SPOILERS! "What Isn't A Pokemon Yet" Repository (+ Type Combinations & Super Forms)

Okay, I think maybe we're starting to push the limits on some things.

1. Added Scissors, Flag, & Book/Scroll/Text. I also added Pencil/Pen.
2. Changed "Coin" to "Currency (coin)".
3. Though I changed it to Currency, I kind of have a hard time seeing a dollar bill Pokemon. Like maybe I can see a Pokemon who's theme could be around collecting money/paper, but for a Pokemon directly based on paper money? I don't know.
4. Computer and Game Systems is another big stretch. Like the closest thing we have to a Computer is the Porygon family which is an artificial Pokemon (also we have a few robotic things on the list would probably have maybe a computer-related thing. Also Metagross is like or at least thinks like a super computer). However as for the objects themselves I don't know, like closest thing I can imagine is an object possessor (BUT NOT ROTOM. Rotom needs the object it has to contain a motor as a main function to make it move around).
5. There's a lot of Game References that can be made which is why it's its own sub-category. Also we already have some Pokemon which are Game References so if it was just one thing it wouldn't be on the list, it has to mention specific references.
6. Hm, I feel any slab of meat doesn't make sense when we could just have a Pokemon based on the animal the meat came from. I know I have Hot Dog and Bacon on there, but (in addition to kind of being jokes) I feel those are a kind of food that is made from meat rather than just a piece of meat if you understand what I'm saying. Also a Food Pokemon isn't that food item come to life but rather something that resembles and may even share traits of that food item. Look at the Cherubi family, Vanillite family, and Slurpuff family as reference.
7. The Doduo family sort of covers Emu as well as Ostrich and any other similar big, flightless, land birds.
OKAY! As I mentioned I was going through a list of mythological creatures and I'm done. If you're curious of what I added or changes on the list you can see so below. In addition to that, I do have a question to ask. First the list additions/changes:

FISH: Flashlight Fish
OBJECTS: Magic Wand, Megalith, Conch/Shell Trumpet
CONCEPTS: Entombed Animal, Unexplained Sounds (NOAA, The Hum, Skyquake)
AMERICAN: Acheri, Elbow Witch, Gaasyendietha, Grassman, Kupua, Mannegishi, Nightmarchers, Pamola, Pillan, Pukwudgie, Spearfinger
SOUTH/CENTRAL AMERICA: Cipactli, Headless Mule, Mapinguari, Ngen (various types?), Patasola, Tzitzimitl, Vision Serpent
GREEK/ROMAN: Argus Panoptes, Campe, Nymph (various types?), Gegenees, Snake-footed Giants, Hekatonkheires
ENGLISH: Hob(goblin), Jack-in-Irons, Yallery Brown
MEDIEVAL: Abarimon/Nuli, Alphyn, Barnacle Geese, Satyrus, Echeneis, Enfield, Forest Bull, Hircocervus, Hydrus/Hydros, Hypnalis, Jaculus, Monoceros, Musimon, Orphan Bird, Pard, Reichsadler, Scitalis, Sea-bee, Seps, Struthopodes
EUROPEAN: Killmoulis
CELTIC: Afanc, Bugul Noz, Cu Sith, Dobhar-chu, Fachen, Fuath, Pictish Beast
GERMAN: Alp/Mara, Askafroa
SLAVIC: Bas Celik, Bukavac, Kikimora, Pscipolnitsa/Lady Midday, Ovinnik, Polevik, Vodyanoy
ARABIAN: Al-mi'raj, Nasnas, Serpopard, Warak Ngendog
ASIAN: Abura-sumashi, Namahage, Ashi-magari, Hiderigami/Batsu, Ushi-oni, Nine-headed Bird, Jorogumo, Kasha, Keukegen, Kiyohime, Kun/Peng, Luduan, Minokawa, Nuno, Okiku (Bancho Sarayashiki), Pixiu, Samebito, Shen, Singa, Tiangou
HINDU: Airavata, Vishnu's Avatars
AFRICAN: Abada Unicorn, Asanbosam, Emela-ntouka, Emere, Grine, Inkanyamba, Rompo
INUIT: Agloolik, Ahkiyyini, Keelut, Qiqirn, Tizheruk
NORSE: Fylgja/Hamingja, Loki's Children (Fenrir, Hel, & Jormungandr)
BIBLICAL: Fallen Angel, Church Grim
OTHER: Aatxe (Basque), Abaasy (Yakuts), Abada (Tatar), Abaia (Melanesian. Has Drizzle?), Achiyalabopa (Pueblo), Adaro (Solomon), Aigamuxa (Khoikhoi), Ga-Gorib (Khoikhoi), Aitvaras (Lithuanian), Arkan Sonney (Manx), Barbegazi (Swiss), Byangoma (Bengali), Centicore (India), Chindi (Navajo), Cuegle (Cantabrian), Erchitu (Sardinian), Iratxoak/Galtxagorriak (Basque), Gulon (Scandinavian), Vardoger (Scandinavian), Haietlik (Nootka), Hanau Epe/Momoko (Rapa Nui), Liderc (Hungary), Maero (Maori), Merlion (Singapore), Negret (Catalan), Pesanta (Catalan), Psoglav (Serbian), Trenti (Cantabrian), Valravn (Danish), Zana (Romanian)
COMMON: Scorpion Men/Goddess, Invisible Man/Beast, Shamen/Witch Doctor

Move "Alicanto" from "OTHER" to "SOUTH/CENTRAL AMERICA".
2. Changed "Sphinx" to "Sphinx (Andro-, Crio-, Hieraco-)"
3. Changed "The Hecate Sister (Fates/Norns)" to "Fates (Sudice/Moirai/Norns)".
4. Changed "Ifrit" to "Elemental Djinn (Ifrit (Fire), Marid (Water), Odei (Thunder))"

And now the question: Should I split the Asian mythology sub-category to list Japanese and Chinese (and possibly Philippines) mytholical creatures in their own sub sub-category? Similar to how I split American to have sub sub-category for Fearsome Critters and South/Central America.

And I'm not done yet. There are other lists I've found which I want to look through to see if there's any more things I could add to the list.
Do we have Helicoprion? A prehistoric shark with an awesome whorl of teeth like a chainsaw blade.

In the same vein, how about a sea scorpion (from the Ordovician period), a mosasaur of some kind, and a pterosaur of some kind. Archeops is a reptile becoming a bird, NOT a pterosaur (which were only reptiles with no feathers at all)
Do we have Helicoprion? A prehistoric shark with an awesome whorl of teeth like a chainsaw blade.

In the same vein, how about a sea scorpion (from the Ordovician period), a mosasaur of some kind, and a pterosaur of some kind. Archeops is a reptile becoming a bird, NOT a pterosaur (which were only reptiles with no feathers at all)

Helicoprion? Check.
Sea Scoprion? Check.
Mosasaur? Check-a-roony.
Pterosaur? Well you got your pick between Hatzegopteryx, Pteranodon, Tapejara, and probably a few others you can look through the list for... probably should organize the Fossil list.
Helicoprion? Check.
Sea Scoprion? Check.
Mosasaur? Check-a-roony.
Pterosaur? Well you got your pick between Hatzegopteryx, Pteranodon, Tapejara, and probably a few others you can look through the list for... probably should organize the Fossil list.

...Whelp, I have no more ideas then. At least, not unless we pull out really obsure things like the Three Sisters of Wicca origin... or something.
...Whelp, I have no more ideas then. At least, not unless we pull out really obsure things like the Three Sisters of Wicca origin... or something.

Three Sisters of Wicca... hmm, originally I thought they were going to be another group of "Fates" but as it turns out its actually its own thing. Instead of "Three Sisters of Wicca" I changed it to "Triple Deity/Triple Goddess" and added it to the list.

I changed "Aquatic" to "Marine" as it sounds more professional.
2. I organized the "Fossil" category so finding a specific kind of extinct animal is much easier (and made a few minor corrections and additions).
3. Moves "Fates" to the "Common" sub-category in "Myth/Folklore/Fairy Tales".
http:// http://
We have Numel and Camerupt, which are a dromedary and bactrian, respectively.

Also, can we even cover what has already been worked on in the official franchise? While people would highly disagree on what certain Pokemon are based on, I think having a repository of that would help as well.

EDIT: Greninja'd
Also, can we even cover what has already been worked on in the official franchise? While people would highly disagree on what certain Pokemon are based on, I think having a repository of that would help as well.

That sort of goes against the point of the thread. The thread is meant to show those who say "Pokemon ran out of ideas for Pokemon designs" that, no, there's still PLENTY of idea for Pokemon designs.
I haven't spotted the concept of 'chasing after a carrot' in the OP yet.
The following link refers to it as 'carrot on a stick'. Not to be confused with 'carrot and stick'. I'm talking about just the carrot and chasing after it without ever reaching it.
Would this be eligible for an addition to the list?
I haven't spotted the concept of 'chasing after a carrot' in the OP yet.
The following link refers to it as 'carrot on a stick'. Not to be confused with 'carrot and stick'. I'm talking about just the carrot and chasing after it without ever reaching it.
Would this be eligible for an addition to the list?

Hmm, a bit abstract, BUT if we can base a Pokemon off the phrase "nor cast pearls before swine" I don't see why we can't have that. So I added "Chasing a carrot hanging from a stick" onto the Concept list.
Pretty sure Volcarona is 50% based on a Seraph. It has six wings (same as a biblical Seraph) and is part Fire (Hebrew word sera-phim translates to 'burning ones' or 'fiery ones').

The other 50% is based on, wait for it...a Moth. :)
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Pretty sure Volcarona is 50% based on a Seraph. It has six wings (same as a biblical Seraph) and is part Fire (Hebrew word sera-phim translates to 'burning ones' or 'fiery ones').

The other 50% is based on, wait for it...a Moth. :)

Very true, and even Bulbapedia says it could partially be based on a Seraph. Wouldn't be surprised it they just took pieces of multiple solar deities and combined them into Volcarona to further enforce it being looked upon as a solar deity. So I guess its off the list unless anyone has objections.

EDIT: Where did you see Seraph on the list? I went to remove it and it wasn't there, not even on my own personal list.
EDIT: Where did you see Seraph on the list? I went to remove it and it wasn't there, not even on my own personal list.

Hi there. I just grouped it under the 'Angel/Angel Hierarchy' (a high ranked angel) category. Hope that helps :)
EDIT: Where did you see Seraph on the list? I went to remove it and it wasn't there, not even on my own personal list.

Hi there. I just grouped it under the 'Angel/Angel Hierarchy' (a high ranked angel) category. Hope that helps :)

Ah, I see, well there are other ranks of angels (ones I was thinking of was for Judaism and another for Christianity, but other religions have their own hierarchy). I would say the most well known other rank would be the Cherubs and maybe the Ophanim.
Thought to update the list with some stuff to be collecting over the past few months. Was going to wait till the end of the year but something came up. I keep a copy of the list (with also some personal idea notes for myself) and it was originally just a Notepad file. However Notepad file has a memory limit and I had so much written I reached that limit. Now the solution was just to move what I wrote to a Word file, but still I took that as a sign to add what I've gathered so far to the list. So without further or do here's the updates:

MAMMALS: Riwoche Horse
OBJECTS: Polar/North Star, RNA
CONCEPTS: Bookworm, Seven Wonders, Zeno's Paradoxes, Literal Spider Monkey, Frozen Caveman, Humorism/Four Temperaments, Panspermia, Trifunctional Hypothesis, Harlequin/Zanni, Ventriloquist, Punch & Judy, Swan Song, Tickle Monster
LITERATURE/FILM: Tesla Trees (Hyperion Cantos), Red Weed (The War of the Worlds), The Seven Ages of Man, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, Frankenstein's Monster, Peter Pan, Mogwai (Gremlins)
GAMES: Q*bert
AMERICAN: Ozark Howler, Crawfordsville Monster, Lost Ship of the Desert, Paul Bunyan & Babe the Blue Ox, Uncle Remus Characters (Br'er Rabbit), John Henry, Joe Magarac, Rip Van Winkle, Uncle Sam, MIMAL
GREEK: Lotus Tree, Hippalectryon, Odontotyrannos
ENGLISH: Canvey Island Monster, The Queen's Beasts, King Arthur & Knights of the Round Table, Robin Hood, Twrch Trwyth, Cavall, Billy Blind, Cauld Lad of Hylton
FRENCH: Cheval Mallet/Gauvin, Dames Blanches
MEDIEVAL: Undine, Loathly Lady, The Laidly Worm of Spindleston Heugh, Theow, Philosopher's Stone
EUROPEAN: Seven-league Boots, Vampire Watermelons/Pumpkins, Tatzelwurm, Valþjófsstaður Door/Yvain, the Knight of the Lion
CELTIC: Bugbear, Blodeuwedd, Muc-sheilche, Fern Flower, Failinis, Enbarr, Aibell
GERMAN: Fossegrim/Neck, Feldgeister
ASIAN: Yamabiko, Amikiri, Tsurube-otoshi, Taka-Onna/Shokera, Ikiryo, Nuribotoke, Akashita, Sha Wujing, Xuanzang's Horse Dragon, Hitotsume-kozo, Kui (Chinese mythology), Ox-Head & Horse-Face, Amefurikozo, Jubokko, Orang-bati, Gajasimha
HINDU: Uchchaihshravas, Visha Kanya
NORSE: Audumbla, Tanngrisnir & Tanngnjostr, Saehrimnir, Grasteinn, Gullinbursti
BIBLICAL: Tanin'iver, Holy Grail
OTHER: Spaghetti Tree (Hoax), Cardiff Giant (Hoax), Ayia Napa Sea Monster (Cyprus), Hakawai (New Zealand), Solomon's Shamir (Jewish), Shtojzovalle (Albanian), Winged Sea Caribou (Canada), Sugaar & Mari (Basques), Marraco (Catalan), Hatuibwari (Solomon Islands), Manaia (mythological)(Maori)
COMMON: Man-eating Tree, Mother Nature, Lord of the Animals, Hunchback/Igor, Fiery Flying Serpent, Fountain of Youth, Grim Reaper/Psychopomp

1. Added a category for Spain's mythology between German and Finnish.
2. Added an alternate name/similar mythical being to the following:

Rokuro-kubi became Rokuro-kubi/Mikoshi
Uwan became Uwan/Yanari
Caucasian Eagle became Caucasian/Aethon Eagle

3. I moved "Electric Jellyfish" to the Concepts category.

I may soon also look through the list and move things around and add new subcategories.
Indricotherium, Conchoraptor, Shahmaran, Turkish Dragon (the horse/bull-headed one), Spectral Vampire Bat, Blue Swimmer Crab, Hoopoe, Alligator Snapping Turtle (hopefully next gen), terrapin (any species), Archelon, Eurasian Toad, Goliath Bullfrog, Saw-Scaled Viper, Wagner's Viper, Mangrove Snake and Gulyabani (really tall human-like creature with long beard and giant eyes, a mix between an ifrit and a ghoul) came to my mind after seeing this post.

Sorry if any of these were previously mentioned before, I couldn't see their names on the lists.)
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Indricotherium, Conchoraptor, Shahmaran, Turkish Dragon (the horse/bull-headed one), Spectral Vampire Bat, Blue Swimmer Crab, Hoopoe, Alligator Snapping Turtle (hopefully next gen), terrapin (any species), Archelon, Eurasian Toad, Goliath Bullfrog, Saw-Scaled Viper, Wagner's Viper, Mangrove Snake and Gulyabani (really tall human-like creature with long beard and giant eyes, a mix between an ifrit and a ghoul) came to my mind after seeing this post.

Sorry if any of these were previously mentioned before, I couldn't see their names on the lists.)

Didn't Add:
Indricotherium is on the list as Parasaurolophus.
2. Shahmaran is similar to another mythical being known as a Naga which is on the list.
3. I couldn't find the Turkish Dragon which you talked about. Do you know its specific name?
4. Hoopoe is already on the list.
5. Terrapin looks like a normal turtle, nothing stands out about them. Is there a specific kind you're thinking of?
6. Bullfrog is already on the list, and being this is Pokemon ALL of them would be giant sized so thus all Goliath.
7. Is there anything noteworthy about the Wagner's Viper?
8. Is the Gulyabani a real mythological creature because the only reference to it is a Turkish horror-comedy movie? Eitherway at this point we have a plenty of humanoid mythical creatures (some which resemble old men) so I'm not going to add the Gulyabani.
Conchoraptor added to the list as "Oviraptorid".
2. Spectral Bat, Blue Swimmer Crab, Eurasian Toad, Mangrove Snake added to the list.
3. Combined "Saw-Scaled Viper" with "Spiny Bush Viper" to "Spiny Bush/Saw-Scaled Viper"

Needs A Vote:
Alligator Snapping Turtle. Now we already have a snapping turtle in the form of the Turtwig family and generally that would be the end of that discussion. However I can see them being able to go in a different direction with the Alligator Snapping Turtle. Personally I'd add it to the list but I'm a bit hesitant so I'm putting it up to a vote, should we add it or not? (though with that said, not too sure when or if they'll ever get to it. As I said they've done their snapping turtle Pokemon and they're probably not going to do a variant on it anytime soon, especially with there being other kinds of turtles).

Feraligatr is a caiman, actually. Totally different yet related species

I'd say Feraligatr (do you think they'll ever change its name to Feraligator?) is just a general representation of the Crocodilia order (the order which include true crocodiles, alligators, and caiman). Anything else will be more specific like the Sandile family being based on desert/African/Egyption crocodiles.
Didn't Add:
I couldn't find the Turkish Dragon which you talked about. Do you know its specific name?
5. Terrapin looks like a normal turtle, nothing stands out about them. Is there a specific kind you're thinking of?
7. Is there anything noteworthy about the Wagner's Viper?
8. Is the Gulyabani a real mythological creature because the only reference to it is a Turkish horror-comedy movie? Eitherway at this point we have a plenty of humanoid mythical creatures (some which resemble old men) so I'm not going to add the Gulyabani.

Okay, I realised that I wasn't clear with my listing so, here we go *inhales*:

3. It's the Turkish (and, Persian?) take on the dragon, the appearance is the only major difference so I thought it would be nice to see yet another dragon design (Gyarados and Charizard are the only different kinds that come to my mind, and maybe Altaria).
4. Painted Terrapin was on my mind, but I wanted a simple design for a turtle pokémon and terrapins seem to match my liking. With a really unexpected typing, it could fit in the next-gen pokémon.
7. There isn't a serpentine pokémon which has similiar facial structure, if they were to add another serpentine pokémon, I think it wouldn't hurt to see it. The closest thing that has the same body structure is a Dunsparce&Ekans mix.
8. Well, it is what people used to scare children or persuade them to do something so it was only natural to use it to convince a terrified woman who believes in myths to sell the mansion. I can confirm that he is a mythological creature (with unconventional desires), but I don't have any sources written in English.

Well, back to business:

Asian Longhorn Beetle or a similiar insect could be a nice edition as a sub-par pokémon that wouldn't have much usage on the competitive side but with a little role in the story. Remember the swarms in DPPt? That's what I mean.
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Dragon of a Different Face: I actually have come across plenty of different faced dragons. If you look through the mythological category you'll eventually come across a dragon whose described with having a head of another animal. Also I personally believe, and this is going to sound a bit weird, that not all Dragon-types need to look reptilian. I mean right now we have some Dragon-types that aren't reptilian like Altaria (bird), Mega Ampharos (sheep-thing), Kingdra & Dragalga (seahorse), Vibrava & Flygon (antlion), Noibat & Noivern (bat).

Stand Out Or Phased Out: A slightly different face doesn't really matter in terms of making something into a Pokemon. Unless there's something that stands out a lot of detail will probably be lost when a Pokemon is designed off it.

Monster Lesson: As I said, unless there's more to it than the description you gave me we already have similar creatures like that. The only way it would override those creatures if the base a region in that region, but still Japanese have some yokai that are similar looking which is on the list and being Pokemon is a Japanese franchise...

Okay I looked through a few more species of Terrapin and seen some interesting looking ones so I suppose if they combined the interesting ones together they can make something. So I added it to the list.
2. I added just "Longhorn Beetle" to the list since, like with the Terrapin, that provides a wider selection to mix and match.