it's not.

Eridium/moonstones for Crazy Earl. Same gun manufacturers. Ice instead of slag. Same gun parts, gimmicks, whatever. Same HUD. Same inventory and interface. A lot of the same enemies reskinned. Grenades beep and flash. This pisses me off. Relics turned into Oz kits, big deal. It's all just pathetic to me.

I'm generally really loyal to originals or older stuff, for example Halo 1 > all others. That being said, going from BL1 to BL2, there were plenty of changes I didn't like but there were positives as well. The new inventory was too "in your face" and you couldn't see a nice list of your items to sort through really quickly. On the other hand, it provided a visual of each gun so you can see it instead of read it. Slag was a cool new element, but explosive became almost exclusively Torgue which is a bummer. You couldn't buy SDUs in the vendor but the black market had them all available which was decent. I can probably think of more examples.

The newer games also have jokes that can sometimes be funny but are pretty obnoxious most of the time. It's like they sold out subtle humor in exchange for larger fanbase, which I guess I don't blame them for. Borderlands is one of the few games I play so I guess that's why I'm bummed out about where the franchise seems to be headed.
is there anything to do after defeating the warrior in bl2 besides that giant worm that is impossible to kill? i beat all the side missions that you got before the final fight. Also i have no dlcs.
if you only did first playthrough, do true vault hunter mode and hit lv 50.

if you did both playthroughs, you should invest in DLC if you can. There isn't really much to do in the base game. the order i'd recommend them in is: dragon's keep, torgue, pirate booty, hammerlock's hunt. dragon keep is, in my opinion, the funnest DLC to play. It has the most unique raid boss and an actual replayable arena in which you can fight enemy mobs. The story and side missions are also pretty entertaining, so go with that first if you can.

also, though this probably goes without saying, this game is funner with other people. some bosses, such as terramorphous, or "that giant worm" as you called it, are intened to be beaten in a group. try playing online with randoms if you dont have any friends who play the game right now. Some people are cool and will help with bosses or even give you free stuff.

Finally, you could just start over on a new character if you want a refreshing experience. buy psycho or mechromancer if you can because they're more fun than the original four imo.
gonna disagree slightly with Salt here and say that Dragon's Keep should be saved for last, not first, as the other DLCs will absolutely pale in comparison to it

general consensus is that in terms of quality, Dragon's Keep >>> Torgue > Scarlett >>> Hammerlock

so if you're looking to play from "worst" to "best", hammerlock->scarlett->torgue->tina is a good way to go

otherwise, release order is perfectly fine as well (scarlett->torgue->hammerlock->tina)

if you're only looking to buy one or two DLCs, the tina one is definitely the best, although the scarlett DLC arguably has the best weapons (sand hawk, pimpernel)
Will they release a collection on the next-gen consoles before Borderlands 3? I'm kinda hoping so, since they are all such fantastic games (excluding TPS, which I didn't play.)

Still, its not Borderlands 1... But man, I do kinda want that remote controlled Claptrap. Thing looks awesome. I need to get a better place to display my Loot Chest from before... Shame nothing like this is coming for PC users :( I'd have to also buy an Xbone/PS4 AND an iPhone to be able to use all this stuff :(
Imagine a Guardians of the Galaxy Style Borderlands game. If The idea of a Guardians game ever comes up, I'd want Gearbox to do it and base it off Borderlands. 4 Characters, Each with their own unique skill trees, attributes, and abilities. It'd be super hype!

Anyways, I picked up the first Borderlands after the GOTY edition released. I was instantly hooked and Couldn't Resist Pre-ordering the Diamond Loot Create Edition of the game. Sadly, I have yet to pick up The Pre-Sequel, but I do plan on picking it up when it comes to Next gen.