E3 2015 - leaks, hype, thoughts, broken dreams all itt

After one Pokemon game a year every year including remakes and "sequels" I say good fucking riddance. Star Fox and Metroid Prime aren't good enough? Absurd.
After one Pokemon game a year every year including remakes and "sequels" I say good fucking riddance. Star Fox and Metroid Prime aren't good enough? Absurd.

Settles down VGC metagame a bit. Though there's always a September announcement.

As for Star Fox and Metroid Prime, the former is getting "da crappy grafixz!" treatment while the latter people are saying "this ain't what I asked for." To both those type of people, I say fuck you.
Star Fox is actually something Im excitied for. Platinum Games almost never lets me down, and while the graphics are mediocre, it looks like the sequal to Star Fox 64 people have been begging for ages!

Not so sure about that Metroid game though, gonna have to see more of that...

I was pretty disapointed in Nintendo's conference for sure. but I was sorta expecting this because I figured the Wii U is pretty much done. This direct made it very clear that the Wii U is pretty much done after Zelda.

Overall, Sony is the only one that got me fairly excited, and even then, it was mostly 2016 stuff x_x

The like to dislike ratio on this video is absolutely crazy. All Metroid fans feel completely and utterly betrayed, and I think that this could be the first time this many Nintendo fans have agreed on something so strongly. This game is shit.

I'm pretty hype though. The Mario RPG is actually really exciting IMO. I haven't looked at Star Fox yet, but Metroid is shit and the Animal Crossing board game doesn't interest me in the slightest. Nor does Happy Home Designer surprisingly enough. Fire Emblem x Shinagemi Tensei or w/e it is is may as well be a Japanese karaoke game at this point; we still haven't seen any RPG elements...

At least we finally got an English name for Fire Emblem Fates! :P

Realistically I'm excited enough for Yoshi's Woolly World as it is so I don't really care about this failure too much. At least Nintendo hasn't resorted to trying to win these events through pretty CGI.
they already announced another mystery dungeon game before e3 and people still want more pokemon? geez...

also what is that chibi metroid garbage lol
I'm fine with anything Nintendo does at this point, just as long as we never mention Sticker Star ever again

But that one 4v4v4 samurai v christianity v vikings swordplay game looks pretty unique--Dominion, I think it was called? Something that's not assassins/steatlth/fps/tps/shooter that's also multiplayer deathmatch is pretty refreshing
I was talking with a friend last night over what the next project for Intelligent Systems would be and he jokingly stated that it could be a Mario and Luigi x Paper Mario mash-up. We dismissed the idea afterwards since it sounded rather silly and... we were right, much to my dismay.

Look, I know this game will probably be better than Sticker Star and the Mario and Luigi series (unlike Paper Mario) has had consistently well recieved games with each iteration but I still can't help but feel disappointed. Most Paper Mario fans wanted a proper RPG in the style of TTYD on the Wii U, yet Nintendo (or perhaps, IS) seems to be too afraid to bring the series back to its roots, which I honestly think is a real shame.

Nowhere near as disappointing as the Metroid Prime multiplayer spin-off reveal though, considering the hype for a new Retro Studios project before the event (and Retro isn't working on this anyway).
Not really interested in <insert sequel to overmilked franchise> and sad to see that most developers are headlining precisely that rather than have a completely original concept to present.

this little beauty caught my eye today.

edit: gameplay footage

I like how it incorporates MOBA-esque mechanics ( Small teams, bases, creeps, objective based victory) with some satisfyingly deep third person combat. This thing could be a solid game-changer (depending on how it handles lag lol)
I'm disappointed Retro wasn't at e3 like it seemed they would be. Most interesting thing from Nintendo's for me was probably Paper Mario and Luigi, though it looks basically like a M&L game with a third character rather than a new Paper Mario. I think they were supposed to show some gameplay in the Treehouse segment, will have to look at that later. FE# is the weebiest thing Nintendo have done and I'm looking forward to it.

Square's conference was solid, Nier 2 is a weird choice but Platinum can probably do a better job than whoever made the first one, JC3/SO5/Deus Ex all look fun from the bits provided.
Well, while I didn't keep up with most of the E3 announcements, I did notice this:

The first Mother game is officially released in the west for the first time on the Wii U virtual console, as Earthbound Beginnings. While I did play it through it as Earthbound Zero, the fact that it's officially available on a console is amazing, and quite a comeback story, considering it was fully translated for the NES, but simply got abandoned just before being released, with very little hope of coming to the west before. I personally think it's a great use of the virtual console. Who knows? Maybe Mother 3 will come to the west someday, since that was a great game. Plus, it's a great way to bring more old games that were never translated over to the west to give us a chance to play them. I just wish it was available on the 3DS virtual console, but I guess it's a good gain for the Wii U.
I decided to rewatch the Star fox trailer and looking at the gameplay shown, the game doesn't look as bad as people are making it out to be. Yes the graphics look outdated; thats to be expected from every Wii U game because of the system's limited power. However, from watching the trailer, the environments shown off don't look too bad and look like something you'd find in your average xbox 360 game. Personally, I think the game looks better than MK8 and about as good as Xenoblade chronicles x, but thats just me.
Federation Force isn't a Metroid game, it's a co-op shooter. I'm sure we will be exploring a linear path of rooms and that is it.
The like to dislike ratio on this video is absolutely crazy. All Metroid fans feel completely and utterly betrayed, and I think that this could be the first time this many Nintendo fans have agreed on something so strongly. This game is shit.

Should we be surprised that there's already a petition to get this game cancelled?
To be fair, Star Fox is quite a bit different from Platinum's other stuff.

Yeah, it's definitely ambiguous as to how well/badly Platinum will pull this off, I remember playing Wonderful 101 and (spoiler!) struggling with the game's terrible camera-angles and controls during the space-shooter sections...but then again that was only a minor part of the game so Platinum obviously has the potential to create a much better shooter experience with Star Fox Zero.

On another note: Cuphead - Don't Deal with the Devil is looking pretty snazzy too-- an interesting platformer / bullet-hell (?) hybrid with a unique 1930s twist!

"A single player or co-op "run and gun" platformer, heavily focused on boss battles. Inspired by 1930s cartoons, the visuals are hand drawn and inked and the music is all original jazz recordings. Xbox One Console exclusive. " I don't have an Xbox One so I won't be getting it but just putting it out there--it looks fantastic and I don't think it's recieved nearly enough attention compared to some other games.
After one Pokemon game a year every year including remakes and "sequels" I say good fucking riddance. Star Fox and Metroid Prime aren't good enough? Absurd.
Oddly I agree as well, XY barely got any love before ORAS took over. I might've been game for an Emerald remake with the fucking Battle Frontier properly in place, but I hope they wait a touch before going on with a new generation (mini rant, but seriously what's that cheap shit with ORAS taking place before the old RSE since the BF is just being built and then giving us the shitty Maison again? You mean the Battle Tower is also younger than the Maison? Just a low blow cost-cutting measure probably, hell at least clone World Championship and Gym Leader/E4 redux from BW2 over shitty Maison with the same showgirls).
I watched some gameplay of the Metroid Blast Ball game and it honestly looks pretty fun. I get why people are upset that they didn't get the Metroid game they wanted and I guess they have a right to complain about it. I just hope they'll get over it soon because a) The complaining is already getting annoying and b) I think the game deserves a fair chance.
Star Fox and Metroid Prime aren't good enough? Absurd.

Hey von what is your opinion now that we have some demo footage of the Federation game?

It seems like a fun mission co-op shooter, but it's a Metroid in name only. I can hardly call it a spin-off went it doesn't even have the series staple Morph Ball or equivalent. Personally I'd rather play co-op shooters on something that isn't the 3DS.
Iwata's tweet actually makes me feel a little bad, it seems so sad. However, nintendo should listen to fans a little more. For example, who gives a shit about Mystery Dungeon (I played 2 of them, they were fine, but whatever). what would've blown me away is a freaking Pokemon Colo/XD sequel on the Wii U. It doesn't even involve the addition of any new pokemon and I would've peed over it anyway.