Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 47 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Hey! I'm needing some serious cloning service. Would ask tangela but i heard he hasn't joined smogon on a while so i'm requesting here:

need 3 specific Pokemon to clone, a Shiny Milotic, a Shiny Breloom and a 5IV Suicune. All of them are VGC sets, so they're trained and have the movesets for they respective roles. Would also ask to clone my 30/x/31/30/28-29/31 Timid Heatran as well (SR by me).

All these Pokemon bar the Suicune have my OT, and the Suicune was given to me via Nugget Bridge giveaway.
Will PM specific details if interested.
Interested in two legendary Pokemon. Looking for an UT Adamant Yveltal 31/31/31/xx/31/31 and a UT Timid Genesect 31/xx/31/31/31/31.

I have several legends I can trade like my own Soft Resetted Adamant Shiny Event Rayquaza 31/31/31/xx/29/31

I can also do breeding projects.
Hey! I'm needing some serious cloning service. Would ask tangela but i heard he hasn't joined smogon on a while so i'm requesting here:

need 3 specific Pokemon to clone, a Shiny Milotic, a Shiny Breloom and a 5IV Suicune. All of them are VGC sets, so they're trained and have the movesets for they respective roles. Would also ask to clone my 30/x/31/30/28-29/31 Timid Heatran as well (SR by me).

All these Pokemon bar the Suicune have my OT, and the Suicune was given to me via Nugget Bridge giveaway.
Will PM specific details if interested.
I can help you with your request. Let me know if you still need it.
So I am doing a draft with friends and this my list of 12 that I get to make a team out of. Mega lopunny, azumaril, klefki, kingdra, chandalure, galvantula, electross, trevenant, cofagrigus, hitmonchan, politoed, and carbink. And suggestions for a team of 6? I have a few ideas, but help is welcome
So I am doing a draft with friends and this my list of 12 that I get to make a team out of. Mega lopunny, azumaril, klefki, kingdra, chandalure, galvantula, electross, trevenant, cofagrigus, hitmonchan, politoed, and carbink. And suggestions for a team of 6? I have a few ideas, but help is welcome

What is the format? 6v6? Doubles? You have the parts for a good rain team. Politoed, Azumaril, Galvantula, etc. You'll certainly want to consider utilizing one of your ghost choices on any team as a spin blocker, especially if Galvantula is running sticky web.
So I am doing a draft with friends and this my list of 12 that I get to make a team out of. Mega lopunny, azumaril, klefki, kingdra, chandalure, galvantula, electross, trevenant, cofagrigus, hitmonchan, politoed, and carbink. And suggestions for a team of 6? I have a few ideas, but help is welcome

nice, I did a similar thing last year with some friends. Yeah it seems like the most efficient route assuming it is singles would be a rain team.

A couple of notes:

- Klefki @ LightClay w/screens into BD Azumarill is a strong win condition. Make sure to scout for potential counters but if none, just (ab)use this.
- Politoed/Specs Kingdra is just money. Typically in this draft scenarios some teams just won't have answers to all threats. Try to abuse this combo when possible.
- Your only SR setter is Carbink... Not the best mon out there. Can you change your team depending on the opponent or are you stuck with one team throughout?
- You have 3 Ghosts lol. Chandy is definitely the most viable one, depending on who you are facing you could run scarf or cm
- M-Lopunny is HO but the rest of your mons aren't exactly HO, hard to fit good teammates with him. Guess it will be good to take out Ferro or Grass pokes in general giving your Water pokes trouble.
- If you feel like trying things out, you could try a trick room team: Carbink lead (SR, TR, Explosion), Quiet Cofagrigus (NP, Shadow Ball, Curse/Destiny Bond, TR), Brave LO Azumarill (few things can switch into 4 attacks LO Azumarill), Brave Trevenant (TR, Wood Hammer, Shadow Claw, Rock Slide) and some fast mon (scarf Chandy or M-Lopunny) you always need a safety net on TR teams.
Hey guys I was MM-ing for a shiny Cranidos with ha and I got this:
Adamant nature
Mold breaker :(
I was thinking maybe a late game sweeper with rock polish but I'm still disappointed he doesn't have sheer force should I keep it or keep going with the risk of getting a worse one(this is the second one the first had ha but like 2-3 IVs in attack)
Hey guys I was MM-ing for a shiny Cranidos with ha and I got this:
Adamant nature
Mold breaker :(
I was thinking maybe a late game sweeper with rock polish but I'm still disappointed he doesn't have sheer force should I keep it or keep going with the risk of getting a worse one(this is the second one the first had ha but like 2-3 IVs in attack)
It's a shiny. Keep it for yourself and enjoy. If you want a flawless shiny you should try using the TSV and Sv method.
Does anyone have a spare master ball? I'm sorry I don't really have anything huge to give in return, I've got a few 4IV pokemon and some battle resort items.
Does anyone have a spare master ball? I'm sorry I don't really have anything huge to give in return, I've got a few 4IV pokemon and some battle resort items.
Deposit something on gts asking for a level 50 kricketune and I'll send you the master ball. Post on my wall what you deposited.
Anyone with female spitbacks of these?

Treecko | Unburden | Timid, Hasty
Delibird | Insomnia | Dream Ball
Spearow | Sniper | Nest Ball
Eevee | Adaptabilty | Dive Ball
Amaura | Snow Warning (HA)
Smoochum | Dry Skin | Dream Ball
Looking to improve the diversity of Hidden Power possibilities in my thread.

Below are a combination of what I already have and what I'm planning to add at some point (in bold).

I think I am lacking most in VGC/doubles spreads, like HP Ice Pidgey + Numel didn't cross my mind until suggested by those more familiar with that metagame (as I'm strictly in the know how of singles).

Fire Bulbasaur
Ground + Ice + Grass Pidgey
Ice Vulpix
Fire Oddish
Ice + Fire Abra
Fire + Grass + Ice Magnemite
Grass + Ice Voltorb
Fire Exeggcute
Fire + Ice Tangela
Fire Horsea
Fire + Ground Eevee (Sylveon)
Ice + Grass + Water Eevee (Jolteon)
Ground Eevee (Glaceon)

Grass Omantye
Grass Cyndaquil
Grass Chinchou
Ground Yanma
Fighting + Grass Houndour

Ice Pichu
Grass Elekid
Grass + Ice Magby
Fire Treecko
Ice Electrike
Fire Roselia
Grass Wailmer
Grass + Ice Numel
Grass Feebas
Grass Clamperl
Ice Chimchar
Fire + Rock Cherubi
Grass Chatot
Ice + Grass + Fire Rotom
Fire + Rock + Ground Snivy
Grass Blitzle
Fire + Ice Petilil
Fighting Yamask
Fire + Ice Gothita
Fire Foongus
Fighting Elygem
Fighting + Ice Litwick
Ground Shelmet
Ground Larvesta
Fire Froakie
Grass + Ice Litleo
Ice Helioptile
Fire Skrelp

Any suggestions for new pokes/HP types would be helpful. Even if its uncommon, as I already have some uncommon spreads in my thread. ;p
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Looking to improve the diversity of Hidden Power possibilities in my thread.

Below are a combination of what I already have and what I'm planning to add at some point (in bold).

I think I am lacking most in VGC/doubles spreads, like HP Ice Pidgey + Numel didn't cross my mind until suggested by those more familiar with that metagame (as I'm strictly in the know how of singles).

Any suggestions for new pokes/HP types would be helpful. Even if its uncommon, as I already have some uncommon spreads in my thread. ;p
What you could do is give (meta-wise) physically offensive Pokemon a Hidden Power that gives them coverage. That way you can make them specially offensive, even if it's not the most optimal thing to do stat wise. I really catches people off guard. Imagine a Modest 252 SpA Weavile using HP Fire on a Ferrothorn. They'll be like "wat". Poketuber PIMPNITE does it often. You should check him out.
Sounds like some of the gimmicky spreads that Haydunn likes to use.

Edit: And if on cue Hayduun posts a new PU battle on YouTube.
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Sounds like some of the gimmicky spreads that Haydunn likes to use.

Edit: And if on cue Hayduun posts a new PU battle on YouTube.
I wouldn't necessarily call it gimmicky. It's just not common at all, but that doesn't make it a gimmick in my opinion. I mean, it's not like F.E.A.R. Rattata or something. I've been trying similar stuff out recently and it really throws people off. They can't possibly know what to expect. Anyway, it was just a suggestion.
I wasn't going to play in the Spooky Cup this weekend but thought I'd get something put together pretty last-minute for a bit of fun. I really need help getting these to finish the team (see below), as many perfect IVs as possible would be super nice (since I don't have a lot of time lol), I don't care about which Pokeballs just as long as they aren't plain ones (i'll list my preferred ones anyway just incase!)


Murkrow (Honchkrow) / Calm / Prankster (HA)
EM(s): Feather Dance


Purrloin (Liepard) / Jolly / Prankster (HA)
EM(s): Encore / Yawn (not important at all though)

Thanks to anyone who can help!

edit: Fluke got me on both <3
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I wasn't going to play in the Spooky Cup this weekend but thought I'd get something put together pretty last-minute for a bit of fun. I really need help getting these to finish the team (see below), as many perfect IVs as possible would be super nice (since I don't have a lot of time lol), I don't care about which Pokeballs just as long as they aren't plain ones (i'll list my preferred ones anyway just incase!)


Murkrow (Honchkrow) / Calm / Prankster (HA)
EM(s): Feather Dance


Purrloin (Liepard) / Jolly / Prankster (HA)
EM(s): Encore / Yawn (not important at all though)

Thanks to anyone who can help!
I'm offering a similar Purrlion in my trade thread. If you want I can breed you one for free :)
Looking to improve the diversity of Hidden Power possibilities in my thread.

Below are a combination of what I already have and what I'm planning to add at some point (in bold).

I think I am lacking most in VGC/doubles spreads, like HP Ice Pidgey + Numel didn't cross my mind until suggested by those more familiar with that metagame (as I'm strictly in the know how of singles).

Any suggestions for new pokes/HP types would be helpful. Even if its uncommon, as I already have some uncommon spreads in my thread. ;p
it may have been on your list and I missed it but hp ground charizard y is a thing..possibly hp fire and ground swablu, but altaria isn't really common so I don't see a lot of demand for that. Hp ground roselia is a total gimmick but I've actually heard of people having (nominal amounts of) success with it

But for the most part breedables don't run hp as much in vgc because almost everything has 4MSS (between running protect moves or status along with coverage), it's much more often legends that do.
What you could do is give (meta-wise) physically offensive Pokemon a Hidden Power that gives them coverage. That way you can make them specially offensive, even if it's not the most optimal thing to do stat wise. I really catches people off guard. Imagine a Modest 252 SpA Weavile using HP Fire on a Ferrothorn. They'll be like "wat". Poketuber PIMPNITE does it often. You should check him out.

Also this is 100% gimmick
.and terrible

252+ SpA Life Orb Weavile Hidden Power Fire vs. 252 HP / 128+ SpD Ferrothorn: 146-172 (41.4 - 48.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

252 Atk Life Orb Weavile Low Kick (100 BP) vs. 252 HP / 128 Def Ferrothorn: 192-229 (54.5 - 65%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
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Looking for some help with eggs again.. xD anyone who can help me out by holding 5 eggs for me? I trade you one egg, reload my game, breed a new one, trade that as well. Will repeat that until you have 5 eggs. Then I reload my main game to receive them. Will give any flawless Ditto in return. Let me know. :)
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