Undiscovered Types [PLAYABLE on Galaxy Server!]

No pics, I'm poor. :
Name Darmanitan (and Darmuka)
New Type Fire/Fairy
Justification The Darmanitan family at based and two things: Orangutans and Damuka Dolls. Dolls are cute playful toys, and there is even a Fairy type move named Baby Doll eyes.
Added Moves Dazzling Gleam (mandatory STAB), Play Rough (all physically orientated Fairies get this), Baby Doll Eyes
Removed Moves None
Altered Abilities None

Name Glalie and mega Glalie
New Type Ice/Fire
Justification Glaie reminds me of comets. Comets are made up of Ice, rock and Superheated gases, and as Ice/Rock and Fire/Rock are taken, Ice/Fire fits it. Plus it always had that Fire type ferocity.
Added Moves : Overheat, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Fire Fang, Will o Wqisp, Flame Charge, Flare Blitz, Sunny Day, Incinerate
Removed Moves : Water Pulse
Altered Abilities : +Flash Fire

Name : Maractus
New Type : Grass/Fire
Justification : Maractus is based of off of cacti. Cacti are found in the desert. Deserts are hot, like FIRE! Buff said. But personally I'm surprised its not part Fire.
Added Moves : Fire Punch, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Overheat, Incirnerate, Spiky Shield (don't hate. Cacti have spikes and its a Grass Type move), Heatwave
Removed Moves : None
Altered Abilities : + Drought (Deserts are Sunny)
Name(s): (Mega) Mawile
Type: Fire/Fairy
Justification: Since Futakuchi-onna aren't more Steel-like, and being one of the few Steel-types whose name is not Heatran to learn Fire-type moves, It can be sorta seen as a fire-breathing Futakuchi. Also it's Mega now gets Strong Jaw instead of Huge Power to not make it as OP as before and it has 2 jaws now.
New Moves: Ember, Flame Charge, Will-O-Wisp, Overheat, Fire Punch, Blaze Kick, Flame Burst, Flare Blitz, Heat Wave, Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast.
Removed Moves: Icy Wind, Ice Beam, Flash Cannon, Sludge Bomb, Charge Beam
Altered Abilities: None for regular Mawile, Strong Jaw replacing Huge Power as a Mega.

Name(s): Roserade
Type: Fire/Grass
Justification: Well, it's a flower and it learns Weather Ball naturally, so deal with it.
New Moves: Ember, Fiery Dance, Fire Spin, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Overheat, Will-O-Wisp, Flame Charge, Flame Wheel, Flare Blitz, Incinerate, Eruption
Removed Moves: Poison Jab, Sludge Bomb, Venom Drench, Poison Sting
Altered Abilities: Poison Touch is replaced with Flash Fire.

Name(s): Vanillite, Vanillish, Vanilluxe
Type: Fire/Ice
Justification: Because ice cream is what Vanilluxe is based off of and since ice cream melts, It can be sorta seen as Vanilluxe is a slowly melting ice cream. Also, in Vanillish's dex entries, it is said that it moved to southern areas during the Ice Age and in Vanillite's dex entries, it is said that it is form by melting icicles in the Morning Sun.
New Moves: Will-O-Wisp, Fire Blast, Eruption, Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Incinerate, Icicle Crash, Flare Blitz, Flame Wheel, Flame Charge, Ember, Sunny Day, Morning Sun, Glaciate, Power Gem, Overheat
Removed Moves: Iron Defence, Mirror Shot
Altered Abilities: Ice Body is now Solar Power and gets Flame Body as a second ability.
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Since someone else already did Gourgeist, I'm changing my Fire/Grass submission to Lilligant.


Name(s): Lilligant
Type: Grass/Fire
Justification: It evolves with a Sun Stone, and has a orange flower on its head, and orange eyes to represent the fire.
New Moves: Fiery Dance (it already learns Quiver Dance, so why not Volcarona's signature move too), Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Will-o-Wisp
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None
No pics, I'm poor. :
Name Darmanitan (and Darmuka)
New Type Fire/Fairy
Justification The Darmanitan family at based and two things: Orangutans and Damuka Dolls. Dolls are cute playful toys, and there is even a Fairy type move named Baby Doll eyes.
Added Moves Dazzling Gleam (mandatory STAB), Play Rough (all physically orientated Fairies get this), Baby Doll Eyes
Removed Moves None
Altered Abilities None

G-Luke what would Darmanitan Zen mode be?

The biggest problem for an active spacecraft is overheating, actually. Space isn't cold in any meaningful sense, really. You need mass to suck away heat.

Well fair enough, space science isn't exactly my forte.

Removed Solrock entry and replacing it with a Rescue Dog idea for Stoutland :)


Name(s): Lillipup->Herdier -> Stoutland
Type: Ice/Fire
Justification: Stoutland is partly based on St. Bernard dogs which are associated with rescuing people in mountains. The dex mentions Stoutland rescues stranded people in blizzards (being Ice type would let it live in blizzard-prone areas no problem and you can even encounter one in Cold Storage) and its fur warms people up to health during winter (warmth can be associated with Fire type). I imagine its furry body creates a thermal heat to help people recover in cold regions- think of the fur as something that controls/regulates temperature. A few furry mammals are Fire type like Ninetales and Flareon (which mention internal heat) and which include some canine-based Pokemon like Arcanine and Houndoom. It already learns Ice Fang and Fire Fang as Egg moves and the colour scheme is a nice balance for the two types (Brown seems warm for Fire type and Blue/White for Ice).

As for moves I've removed any Water type moves and Thunderbolt (Wild Charge/Thunder Fang stay because they make sense). Since Scrappy is mainly for the Normal type it was before, I changed it to Flash Fire. As for Sand Rush, if Fur Coat is not overpowered then I would like to propose that because of the Dex entries and flavour (Herdier's Dex entry states how hard the fur is as protection). It's not like Fire/Ice is the best defensively anyway that the double defense is too overpowering and double weakness to SR is still there. Otherwise, Snow Cloak is another option. Or if you feel Sand Rush does not need to be replaced that's fine too since dogs dig and Stoutland can possibly rescue people even in Sandstorms. Actually, this would make it immune to both Sand and Hail so that could be an interesting option too but I'll let you decide :)
New Moves: Will-o-wisp, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Incinerate, Overheat, Flame Wheel, Flare Blitz, Flame Charge, Avalanche, Frost Breath, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hail, Haze, Ice Shard, Icicle Crash, Icicle Spear, Icy Wind
Removed Moves: Rain Dance, Surf, Thunderbolt
Altered Abilities: Scrappy-> Flash Fire, Sand Rush-> Fur Coat/Snow Cloak
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Due to Zen Mode giving it psychic typing upon conversion, I guess its Fire/Psychic
Once again, I'd like to shift discussion towards the impact of past winners, specifically the Ghost slate, though you can discuss any of the nine current winning submissions. As always, you can still make submissions until Sunday if you'd like.

You can see the full changelist of the winners in the second post. Here are my thoughts on the new slate, copied from my other post.

  • Ghost/Normal Mega Banette is nothing but a buff, and a big one too. It's the only typing that's immune to both of its own types, with a bonus Fighting immunity to neutralize that Normal type completely. Even with no new moves, STAB Return coming off of a massive 165 Attack even makes heavy Normal type hitters like MLop blush. Maybe now people will now have a reason to use one of the scariest Prankster users in the game.
  • Cofagrigus is less of a straight buff, but still an interesting type regardless. No birdspammer can get past this thing outside of EQ Mega Pinsir, and having a Rock type that's immune to one of its primary weaknesses is pretty cool.
  • And now: Mismagius. Again, Ghost/Fairy is pretty much an exclusive buff outside of the Steel weakness and Poison neutrality (lol). Very few things can switch in to both a Moonblast and a Shadow Ball, and with immunities to Normal, Fighting, Dragon and Ground, Mismagius itself has a lot of switch-in opportunities. It has 105 base stats in all the places that matter, and with scary options like Nasty Plot and WoW, I can see this thing having fun in OU.
Cofagrigus would be a nice switch in for a predicted choiced Fighting-type move against a Tyranitar. Sand Stream will buff its Special Defense at the same time although it still wishes it had a good recovery move. Six weaknesses with especially to spammable types such as Water, Ghost, Ground and stray Bullet Punches are a bit painful though. Also has to watch out for super-effective Scrappy Hi Jump Kicks from MegaLopunny.

Ghost/Normal Mega Banette is a really good typing with the three immunities. Helps counter Ghost types that use Shadow Ball since they can't do anything back and will be forced out by Mega Banette's Ghost move. It's just too bad Ghost needs better physical Ghost moves- Shadow Sneak sometimes won't be enough. If only it learned Shadow Punch...
Ghost/Normal Mega Banette is a really good typing with the three immunities. Helps counter Ghost types that use Shadow Ball since they can't do anything back and will be forced out by Mega Banette's Ghost move. It's just too bad Ghost needs better physical Ghost moves- Shadow Sneak sometimes won't be enough. If only it learned Shadow Punch...
Doesn't Banette get Shadow Claw? That's even better than Shadow Punch. Anyways, the best part about Banette is that now it's weak to Dark-type moves only, of which most users in OU are physical-oriented, and thus is destroyed by Will-O-Wisp. So yeah, it's definitely going to get a lot more use.

And Mismagius... trades being murdered by Sucker Punch and Knock Off with being murdered by Bullet Punch (faster)? It still has that terribad physical bulk, but forcing the Latis to run Shadow Ball should be pretty cool. It also might be able to tank M-Ampharos, M-Sceptile and special variants of M-Altaria somewhat, but I haven't done the calcs yet. Also 105 Speed isn't that good, just decent. So yeah, it might not be enough to make the cut into OU, I think.
And Mismagius... trades being murdered by Sucker Punch and Knock Off with being murdered by Bullet Punch (faster)? It still has that terribad physical bulk, but forcing the Latis to run Shadow Ball should be pretty cool. It also might be able to tank M-Ampharos, M-Sceptile and special variants of M-Altaria somewhat, but I haven't done the calcs yet. Also 105 Speed isn't that good, just decent. So yeah, it might not be enough to make the cut into OU, I think.
I think you're overestimating the use of Bullet Punch. Literally only Scizor and Medicham use it with any regularity, with occasionally Metagross bringing it out (which outspeeds anyway). Meanwhile, Sucker Punch and Knock Off are everywhere. I think it will definitely see use in OU -- as someone pointed out earlier, it saw use in OU Theorymon, and I don't even think it had Moonblast there. Basically you come in on one of your many immunities or a weak special attacker, then WoW or fire off STAB. Its stats aren't super impressive, but it can make use of low HP with Pain Split, compensate okay Special Attack with Nasty Plot, and mitigate bad Defense with WoW. It's basically a weaker Gengar with more defensive and support utility, with the possibility of a late game NP clean-up.

Type: Grass/Fire
Justification: Look I'm gonna level with you. Cherrim is just awful. It has a wasted Ability slot that gives it a form change that is barely even useful, and despite the fact that its entire schtick is the sun it learns no Fire-type moves other than Sunny Day, and since it can only have Flower Gift, can't even be a decent Chlorophyll user. Well, no more! With a much wider array of STAB coverage, a surprisingly defensive new typing, and access to Chlorophyll and Solar Power, Cherrim might actually be semi-usable. Maybe. It's better than it was before at least.
New Moves: Fire Spin, Flame Wheel, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Fire Punch, Flare Blitz
Removed Moves: Take Down
Altered Abilities: +Chlorophyll, +Solar Power
You also have to realize the Ghost + Fairy have amazing neutral coverage, giving Missy a great STAB Combo. This is really great, especially when you factor in its great utility options like Wisp and Taunt.

Mega Banette is definitely a lot more usable now. Offensively, it gets a good STAB combo in Normal + Ghost (great neutral coverage again) while also gaining a much more powerful STAB in the form of Return. It's also now only got 1 immunity while packing 3 immunities - this helps, considering that Mega Banette's bulk isn't the greatest.

As for Cofag, I think this is overall a buff honestly. It makes for a good check to M-Pinsir - EQ needs +2 to even have a chance to OHKO Cofag, and only 3HKO's without an SD boost, not to mention it just completely shuts down any set without EQ. Hell it even works as a soft-check for EQ sets - if Cofag switches into Return or Quick Attack at any point M-Pinsir is severely crippled against the rest of the team until it switches out. The other fun thing is that M-Lopunny has to get the HJK off when Cofag is switching, and even then it doesn't OHKO 248/252+ because of Mummy. Again, if Cofag gets in on basically any other attack M-Lopunny has, Lop cannot touch Cofag. Even if it eats an HJK (252 Atk Mega Lopunny High Jump Kick vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Cofagrigus: 242-288 (75.8 - 90.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery) M-Lopunny is still forced to switch because it literally runs nothing to touch Cofag once Mummy kicks in. It also gives us another Talonbird check, especially since Cofag is less crippled by Wisp compared to, say, Rhyperior or Tyranitar. Sadly it loses out on 100% checking Azu, since Waterfall will do a number, but at least it can't OHKO with Waterfall! (252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Waterfall vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Cofagrigus: 264-312 (82.7 - 97.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery) It was already usable in OU, and I still think it is. Also it not having Stealth Rock is an oversight on my side ;((
Mega Banette is almost a straight buff, with the caveat that Mega Lopunny can wreck it. This is particularly concerning if for some reason you both lead, and your Mega Banette isn't running Protect, as Lopunny outspeeds Banette. There's also the more minor point that Scrappy Pangoro would overall rather Drain Punch than Knock Off Mega Banette, but both this and the Mega Lopunny point aren't actually that bad since they both hate being hit with Will O Wisp. The fact that it's pretty fearless in the face of its fellow Ghosts -other than hating Will O Wisp, itself- is pretty good too, especially since it also helps against a lot of Pokemon that like to run Shadow Ball as coverage. STAB on Return/Frustration isn't half-bad either, since it makes up for Shadow Claw's low BP -if the target isn't Rock or Steel (If it's a Ghost you hit it with Shadow Claw) then Return/Frustration is an around 50% increase in Mega Banette's overall firepower, which is good because it has 165 Attack. That directly puts Mega Banette in the big leagues, albeit it can't get a Life Orb or Band and so it's not actually comparable to something like Kyurem-Black landing a Dragon Claw, but it still has impressive firepower. Unfortunately, it lacks Fighting coverage, so it's still going to struggle against Rock and Steel walls, but that's OK because it can drop a Will O Wisp on Skarmory and laugh. It's also still held back by a lack of reliable recovery and now it has serious 4MSS, so it's always going to have problems, but its fragility is a lot more manageable, as it's easier than ever to switch in safely.

Mismagius being protected from Sucker Punch and Knock Off helps, though not as much as you might hope as it's still very fragile, but the immunity to Dragon is huge, especially since Dragons are very fond of Earthquake for coverage (It's immune) and, when they can pull it off, Fighting coverage (It's immune, again), making it a lot easier to switch in. Garchomp, in particular, hates it, as it's immune to both STABs, not all that impressed by most coverage options, and it outspeeds Garchomp and can use Garchomp switching out for any number of purposes -drop a Will O Wisp, set up a Nasty Plot, whatever. Mismagius is actually pretty flexible, as it only really needs its two STABs to deal with the majority of the metagame (Pyroar is literally the only current Pokemon to resist-or-better Fairy+Ghost offense, and unless Undiscovered Type's added Normal/Poison and Normal/Steel choices are actually good against Mismagius they won't necessarily change this situation much, especially if they hate Will O Wisp -Pyroar is at least immune to that), meaning it has two slots free for other moves. Even if you feel Will O Wisp is a given, that's still a fourth slot that can be Nasty Plot, Taunt (Ha ha, screw you Chansey), coverage, Trick (!), Heal Bell, Perish Song, Destiny Bond, Calm Mind, the slightly gimmicky Me First... honestly, it looks like an obnoxious stallbreaker (Perish Song, Trick, Heal Bell, and Taunt are all incredible anti-stall tools) with validity against most offensive teams. The fact that it's picked up a weakness to Bullet Punch isn't even a big deal, as Bullet Punchers are all scared to switch in on it for fear of being hit with a Will O Wisp. It doesn't mean you can't simply setup spam with it, though. I doubt it will be remotely defining of the metagame, but it actually looks like quite the cool 'mon.

Cofagrigus is of course an awesome blanket check to Talonflame, resisting its STABs and wiping out Gale Wings in the process, but honestly the single most noteworthy trait it has to my mind is competent STAB Power Gem! It even has Nasty Plot. As a Trick Room choice it's pretty scary, it makes for a good partner with Tyranitar (Among other points, it's immune to Tyranitar's biggest weakness), it blanket checks a lot of threats when paired with Tyranitar (It ends up with good Special Defense, and it has good Physical Defense backed by Will O Wisp access to neuter most Physical attackers, with the ones immune to Will O Wisp mostly being Fire types that can't stand being hit by Power Gem), and honestly basically its only flaw is that it's forced to lean on Pain Split for recovery -but it may be possible to get away with that, given how unreal its bulk can become. It just needs to be paired with a competent Grass type to cover three of its new weaknesses, too -Tangrowth, anybody? (Well, a Grass type not weak to Steel, anyway, but that's not hard) It looks really really good, is what I'm saying.
I was wondering when someone would finally suggest Cherrim, especially for that Flower Gift synergy.. XD

(Also did a final edit on my last entry, been having some stray thoughts about but I finally put my foot down and I won't touch it again and will just leave the final say to Jajoken lol)

Doesn't Banette get Shadow Claw? That's even better than Shadow Punch. Anyways, the best part about Banette is that now it's weak to Dark-type moves only, of which most users in OU are physical-oriented, and thus is destroyed by Will-O-Wisp. So yeah, it's definitely going to get a lot more use.

And Mismagius... trades being murdered by Sucker Punch and Knock Off with being murdered by Bullet Punch (faster)? It still has that terribad physical bulk, but forcing the Latis to run Shadow Ball should be pretty cool. It also might be able to tank M-Ampharos, M-Sceptile and special variants of M-Altaria somewhat, but I haven't done the calcs yet. Also 105 Speed isn't that good, just decent. So yeah, it might not be enough to make the cut into OU, I think.

Oh right, so it does. I completely forgot that move existed back then, that's what I get for posting in a hurry :P

Still, secondary STAB Return/Frustration is a welcome addition. Tyranitar would be a problematic switch-in though since it resists both STABs and can threaten with Dark-type attacks. The threat of Pursuit can also be an option for the opponent so the best bet would probably be a Prankster Destiny Bond in that scenario..

Also interesting note after I did a curious calculation- 252HP/252Def Bold Cofagrigus can survive an Adamant 252Atk Mega Lopunny High Jump Kick (a 2HKO after Leftovers, although 75% of OHKO after Stealth Rock damage), in which Mummy will activate and remove Mega Lopunny's Scrappy ability. Interesting situation where Mega Lopunny has to switch out unless it has....Ice Punch? Cofagrigus can still use Will-o-wisp during the turn it takes damage though to weaken Mega Lopunny further. Probably the best scenario is if Cofagrigus comes in on a predicted Fake Out as Lopunny Mega Evolves, removing Scrappy straight away after resisting the Fake Out.
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Avalugg (+Bergmite) (by Jajoken)

Ice-> Bug/Ice
+ Bug Bite, Struggle Bug, Sticky Web, U-turn, Megahorn
Pros: Fighting neutrality and Ground resistance allow it to function more effectively as a physical wall, Sticky Web and U-turn give more utility, Megahorn does good damage

Cons: x4 weak to Rock/Fire moves, gains new weaknesses, even worse user of Rapid Spin than before due to Stealth Rock obliterating you

Vespiquen (by The Reptile)

Bug/Flying -> Bug/Psychic
+ Telepathy
+ Calm Mind, Psychic, Psyshock, Zen Headbutt, Stored Power, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast
- Air Slash, Aerial Ace, Acrobatics
Pros: Loses x4 Stealth Rock weakness, expanded movepool gives several new offensive options

Cons: Gains more weaknesses than resistances, weak to Pursuit, no longer has an immunity

Accelgor (by Jajoken)

Bug -> Bug/Dark
+ Dark Pulse, Knock Off, Nasty Plot, Night Slash, Pursuit, Thief
Pros: Appreciates extra STAB and boosting options, gains an immunity and two resistances, can act as a (frail) Knock Off absorber with a Dark resistance and Sticky Hold
Cons: Loses a neutrality and gains two weaknesses, struggles against Fighting Types and Fairies if not running Sludge Bomb

Feel free to discuss the impact of these new additions to the metagame below, or wait until around Thursday where I will officially initiate the discussion. Overall, this slate may not have the most impact (as most Bug Pokemon are fairly lackluster in OU), but I can still seeing these three leave a bit of an impact. Avalugg is arguably much worse now, as you're a Rapid Spinner that can't switch into Stealth Rock. However, I think it'll just see a shift in role. Being able to tank Fighting and Ground moves is a wonderful trait for a Physical wall, allowing you to make use of that titanic 95/184 spread. Sticky Web and U-turn are always useful, and Megahorn outdamages any option Avalugg had before. Just make sure to keep Rocks off the field some other way. Vespiquen will unarguably be better than it was (only Mega Pinsir makes Bug/Flying work), but time will tell if it's actually any good in OU. Good bulk + Calm Mind/Defend Order + STAB Stored Power looks promising, however, and the extra coverage options may be its saving grace to distinguish from most other Bug types. Accelgor is actually looking pretty promising -- while 100 Special Attack might not sound like a lot, but that's the same as Manaphy, and 145 Speed and Nasty Plot allow you to cleanup late-game. Nasty Pass is also an option, or simply running Knock Off on utility sets. Bug + Dark's big problem is that Fairy and Fighting types resist both STABs, and while Sludge Bomb can help with the former, Accelgor never learns any Psychic or Flying moves to get past Fighting types.


Time for the fifth voting stage! PM me (don't post it in the thread please) three choices for each of the type combinations, and then give each choice 1-3 points. You have one +3, one +2, and one +1 to give for each type. Just list the submission name under the type, and give it the points in parenthesis like so:

Fire + Ice: Cryogonal (+3), Malamar (+2), Stoutland (+1)
Fire + Grass: Gourgeist (+3), Lilligant (+2), Sunflora (+1)
Bug + Fairy: Victini (+3), Ninetales (+2), Darmanitan (+1)

What you're actually voting for is subjective, but try to focus on things that are actually fitting first, then consider which ones a particularly cool and/or viable.

Here are the valid submissions by type:

Name(s): Octillery
Type: Fire/Ice
Octillery is about the closest I can think of to be a Fire/Ice type, It's a cannon, which justifies the Fire-type, and there's an octopus species called Pareledone charcoti which happens to live around Antartic.
New Moves: Overheat, Ice Shard, Freeze-Dry, Frost Breath, Flame Charge, Flare Blitz, Flame Burst
Removed Moves: Waterfall
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Cryogonal
Type: Ice/Fire
Justification: I included the shiny form because it makes it clear that the glowing bits inside Cryogonal are not merely a part of its icy exterior -- they're glowing balls of light (red in the shiny form, like fire). You might think that's a stretch until you realize that Cryogonal learns Solar Beam...via level-up. No other Ice type can claim this, and the only other ones that learn it at all (via TM) are Snover and Abomasnow, two Grass types. Solar Beam is almost exclusively learned by Pokemon that associate themselves with light, which is in turn represented by fire. This all makes more sense when you realize that in order to drain the temperature to -148 it as its dex entries describe, it's probably absorbing energy (or heat) into itself. Beyond merely representing cold, Cryogonal represents temperature, so Ice + Fire is the perfect fit.
New Moves: Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Ember, Will o' Wisp, Fire Spin, Sunny Day, Overheat
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: +Flash Fire, +Solar Power


Name(s): Inkay, Malamar
Type: Fire/Ice
Justification: Because Malamar is contrary as all get-out! It's all about upside-down, that's-not-how-things-work logic. It's already an undersea squid that isn't a Water type -now it's an undersea squid infused with the freezing temperatures of the deepest sea, ready to lash out with fire and ice to protect itself. Or just to screw with people, because it's still the closest the series has ever come to an actively malevolent Pokemon.
New Moves: Will O Wisp (Castform-Sunny is the only exception), Flamethrower, Fire Blast (Previous two: Rotom-Heat is the only exception), Flame Charge (Heatmor is the only always-a-Fire type case that lacks it), Heat Wave (Only Groudon-Primal, Castform-Sunny, and Rotom-Heat lack it, none of whom is baseline a Fire type), Incinerate (Again, Rotom-Heat is the only exception), Overheat (Rotom-Heat and, again, Heatmor are the only exceptions), Ice Beam, Blizzard, Avalanche (Nearly universal, and Malamar gets Rock Slide), Hail, Icy Wind, Ice Shard.
Removed Moves: Psycho Cut, Psychic, Calm Mind, Psyshock, Reflect, Hypnosis, Power Split, Psybeam, Psywave, Role Play, Dark Pulse.
Altered Abilities: None.

Name Glalie and mega Glalie
New Type Ice/Fire
Justification Glaie reminds me of comets. Comets are made up of Ice, rock and Superheated gases, and as Ice/Rock and Fire/Rock are taken, Ice/Fire fits it. Plus it always had that Fire type ferocity.
Added Moves : Overheat, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Fire Fang, Will o Wisp, Flame Charge, Flare Blitz, Sunny Day, Incinerate
Removed Moves : Water Pulse
Altered Abilities : +Flash Fire


Name(s): Vanillite, Vanillish, Vanilluxe
Type: Fire/Ice
Justification: Because ice cream is what Vanilluxe is based off of and since ice cream melts, It can be sorta seen as Vanilluxe is a slowly melting ice cream. Also, in Vanillish's dex entries, it is said that it moved to southern areas during the Ice Age and in Vanillite's dex entries, it is said that it is form by melting icicles in the Morning Sun.
New Moves: Will-O-Wisp, Fire Blast, Eruption, Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Incinerate, Icicle Crash, Flare Blitz, Flame Wheel, Flame Charge, Ember, Sunny Day, Morning Sun, Glaciate, Power Gem, Overheat
Removed Moves: Iron Defence, Mirror Shot
Altered Abilities: Ice Body is now Solar Power and gets Flame Body as a second ability.


Name(s): Lillipup->Herdier -> Stoutland
Type: Ice/Fire
Justification: Stoutland is partly based on St. Bernard dogs which are associated with rescuing people in mountains. The dex mentions Stoutland rescues stranded people in blizzards (being Ice type would let it live in blizzard-prone areas no problem and you can even encounter one in Cold Storage) and its fur warms people up to health during winter (warmth can be associated with Fire type). I imagine its furry body creates a thermal heat to help people recover in cold regions- think of the fur as something that controls/regulates temperature. A few furry mammals are Fire type like Ninetales and Flareon (which mention internal heat) and which include some canine-based Pokemon like Arcanine and Houndoom. It already learns Ice Fang and Fire Fang as Egg moves and the colour scheme is a nice balance for the two types (Brown seems warm for Fire type and Blue/White for Ice). As for moves I've removed any Water type moves and Thunderbolt (Wild Charge/Thunder Fang stay because they make sense). Since Scrappy is mainly for the Normal type it was before, I changed it to Snow Cloak. As for Sand Rush, if Fur Coat is not overpowered then I would like to propose that because of the Dex entries and flavour (Herdier's Dex entry states how hard the fur is as protection). It's not like Fire/Ice is the best defensively anyway that the double defense is too overpowering. Otherwise, maybe Flash Fire is a safer option. Or if you feel Sand Rush does not need to be replaced that's fine too since dogs dig and Stoutland can possibly rescue people even in Sandstorms. Actually, this would make it immune to both Sand and Hail so that could be an interesting option too but I'll let you decide :)
New Moves: Will-o-wisp, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Incinerate, Overheat, Flame Wheel, Flare Blitz, Flame Charge, Avalanche, Frost Breath, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hail, Haze, Ice Shard, Icicle Crash, Icicle Spear, Icy Wind
Removed Moves: Rain Dance, Surf, Thunderbolt
Altered Abilities: Scrappy-> Snow Cloak, Sand Rush-> Fur Coat

Type: Grass/Fire
It's a Jack-o'-lantern, duh. It also learns a lot of fire-type moves naturally, and good thing Trevenant shares its typing :P
New Moves: Fire Blast, Overheat, Fire Punch
Removed Moves: Phantom Force, Shadow Sneak
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Sunflora
Type: Grass/Fire
Justification: The whole Sunflower theme features the idea of the Sun which in this game Sunny Day equals Fire so Sunflora with it's Sun-shaped heads makes sense. It also evolves from a Sun Stone! I think Sunkern is best left as a Grass type as it's when it gets the power of the Sun that it will harness the Fire type powers.
New Moves: Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Ember, Flame Charge, Overheat, Incinerate, Will-o-wisp, Heat Wave
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): (Mega) Venusaur (+Ivysaur, Bulbasaur)
Type: Grass/Fire (Ivysaur and Bulbasaur are pure Grass)
Justification: Oddly enough, most of Venusaur's recent dex entries reference gaining great power from sunlight, but nothing about poison. This is represented by Chlorophyll and Weather Ball as well. As a Pokemon so tied to the sun, Fire is a better fit than Poison.
New Moves: Fireblast, Ember, Flare Blitz, Flamethrower, Overheat, Flame Charge
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None (starters traditionally only have two, didn't want something unfitting for pre-evos)


Name(s): Bellossom
Type: Grass/Fire
Justification: It evolves with the sun stone, and the sun is associated with Fire. It also has red colouration which most Fire-types tend to have. Its dex entries also mention how it dances to bring out the sun. It is also, so far, the only Pokemon to lose one of its types apon evolution, and giving it the Fire-type will remove it of that unlikeness.
New Moves: Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Ember, Flame Charge, Overheat, Incinerate, Will-o-wisp, Fiery Dance, Fire Spin
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: +Drought, -Healer

Name(s): Cacturne (Cacnea remains pure Grass)
Type: Fire/Grass
Justification: It's a dried out desert plant that loves to hang out in the blazing sun. Sure, it's also a creepy stalker cactus, but I can see it as a Fire type readily enough.
New Moves: Fire Punch, Will O Wisp (Castform-Sunny is the only exception), Flamethrower, Fire Blast (Previous two: Rotom-Heat is the only exception), Flame Charge (Heatmor is the only always-a-Fire type case that lacks it), Heat Wave (Only Groudon-Primal, Castform-Sunny, and Rotom-Heat lack it, none of whom is baseline a Fire type), and Incinerate. (Again, Rotom-Heat is the only exception), Overheat (Rotom-Heat and, again, Heatmor are the only exceptions)
Removed Moves: Sucker Punch, Switcheroo, Dark Pulse, Foul Play.
Altered Abilities: None.


Name : Maractus
New Type : Grass/Fire
Justification : Maractus is based of off of cacti. Cacti are found in the desert. Deserts are hot, like FIRE! Buff said. But personally I'm surprised its not part Fire.
Added Moves : Fire Punch, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Overheat, Incirnerate, Spiky Shield (don't hate. Cacti have spikes and its a Grass Type move), Heatwave
Removed Moves : None
Altered Abilities : + Drought (Deserts are Sunny)

Name(s): Roserade
Type: Fire/Grass
Justification: Well, it's a flower and it learns Weather Ball naturally, so deal with it.
New Moves: Ember, Fiery Dance, Fire Spin, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Overheat, Will-O-Wisp, Flame Charge, Flame Wheel, Flare Blitz, Incinerate, Eruption
Removed Moves: Poison Jab, Sludge Bomb, Venom Drench, Poison Sting
Altered Abilities: Poison Touch is replaced with Flash Fire.


Name(s): Lilligant
Type: Grass/Fire
Justification: It evolves with a Sun Stone, and has a orange flower on its head, and orange eyes to represent the fire.
New Moves: Fiery Dance (it already learns Quiver Dance, so why not Volcarona's signature move too), Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Will-o-Wisp
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Type: Grass/Fire
Justification: Look I'm gonna level with you. Cherrim is just awful. It has a wasted Ability slot that gives it a form change that is barely even useful, and despite the fact that its entire schtick is the sun it learns no Fire-type moves other than Sunny Day, and since it can only have Flower Gift, can't even be a decent Chlorophyll user. Well, no more! With a much wider array of STAB coverage, a surprisingly defensive new typing, and access to Chlorophyll and Solar Power, Cherrim might actually be semi-usable. Maybe. It's better than it was before at least.
New Moves: Fire Spin, Flame Wheel, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Fire Punch, Flare Blitz
Removed Moves: Take Down
Altered Abilities: +Chlorophyll, +Solar Power

Name(s): Ninetales
Type: Fire/Fairy
Justification: Ninetales is based on a kitsune, and from what I see Fairy-type are commonly assosciated w/ youkai and mythical creatures, so yeah.
New Moves: Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Misty Terrain, Play Rough
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Type: Fire/Fairy
Justification: Victini's appearance is very fairy-like and the concept of it being a rare being that helps you bring victory sounds like a rare fairy to me. I actually think if Gen 5 introduced the Fairy type, it would replace Psychic because the Psychic part just seems random and tacked on to me because all the other pixies (Mew, Celebi) are Psychic. It also already learns Dazzling Gleam.
New Moves: Moonblast, Play Nice, Disarming Voice, Play Rough, Baby Doll Eyes
Removed Moves: Confusion, Zen Headbutt, Stored Power, Psyshock
Altered Abilities: +Competitive, +Defiant (fits with the striving for victory idea)


Name(s): Delphox
Type: Fire/Fairy
Justification: Magic and mysticism are just as fair game for Fairy as they are Psychic, as fellow witch Ghost/Fairy Mismagius just proved. It's "signature" ability Magician is also found on Klefki, another Fairy type. It keeps much of its Psychic attacks simply because a lot of other Fairies still have them, but the utility typically seen only on Psychics is gone.
New Moves: Moonblast, Moonlight
Removed Moves: Psybeam, Skill Swap, Zen Headbutt, Wonder Room Magic Room
Altered Abilities: None


Type: Fire/Fairy
Justification: Rapidash is obviously partially based on the mythological Unicorn, which has connotations to Fairy Tales, thus suiting the Fairy-type. It is also based on various fiery mythological steeds.
New Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast, Play Rough
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Type: Fire/Fairy
Justification: Arcanine is said to be "legendary" and "majestic", and its design draws basis from two mythlogical creatures.
New Moves: Play Rough, Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Moltres
Type: Fire/Fairy
Justification: There are numerous Pokemon that fly -or even are bird-like Pokemon- without being the Flying type, as well as many Pokemon that are Flying, another type, and are missing out on some third type you'd expect them to have. Moltres, more specifically, is likely based off one or more myths about Phoenix-esque flaming birds of rebirth. (Possibly including the Phoenix most Westerners think of) While its trio are all Flying birds, there are Legendary trios with oddballs -such as Tornadus being the only member of its trio that is a pure type, and it's not even the leader of its trio. (That's Landorus) Myths=Fairies, to some extent.
New Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Moon Blast.
Removed Moves: None. (Blaziken has Brave Bird, among other moves, in spite of not being Flying type)
Altered Abilities: None.


Name Darmanitan (and Darmuka)
New Type Fire/Fairy
Justification The Darmanitan family at based and two things: Orangutans and Damuka Dolls. Dolls are cute playful toys, and there is even a Fairy type move named Baby Doll eyes.
Added Moves Dazzling Gleam (mandatory STAB), Play Rough (all physically orientated Fairies get this), Baby Doll Eyes
Removed Moves None
Altered Abilities None


Name(s): (Mega) Mawile
Type: Fire/Fairy
Justification: Since Futakuchi-onna aren't more Steel-like, and being one of the few Steel-types whose name is not Heatran to learn Fire-type moves, It can be sorta seen as a fire-breathing Futakuchi. Also it's Mega now gets Strong Jaw instead of Huge Power to not make it as OP as before and it has 2 jaws now.
New Moves: Ember, Flame Charge, Will-O-Wisp, Overheat, Fire Punch, Blaze Kick, Flame Burst, Flare Blitz, Heat Wave, Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast.
Removed Moves: Icy Wind, Ice Beam, Flash Cannon, Sludge Bomb, Charge Beam
Altered Abilities: None for regular Mawile, Strong Jaw replacing Huge Power as a Mega.
The deadline is one week from now, Sunday September 13th.
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The sixth submissions slate has started! Submit Pokemon for the three following type combinations:

Fighting + Ice
Fighting + Ghost
Fighting + Ground

Read the guidelines if you haven't already. If you missed the submission template, here it is:

New Moves:
Removed Moves:
Altered Abilities:

The deadline is one week from now: Sunday September 13th at midnight.
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Dusclops, Dusknoir
Type: Ghost + Fighting
Justification: Both Dusclops and Dusknoir have huge fists and use elemental punching moves and are one of the few pokemon to learn Shadow Punch.
New Moves: Drain Punch, Focus Punch, Dynamic Punch, Cross Chop, Bulk Up
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: Frisk --> Iron Fist

Name(s): Conkeldurr
Type: Fighting + Ground
Justification: Conkeldurr uses concrete pillars, which is commonly imbedded in the ground along with concrete also going into roads.
New Moves: Bulldoze None
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None

Name(s): Beartic
Type: Ice + Fighting
Justification: Beartick is the kind of bear you wouldn't want to piss off. Along with having giant claws and hands, he also gets a surprising amount of fighting-type moves
New Moves: Ice Shard, Close Combat
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: Swift Swim --> Tough Claws

As for the new mons, Accelgor got a great buff and seems extremely deadly as a Nasty Plot sweeper, as the amazing speed with decent SpA and Poison coverage. Fighting types hurt it hard, so UU seems like a place it can have fun in. Fast knock-off might also have some niche.

EDIT: Removed models since they hurt my eyes. Where do you get yours?
EDIT 2: I swear if my eyes start to hurt again, I'm done.
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Since Lucarionite is Uber is it still okay to extend the type change to Mega Lucario even if it won't be used for the new OU? Just putting it in the entry for flavour reasons.


Name(s): Meditite/Medicham/Mega Medicham
Type: Fighting / Ice
Justification: The Meditite line are known to isolate themselves in mountains and can be found in the snowy routes outside Snowpoint in Sinnoh, training themselves in the cold environment. Candice also uses one in DP and it also learns Ice Punch naturally. The yoga style is also reminiscent of India which is also near the Himalayas, so there's a bit of synergy with the meditating hermit theme with cold mountainous regions. Removed most Psychic moves (some like Zen Headbutt and Meditate still make sense) and Fire Punch for more Ice moves. Priority in Ice Shard will be an interesting addition.
New Moves: Icicle Spear, Icicle Crash, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hail, Frost Breath, Ice Shard, Avalanche
Removed Moves: Psycho Cut, Confusion, Psyshock, Psychic, Dream Eater, Guard Swap, Power Swap, Magic Coat, Trick, Fire Punch
Altered Abilities: Telepathy -> Vital Spirit (flavour and Delibird/Primeape gets it), +Inner Focus as third ability (Mega Medicham still retains Pure Power though).


Name(s): Lucario/Mega Lucario
Type: Fighting / Ghost
Justification: Being based on jackals and Anubis who judges souls in Egyptian mythology, I feel Lucario is better fit of a part Ghost type. It already uses the supernatural power of Aura and it can potentially extend to sensing beings from the other world. It already learns Shadow Ball and Shadow Claw so it's not a far stretch. Its base form is actually more specially focused in terms of stats, so Shadow Ball is a very valid STAB option (and the coverage is really nice). Flavour-wise, if we take into account the Mega form, it looks to be possessed with those extra body markings. I decided to change Mega Lucario's ability to Mummy as Anubis is related to mummification and the afterlife. Also Riolu is just pure Fighting.
New Moves: Ominous Wind, Shadow Sneak, Shadow Punch, Destiny Bond, Curse, Will-o-wisp (all Ghost pokemon can learn it)
Removed Moves: Flash Cannon, Metal Sound, Metal Claw, Iron Defense, Bullet Punch, Iron Tail
Altered Abilities: Adaptability -> Mummy


Name(s): Marowak
Type: Ground / Fighting
Justification: Always thought Marowak needed a Fighting type with its bone-weapon handling skills (Cubone is pure Ground because still too young and unskilled). It already learns a few Fighting moves like Brick Break and Double Kick by breeding and gave it more STABs that seem fitting. Mach Punch, Power-up Punch and Drain Punch can be interesting with Thick Club, and is an extension of the other punches it already learns like Focus, Thunder and Fire Punch. Replaced Lightningrod with Skill Link (Mega Heracross had it) to utilise Bonemerang and Bone Rush to the fullest. Like Heracross, Arm Thrust was given for a second multi-hit STAB move to use (and it using its weapon with the thrusting attacks still make sense).
New Moves: Mach Punch, Close Combat, Arm Thrust, Counter, Final Gambit, Drain Punch, Hammer Arm, Focus Blast, Power-up Punch, Revenge, Reversal, Wake-up Slap, Vacuum Wave, Bulk Up
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: Lightningrod -> Skill Link
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Lucario, Mega Lucario
Type: Fighting / Ground
Justification: Honestly, it being a Steel-type was always a stretch to me. Ground, meanwhile, makes more sense. For one, it fits with the Anubis mofit (saaaaand), and Lucario would get STAB on Bone Rush, something that is unique to it, Mandibuzz, and Marowak. This new typing is both good and bad for it. It now has a reliable second STAB, although its coverage is a bit redundant with its Fighting STAB, and it didn't lose its 4x resistance to SR. It losing its neutrality to Fairy isn't that big of a deal tbh - Fairy moves would probably kill it anyways. The same could be said about Flying, although it is more relevant because of Talonflame. Finally, movepool is changed to reflect its new typing - adding Ground-type attacks that are common and removing some steel moves.
New Moves: Earth Power, Sand Attack, Mud Slap
Removed Moves: Flash Cannon, Metal Sound, Iron Defense
Altered Abilities: Adaptabilty [MEGA] --> Sand Force [MEGA]
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Name(s): Mega Abomasnow
Type: Fighting / Ice
Justification: Mega Abomasnow looks like a slow, powerful giant. It had once isolated itself from view, now it strikes back on a drastic change to destroy walls.
New Moves: Icicle Crash, Drain Punch, Force Palm, Close Combat, Hammer Arm, Superpower, Storm Throw, Arm Thrust, Thunder Punch, Stone Edge
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: -Snow Warning, +No Guard

Name(s): Gallade/Mega Gallade
Type: Fighting / Ghost
Justification: It is in the Amorphous egg group, a group mostly filled by Ghost types and most of the moves that it gains by breeding are Ghost-typed.
New Moves: Ominous Wind, Shadow Punch, Shadow Claw, Phantom Force, Sucker Punch, Force Palm
Removed Moves: Zen Headbutt, Psychic, Psyshock, Synchronoise, Wonder Room, Magic Room
Altered Abilities: -Steadfast, +Cursed Body, +Defiant, Mega: -Inner Focus, +Technician

Name(s): Seismitoad
Type: Ground / Fighting
Justification: As this is one of the only Pokemon that learn Drain Punch by level up and that it can destroy a boulder in one punch screams Fighting type.
New Moves: Mach Punch, Close Combat, Hammer Arm, Circle Throw, Karate Chop, Low Sweep, Revenge, Reversal, Seismic Toss, Sky Uppercut, Superpower, Vacuum Wave, Counter, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch
Removed Moves: Surf, Scald, Water Pulse, Hydro Pump, Mist, Icy Wind
Altered Abilities: Swift Swim -> Iron Fist, Water Absorb -> No Guard
Alright alright alright, before somebody jumps down my throat, let's remember this...

I decided this after I wrote the OP, but the final slate will be Steel + Ghost, Dragon + Steel, and Dragon + Ghost. The goal is to have all type combos playable in OU on fully evolved Pokemon, so nabbing Ubers exclusive typings would fit under that banner (Dragon + Electric isn't unique to Zekrom don't make MAmpharos cry ;_;). Bug + Water was always planned to be included in one of the two Bug slates, as it is the only unique typing (that I can find) found on exclusively an unevolved Pokemon.

That said...


Type: Fighting / Ghost
Justification: If I had to pick two moves to define Aegislash as a concept, I would say, of course, King's Shield, but the other one would have to be Sacred Sword. Aegislash is literally a sword, and Game Freak deigned to gift it with the signature move of a group of legendaries because said move fit Aegislash so well. Problem? Sacred Sword is a Fighting-type move. Tragically, the one attacking move that defines Aegislash best, it doesn't even get STAB on. Well, no longer! With perfect STAB coverage and lots of new moves to take advantage of this, Aegislash becomes a much more powerful offensive threat. Power always comes at a cost though, and while I don't want to get into too much theorymonning here, I'm sure you can all realize the ramifications of Aegislash losing Steel as one of its types. Namely that it gets defensively nerfed straight into hell.
New Moves: Cross Chop, Low Sweep, Focus Blast, Close Combat, Revenge, Superpower
Removed Moves: Flash Cannon, Iron Defense, Gyro Ball, Autotomize
Altered Abilities: N/A
Since Lucarionite is Uber is it still okay to extend the type change to Mega Lucario even if it won't be used for the new OU? Just putting it in the entry for flavour reasons.
Yeah, that's fine. I'll also allow an ability/moveset change that would nerf Mega Lucario back into OU, like someone did with Mega Mawile last slate.

Also, sorry I didn't update the title and second post before. I actually prepare the posts days in advance and then post them Sunday night, but I was busy so I just posted them and rushed out.

Lucario, Mega Lucario
Type: Fighting / Ground
Justification: Honestly, it being a Steel-type was always a stretch to me.

You do realize Lucario's spikes are steel growths that are an extension of its steel skeleton that is made of steel because it's Wolverine The Pokemon, made of steel, stabbing you with steel, right? steel steel steel

Hell, if you watch the anime the hand-spikes turn into Wolverine claws when it uses Metal Claw.

EDIT: Removed models since they hurt my eyes. Where do you get yours?

http://pldh.net/ is my choice. It still hasn't fully implemented a lot of ORAS Megas/the Primals, but other than that it's very complete.

Name(s): Teddiursa, Ursaring
Type: Fighting/Ghost (Teddiursa is pure Ghost)
Justification: MOON BEAR.
New Moves: Curse (Of the moon!), Shadow Ball (Universal among fully evolved Ghosts), Shadow Sneak.
Removed Moves: None.
Altered Abilities: None.

Type: Fighting/Ice
Justification: It manually creates claws of ice so it can fight people with weapons. Fighting types are, by far, the Pokemon most prone to understanding and using tools, rather than just being a smogasbord of biological weapons. It also already has a decent pool of Fighting moves, including Focus Blast, which is a bit unusual and is present on nearly every Fighting type. (Even though most Fighting types would never use the move)
New Moves: Drain Punch, Close Combat, Mach Punch
Removed Moves: None.
Altered Abilities: +Guts


Type: Fighting/Ground
Justification: A Fighting type obsessed with carrying around chunks of its environment... sounds pretty Ground type to me. Even if it is a circus strongman in actual fact. It also has a decent portion of the movepool common to Ground types.
New Moves: None.
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None

Mankey and Primeape
Type: Fighting/Ground
Justification: They're the Pig Monkey Pokemon. What are pigs known for rolling around in?
New Moves: None, it already has everything it needs.
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None
You do realize Lucario's spikes are steel growths that are an extension of its steel skeleton that is made of steel because it's Wolverine The Pokemon, made of steel, stabbing you with steel, right? steel steel steel

Hell, if you watch the anime the hand-spikes turn into Wolverine claws when it uses Metal Claw.

I always thought that the "metal skeleton" thing was a stretch that people made after the design was released in order to justify its Steel typing in their mind. Not to mention, as far as I know, it has never been confirmed that Lucario actually has a metal skeleton and its purely fan speculation because, well, it's a Steel type - something about it must be metal, right? Wolverine claws are cool and all (I actually didn't know that - its pretty neat), but I would take it with a grain of salt because it comes from the anime. More than likely they wanted to give Lucario a great typing, and not much else.

Ultimately though, if you didn't know much about Pokemon you wouldn't assume that Lucario would be Fighting / Steel because its design doesn't suggest its Steel at all (don't mention the spikes, as they do not suggest Steel-type. Otherwise, why isn't Garchomp Steel?). If anything, you'd assume pure Fighting or maybe Fighting / Psychic due to the huge "aura" part of its design. Fighting / Ground also isn't out of the question because it also screams "anubis" (which is a big part of its design).

So that this post isn't just me talking about Lucario, let's make another suggestion


Name(s): Sawk
Type: Fighting / Ice
Justification: This is a bit of a stretch but...its blue! That, and if you squint your eyes a bit it looks like its made of Ice! (well, moreso it looks like its made of Rock, but Fighting / Rock isn't on the list, now is it?). It has a huge movepool boost because of its new typing, although most of it is useless. At least now it has Icicle Crash.
New Moves: Ice Beam, Blizzard, Powder Snow, Aurora Beam, Icy Wind, Freeze-Dry, Icicle Crash, Ice Shard
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None
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I always thought that the "metal skeleton" thing was a stretch that people made after the design was released in order to justify its Steel typing in their mind. Not to mention, as far as I know, it has never been confirmed that Lucario actually has a metal skeleton and its purely fan speculation because, well, it's a Steel type - something about it must be metal, right? Wolverine claws are cool and all (I actually didn't know that - its pretty neat), but I would take it with a grain of salt because it comes from the anime. More than likely they wanted to give Lucario a great typing, and not much else.

Ultimately though, if you didn't know much about Pokemon you wouldn't assume that Lucario would be Fighting / Steel because its design doesn't suggest its Steel at all (don't mention the spikes, as they do not suggest Steel-type. Otherwise, why isn't Garchomp Steel?). If anything, you'd assume pure Fighting or maybe Fighting / Psychic due to the huge "aura" part of its design. Fighting / Ground also isn't out of the question because it also screams "anubis" (which is a big part of its design).

Bulbapedia said:
Name origin
Lucario may be derived from the reverse of the Japanese transliteration of orichalcum (a mythical metal) or oracle (referring to its supernatural abilities involving aura). It may also involve lupaster (a subspecies of the Canis aureus), Cairo, pharaoh, lykos (Greek for wolf), or luchar (Spanish for fight).

Note the orichalcum part.

I tend to take a lot of things from not-the-games with a grain of salt, but I give a lot more credit to the "preview" species' depiction in the anime/movies, as they are always closely based on their in-game depiction at that step, which isn't surprising since the anime folk are getting their information directly from the horse's mouth. Differences can generally be blamed on changes in the details by the time the games were released, rather than on "the anime folks just make up ridiculous nonsense".

I also don't think "if you weren't that familiar with Pokemon" is a very good argument. If I wasn't that familiar with Pokemon, I wouldn't have the types memorized and wouldn't draw any conclusions about Lucario's typing because I'd not know what the possible conclusions are. Furthermore, Game Freak has fairly blatant, consistent patterns that experienced fans can and do use to make inferences about typing (Occasionally to their detriment: friggin' Vibrava), and in Lucario's case the spikes are consistent with the depiction the series usually employs when it comes to Steel types -the metal is smooth and a grey/white coloration, rather than rough or jagged. (As is usual for the Rock type, which is also usually brown, yellow, or a rougher/darker shade of grey than Steel types)

Garchomp's spikes are bone-white. This is worth commentary, especially since Lucario's own spikes appear to be a direct extension of its skeleton -and are Steel-type colors, rather than bone-white. The spikes in question are also the only observable way for Lucario to perform the move Metal Claw, as it lacks more typical claws in its paws -and even with 3D animation it never pops out such claws. And don't give me any crap about how they're just giving Lucario STAB -Game Freak has no problem failing to give Pokemon STAB, and in Lucario's case it has the rather conspicuous hole of Iron Head/Meteor Mash not being a part of its movepool. If they were just giving it lolrandom STAB moves to make it viable, it would have Iron Head or Meteor Mash, full stop.

As far as Fighting/Psychic -I hate this fan-thing, it makes no sense on any level. Aura =/= psychic powers. If it did, Pokemon would comport itself very differently. For starters, literally every random Psychic type would have Aura Sphere, full stop. (Well OK not Wobuffet, Unown, etc, but all the Psychic types with actual movepools, or the vast majority of them at least) Aura is fighting spirit, or, for those familiar with DBZ (Or larger east Asia thoughts on life and the martial arts), Ki/Chi. It is distinctly a Fighting-type concept.

I also don't follow the logic for Anubis=Fighting/Ground. An Egyptian god associated with death, the afterlife, and mummification justifies... something other than the Ghost type? The one mummy Pokemon: Ghost. The one sarcophagus Pokemon: Ghost. The one psychopomp Pokemon: Ghost. (Well, one could interpret Drifloon as trying to be a psychopomp and utterly failing, but it's still a Ghost) All of them pure Ghost, at that, in spite of fans wanting Cofagrigus to be Ghost/Rock, etc.


No Ice Shard for Bert? :( Even flavor-wise it's justifiable, if you're arguing blue=Ice type: you don't need to be fast for Ice Shard, because it's throwing a flash-frozen chunk of ice rather than running up to the enemy yourself.

I actually can see the "made of ice" angle for Bert just because that weird, polygon-esque angularity going on with Bert and Ernie is... weird and artificial looking and I can buy "was cut from a block of ice" -heck, there's similarities to Regice's design.